COWBOY ROMANCE: Justin (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 1) (121 page)

BOOK: COWBOY ROMANCE: Justin (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 1)
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Chapter 6


As soon as Charles heard the sound, he knew it was news about Dominic. It was the worst possible time, but he had to go, no matter how badly he wanted to stay and finish what he had started. He raced to the office and was given the news. Dominic had contacted the precinct and apparently had a message to deliver to Charles. He was told to wait and after an hour, he got an email from a bogus account. He hoped that it was the answers he craved.

“You haven’t wifed her dear Charles, but I can smell you all over her, so she will have to do. I must say, she is a pretty one. I always find the most delicious things when I check in your bed Charlie. I may enjoy using her to get to you, as much as I did Beth.”

“If you touch her, I will…”

“What kill me? Charles, dear boy, you can’t even find me.”

“What do you want? I want this to end.”

“Me too. Come here in the next hour by yourself and I will tell you what I want.”

“Where is here?”

“I know you have already tracked me. Alone Charles, this is between me and you.”

Charles hung up cursing. He called his house, but he knew that it would be empty. He could not allow it to happen again. Dominic was not going to take away another one that he loved. Leaving, he erased the message. He would be alone and it would end that night.



The destination was a run-down industrial park on the other side of the city. It was already a bad part of town, add in the recent violence and Charles knew that it was going to be trouble. Charles had shot Dominic’s father while on a case. It was not done lightly, the man had a gun to his head and reflexes had ended the situation. His son had not let it go and tracked Charles down to his house and murdered his wife while he was chasing a threat from the man.

He could not believe another person he loved was in danger because of him. It didn’t sit well in his gut and he hoped that she would be alright. Charles couldn’t think of anything else but it all working out. He had just found her and he didn’t want to think about losing her so soon.

He got out and looked around. His phone had the tracker and he weaved his way through the buildings of disrepair. He heard a sharp voice and then a responding woman’s voice. He thought it was her, it had to be Chayla. “Dominic?”

There was silence and then the voice he remembered from years before. “Here we are Charles. I see you are right on schedule, like always.”

“Just let her go Dominic.”

“Like a broken record. What makes this one so special?”

Charles paused and didn’t know what to say. He hadn’t even had time to think about it, but he knew that she was. Every time he was around her and she looked at him in that way, he knew. “Because she is the first one I have touched since Beth.”

The admission was not something he would have made under any other circumstances, but he tried to plea with the man’s heart strings. It seemed to be working and he asked to see her. She was behind a stand of old boxes and he could not hear her anymore. “Chayla, are you okay?”

“She is out of it right now. A bit of a fighter, this one.”

His eyes darkened and Dominic put his hand up. “She is fine, for now. You know what I want. I want revenge for my father, as you want revenge for Beth.”

The sound of her name on the man’s lips was too much for Charles and with a quick movement, there was a sharp crack of a gunshot going off. It shattered the silence with its sound. They were too far out to be heard and in that part of town it was a natural occurrence anyways. Charles raced to where he had heard her before and she was lying on the ground, unconscious. He checked her and then lifted her up, taking one last look back at the immobile man.

Charles made a call to the station when he got her tucked into the car. There was a small bump on her head and he made sure to be extra gentle with her. “Evans, I am sending you an address. There is a man there that needs a wagon. I will be in to make my report soon.”

He didn’t say anything else and as he saw her rousing, he put the car into gear and headed off towards his home. She looked at him dazed eyed, before she closed her eyes again. Charles could not take his eyes from her, sitting there unsure how he was going to explain any of it.

The drive home was so different then the drive out. Charles made a few calls and explained what had happened. He knew that there would be no investigation, in truth there would be a celebration of the man’s passing. It was just another name to be scratched off the list that seemed to get longer by the day. Charles was exhausted from being worried, emotionally drained and when they finally got to his place, Chayla was waking up and he watched her have a momentary freak out.

His hand went to shoulder. “It’s okay. You are safe now.”

Her brown eyes flashed to his and she sat silently in the car next to him. The lights were off and the lights on the street illuminated the hard lines of his face. She did feel safe, but she wanted answers. Starting to ask a question, he stopped her. “Why don’t we go inside and you can ask what needs to be asked. I know you have a lot of questions, but we need to look at the bump on your head.”

