Coveted: An Alpha Male Romance (2 page)

BOOK: Coveted: An Alpha Male Romance
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Then I heard Roc’s voice. “Courtney?”

My head shot up from the pillow. Though my blond highlighted curls fell into my face, I could clearly see Courtney with my phone on speaker pacing in the middle of my bedroom floor. I looked at Tanisha and she just shrugged while muttering, “You know you can’t put a muzzle on him.”

I groaned as Courtney flipped Tanisha off and continued talking to my love. “Yes, it’s me.”

“Why are you calling me from Baby’s phone?” Immediately I could hear the anxiety growing in his voice. His antennas were going up. I could image those emerald eyes turning dark as night as he spoke. “Where is Baby?”

“Baby,” is my pet name. I was literally his baby and he took care of me as such. Even in my fear and nervousness, my body smiled and melted against the sheets as his deep, sultry bass filled the bedroom. It was as if he was here in bed with me.

“She’s ... Umm … Well, she’s lying down,” he responded, reluctantly. “There’s a problem, Roc. There’s been a… um… situation.”

I was sure his heart had dropped. “Situation? What happened?” Courtney went to speak but rowdy, loud voices in Roc’s background stopped him. “Shut the fuck up!” Roc fussed at those around him. “Courtney, what the fuck happened?”

“Well, I’m trying to tell you if you’d be quiet!”

Courtney was the one person that had the balls to talk to Roc that way, and he was the one person that could get away with it. They had a little sister/big brother relationship.

“Courtney,” Roc groaned. “Just fucking tell me–”

“Okay, okay! Look, she was on her way in the house and some crazy motherfucker rushed her and put a gun to –”

“A GUN?! WHAT?!” Yep, it was over.
right there ended it all. I groaned and buried my face in the pillow as I listened to my love lose his fucking mind. “You’re joking, right?” The chuckle that followed was far from humor; it was his madness ensuing.

Courtney bit his lips nervously. “No, unfortunately, I’m not. He put a gun to her head, forced her in the house and asked where the safe wa–”

“Is she okay?!” I could hear his movement in the background above his deep, thunderous rumbles. He was on his way back home. I knew it. He would run from Miami with his boots to the pavement to get to me if he had to.

“She’s fine. My girl did her thing. Shot that motherfucker! Pow! Pow!”

“Put her on the phone, Courtney.”

I groaned into the pillow again. I did not want to have this conversation. Yet, I was forced to when I felt the phone being placed on my ear.

“Here, girl. Talk to your man.”

I glared at Courtney with daggers and he stuck his tongue out at me.

Preferring not to keep Roc waiting, I opted to curse Courtney out later and reluctantly took the call. “Hello?” I answered.

His voice was a lot calmer, soothing and loving. “Baby?” The bass and roughness was still there but it was engulfed with so much love. “Baby, are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m okay.”

“Did you recognize him?”

“No. But ... he was Italian.”



I knew that his wheels were now spinning.

To mask the treachery that was brewing in his mind, he giggled. “You shot him, huh, Baby?”

And I had to giggle too. “Yes, I did.”

“Good girl. Just like Daddy taught you.”

I squeezed my legs together to fight the pulsating feeling that his words encouraged.
Gosh. Five years and that never gets old.

“I’m on my way home.”

“No, baby,” I immediately told him. “I’m fine. Really.”

No response.

I tore my head away from the pillow and peered at the screen. Naively, I would have liked to think that I lost my signal, but I knew better. He’d hung up… and he was on his way home.


Rocco de Michele


Two things scared me in this world; someone hurting my children and someone hurting Baby. We hadn’t had kids yet, so every day I lived to protect Baby.

I wanted to fly the fucking private jet myself.

“Remind me to take some goddamn flying lessons,” I snarled.

My cousin, best friend and right hand man, Gabrielle chuckled, but when I glared at him under my low riding fitted cap, he quickly straightened up.

“Gabe, I swear, if there is one hair out of place… if there is one curl that’s now straight… I’m killing him with my bare fucking hands.”

Gabe, now as serious as I was, asked, “Who could this be? Who do we have conflict with? The Baldi’s? The Donati’s?”

“No one,” I answered at a loss. I fucking hated feeling lost. I was never lost. “We don’t have beef with anyone.”

“Apparently we do,” Gabe remarked.


I spent the rest of the plane ride in silence, but, my mind was racing with questions. My heart beat rapidly, fighting images of this son of a bitch putting his hands on Baby.

Baby; she was everything to me –
. I couldn’t imagine my life without her. The fact that someone had tried to make that nightmare my reality was fucking with me as I rode shotgun in my truck while Gabe sped down the Dan Ryan Expressway.

“Look, Roc. I’ll look into this tonight and I’ll call with any info I come up with, first thing in the morning. It’s been a long week. Go on in and spend some time with Baby. I’m sure she misses you.”

She did. As I glared out of the window towards our house, I could see her mature, curvy figure and curls peering out of the bedroom window. Just the vision of her shadow convinced me to set aside the murder scheme for the night and get to what was mine.

I don’t even think I told Gabe goodbye before I left the truck and took such full strides to my front door that I had reached it within seconds. The door seemingly unlocked for me and it felt as if I flew up the stairs.

For days, I couldn’t wait to get back to her.

I needed her.

But now she needed me and I couldn’t take that feeling.

“Daddy,” left her lips in a sigh of relief as she met me at the bedroom door. She was dressed in one of my tank tops, so her ass fell into my hands as she fell into my arms.

“Are you okay?”

It felt like she was melting into me. Her face was buried into my chest, so I took her face into my hands and lifted it so that I could look into her beautiful brown eyes.

