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Authors: Devon Hartford

Cover Model (14 page)

BOOK: Cover Model
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“Do you?”

He shrugs.

“The only thing you volunteer is your services for sluts.”

“Harsh, Warmoth. Way too harsh.”

“It’s true.”

“If it is, that makes you a slut too.”

“Let’s go.” I pull him along by the wrist toward the closest club. “How’s this?”

He looks up at the marquee. “The Cobra Lounge? They usually have bands.”

“They have drinks too, don’t they?”

“Let’s check it out.”

The line of hipsters is a mile long. “We’ll never get in. My hair’s a mess and my outfit is trashed. Maybe we can find a quiet bar?”

He grins. “We don’t need to wait. Look at us. You’re a fuckin fox.”

I blush.

He smirks, “You’re almost as good lookin as me.”

I scowl. “Cocky as ever, aren’t you?”

“Yup.” He grabs my hand and pulls me past the crowd of bored people in line. Nearly all the women stop whatever they are saying as we pass and drool at Connor.

I have to admit, it is
thrilling seeing the glaring jealousy on the faces of all these beautiful women.

When we get to the bouncers, I expect them to tell us to wait in line with the rest of the peasants. The taller bouncer with a shaved head stares at my chest. I fold my arms across my knotted blouse. Without my bra or a sweater or panties, I’m all nipples. What am I doing? Feeling suddenly bold, I unfold my arms. Let him look.

The tall bouncer checks our ID’s while the other bouncer, who looks like a burly old ex-Marine, grins at me, his eyes traveling all over my body.

“Gettin a good look?” Connor grunts. He’s jealous, which amuses me.

“You want in the club, dawg?” the tall bouncer challenges him, handing back our ID’s.

“They can look all they want.” I grin. Leaning forward with my hands on my thighs, I arch my back like a pinup girl so both bouncers can look down my top. I don’t know why I’m acting like this. I’m never this big a flirt. I blame Connor. He stole my underwear and got me all worked up without doing anything about it, so he’ll have to deal with it.

Both bouncers stare at my boobs for a while, smiling approval.

Connor’s eyes flash with hot murder.

“Is something bothering you?” I tease.

Connor forces a strained smile, “No, nothing’s wrong.” He mumbles in my ear with obvious amusement, “But I’m the guy with your panties and bra in my pocket.”


He shrugs confidently, “If you think either of them has a cock half as big as mine, or can drive you half as fuckin wild as I already have, be my guest. Go home with one of them. Shit, take them both home. But you and I both know they won’t measure up and you’ll go home lonely and disappointed.”

He’s calling my bluff and he knows it. I glance at the two burly bouncers. They’re both manly enough, but neither is nearly as gorgeous as Connor. “You’re a cocky sonuvabitch.”

He presses up against my ass and I feel his throbbing cock. “Say the word and I’ll fuck you right here.”

I grind my ass into his jeans.

“Save it for the dance floor,” the older bouncer chuckles, waving us past.

Inside, the DJ spins a summery electro house mix I don’t recognize. Imagine the standard
BOOM-cizz BOOM-cizz BOOM-cizz.
The crowd on the dance floor bounces to the jagged rhythm.

Let’s get some drinks,
” Connor hollers over the loud music.

” I holler back.

—BOOM-cizz BOOM-cizz BOOM-cizz

He reaches out for my hand with his right.

Does he want to hold it? Then I notice his palm looks weird. “
Why is your hand black?
” I shout.

He shows me the palm. “

It looks terrible.

He leans toward my ear, “
Some fungus I picked up. Highly contagious.
” He reaches up to touch my face.

Horrified, I jump back and nearly trip over two random dancers. “
Connor! Don’t!

He breaks into an easy smile. “
Relax. It’s permanent ink. I broke a pen signing autographs. It won’t come off.

I wince, “
Are you sure?

Gimme your hand.

I recoil. “


I relent. “

He strokes the back of my hand with his warm palm.

My skin tingles and my heart flutters and sizzles travel up my arm and down my spine.

See? It doesn’t come off.

I look down at my hand as he continues to rub it. None of the ink comes off.