She nodded and opened the car door gingerly. Her day had gone from great to worse in a matter of seconds and she shivered with the memory of Dominic. He had ranted and raved more than anything else, but it was clear the charges he had against Charles. There was also a mention of another woman that apparently did not have as good of luck as she did. Chayla wondered if that was where the clothes came from, but knowing the back story, there was no way she was going to ask.

They did not say a word as they walked up the pathway together, Chayla slightly behind him as he unlocked the front door. Charles turned towards her and grabbed her gently helping her through the threshold. She wound her arms around him and hugged him close. For a moment, he didn’t know if she was going to let go. “Thank you. I seem to have to say that a lot around you.”

Chayla pulled back, her cheeks hot from the touch. It was not hard to remember what they had started the night before. She could almost forget everything else when his lips were on hers. Charles bent down and took her face in his hands, kissing her gently. Chayla melted against him and moaned softly in his mouth. Charles was losing focus, so he pulled her away. “I think we need a drink and a conversation Chayla. And if I touch you again, we will get neither.”

She followed him into the kitchen. The drink seemed to be for him and she admittedly could use one herself. Chayla wanted the sexual healing she knew he was capable of. He kept changing in front of her eyes. First he was a strong soldier and then a mercenary of mysterious origins, as well as some sort of business man. Lastly, a troubled man with a past that haunted him, much like it did her on the nights she allowed it.

There was also a question of if she even wanted to know more. When he looked back at her with those slate-colored eyes, she moved forward and took the offered drink. Chayla needed to get to know him better.

A fiery gulp dashed away any remnants of her sleepiness or muddled mind. She coughed a little, not quite ready for it. Chayla laughed, “Wow that is strong. What is it?”

“Very old scotch.”

She took another sip, more tentatively that time. It wasn’t as bad the second time around. She looked across the counter at him. “So?”

“Yes. Well hell, this seemed easier in my head. How much did you hear?”

“I never saw you until we were in the car. That guy ranted and raved a lot about you. Not much of anything good I can tell you. Is it true?”

Charles nodded his head, though he took another long drink before he continued. “Yes, but I am sure he has skewed it in his head after all this time. I killed his father, had to and then he killed my wife Beth. The call was about Dominic and that is why I had to leave.”

The man’s name was lost on his tongue. It didn’t carry the same feeling as it had before. He tried to gauge her reaction. There was something akin to acceptance in her eyes and it amazed him how easily she seemed to process the last few days. “Well then. Is he away?”

Away could mean so many things. He nodded and grimaced with the taste of more of his own medicine. “You will not have to worry about him anymore. This I promise you.”

“Anymore arch enemies that I should know about?”

He looked over at her surprised. “Sorry, too soon? Have to make light of it or it will drive me crazy. I feel like you may need more time than I do Charles. I wish there was some way that I could make you feel better and forget for just a little while.”

She already had, though she didn’t know it. Setting the glass down, he moved around the counter towards her. His kiss made her eyes flutter shut and then he grabbed her up, setting her on the counter. “We need to check your head first.”

“I’m fine Charles. Fit to play.”

Chayla laced her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. His mouth was insistent and her thighs wrapped around his hips. She had no intentions of letting him go. Charles quickly lost the battle as his lips and tongue pulled him in.

Charles lifted her up and she clung to him as he walked her to his bedroom. Her lips continued to suckle and lick on him. Their contact broke as he threw her down onto the soft mattress. His body covered her immediately, his hips pushing her further down onto the soft surface. Charles was ready and it was clear by the hardness pressing against her. His mouth and hands felt everywhere, touching and caressing her soft curves that moved beneath him.

Chayla was done waiting, afraid that his phone would ring and send him away. Her hand went between their bodies and she gripped his hardness in her hand, squeezing enough to make him growl. His teeth grazed against her neck and she started to rub his shaft slowly through the barrier. She whimpered and rubbed her panties against his length. The skirt was up on her waist, leaving her lower half bare save for some wet panties from before.

