Covering the Carolinas (15 page)

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Authors: Casey Peeler

Tags: #romance, #southern fiction, #nicholas sparks, #deathanddying, #reallife, #newadult, #southern american romance, #teen 15 and up, #country and small town life, #caisey quinn

BOOK: Covering the Carolinas
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Daddy, I sure hope you’re right.”

Now, Mar, when have I ever steered you

True. Love ya, Daddy. I’ll see you

As we disconnect the phone, I smile knowing that my
daddy is right. This weekend is going to be one that I never


As class ends, I pull my phone from my pocket and
begin to text Marleigh as I bump into someone. Glancing up, I
realize it’s Brett. “Sorry, man,” I say as I start to continue down
the hallway.

For stealing my girl or for not watching
where you’re going?” he says like a real asshole.

For bumping into you, you can’t steal what
you don’t have,” I say confidently as I continue down the
Wow, I thought he was a nicer guy
than that.
As I make it out of the building my phone
vibrates and seeing Marleigh’s reply makes me smile like a little

Dude, you got it bad,” Wade says. “I’m
surprised Brett didn’t deck you back there.”

Truth hurts.” I shrug. “Hell yeah, I got it
bad. Wouldn’t you?”

Well, Marleigh’s not really my style, but I
will say Carleigh might be.” He smirks.

I can’t believe that Marleigh and I will be together
on campus tomorrow and living the dream we’ve had since Spring

Chapter 29


As my alarm clock rings, I pull the comforter away
and place my feet on the cold floor. Even though I’d rather stay in
bed, one thought makes me jump out of the bed without hitting the
snooze button one time—Gunnison.

I hurry to shower and get ready for the day. As I
exit the bathroom, I run into a groggy Tinleigh.

What the hell’s got you so damn perky this
mornin’?” she grumbles.

Nothin’, just the fact that I get to see
Gunnison on campus and I don’t have to worry about it at

Ohmygawsh, Mar! I hadn’t thought about that,
but just try and keep your perkiness to a minimum for us not so
excited about class,” she says as she closes the door to the

Grabbing fresh fruit from the refrigerator and my
cup of coffee, I text Gunnison to say I’ll see him soon, and my
heart melts when he says he’ll meet me to walk to class. Pulling
into my parking spot, I look around but don’t see him.

Bending over the console to grab my backpack and
purse, my heart skips a beat as I sit back up and see Gunnison
walking toward my car with his backpack on his shoulder and wearing
a long sleeve t-shirt with sweats. In all my life, I’ve never seen
anyone look that hot in a pair of grey sweats.

Smiling as I open the door, he takes my hand to help
me out. “Mornin’.” He smiles as I’m within inches of his perfect
lips. Taking advantage of the moment, I place my lips on his.

Mornin’,” I reply as I pull away.

This is a great way to start every mornin’,
Mar, but I’d much rather wake up to you beside me than greet you in
a parking lot.”

I know, but we can’t jump into that, ya

I beg to differ,” he says as he places his
arm across my shoulder and walks me to class.


Dropping Marleigh off at class is like leaving part
of myself. I thought it was bad when I didn’t have her in my life,
but this didn’t compare to how I feel now that I know we belong

Making my way to class, I’m caught off guard seeing
Summer and Paul hugged up. It sure didn’t take him long. I just
pray that Paul knows what he’s getting into.

After class, I quickly grab my things to meet
Marleigh, but I don’t have to go far because she’s waiting for me
outside the door.

Hey, hot stuff!” she says as she links her
arm through mine then kisses my cheek. “How was class?”

Class. This accounting mess is awful, but
I’ve got to learn it for the farm when I take over

I’m sure you’re doing great. Want to grab
something to eat?” she questions.

Sure.” Even though I’m not hungry. “What do
you want?”

Want to try the coffee shop again?” she asks
with hesitation.

As long as there aren’t any more surprises,
that sounds good to me.”

