Cowboy Redemption (Down Under Cowboy Book 6) (4 page)

BOOK: Cowboy Redemption (Down Under Cowboy Book 6)
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Wearing skinny black jeans with a sheer white, loose, flowy blouse and a pair of black high heeled boots, I open my door, adjusting the earring I just put on.

Kye stands before me wearing jeans with an un-tucked and unbuttoned plaid shirt with a white tee underneath.  He’s freshly shaven and smells unbelievable.  On his feet are a pair of black leather cowboy boots, and on his head is a cap affiliated with the football team he previously played for.  He looks like the perfect mix of country charm and city bad-boy.

I smile.  “Hey.”

He smiles back, showing all his white teeth.  As his cheeks flex with his grin and his kind, blue eyes twinkle, I notice the barely-there, two-inch long, faint scar just below his left eye.  I find myself wondering how he got it.  Most likely a football injury. 
I want to kiss it better.

“You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.”  I feel a little shy, but brush it aside.

“I’ll just grab my purse.”

“No worries.”

I quickly take my small clutch and load it with my lip gloss, mobile phone and keys before making my way out the door.

“Ready,” I announce after making sure my door is locked.

“Let’s go then, milady” he says, offering me his elbow in true gentlemanly fashion.  I giggle, but slip my hand through and we walk out to his car.

It’s a humid night, so the cool leather seats in his Ute are a welcome relief.  He slides into the driver’s seat and starts the vehicle, immediately turning up the air conditioning.

“It’s a hot night.  I think we’ll get rain soon.”

“The wet season is coming,” he agrees.  “I just hope it doesn’t begin before we finish up on the site.”

“That would suck,” I grimace.

Leaning forward, I adjust the radio and then sit back in my seat and relax. 

Twenty minutes later, Kye parks the car and turns the ignition off.  I look around and see the Cow and Calf Hotel in front of us.  The Cow and Calf is the main waterhole in my hometown, Pine Creek.  I haven’t been here in a long time.  Honestly, I have been avoiding everything associated with the Old Kennedy for the past two years.  But, as I take in the gorgeous wooden building that houses so many good – and bad – memories for me, I find myself actually excited about being back.  I’m a new person now, and I’m giddy to see everyone again.

“Is this okay?  I heard they do a good steak here,” Kye explains.

“This is great.  The food here is amazing.”

“Let’s go then.”  He takes my hand and I feel a sizzle of heat sparking between us.  I suddenly find it impossible to focus on anything else except the connection between our two bodies.  It is captivating, consuming.  I follow beside Kye, my feet automatically following his lead, my eyes downward, locked on our hands, hoping to actually
the connection I am feeling with every fibre of my being.

We walk into the main bar area and I drag my eyes from our hands and instantly spot Skip.  I smile broadly and wave hello with my free hand.  “Hey, Skip,” I call.

“Kennedy!  Well look at you.  Good to see you, love,” he replies.  Taking a sip of his beer, he looks over the glass at Kye.

“Skip, this is Kye.  Kye, this is Skip.”

“Nice to meet you,” Kye says, offering his hand.  Kye has to release mine to shake Skip’s and I ignore the loss of warmth I feel.

Skip takes it, giving him a firm shake.  “You too.  How’s the family, Kennedy?”

“They’re good.  Jagger and Lila are growing fast and Oscar has a new interest in football.  You’ll need to warm up your kicking leg before you see him again,” I warn with a grin.

“I preferred playing with the Thomas trains,” Skip grumbles humorously.

“Well, we better get going.  We’re here for dinner,” I say.

“Have a good one,” Skip replies, giving us a nod.

“You too.”

“See you around, Skip,” Kye says as we walk away.  He takes my hand again and I find myself instantly relieved and wishing he would hold my hand forever, never letting go.

“Should we order drinks now?” I ask.


“Hey.  Kennedy, right?” The girl behind the bar says in a friendly manner.