He keeps rubbing my hand, circling his thumb around my palm.

It does amazing things to me that I can’t explain.

—BOOM-BOOM-BOOM cizz-cizz-cizz

As the thumping music and Connor’s erotic hand massage starts to carry me away, I am suddenly reminded of my lack of panties and bra. Am I going to drip on the floor? At this rate, it’s bound to happen. Damn, I’m turned on.

He releases me. “
Let’s get some drinks.

I hold my hand to my chest and rub it thoughtfully. I can’t respond to Connor because that was somehow the most romantic thing he’s ever done. Well, after doing my laundry, or should I say having it done for me. Either way, I feel the echo of his thumb still circling, like he’s still doing it. But he’s not. What the hell did he just do?

—cizz-BOOM cizz-BOOM cizz-BOOM

He drags me to the neon blue bar and works his magic on one of the cute female bartenders. Despite the crowd, she takes his order right away. A minute later, she hands him two shots and two mixed drinks. He offers me a shot.

What’s this?
” I ask.

Drink it,
” he orders.

How do I know it doesn’t have roofies in it?

Quit kidding yourself,
” he smirks, “
You already wanna fuck me. Pound that shit and let’s dance.
” He swallows his shot then gulps down the mixed drink in three seconds.

I sip the shot. It tastes like Tequila. The mixed drink looks like a Cosmo.

This isn’t a fuckin taste test! Pound that shit!

Okay, okay, Frat Boy!
” I swallow the shot easily but it burns my throat. My eyes bulge and I make a flame-thrower face. Connor laughs. Then I tip my head back and drink the Cosmo as fast as I can. I nearly choke, but manage to get it all down without spilling it all over myself.

He grabs my hand and pulls me onto the packed dance floor.

—BOOM-cizz BOOM-cizz BOOM-cizz

Connor is instantly into the dancing. He breaks out the slithery pelvic gyrations he showed earlier during the convention reveal. Somehow, he manages to include me in his dancing. He snakes around me in fluid movements. I try not to look dorky. I’ve never been a good dancer. Connor is a master.

I’m intimately aware of the fact that my skirt keeps riding up. It’s not meant for dancing. I keep yanking it down by the hem. Luckily, it doesn’t take long for the shot and Cosmo to take effect on my empty stomach.

A few minutes later I’m bouncing to the beat with my hands over my head.

Connor worships me, sliding his body all over mine.

Everybody is watching us. Or should I say, watching Connor. I feel like a statue. So I shake my ass. Connor is instantly behind me. I circle my butt against his jeans as best I can.

—BOOM-BOOM-BOOM cizz-cizz-cizz

He leans into my ear, “
Everybody is watching you, Lex. All the guys in here want this ass.
” He punctuates his words by grinding his crotch against my cheeks. “
They all want to fuck you, Lex. But they can’t. I won’t let them because this is mine.
” As the alcohol takes effect, the sexual energy pouring off everyone in the club feeds into my desire. A hard hand roams up my stomach. I’m only vaguely aware it’s Connor’s hand. In the moment, I almost don’t care whose hand it is. He squeezes my breast through my knotted blouse. My nipples ache with desire, throbbing to the dance beat.

—BOOM-cizz BOOM-cizz BOOM-cizz

I close my eyes and tip my head back, leaning it against Connor’s muscled shoulder. Heat blooms against the top of my head.

Connor’s face is buried in my hair. “
You smell fuckin incredible, Lex.

I’m pretty tall, but Connor is way taller than I am. Having a big hot guy wrap himself around you like this is heaven. I grin to myself, my eyes closed, shaking my ass as he massages my other breast, boldly twisting the nipple. I sit my ass onto his hips, leaning onto his hardness for support. The front of my skirt suddenly tightens against my thighs and lifts. A hot hand cups my folds.

You’re soaking wet for me, aren’t you?

I nod my head against his shoulder.

You want me to fuck you right here, don’t you?

I moan a reply.

He chuckles lustily against my ear.