Believe me, there aren’t going to be anymore
surprises. Well, unless they are the fun kind. Not like what
happened the last time.” I can see she’s starting to babble because
she’s nervous. I stop abruptly and turn her towards me, then I
press my lips to hers so she quits talking.

Mar, it’s okay,” I assure her.

Hell yeah, that was beyond okay.” She smirks
and then pulls me back to her. “What do you say we forget the
coffee shop and have lunch at your place?”

You read my mind.” Marleigh wastes no time
pulling me toward my truck. I can’t help but feel like I’m sixteen
again. This girl right here hasn’t changed one bit. She’s still the
Marleigh I fell for that week, but this time she is more sure of
herself. I have to say that I’m absolutely in love with it. A woman
who tells me what she wants, I’ll take any day over one that makes
me guess.

Chapter 30


After a wonderful “lunch,” we have to go our
separate ways for class. Gunnison has a game tonight and I can’t
wait to watch him play.

Arriving back at the house, I attempt to study
but my mind wanders to Gunner and Gunnison. I can’t wait for
Focus, Mar!
Just as
I’m bringing myself back to my studies, my phone

Can’t wait to see you from the court tonight.
Wanna stay with me tonight?

I scream and dance around like I just hit the
lottery. I try to pull my inner self together by telling myself to
focus. Just as I’ve gotten it together, Carleigh bursts through the
door. “Mar, are you okay? I thought someone was in here!”

Yeah, just got a text from

Oh yeah?”

I’m going to his place tonight after the
game,” I say as I raise my eyebrows.

She stands there with her arms closed. “Mar, please
don’t get knocked up again.”

Seriously?! Car, I’m not that stupid… well,
not this time anyway,” I say as I throw my pillow at

Girl, it’s on!” She says as she chucks the
pillow at me and runs out of the room. I follow her and we run
through the house throwing pillows at each other until we’re a
laughing mess on the living room floor.


Making my way to the gym, I think about seeing
Marleigh in the stands. Once I get there, I put on my uniform and
then hit the court before the rest of the team.

As Coach comes through the gym doors, he smiles as
he approaches me. “Good to see you back to your normal routine, Del

Thanks, Coach. It just takes a little getting
use to but we’re trying to figure it all out. I’m sure glad I have
the game to focus on this weekend because we’ve decided to tell
Gunner and I’m scared to death. Oh and no worries about my parents,
Mom could tell from my voice that something was going on so I
decided to tell her and not wait until I saw them in person. Guess
they are right when they say mom’s just know things,” I say as I
shoot a basket from the three-point line.

Yeah, that’s true. This weekend will be fine,
I’m sure. Now, let’s focus on Winthrop,” he says as he makes his
way to his office.

As the rest of the team makes their way into the gym
dressed and ready, we shoot around until Coach calls us to the
locker room. I glance at the stands but Marleigh isn’t here

Del Valle, don’t sweat it. You know she’s
coming,” Wade says.

I know. It’s just that this still doesn’t
feel real. Dang, I sound like a chick.” I laugh.

You’ve been doing that a lot lately. Man up
and let’s kick Winthrop’s ass.”

Coach gives us a pep talk, we pray, and make
our way to the court. The stands are packed as usual, and when I
look to their usual spot, she gives me a little wave as my eyes
meet hers.
She’s perfect.
game goes off without a hitch. We knew this game wasn’t going to be
rough on us, but I always play like anything could happen. As the
buzzer sounds for the end of the game, I shake hands with the
opponent and hurry to the locker room to change quickly to meet
Marleigh in the lobby.

As I exit the locker room, I’m caught off guard when
I see her waiting for me in the hallway. Seeing her propped up
against the wall messing on her phone, I just stare without her
knowing. It’s the little moments like these that I fall harder and
harder for her. She doesn’t realize how beautiful she is, inside
and out. As her hair falls in front of her face, she brushes it
behind her ear and I walk slowly to her. When she finally looks up,
she looks embarrassed.

