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Authors: Olivia Jaymes

Cowboy Command (16 page)

BOOK: Cowboy Command
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This one does.

“Yes, Sir.”

His cock nudged her slick pussy and he slid in easily, stretching the elastic walls and rubbing over her sweet spot.  When he bumped her cervix, she let out a moan of pleasure.  Seth knew just how she liked to be fucked.  He held her still, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips and buttocks as he started thrusting in slow and deep.  He built up speed quickly until he was pistoning in and out of her fast, riding her hard.

“Oh, oh, oh God,” she chanted.  The ridges of his dick ran over sensitive spots inside her with each stoke and her body was pulled tighter than the string on his hunting bow.  Her skin was damp with perspiration and she wanted to scream with the pain and pleasure of arousal.  Never had he held her on the edge so long.  She felt the power of her release building inside her until she was terrified of what would happen if she went over.  She might not survive the fall.

It’s okay, honey.  You can do it.”  Seth reached around and played with her clit.  “Come for me.  Don’t be scared.  It’s going to be a big one, I can feel it.  You know how hard you come when you delay it a little.”

His words of encouragement and his fingers on her clit were exactly what she needed.  Her body exploded into a ball of fire, singeing her inside and out with the intensity.  Stars shimmered behind her eyelids and her body contracted with the power of her orgasm.  She vaguely registered Seth
’s own release, his cock slamming into her one last time and the heat of his seed inside of the condom. 

She didn
’t move when he pulled from her, patting her on the fanny with a promise to be right back.  She heard his footsteps as he went to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and then the running of water before he returned with a warm cloth to clean her sticky thighs.  When he was done, he untied her wrists and removed her blindfold, massaging her hands and arms and inspecting her closely for bruises.

Relax, I’m okay,” she chided.  “You worry too much.”

He shook his head in amazement. 
“I worry too much?  I just tied up my girlfriend, spanked her, then fucked her for my own pleasure.  You better believe I worry, and you better be glad I do.”

When he phrased it like that, she was kind of glad.  She reached up and kissed him. 
“You’re right.  I am thankful.”

I’m right?”  Seth laughed.  “I better mark this day down on the calendar.  Being submissive suits you, honey.  You admitted I was right this time.”

She narrowed her eyes and gave him her mean look. 
“Don’t get too used to it.  It was hot calling you Sir and letting you be the boss in the bedroom but don’t expect it anywhere else, buster.”  She stuck her index finger in his bare chest.

Believe me, I won’t.  How about we have some breakfast and then come back to bed for some sleep and maybe some more role-play games?  I could get into that.”

Presley slid out of bed and pulled on her nightshirt. 
“What kind of role play did you have in mind?  Elvis and Priscilla?  Do you think your parents play that game?”

She giggled as Seth groaned and pulled on his boxers. 
“Do not mention my parents and sex in the same breath.  I wasn’t thinking of Elvis and Priscilla, although that might not be a bad idea.  I was thinking maybe cop and suspect.”

Minutes later
they were frying up eggs and bacon.  “Which one of us is the cop?” Presley teased, knowing full well which one she wanted to be.

Seth tapped on her nose. 
“I’m the cop and you’re the suspect I’ll interrogate.  Just as a warning, I’m planning to use some enhanced techniques I think you’ll really enjoy.”

Her body quivered as her mind went wild with the possibilities. 
“So it was okay?  You know, being in charge?  Did you like it?”

I did.  You know I like being in control of things.  It’s funny but I’ve always fought my need to control and be in command in the bedroom.  I never would have asked you to do anything like that in a million years, but when you suggested it some switch inside me was flipped.  It was like I’d never been more aroused in my life.  The thought of being dominant with you was exciting.  Very exciting.”

Seth fiddled with the scrambled eggs, not looking at her when he answered.  He might have found it hot, but he wasn
’t comfortable with it yet.  She grasped his arm, tugging him so he was facing her.  “I liked it too.  It was amazing.  I totally trust you, Seth.  I know you would never hurt me.”

He kept his gaze on his toes. 
“I spanked you.  I bet that hurt.”

How could she explain this? 
“It did but it didn’t.  It hurt at first, but then it felt really good.  I loved it and if I’m really honest, I can’t wait for you to do it again.  And again.  Just the thought makes me wet.  I want you to do it with your belt or maybe a riding crop.”

