Cover Up (Cover #2) (13 page)

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Authors: Kim Black

BOOK: Cover Up (Cover #2)
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He pulled away
, but not before nipping my swollen nub with my teeth. A guttural groan ripped through me as he promptly flipped me onto my back and plunged deep inside of me without warning. I clawed at his moist back with my nails as he continued his assaults, my arched back providing him even greater access.

“You feel so good
, baby. I love you so much!”

I almost didn’t hear him through my own moan
s; but the confession while tender, invoked complete panic within me and my body stiffened in fear.
Love? What are you doing Emily? This is all wrong!

I needed to break free
of him. I suddenly felt like the walls were closing in on me. The guilt I felt growing inside me made me sick to my stomach. I was a horrible person to take advantage of this man - of the love that he felt for me.

I would never know what caused him to feel this way towards me, would never remember
if I had ever felt it to. I needed to get out of here before I caused more harm than good.

He looked down at me and I could see that he noticed my shift in moods. He brought his hand to the side of my face and wiped a tear that I
hadn’t realized had fallen, all the while looking at me completely puzzled. I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t seem to get my mouth to verbalize what I needed.

Mom amour,
what’s wrong? Am I hurting you?” he asked in genuine concern.

Still unable to speak
, I shook my head and pushed away from him. I needed go. This was completely wrong.

“Emily, please talk to me. Are you in pain?”

“I can’t … I can’t do this. I’m sorry, but I have to go,” I announced, now sobbing softly as I quickly got off the monstrous bed. I scrambled to the ground and picked up my clothes, which had been tossed across the room, frantically throwing them on and bolting to the door.

, wait! Please, just talk to me,” he begged, following me, but the damage was done. I couldn’t continue. Not when I knew that he loved me and I … I didn’t even know him…

Chapter Ten


“Emily, open the door!” I yelled as I continued pounding on the old wood
-chipped structure – this time using much more force, nearly breaking the door down. I had called her all morning with no response on either her cell or home phones, and I was beginning to worry. I knew it was a bad idea to leave her alone last night, but she had insisted. “I’m going to break down this damned door if you don’t open up, Em!”

I heard shuffling behind the door before it finally swung open. Standing before me was a horrific looking Emily wearing the same clothes
as last night. Her eyes were a blood shot red, her hair tossed about, and I was pretty sure she had been drinking. “What’s wrong, sweet girl?” I quickly followed her into the house, shutting the door behind me with a kick of my leg.

She staggered drunkenly over to the living room
and confirmed my suspicions. Three empty bottles of wine all lined up on the coffee table. Reaching her side, I pulled her into my lap, while I stroked her face. “What’s going on, baby girl?”

“He said he loved me,” she slurred, not making much sense and clear
ly overwhelmed.

“Who baby? Who said they loved you?” I asked as I cradled her body in my arms, remembering doing the very same thing years ago when Emily first met Suzie. The new friendship
broke Emily out of her shell, following Suzie to nightclubs and house parties – always regretting her decision the next day when it was time to go to work.

“He… Mr. French dude… Why did he say he love
d me, Adam?” she asked as tears welled up in her eyes. Realization struck me, and I couldn’t help but feel the jealously that ate my heart away. Despite everything Emily had gone through – a senseless breakup, a betrayal, an accident, a coma, and amnesia, she still found a way to go to Julien. My heart sank.

Shh, baby, it’s going to be ok. I’m here now…” I soothed as I rocked her sleepy drunken form in my arms, pushing down the resentment I felt towards Julien. The man didn’t deserve her. He had abandoned her when she needed him the most, leaving all of us to help her in her time of need. He made me sick.

After a few moments
, I carried Emily’s surprisingly heavy body to her bedroom.
My God woman, what do you eat?

I strained to get her in the middle of the bed, pushing her upper body first and then letting her bottom half fall to the bed when I couldn’t carry her weight any longer. She was beautiful despite her being drunkenly passed out and wearing yesterday’s clothes. Her beauty amazed me from the moment I laid eyes on her and now, years later, my breath still
caught at the sight of her.

I wasn’t an idiot. It was obvious that Julien and Emily loved each other. I realized that now more than ever. I thought that losing her memory would keep the man out of the picture
; but, of course, she still found her way to him. Though I knew I should probably walk away, I was even more determined now to win her back.
May the best fucking man win.

I knew Emily would be knocked out for a while
, but I decided to stick around just in case she woke up and needed to talk. I also hoped that, when she did wake up, she wouldn’t want to talk about that fucking Frenchman. Now that she knew about the amnesia, the awkwardness between us was no longer an issue, since I didn’t feel like a complete fraud. There was no need to keep my distance and I could finally pursue her without guilt. I loved Emily and I would do anything for her. What we had was something special, it was lasting, and I couldn’t help the pride I felt that she hadn’t forgotten about what we had, but I had forgotten about that Julien. Well … somewhat forgotten…

, there was a loud pounding at the door followed by a very annoyingly boisterous Suzie.

“Roberts, open up!” she bellowed behind the door.

I was tempted to let her stand there a while longer, but I didn’t want her waking up Emily.

“What the hell Suzie?” I barked as I opened the door to find her standing with her fist
s balled up on her hips.

What the fuck are you doing here? You left last night with Diana. Don’t you dare tell me you’re trying to date them both or I swear –”

“Are you nuts or something? You should know me better than that. I know I’m the hottest man you’ve eve
r laid eyes on, but I’m a man of honor, Sue,” I joked, cutting her off her rant.

