Authors: Mina Holt,Jaden Wilkes
“I could do that,” he said and looked thoughtful, “and you know what? I’ll do it for Sarai. No need to contact my agent, no need to pay me. Just promise you’ll give my girl here a couple days off when I need her and we’ve got a deal.”
Marta grinned like I’d never seen before and said, “Deal! It’s done. Let me work out our calendar and I’ll get back to you through Sarai. Sound good?”
“Good enough,” Gavin replied and leaned in to peck me on the cheek. “I’ll see you in a bit,” he said, “I’ll come back after lunch and help you put books on the tall shelves.”
I blushed and turned away from Marta and Sylvie. I stood on tip toe and kissed Gavin, a proper kiss, no tongue, something I could have done in front of Auntie G or the President.
But it still sent that crazy electric shock from the roots of my hair to the end of my toes. It still made me feel woozy and light headed and like getting naked and leaping into his arms.
He waved goodbye as he left the shop, the little bell above the door signalling his departure.
I brushed my finger over my lips and could still feel him there. I shook myself out of it and turned to get to work.
Marta and Sylvie were staring at me wearing twin looks of absolute admiration.
“What?” I asked and pushed past them to put my purse under the desk in our employee safe. It doesn’t lock, by the way, in case you’re ever in the neighbourhood and looking for a quick buck.
Marta raised her eyebrow, shifted her weight to the opposite leg and said, “Seriously? Are you going to make us beg?”
I looked at Sylvie, she mirrored Marta’s stance and said, “Spit it out.”
“What do you mean?” I asked, not entirely sure where they were going with this.
“You spent the night with Gavin James,” Marta said and laughed, “Tell us everything!”
I smiled and walked to one of the aisles and started tidying up the shelves. The two of them stood behind me and I could feel their anticipation. Finally after a couple minutes, I decided I couldn’t leave them hanging any longer.
“He’s really nice,” I said, “a perfect gentleman.”
“That’s all you’re going to say?” Sylvie exclaimed.
“I’m sorry, I don’t kiss and tell,” I replied.
“Oh mon dieu! You kissed him!” Sylvie squealed and grabbed my arm.
“I’m pleading the fifth on this one, ladies,” I said, “I’m sorry.”
They looked disappointed, but I wasn’t quite ready to tell anyone about the amazing time I’d had with him.
The world got Gavin James all the time, twenty four seven. He was stalked and photographed, talked about and ogled. Let him have a few private moments, especially if they were with me.
No matter how much the world wanted it, I wasn’t going to share the Gavin I knew with it.
I would keep him tucked away, deep in my heart and in the secret curve of my smile.
He was mine.
“When is he stopping by?” Jenny asked and smoothed her hair for the hundredth time. We were sitting in my room going over some blog business. Gavin had dropped me off at work and I’d gotten Jenny to pick me up in order to dodge the paparazzi. They’d been following me around from time to time, and my car was well known. They’d followed Gavin to his meeting and Jenny’s car wasn’t recognizable, so we’d managed to get out of the bookstore unscathed and unphotographed. Jenny had seemed upset by it; I swear she’d dressed for appearing on some gossip site somewhere.
“An hour or so, for dinner,” I said, “he’s taking me to some new Asian fusion place he’s heard about.”
“Not Red Ginger, is it?” she asked.
“Uh, I think so, why?”
“That is
hottest restaurant in Seattle right now! How did he get reservations?”
“I don’t know, I think he might know the owner, or one of his bodyguards arranged it. Something like that.”
“You are
a lucky cow,” Jenny said, “Do you know that?”
“I do,” I replied, but at that moment I didn’t feel so lucky. At least Jenny didn’t make me feel as though she felt I deserved the luck I had. I know she was envious, but there was something more to it, something meaner that I hadn’t seen in her before.
Jenny was a bitch. There, I said it. I had never realized how much of one until Gavin came into my life.
We’d been together for almost a month now, and it never failed to amaze me when I woke up next to him. He was charming and loving and of course, so blazing hot I felt like I was sleeping next to the sun.
He claimed he felt the same way, every morning he told me how amazing it was that he’d found me…as though he’d been looking for me all along. It was starting to dawn on me that he was serious, that I was as beautiful as he said, and he was as lucky to have me as I was to have him.
The blogs were starting to be a little kinder to me as well. Jezebel had done an opinion piece on how enlightened he must be to choose brains for once. I felt a little awkward, being the brainy one instead of the hot one, but I’d take it. At least they weren’t calling me Nerd Girl like TMZ still seemed to be doing.
I was learning to ignore it all though, and stop Googling Gavin and my names every morning before getting out of bed. I was starting to feel like a normal human being, and sometimes even like a sexy, luscious woman.