Each time her hips rose up to meet his length, Charles grew more restless. Finally he moved her hand away and then nipped at her hard nipples through her shirt. She was gagging with need and was not ready to wait any longer. His mouth was moving down her body and was moving towards the top of her thighs, dangerously close to her sensitive need.

“Please I am ready. I want you now.” Her thighs closed, denying admittance and she pushed him back on his heels. Chayla was more than ready and all she could think about was unleashing the fat cock she kept feeling. Her hands went to his front as he sat up. She didn’t even try to both with his shirt. She was clear about what part of him she wanted at that moment.

He moved back and stood at the edge of the bed. His hands were steadier and he was quickly pulling down his pants and boxers. When he stood back up, his length pointed towards her, begging for touch. Chayla had to touch him, her finger grasping the silken rod. He moaned and spurred her on. She moved her mouth closer, taking a lick of his salty head. Engulfing the tip in her mouth, his groan made her panties even wetter. She squeezed her thighs together to dispel the throb, but it seemed to do very little good.

Her mouth took in as much of him as she could. When he hit the back of her throat, she would contract her throat muscles and wait for the resulting grunt or groan. Chayla wanted more and she pushed him as deep as she could. She was soaked and dying for penetration, though strangely drawn to the feel of him against her throat. Chayla was unable to stop, the taste of his desire intoxicating. He finally pushed her away with a grunt and moved back on the bed. His body covered hers, grabbing her and pulling her back towards the middle. Her legs opened in invitation, dying for his length. “Please Charles. I need you inside of me.”

The words felt wrong after going so long without them. Words seemed out of place with the moans and groan of need taking over the space. His hand went underneath her skirt and ripped her undies off in his eagerness. It sent more fluid to her core and she lifted her hips up. Finally his skin was on her slickness and she whimpered with the contact. His eyes held hers for a moment before he bent down to kiss her, his length pressing deep with the action.

Chayla saw stars behind her eyes, her walls stretched as he filled her full. She gasped as his mouth moved over hers to take away the sound. She clenched him hard, his cock throbbing deep inside of her. Charles started to pull out slowly, her pussy gripping his length as he left her. Plunging forward again, her thighs moved wider and higher, loving the new position that it brought. His cockhead pushed against her womb, filling every space that she had to offer.

“Oh God Chayla.” Charles tried to keep it together. Her silken folds sheathed him in wet, heat and suffocated his length as she squeezed him gently with her quim. Chayla’s eyes were closed, her lips pursed. He kissed her softly, while his fat cock piston in and out of her deeply. Chayla’s nails bit into his shoulders as he pushed her higher than she had been before. Her body tense and her insides milked him as he gritted his teeth to the pressure around him. It had been so long and she felt so good.

Then she was screaming his name, thrashing underneath him as the hot ball inside of her started to melt down. Her muscles contracted and then release overcame her. It was too much for the man and he slammed forward in a blur, his own bliss just out of reach. He jerked her ass closer and slid deeper into her abyss. “Chayla, yes. Oh fuck.”

His blast of seed was hot and she cried out with another wave of pleasure. Her hips were the ones moving, desperately trying to get more of his softening cock. Charles finally pulled out and lay next to her, breathing hard.

Chayla was not finished and she grabbed his still-hard length and climbed over his body. She settled down on top of his, groaning as he filled her. It felt too good to stop and Chayla started to move her hips slowly, squeezing him back to life. It grew inside of her, soon thrusting deep against her bottom. Her eyes closed and she touched her stomach where it pushed outward from his inner penetration. Charles moved his hand to hers and moved her fingers to her quim. They rubbed together, the dual stimulation bringing her to new heights.

She was soon lost to his upward rutting and playful hands, tugging on her dark tips. Chayla tried to keep up, but her body practically collapsed against him when another wave of bliss moved over her. She slid off of him before he was finished and Charles mounted her from behind, pulling her ass high to slide back in.Chayla moaned and buried her face into the mattress as his body slammed her over and over again from behind.

When he finally pulled away and released her, they were both breathing hard. She nestled against his chest and was quickly asleep, wrapped in his safe arms. Sleep took longer for Charles, holding her tightly against his chest. He felt like he had been given a second chance and he was never going to let her go.

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