Seth finally looked her in the eye and rubbed his chin. 
“Dammit, Presley.  As usual, your honesty does me in.  I want to give you what you need, what I need, but I need to be careful for both of us.”

She took the spatula from his hand and scraped the eggs onto a plate, followed by the bacon. 
“There are probably books and videos on the internet.  We could do some research together.  It would be fun.”

Seth rolled his eyes and handed her a fork. 
“Only you would think that researching how to tie you up and punish you would be fun.”  They ate in silence from the shared plate until every bite of food was gone.  She’d worked up an appetite this morning.  “I don’t want to do anything that will really, truly hurt you.  I want to do this right.  Since you’re willing to research this with me, then we will.”

Presley threw her arms around Seth
’s neck and kissed him hard.  “This is going to be hot.  We’re going to have the best sex life in Montana.”

Honey, there are more cattle than people in Montana, so that wouldn’t be all that difficult.”

She nodded solemnly. 
“You’re right.  We already have the best sex life in Montana.  Maybe Wyoming too.”

Seth swept her up in his arms and strode toward the bedroom. 
“That’s a lot of pressure but I think we can keep up.  Let’s go prove it again.”

Presley leaned forward and nipped at his chin, the stubble tickling her lips. 
“Ravish me, Sheriff.”

Seth dumped her on the bed, his expression wild with passion and desire. 
“Call me Sir in the bedroom.”

She gulped as he reached down and dragged her T-shirt over her head, her eyes riveted to the muscular perfection of his bare chest. 
“Yes, Sir.”

Presley and Seth proceeded to prove to the entire state what a great sex life they had on and off all day long.  It beat fighting the crowds and standing in line at the mall Christmas shopping by a mile.

Black Friday?  More like Wild, Kinky Sex Friday.  Hot damn.

Chapter Thirteen


Presley was the first customer in Sue Ann
’s grocery store Monday morning.  It was nice to be back on a regular schedule now that Thanksgiving was over but somehow they’d gotten dangerously low on coffee, necessitating Presley’s early morning visit.  She’d also picked up some donuts and bagels, knowing Seth and whoever else had been on duty, would be hungry when they finished their graveyard shift.  She was always surprised by how much food they could put away, but then she found her own appetite to be more active than usual since coming to Montana.  Perhaps it was the cold weather.

She exited the store, both arms full with her shopping bags.  Luckily, the station was less than a block away, but the cold wind was bordering on bitter.  She didn
’t think she’d ever get used to the frigid temperatures here.  It was at least ten degrees colder this week than last, and Eliza told her it was only going to get worse before it got warmer.  Presley headed down Main Street, her mind busy with the day’s agenda.  She had a stack of files she’d found in a storage area to scan into the new document system. 

A white SUV suddenly raced out of the alley and swerved in front of her, effectively blocking her path.  Anger and fear collided.


She was about to give the driver a piece of her mind when she heard her name being called from across the street.  As Presley jerked back around to see Deputy Hank waving at her from the bakery, a blast rang out
, exploding the bags in her arms into a million pieces.  Coffee beans and donut bits rained down onto her and the sidewalk.  Frozen with fear, her heart pounded in her chest.  What in the hell was happening?

I need to move!

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the glint of sunlight off the muzzle of a gun as the shooter pointed it out of the rolled-down truck window.  Adrenaline slammed through her veins, allowing her mind to kick in and her body to hit the ground, her hands over her head protectively, convinced they’d shoot again.

Fuck.  Shit.

That bullet was for her and only by the grace of God had it missed
.  She flattened herself on the pavement as she heard the SUV peel away, accelerating down the street.  Her heart was pounding against her ribcage and sweat had broken out over her body.  She was literally shaking with fear.  With her stomach still churning, she peeked up as Hank knelt down next to her, his police radio in his hand.   

déjà vu.

Shit, Presley, are you okay?”  Hank’s voice was urgent and breathless.  He must have sprinted across the street at record speed.  She nodded, not sure if her voice was working.  She opened her mouth and was surprised to find words tumbling out.

I’m fine.  Go get them.” 

This could be their only chance to catch whoever Randall had hired to kill her.  If they lost them, they
’d be back to square one.

I can’t leave you.  Are you hurt?”

She moved her arms and legs. 
“I’m fine.  Go get them!  Please!  This is important, Hank!”

Hank looked torn but when the clerk at the bakery ran across the street, he nodded, knowing s
he wouldn’t be alone.  “Okay, I called Seth on the radio. He should be on his way.”