And then I hung out with Jenny and once again felt like a frumpy beggar eating table scraps while the rest of the world was at some wonderful buffet.
“So what did you think of my review?” Jenny asked, and I was happy to let her change the subject.
“It’s good,” I said, “but honestly, I only put three stars or above on the site. If the author contacts you directly, offer the reasons you didn’t enjoy the book, but don’t post it on the site.”
“You still haven’t given me admin powers anyways,” Jenny said, “so I couldn’t post it even if I wanted to.”
“I’ll get to that,” I said, “how did you like the final book in the Burning Ink series?” I had already read her glowing five star review on that one, but wanted to deflect her insistence that I give her control of my blog.
She had a good argument, I wasn’t reading much these days and had zero time for the blog, but it was still my baby and I’d worked so hard on it. People depended on me to find their next book boyfriends and worlds to escape to. Before Gavin, that had been the most important thing in my life, but now I’d become that awful stereotypical girl who dumped everything for her man.
I hadn’t meant for it to happen like that, but apparently even I wasn’t immune to the overwhelming nature of love.
Love, yes, I said it. I was falling in love with him a little more every day.
I hadn’t said it yet, and neither had he beyond his little pet name for me, but we’d begun skating around the issue. We would say things like, “I love your hair, it looks great,” or “I love that you read that book.” We’d drop those little L bombs in our daily conversation as if trying the word on for size.
Lately it was feeling more and more like a perfect fit, I just didn’t want to be the first one to say it.
Jenny droned on about the story and I smiled, nodded and made appropriate noises where necessary. She wasn’t half bad at reviewing, better than I’d thought to be honest, but I still couldn’t hand over the reins to my baby.
“And so that’s why I think she’ll write one more,” Jenny finished up her assessment.
“But she said she’d never write another one,” I told her.
“I don’t mean to sound cynical, but I think that’s a way for her to make money,” Jenny replied.
“You might be right, but I think you should keep that out of your review.”
“I’m not an idiot, I would never put that on the blog. Fuck, Sarai, you are so controlling. I thought you’d loosen up after a little sex, you know? Is it not that good?”
I blushed and said, “Of course it is!”
“Really?” Jenny asked and leaned towards me on the bed, glanced around with a secretive look and said, “how big is it?”
“Jenny!” I exclaimed, mortified, “I’m not going to talk about stuff like that.”
She sat back and screwed up her face, “Come on, you’d tell me every detail if he weren’t famous. What, are you afraid I’ll run and tell the tabloids that Gavin James has got a four inch dick? It’s just between you and me, tell me.”
“Seriously Jenny,” I said, “I would never tell you a thing about him, whether he was famous or not. Think about it, did I ever tell you the intimate details about my other boyfriends? They weren’t famous, and I told you nothing.”
“I probably never asked,” she said and smirked, “besides, if he had a big one, you’d be bragging about it, so my question is already answered.”
“Not everybody is you, Jenny,” I retorted, “I don’t need to tell you every damn thing about my sex life to have you validate it.”
“No need to get so huffy,” Jenny replied, “I was just joking you know. But seriously, if he was good at it, you’d be yelling it from the rooftops.”
“I’m done,” I said, “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
“It’s fine,” Jenny replied with a huff, “I’m kidding.
you never used to be so uptight. I think all the attention is getting to your head. Stop taking yourself so seriously!”
“I’m not,” I said, hoping she’d drop this before I was pushed too far. I didn’t understand her dogged obsession with Gavin and I…all the details, our sex life of all things. She’d never really cared before, had barely given my other boyfriends the time of day. She’d always over shared with me, but I hadn’t ever considered it a problem before today. Now it bothered me, I didn’t understand why she was so interested.
“What’s going on in here?” Auntie G interrupted, saving me from flipping out on Jenny. Thank god, thank Auntie G.
“Just hanging out,” I said and smiled at Jenny, hoping she’d take this as a sign to stop things from escalating.
“Yeah,” Jenny agreed and offered me a little smile back, “just talking about the blog and such.”
I sighed, relieved that Jenny apparently had decided to let it all go.
“When’s your hot boyfriend coming around?” Auntie G asked and leaned against my doorframe..
“Any time now,” I said, “he’s taking me for dinner.”
“Oh that’s nice,” she replied and sat down with us, “Jenny, do you have any plans for the evening?”
“I met a really nice guy,” Jenny said, “he’s taking me to the movies and then to a late dinner.”
“Good for you,” Auntie G said, “I think it’s about time you found somebody nice for yourself.”
“Thank you,” Jenny said, “his name is Jason, and he’s a really great guy. He’s super rich and loves to spend money on me. Plus, he’s got this crazy expensive car. I really like him.”