“Yes.” I bite my lip.  She looks familiar but I can’t think of where I know her from.  She’s got beautiful long, shiny black hair and gorgeous, kind eyes.

“I’m Dory’s niece, Sienna.  I met you at Ava’s baby shower when you came to see her.  I’m married to Zeke Stewart.”

“Oh!  Hi Sienna.  Sorry I didn’t recognize you straight away.” 

“That’s okay.  How are you?”

“Good thank you.”  I introduce her to Kye and we have a quick catch up.

“How are things with you?”

“Busy. Ivie, our daughter, is at that age where she’s getting into everything.  She’s a handful, she’s lucky she’s adorable or she’d be a whole lot more trouble,” she says good-naturedly.

“I’m sure she’s beautiful.”

“So, what can I get you guys?”

“I’ll have a glass of white wine, please,” I order, looking to Kye to see what he’d like.

“I’ll have a Coke, thanks.”

“Coming up.”

She slides two glasses onto the bar and Kye takes a note from his wallet before tucking it back into the rear pocket of his jeans.  He hands the money over and I take both our glasses.

“See you around, Sienna.”

“Bye, guys.  Have a great night.”

We make our way out into the dining area and choose a table outside in the open air.

“Hopefully we get a nice breeze,” I say, taking a sip of my wine, loving the coolness of it as it slides down my throat.

Picking up a menu from the table, Kye hands me one and we browse through it before placing our order – steak for him, chicken schnitzel for me.

“Any idea what you’ll be doing once the re-build is finished?”  I ask him.

“Actually, I have a few ideas I’ve been tossing around.  Nothing set in stone as yet, but I’m working on it.”

“Sounds intriguing.”

“You’ll be one of the first to know when I’ve locked down details.”

“Looking forward to it.”  I smile.

I finish off my wine just as our food is delivered to the table.  Kye dashes into the bar and gets us both a refill before returning and setting them down.

“The smell of this food is making my mouth water,” I say, licking my lips.

“It looks good, doesn’t it?” he agrees, slicing through his steak like it’s made of softened butter.

“Oh wow, that looks tender.”  Shamefully, I’m almost drooling as I bring my schnitzel to my lips.

Juicy, flavoursome and utterly delicious.

“Here,” Kye says.  I look across the table and see him holding his fork in my direction. 

“Oh, no,” I try, waving him away.  “You eat it.”

“Here,” he repeats, a little more sternly.

Hesitantly, I open my lips and he slides the metal utensil into my mouth.  His eyes meet mine as my lips close over the food and he drags the fork back out, never tearing his heated gaze from mine.  My heart thuds in my chest with the rapid change in direction this night is taking.  I don’t have enough time to analyse whether I want this or not.  Whether I like this or not. 

The truth is, deep down I know my emotions don’t need any deciphering.  I know how I feel, but I’m just not ready to accept it.  It feels as if my mind, my heart and my body are involved in an incessant war with each other when it comes to Kye Austin.  The question is, who will win?

He stares into my eyes and the background fades into oblivion.  He has the ability to completely consume my every thought and action.  Without me even knowing it, my body appears as if it is under his command.  My mind is screaming at me to fight the connection, to break it, to look away.  But my body and my heart are stronger, and they are being controlled by him.  It is unnerving and addictive at the same time.  I wish I could read his mind, know what he is thinking and feeling.  Does he feel the same way I do?  Is he struggling with the sudden onslaught of confusing and contradicting emotions like I am? 

He reaches out and brushes his thumb over my lip.  I have to resist the urge to let my tongue sneak out to taste his calloused flesh.

“Eat, Kennedy,” he orders, his tone thicker and his eyes heated.  I bet if I rubbed my foot up his crotch, I would find him hard for me.  The thought has my foot itching and my stomach clenching, but I manage to contain my urges. 
Just barely.

The food is delicious and we both devour our meals in record time.