Hank sprinted to his truck,
which was parked on the street.  Wheels squealing, he followed the shooters down the road and toward the edge of town.  If Hank didn’t catch up to them quickly, when the road split, the shooters could go in either direction and escape.

The clerk, a nice young woman named Sheri, helped her to her feet, exclaiming about the mess and asking what happened.  From her angle, she
’d only heard the shot and saw Presley hit the deck.  Presley took a few deep breaths to try and calm herself.  Now, more than ever, she needed to stay calm.  She didn’t have the luxury of fainting or making a scene.  She’d been found and she needed to get into survival mode. 

The safest place for her was probably the sheriff
’s station.  She was only a few feet away and she could lock the door behind her.  With her heart still in her throat, she thanked Sheri for her help and headed straight for the door.  Seth’s truck came barreling down the road and practically pulled up onto the sidewalk, making Sheri jump several feet away with an alarmed look on her face.

Thank you, Sheri.  Seth is here to take care of things now.”

Sheri nodded as Seth jumped out of the truck
, grabbing her arms and raking his gaze from head to toe looking for injuries.  She pressed her fingers over Seth’s lips when he started to ask her questions.  She tipped her head slightly toward Sheri, who was still standing there taking the scene in.  It was probably the most exciting thing to happen in Harper since the barn dance over a month ago.

Seth seemed to get her message and led her quickly her into the station, not giving Sheri a second thought, and locking the door behind him.  His chest was heaving and she realized, for once, she was calmer than he was.  She held up her hand. 

“I’m okay.  I’m not hurt.”

Seth was running his hands all over her arms and legs. 
“Hank said you were shot.”

e sounded desperate and she stilled his hands with her own.  “I was shot at.  There’s a difference.  Hank called my name from across the street and I turned at the last minute.  They hit the grocery bags instead of me.  Then I threw myself onto the pavement in case they decided to shoot again.”  She squeezed his hands, looking deeply into his eyes.  “I’m okay, Seth.”  She said the last very slowly and deliberately and the air seemed to go out of him.  He pulled her down into a chair, settling in the one across from her.  His hand scraped down his face.

When I got that call…Fuck, you can’t imagine, honey.”

I think I can.  They were shooting at me.”  She tried to smile but it was more like a grimace.  She pressed a hand to her forehead, feeling the sweat gathered there.  “How did they find me?  How could they find me?”

Her heart was starting to slow down but her nause
a was only increasing.  The full import of what had happened was starting to sink in.  Everything was as fucked as it could be.  They’d found her and now she would have to get another identity and hide somewhere else.  She was tired of playing hide and seek with Randall.  She had to get to that appointment in Tampa alive so she could testify in front of the Grand Jury.  She wanted Randall put away forever, and she wanted her life back.  She clapped her hand over her mouth and barely made it to the toilet before losing the frozen waffle and orange juice she’d had for breakfast. 

Seth was behind her, holding her hair and pressing a cool, damp washcloth to her face.  He tossed the cloth into the sink and pulled her into his arms, holding her tight.  She stayed there for a long time, leaning on his strength.  She
’d come to depend on his quiet steadiness, knowing all would be well if Seth was there.  Having his arm around her settled her stomach and after a time she reluctantly pulled away. 

Thanks, I may not be as alright as I said I was.”

’s forehead touched hers.  “Honey, I think we’re both shaken up here.  I need to think about this.  I need to think about what to do.  I have to keep you safe.”

He pulled away and paced around the office, his expression pale and grim.  She was silent while he seemed to be working on something in his mind.  He finally whirled on his heel and placed his hands on her shoulders.  He
’d turned from lover to warrior.

I have to get you away from Harper.”

* * * *

I think you have enough fire power,” Tanner Marks casually observed.  After Seth made his pronouncement seven hours ago to Presley, he’d called the only people he knew he could trust - Tanner Marks, Logan Wright, Griffin Sawyer, Reed Mitchell, and Jared Monroe.  They were the best lawmen Seth knew and they’d done what great friends do.  They’d showed up not long after his call with exactly what he needed, and a few things he didn’t know he needed but was damn glad they’d thought of.

Seth tucked one of the handguns into a shoulder holster and another into his boot.  He
’d put a shotgun into the vehicle along with another handgun.  Logan had brought Seth enough ammunition to start World War III, despite the fact that the Sheriff station was fully stocked for the apocalypse. 