His fingers start to circle against my wetness. It feels incredible. Vaguely aware that people might be able to see up my skirt, I open my eyes a slit. The people surrounding us swim in a deep ocean of blue light. I’m so turned on, everybody seems to be moving in slow motion. I’m completely enveloped by Connor, floating in his hard heat and sexual energy. Slowly I become aware that people
staring. The men. The women. Everybody. They’re captivated by what Connor and I are doing. I feel like a porn star. When he starts to massage my clit, I realize I don’t fucking care
watching. I melt all over his hand.


His finger slides inside me.


I moan loud, “
Fuck me, Connor…


Nobody can hear me over the loud music.

Nobody except Connor. He growls into my ear and he pushes his finger deeper. I sink into his hand, wanting more. Some part of his hand is rubbing my clit just right. It sings with ecstasy. The first spasm of orgasm starts to build and my muscles clench around his deep finger.

And then his hand is gone.

Damn him! He did it again! I shout, “

His tongue fills my mouth. We’re chest to chest. He squeezes my ass hard. I straddle his thigh, pushing my skirt up, grinding my core against his denim covered leg. If it wasn’t for Connor’s hands on my ass keeping my skirt from riding any higher, it would be around my waist.

Our tongues go to war as we kiss on the dance floor.

This is easily the dirtiest thing I’ve ever done.

But god damn it, I’m going to come if it kills me. Because
kill me. I’ve never been so turned on in my entire life. I continue to grind against Connor’s muscled leg. I have no doubt I’m leaving a wet streak on his jeans. I don’t care. The muscles inside me clench in a slow rhythm. Each time they squeeze it feels exquisitely good. But it’s like I
come unless there’s a cock inside me. I try to pretend his tongue in my mouth is his cock invading my tunnel, but it doesn’t work.

This is beyond frustrating.

Still kissing, I grab his belt buckle and start to undo it.

He pushes my arms behind my back and pins them there. He stares at me with his deep blue eyes. “
You’re not gonna come until I say you can come

I need to come, Connor!

He smirks and withdraws his thigh from between my leg, moving it with the music so I can’t straddle it anymore. “
You’re not ready yet

God damn it, Connor! You fuck me right now or I’m going to kill you!!

He laughs, his lush mouth pulling over his perfect teeth. He’s the most incredibly handsome man I’ve ever seen, bar none. And he’s just as infuriating as he’s always been. I smack the bottom of my fist against the granite of his chest.

He shakes his head, ignoring it.

I hate you, Connor Hughes!

I hate you too, Lex
,” he grins, still dancing.



I need a break, Connor! My feet are killing me

Let’s grab a seat at a table!

He takes me by the hand and leads me off the dance floor. The little round bar tables hugging the walls are all filled with people. We finally find one that is stacked with at least thirty dirty glasses and a litter of wadded up napkins.

How’s this?
” Connor asks.

—BOOM-cizz BOOM-cizz BOOM-cizz

” I yell.

I’ll clean it

Let’s just find another one

There aren’t any others. Hang tight. I’ll find a waitress or something. You gonna be okay here by yourself?

I’m a big girl. I’ll be fine.

You’re not that big,
” he grins.

I ball my fists and hold them up like a boxer, “
Don’t mess with me! I’ll mess you up!

He laughs, “
I’m shakin in my boots. I’ll be right back.

—cizz-BOOM cizz-BOOM cizz-BOOM

I glance around the club and watch the people. A bunch of green glow sticks wave in the air above the crowd, wielded by the wasted dancers. Strobe lights flash in time with the music as the bass beat pulses. I can feel it humming beneath me on the barstool.

—BOOM-BOOM-BOOM cizz-cizz-cizz

I shift uncomfortably, feeling the ache of my drenched sex. Damn it, if Connor doesn’t have sex with me tonight, I’m going to explo—

Somebody bumps into my back.

I twist around on the stool. “
Hey! Watch it!

The table next to ours is surrounded by five big guys in cheesy blazers and collared shirts. They ignore me.


I look around for Connor, but I don’t see him.

It doesn’t take long for the bums in the blazers to bump me again.

I said, watch it!

BOOK: Cover Model
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