As we’re leaving, Skip calls Kye over and speaks to him, while I chat with Sienna.

“It was good to see you again, Kennedy.  You’ll have to stop in again soon.”

“I will, for sure,” I promise.  “The food here hasn’t changed a bit.  It’s still delish.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

Kye comes up beside me and touches my elbow, ever so gently, but still with an undertone of something I can’t quite place my finger on.  Does he feel the same connection I do?  Is he waging the same war I am?  Either way, the fizzle of electricity radiating around the area feels good. 

“We better head off.  See you later, Sienna.”

“Bye, guys.”

She waves us off and we make our way out to Kye’s vehicle.  Once we’re inside, Kye turns the ignition then looks to me.

“Skip just offered me a couple days work,” he tells me.

“Wow.  That’s fantastic news.  Congratulations.  What doing?”

“Just some home maintenance and repairs, but at least it’s work.”

“That’s awesome.  And who knows what other jobs it’ll lead to.”

“Yeah, it’s definitely a good start,” he agrees.

Looking out the window as the night passes by, I notice the sky is starless tonight. 

“It’s starting to look dark out there,” I say.

Kye bends forward to look up out his windshield.  “Sure does.  Big rains might be coming.”

We arrive back at my hut and, like a true gentleman, he walks me to my door.

“Thanks so much for a lovely evening, Kye.  I really had a good time.” 
Kiss me
, my lips silently beg.

“My pleasure.  I hope we can do it again sometime?”

Hell yes!
My body screams.

“Oh, um,” I stall, my mind fighting for control.  Biting my bottom lip, I try to think of reasons why this is a bad idea, but my brain is blank.  Finally, I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, deciding to be honest.

“First off, I did have fun tonight and I would like to do it again.”

“But?” he says, sensing my hesitation.

“But, I need to take things slowly.  I’m apprehensive about guys due to some factors in my past, and I just need you to understand that if we’re going to date, then it’s going to be a really slow process.”

“Did someone hurt you?” he asks, his eyes and his tone turning hard.

I’m confused for a second about his question.  “Oh!  No!”  I shake my head vigorously to emphasise my point.  “What I meant was
made some bad decisions in my past in regards to men and I don’t want to repeat old mistakes.  If that makes sense.”

“Fair enough.  I get it, and I’m happy to take things slow,” he agrees.

“Okay.” I let out a relieved sigh and a smile appears on my lips.

Kiss me,
my lips beg again.

We’re taking things slow!
my mind snaps.

Reaching out, Kye takes my hand and looks into my eyes as he brings my hand up to meet his waiting lips.  My heart flutters.  He turns my hand and places a kiss right on my wrist.  A shiver trembles up my spine. 
Who knew that spot was so sensitive?

“Night, Kennedy,” he murmurs.

“G’night, Kye.”  With shaking legs, I turn and walk inside, locking the door behind me.  A few minutes later, as I’m taking my earrings from my ears, there is a knock on my door.  Thinking it is Kye, I open it straight up with a smile.

“What’s wr-,” I start, but halt when I see Maria standing before me.

“Sorry to stop by so late, Kennedy,” she says.

“It’s no problem.  Come on in.”  I hold the door open for her and we take a seat at my table.

“Were you expecting someone else?” she asks, as her eyes take in my appearance.

“Not at all.  I just got back from dinner and I thought the guy had forgotten to tell me something.”  I shrug and smile.

“A date,” she sings.  “Anyone I know?”

“Uh…Nope. No, I don’t think so,” I lie, trying to hide the humour in my eyes.

“Oh, I think I know exactly who it was,” she replies knowingly.  “Hope you had fun?”

“I did.”

“Good.  Now, I won’t keep you too long.  I just wanted to let you know that the ideas you showed me are a go ahead.  I think it’s a fantastic idea and if you’re still happy to facilitate both classes, then I’m leaving you in charge.”

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