Jared watched the street thr
ough the blinds, a loaded Glock in his hand.  Griffin, a shotgun leaning on his shoulder, gazed out the back entrance, guarding the RV that Tanner had brought with him.  Seth had assumed he’d take Presley out of town in his own vehicle, but this was even better.  They would be able to avoid the usual hotels along the highways and keep a low profile by staying at campgrounds.

Reed counted out the last bill in the stack of money. 
“Five thousand.  That should get you down to Tampa.  If you need more, you can call us and we’ll wire the money to you.”

Seth nodded grimly. 
“I’m going to try not to use my cell and I’m damn sure not going to use my credit cards.  They can easily trace us through those.”

Tanner shook his head and dropped a box on the desk. 
“Almost forgot these.  Jared picked these up at the discount store on his way here.  Throw-away pre-paid cell phones.  There’s four here so if you think one’s been compromised, just switch to another.  I wrote down the phone numbers if we need to get a hold of you.  Don’t answer them.  We’ll send a text if we need to talk to you and you can call us back.”

Seth felt a rush of gratitude.  If he
’d had to do all of this himself, it could have taken days, not hours.  As it was, they would be leaving soon after sundown.  The RV had been stocked with groceries and filled with gas before Tanner even hit town. 

You’re not going to call the Feds, are you?” Tanner asked.

Seth sighed heavily. 
“No.  I want to trust Evan Davis.  I really do, but as much as I trust him I can’t trust the organization around him.  Somehow this Simon guy found out where she was, and as far as I know, the Feds are the only ones who knew.  I can’t take a chance with her life.  Presley is more than just a woman I’m protecting.”  He looked Tanner right in the eyes.  “She’s my woman, Tanner.  I’ll die before anything happens to her.  I have to take her under until I know who I can trust or they stop this guy.”

Seth waited for the fear and dread to overtake him, but nothing happened.  It felt right, calling her his woman. 

Tanner nodded.  “That’s what I figured.  You’re going to need help to keep her safe.  That’s what we’re here for.”

There’s no one I trust more in the world.  Shit, you’re the only ones I do trust.  I should have told you about Presley before.”

Logan turned from the window. 
“It’s no big deal.  We know why you couldn’t.  You like to play by the rules.”  Logan picked up his abandoned coffee cup.  “Your girlfriend sure does make good coffee.  She seems to be holding together pretty well.”

Presley was holding together.  She was a strong woman and Seth couldn
’t help but admire her resilience.  She was upstairs in the apartment packing her few belongings and hopefully getting a nap.  They’d be driving a good portion of the night and she’d need her rest.  Seth stood up, needing to move around.  “You don’t have any use for rules,” Seth stated.

Logan shrugged. 
“They’ve never been much use to me, personally, but I don’t judge you, buddy.  The fact is, you’re going to break a few of those rules if you’re going to keep that woman safe.”

Logan spoke the truth.  Yet, Seth was actually feeling more optimistic.  With the help of his friends, he knew they could keep Presley safe from harm.  Things were starting to be put in motion and they would build momentum quickly.  But they had to hurry. Whoever wanted Presley dead wasn
’t going to sit back and give up.  They’d be coming after her until they’d killed her.  He had a small window to get her out of here and to safety and there was no time to waste.

How long do you think it will take for you to get to Tampa?” Jared asked. 

Seth shrugged. 
“Depending on weather, I’d say three days.  I’m planning to take Ninety South to Seventy, then Seventy East to St. Louis.  From there, it’s not far to Seventy-five South.” 

What did you tell your family?” Logan asked.

The story about the shooting is all over town by now so there was no point in lying to them.  I told them as much of the truth as I could.  My deputies will keep an eye out on the ranch in case they look for her there.  The rest of the time?  My men will take care of the town while I’m gone.”

What’s her real name?” Tanner asked abruptly. 

Seth blew out a breath, trying to keep his adrenaline under control.  He didn
’t have the luxury of crashing later.  “I don’t know,” he admitted. 

Logan quirked an eyebrow. 
“Is there more you don’t know?  Some of it might be important.”

Seth shook his head. 
“I know she’s in danger.  Fuck, they shot at her today.  Hank tried to follow them, but said the shooters abandoned the car.  There were tire tracks there, which told him they switched cars.  They had a car waiting, Logan.  They’re professional.  They won’t give up until she’s dead, and I can’t let that happen.”

BOOK: Cowboy Command
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