“I’m fine,” was what she swore to, but I could feel her shaking in my arms.

Instantly, she awakened my heart. Even after five years, I was still getting used to it. All of my life I had been an emotionless man, but the moment she was in my arms, all that changed. At first, I never used my heart, and now my heart wouldn’t let me lose this beautiful woman that, even at 5’6”, had to stand on her bare tip toes to introduce her lips to mine.

“I’m okay,” she repeated. “I promise,” she breathed into my mouth. “I missed you.”

She knew she was my weakness, and she was using that to calm anger that she knew was brewing beneath my skin—and as always, it was working.

I would have much rather spent every hour finding the motherfucker that made her feel anything but happiness, but at the moment I didn’t mind showing every inch of her body how much I missed her.

“You promise you’re okay?” I asked, taking her mouth into mine and squeezing the voluptuous hips that I’d missed every day that I was gone.

“Mmmm,” she moaned into my mouth, and I nearly lost it. “I promise. I’m okay.”

“Good,” I breathed, as my hands fought to touch her.

I nearly ripped my shirt from her body. I couldn’t take the damn thing being in my way in anymore. I had been waiting to lay eyes on her for days.

Baby was beautiful, to say the very least. Skin the color of a Hersey Kiss housed a mountain of curves that made me dizzy trying to keep up with. She had a head full of multi–colored curls in shades from brown to blond, with the most gorgeous bedroom eyes, the most delicate nose, and cheek bones. She had a smile that I prayed our daughter would inherit. Her natural glow didn’t need makeup, but she transformed from beautiful to goddamn sexy when she put some on.

Quickly pulling the shirt over her head, Baby stood before me, each curve making me woozy with highly anticipated pleasure.

Though I wanted nothing more than to put my lips to her, she dropped to her knees so suddenly, as if she wanted nothing more than the same for her own. She clawed at my jeans and won the fight with my belt. My cock nearly smacked her in the face and I was even mad at it for nearly hurting her. But the anger quickly subsided as she sucked me into her throat.

“Grrrr… Fuck,” I moaned, as I leaned back against the wall.

Her sexual noises filled the air and I could feel her tight grip around my cock as she pleased me with both her mouth and hand simultaneously.

“Goddamn, I love you, Baby.”

There was no reciprocation of the affirmation from her, only gagging noises as she filled her throat with every inch of me.

“Shit!” left my throat in a low growl. “I should make you swallow every drop of how good you’re making me feel.”

The sensation of her wet mouth made me want to cum right then and there, so I pulled out of her throat to fight the urge. She smiled, opened her mouth, and tried to wrap her tongue around my length again, but I refused. “Stop, Baby. I don’t want to cum yet. Come here.”

She smiled bashfully as she rose to her feet, but I was too fucking horny to even walk the few feet to the bed. I lay her down right there in the middle of the floor. Kneeling between her thighs, she smiled up at me as I ripped off of my shirt.

I couldn’t figure out what to kiss first, what to suck first. Her body was my playground and I wanted to horse around on every inch of it. But those statuesque hips were hypnotizing me, calling me. Yesterday, when I sent her a text, saying that I missed her for the umpteenth time, she replied, “Don’t tell me that you miss me. Tell me that you’re going to give me head when you see me. #Actions.” Baby was being funny, but at the time, that is just what I planned to do; spread her legs, palm her ass, and eat her pussy until she came on my face.

I couldn’t wait one more second to taste her, so I drove my face right in.

“Sssss,” was her initial response. As I sucked her clit, it throbbed between my lips. I looked up. She was on her elbows, and, even though her curls had fallen into her face, I could see those bedroom eyes boring down on me as her mouth stalled slightly agape.

I spoke into her pretty, wet mound. “Fuck, I missed this taste in my mouth.” I opened it further with one hand and smacked her ass with the other. “Ride my face, Baby,” I encouraged her. And she did just that. Her fingers wrapped around my slick, black hair as I felt her rock violently against my face.

Goddamn if tasting her wasn’t just as good as being inside of her.

It might have been better.

I felt my cock pulsating, fighting to get inside of what it owned. My mouth and dick were having an aggressive debate and I was just there, ready to surrender to either.

“Shit, Roc! I’m cumming!”

“That’s what I want, baby. Cum on my face.

Her hips were rotating in small circles in a fast pace and I could taste her orgasm cumming down. I looked deep into her eyes because watching her cum was just as good as tasting it.

“Arrrrrgh! Shiiiiit!”

She fell back and jerked against the carpet just as I slid into her and hovered above her. I was more than ready to give her the rough, long strokes that sent her into orgasmic seizures, but being inside of her was so warm, so tight and so inviting that I now felt like I was home. Not when I walked through the front door, but
, right this moment.

“This pussy is fucking amazing,” I breathed out with each stroke.

Though her eyes were closed, she found my mouth and kissed me like it was the only thing keeping her alive. “I love you, Roc.”

“What did you call me?” I asked as I suddenly deepened my stroked.


“Humph?” I was turning into the dominant man that engulfed me when I was with her, but with each stroke, I was coaxing my own premature orgasm. “What did you call me?”

“Daddy,” she corrected herself and I chuckled.

Our love had not only changed me; it had changed her as well. In public, to everyone else in the world, she was strong and domineering, but in my hands, she was like putty.

I owned her and this pussy.




“I have to be honest, Baby, I don’t know who could have done this.”

Now, we were in our tub, with hot water rinsing off our sex. She lay back on my chest with her curls in a high ponytail. The lights were off, candles were lit, and the July nighttime air was blowing in from the window.

“I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to you,” I told her, as I kissed the top of her head.

BOOK: Coveted: An Alpha Male Romance
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