“I’m happy for you,” I said and smiled, but had serious doubts as to “Jason’s” actual existence. I had a strange feeling Jenny had made him up to compete with me, but it was absolutely ridiculous if she had. I’d gone years listening to her tales of love and sex without once feeling the least bit envious.
I was starting to doubt whether or not Jenny was a true friend, and the realization that she might not be sat heavy on my chest.
She was hanging around waiting for Gavin, that much was clear. But for what purpose? Did she think her fake boyfriend would illicit some jealousy in Gavin? Or did she want to flirt with him in front of me?
I couldn’t determine her exact motives, but I did know she was up to something.
“Shall I make us some tea while we wait?” Auntie G said and nodded towards the downstairs.
“Sounds good to me,” I said, grateful again for her intervention.
We followed her downstairs, sipped our hot tea and made small talk until Jenny stood and announced that she had to get ready for her big night out. I was still skeptical, but went along with it, helping her choose a little black dress and red shoes that made her a little taller and emphasized her figure. I hoped she was telling the truth. I truly did.
She headed for the guest bathroom to get changed when the doorbell rang. I leapt to my feet and rushed to the front door, opened it and fell into Gavin’s arms.
“Easy there, love,” he said and laughed. He kissed me and stroked my cheek, pulled back and asked, “Bad day?”
“Jenny’s here,” I said and glanced at the bathroom, “she’s being…well, Jenny.”
“I don’t know why you spend time with her,” he said and his look darkened, “every time you do, you seem very agitated afterwards.”
“She’s been my friend forever,” I replied, “but I will admit I’m starting to rethink that these days. Either way, she’s helping me on the blog lately since I don’t seem to have as much time to read.” I looked up at him, blushed and grinned.
“I wonder what could be keeping you from that?” he asked with a sly look, he cupped his hands under my ass, pulled me up and held me while he kissed me again. We made out like that, like hungry, horny teenagers until we heard somebody clear their throat behind us.
I jumped down, turned around and saw Jenny glaring at us with a deep, almost angry look of envy on her face.
“Hey, guess who made it?” I said brightly.
“I see that,” she replied and in an instant her face changed, she wore a mask of cool detachment. “Hi Gavin, how are you?”
“I’m good,” he said and stood behind me, wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled my neck, “check that…now I’m great. How are things with you?”
“Fantastic,” she purred and almost seemed to hum with sensuality. She was really putting on a show. “Would you be a dear though, and help me with something?” she asked him.
“Jenny,” I said, “we’ve got to get going. We have reservations.”
“It’s all right, love,” Gavin said. “What is it?”
Jenny shot me a look of pure, smug triumph. “It’s this darn zipper of mine,” she said, “I’ve asked Sarai, but she can’t get it done up.”
She spun around and wiggled, indicating the zipper on the back of her dress, of course she hadn’t asked me. I felt a little pang of anger rise up, but pushed it back down when I realized Gavin was looking at me. His eyebrows were raised and he appeared visibly uncomfortable. He was checking me for guidance.
“Here,” I said, “let me give it another try.” I stepped behind her and had it up in one fell swoop. “That was easy, I don’t know why I couldn’t manage it the first time.”
She turned around, glared at me, but lit her face up with a wide smile and said to Gavin, “I guess you give women superpowers. I wish we could bottle it up and sell it.”
“We really should get going,” he said and looked over her shoulder, “Is G in?”
“Yes, and she would kill you if you didn’t say hello before we left.”
He went to the kitchen and left me alone with Jenny. I don’t know what had changed, but something had changed. Her movements were jerky and deliberate as she dragged her jacket on and grabbed her backpack, swung it over her shoulder and made to leave.
“Listen,” she said just as she reached the front door, “I know I might come off as a bit of a bitch these days. I’m just worried about you. I don’t want your heart to get trampled on. I’ve never dated anyone as famous as Gavin, but I know what it’s like to have a lot of people paying attention to you, and it can go bad, real fast.”
“I know,” I said and felt stupid for being so suspicious of her. “I’m okay though, Gavin is good to me and I really care for him. That’s all you need to worry about.”
“I also really miss you,” she said, “I miss how much time we used to spend together. You kind became one of
girls, you know?”
I felt a little stab of guilt. I really had. The kind of girl who ditched all her friends the moment she got a boyfriend, only in this case I really only had Jenny as a friend. “I’m sorry,” I said, “I miss you too. Maybe we can go on a double date next week, or the week after. I’d love to meet your guy.”
“That would be awesome,” she replied, smiled and we hugged, a brief squeeze, but it felt like things were right between us again.
“I’ll get you set up as an admin on the blog this week,” I told her, “I promise.”