How long have you been watching me?” she
questions as she places a hand on her hip, and it’s hot.

A little while,” I say as I kiss her lips
briefly. “You ready to go?”

Just need to stop by Tinleigh’s car for my
stuff. I hope you don’t mind taking me home tomorrow after

Absolutely…” She looks shocked. “Not.” I
finish as a smile escapes her lips.

Tinleigh and Carleigh are waiting for us by the car
when we get outside. Tinleigh pops the trunk and as Marleigh goes
to grab the bag, I beat her to it. “I got it.”

As Marleigh hugs her sisters bye, I admire their
closeness. The bond between triplets is something I’ll never
understand, but watching it from the outside is amazing. As they
start to get in the car, Carleigh yells my name. “GC, take care of
her please.”

Carleigh, I plan on taking care of her for
the rest of my life.” We make our way to my apartment. Walking in
together, I feel as if today has gone perfectly and I feel that
tonight will only exceed my expectations.

Chapter 31


Walking into Gunnison’s apartment, I feel as if I
belong here. He asks if I want something to drink while he gets a
shower and if I want to go to the Ale House with the team or stay
in. As much as I’d love to keep him to myself, I want to see what
it’s like in his world. Agreeing on the Ale House, he excuses
himself to get ready and I take a moment to freshen up my makeup
and call Gunner.

Within twenty minutes, we take the short drive to
the Ale House. Several teammates are already there, and I look to
Gunnison feeling unsure I should be there because I don’t see any
other girls. He assures me that they will be here soon, and even
offers to invite my sisters if that would make me more comfortable.
I figure they are already home by now, and tell him not to worry
about it. There’s always another time.

Lacing his fingers through mine, he leads me to his
friends. “Hey, guys. This is Marleigh.” They say ‘hey’ and go on
talking about the game. I take a seat next to Gunnison and he hands
me a menu. As minutes past by, more teammates arrive with their
girlfriends. It’s amazing to see Gunnison in his element.

After we place our order, I make small talk with
some of the girls and notice him staring at me. I playfully bump my
shoulder into him. He leans in and kisses my temple. We enjoy
hanging out with the team and their girls.

As the clock gets closer to eleven, Gunnison asks if
I’m ready to go and I totally leave that up to him. He waits a few
minutes before paying the bill and excusing us from the rest of the

When we are safely in his truck, I turn to him. “I
like them,” I say surely.

I’m glad, but honestly, I’d rather keep you
to myself,” he says.

Come here,” I say as I press my lips to


Taking Marleigh out with the team and their girls
has been something I’ve dreamt of my entire college career, and now
it’s a reality. When we leave and she lays that kiss on me in the
truck, I want to pull her to the driver’s side and have my way with
her right then, but I refrain. Tonight I don’t want it to be about
sex, I want it to be about us. I want to talk about this weekend
because I’m still scared to death.

Once we are in my apartment, we both decide to get
comfortable. Marleigh excuses herself to the bathroom. I slide on
my basketball shorts and a tee shirt and wait for her in the living
room. As I turn on the TV, I scan the channels, but I stop mid scan
when she walks out in a little tank top and short little shorts
that have my body reacting in a way I was trying to avoid tonight
because I’m trying to be a responsible father.

What?” she asks as she sees me

Nothing,” I say as I readjust myself on the
couch and she takes a seat. She smirks, and I know she’s onto my

You sure?” she asks as she slides closer to
me and then snuggles under my arm. Trying to calm myself down, I
think of anything.
Cold shower. Grandma in
a moo-moo. Marleigh in the shower. Fuck!
talking, I pull her onto my lap as a giggle escapes her lips and
press my lips to hers hard. She knows exactly what she’s done to
me. Sliding my hands underneath her thin tank top, she reacts to my
touch. She pauses briefly and it’s just enough to make me think
about what’s happening.

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