She relaxed a little
, but I could see her replaying my statements in her mind. “Hottest man my ass, Owen, and don’t fucking
call me Sue!” she quipped and punched me in the arm.
Predictable, predictable.
I chuckled even when holding my hurting arm.

, where’s Em?” Suzie asked as she made her way into the kitchen, opening the fridge and inspecting it.

“Bed … hangover.” I responded, not wanting to go into the whole Frenchm
an thing with Suzie. It was bad enough I had to deal with him being back in the picture, I was not about to start crying about it, and I sure as hell did not need to gossip about it.

“Alright then.
You may leave now,” she announced as she pulled her head out of the fridge and closed it, smiling.

, I’m not going anywhere,” I challenge.
Who the fuck died and made her God!

, really?” she retorted as she folded her arm across her chest.


Just when I believed things couldn’t get worse, they did. After Emily scurried out of my home last night, obviously upset about God knows what, I was beyond drained. To have her literally walk back into my life only to dash away into the night made getting up this morning unbearable.

nable to face my bedroom and her lingering scent; I opted for the guest room
, tossing and turning most of the night as I attempted to figure out what had scared her away.

Having her in my arms again, in my bed
, had greatly renewed my faith in our love despite the night’s end. We had danced around walking away from each other for far too long. I would give her time, a few days, to deal with her confusion; but afterwards, I planned to ensure she understood that I was in it for the long haul - no more running away … Not from me and not from her. She was mine, my only… my Emily.

When I arrived at the office, I intended to prepare for my meeting with a potential investor for the new exp
ansion of the Belmont International but, to my surprise, I had an unexpected visitor waiting for me in my office.

“Good morning Sylvie, you’re looking rather lovely this morning,” I declared as I strolled over to retrieve any messages from her. As usual
, she handed me a small stack of pink notices and I began thumbing through them one by one, before I noticed her uneasiness.

“Uh, good morning
, Mr. Belmont. You… you have a visitor. She insisted she wait in your office,” she began before standing up to lean closer. “Normally I wouldn’t have allowed anyone in, but she’s very persistent and given your
…,” she trailed off, looking nervous.


I knew she would show up eventually. I was actually surprised she hadn’t surfaced sooner, which only meant that she was up to something. I was in no mood to deal with the woman and nothing she could say would change what I knew I had to do.

“Not a problem
, Sylvie, I’ll talk to Ms. Delacroix,” I informed her before walking away and heading to my corner office.

I greeted and strolled into the office, not bothering with the pleasantries - we offered each other nothing. This meeting was going to be anything but pleasant.

“Julien,” she responded icily. I knew she wanted me to notice her use of my first name
. She had always called me Jules instead of Julien since we wedded three years ago.

“What bring
s you in today, Charlette?” I asked as I rounded my desk and began shuffling through the mountain of paperwork that awaited me.

She shifted slightly in her seat. I could sense her piercing eyes burning holes into me. She was upset. I couldn’t say that she didn’t have reason to be. I had
bedded the woman and left her at dawn the next morning, without so much as a note or explanation, only sending her a text demanding a divorce a week later.

“You know
exactly why I am here, Julien. You think you can sleep with me and then throw me away like some harlot?” she asked with a stern even toned voice.

I was wrong. She wasn’t upset. She was livid. Once again
, just as she had done the night of the charity gala, Charlette allowed me to see her weakness. Taken aback, I lifted my eyes from the papers in front of me and looked at her.
! Shit!

, Charlette. What happened between us was a mistake. I love Emily and our sleeping together has done nothing but cause me great pain. I am sorry that I hurt you, but per the contract we signed, you are to grant me a divorce should I request it.”

She stared back at me, speechless. I could tell that she was battling something internally, her mouth moving to say something but then
- not.

“Don’t take this as anything against you
, Charlette. In a different time, a different place, who knows what could have come of this; but I am in love with Emily and I intend to be with her,” I offered softly, not wanting to hurt the woman any further.

had never known the extent of her feelings for me, but certainly knew now, that Charlette had allowed herself to feel something for me. It was something more than fondness, more than the banter to which we had grown accustomed.

“You are making a mistake
, Jules. You mustn’t walk away from this so … easily,” she whispered, gesturing between us while still staring deeply into my eyes, pleading silently.

I went to respond but she quickly took to her feet, once again catching me off guard.

“One date is all I ask … One night. After which, should you decide to walk away, I’ll sign divorce papers with no question or hesitation,” she purred softly as she rounded my desk, giving me the full view ample breasts.


I knew what she was trying to do
, but it wouldn’t work. It was obvious that Charlette was completely delusional. Somewhere in her mind, she believed I was rightfully hers; and, being the conniving woman that she was, I had no doubt she would stop at nothing to get what she wanted.
Did she really think I could easily be seduced?

I lifted my eyes to meet hers. My blood was boiling
, but I wouldn’t let the martinet see me upset. Not only was the woman delusional, but I felt insulted that she would think me so weak minded. Clearly, she had forgotten just who I was, and it was high time that I reminded her.

Deciding to give her a taste of her own medication, I leaned into her slowly
, causing her to do the same until our lips were a mere inch apart. Her eyes instantly fell from my eyes to my lips. Her breathing became shallow as she stared at my lips, obviously expecting me to kiss her.
Delusional indeed…

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