Courting Trouble (The Texas Two-Step Series, Book 3) (21 page)

BOOK: Courting Trouble (The Texas Two-Step Series, Book 3)
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"My problem works a little differently from yours, though. When I felt so afraid I was losing you just now, I did my best to direct my feelings at your car engine. My years spent focused on control haven't been wasted after all. I didn't know it would work, but I took the chance. I had nothing left to lose."

Diedra buried her head on his shoulders. Her tears soaked through the fleece of his sweatshirt.

"We belong together," he whispered, running his hand through her soft hair.

She peeked up at him through teary eyes. "When did you realize it?"

"I knew it the minute you magnetized my fly."




Chapter 21


Okay, so it wasn't the Taj Mahal. But Uncle Bob's Marina Motel looked like a palace to Diedra when she and Alec returned. With a sheepish expression, she greeted her sister and brother-in-law, who met them with smiles and hugs.

"It's about time you came to your senses," Jeff said.

Alec shook his head, looking relaxed and happy. "No, it was time to lose 'em."

"So, you guys want to grab some lunch?" asked Meagan.

"Sure," Alec replied quickly.

Too quickly. She glared at him. How could he do that to her? Diedra wanted some time alone with him. Her spirits sank.

"Give us an hour," Alec continued. "We'll meet you at the Chinese restaurant. I've got a craving for a little hot and sour."

Diedra grinned as Jeff hit Alec on his forearm. "Gotcha. Come on, Meagan. We aren't needed here." They disappeared into their motel room, propping the broken door closed.

When Alec encased her hand in his and began walking, she luxuriated in the moment. But he didn't lead her in the direction she expected. She pulled back. "Our room's over there. You know, the one with the beds?"

"I know."

"Then where are we going?"

"I've turned over a new leaf. Who needs a bed?" He wiggled his brows and gave her a look so hot it could have melted butter faster than a microwave oven. "Remember that inflatable raft?"

She laughed. "How could I ever forget?"

"I'm going to make certain you never will."

He led her to the pier where the raft had been docked and they boarded it. Soon he beached the raft in a remote cove, where they could have all the privacy they needed.

"You're the best good luck that ever happened to me, Diedra." Then he lowered his head to hers and kissed her senseless.

The raft was exactly the right size for the two of them, cozy and comfortable. His touch made her tingle all over as he removed her clothes. She ran her fingers over the planes of his muscular back, craving his warmth and hardness.

He made short work of removing his clothing. He ran his hands over her breasts, and then nestled between her legs, readying her, making her mindless with desire.

Life couldn't get any better than this, she thought as he entered her. She needed his love and his loving more than anything else in this world. Then they became one and she couldn't think at all. Just feel.

They reached their climax together, a joining not just of bodies but of their souls. Then, the world slowly righted itself again.

She opened her eyes to find—the boat had drifted off the beach. "Eh, Alec?"

He opened his eyes and smiled at her.

"I hope you've got your stamina back."

"Didn't I just prove it? You want to do it again, already, do you? I'm game if you are."

"That sounds great but I had something else in mind." She handed him an oar. "We're out to sea."






Six months later, Diedra gazed fondly at her sister, who was seated in the same ladder-backed chair Alec had sat in that fateful day Diedra had given him spots. Meagan held a precious new baby in her arms while Alec leaned over them making noisy cooing sounds.

He was such an idiot. A dear and wonderful idiot.

"Ignore your Uncle Alec, dear. He's never been around babies before and doesn't know how to act," Diedra said as she continued gluing together pieces of the mobile she was making for the baby.

"Shush, Imp." He made a goofy face at the baby. "You know Uncle Alec is going to buy you lots of toys, don't you, my precious?"

The infant gurgled, as Diedra laughed. "Already resorting to bribery? Maybe we should reconsider having children of our own."

There was something about babies that made people reflect on life, she thought. Babies made people look at how they live in a totally different way. And already the half year spent with Alec had been the most delightful time in her life.

They'd gotten married and honeymooned at Uncle Bob's Marina, which was now renamed Uncle Alec's. Aunt Lilith, who'd flown in for the small ceremony, decided to extend her travels and turned the herb shop over to Diedra. She and Alec continued to have magnetic issues, but loving each other more than made up for it.

He leaned forward and kissed her lips, sending now-familiar heated sparks down to her toes.

"It's too late to reconsider a family." He rubbed her tummy, which hadn't yet shown the signs of her impending motherhood. "You can't back out now. Besides, I'm going to be a great dad."

"I knew I should have run when I had the chance." She giggled as he nuzzled her neck.

He'd been right. They had made everything work. They'd built on love and friendship and found contentment and a little slice of heaven in each other's arms.

"Ah, honey, I'm stuck on you," he said.

"That's so sweet." Her heart was so full she thought it might burst.

"No, I mean I'm literally stuck on you."

She looked down. Their fingers were set together in Superglue.

"Yep, you sure are. And I wouldn't have it any other way."

With a husky voice, he said, "Neither would I."

And they lived disastrously, and happily, ever after.


The End


Want more from Kathy Carmichael?

Page forward for a note from Kathy,

followed by an excerpt from


The Texas Two-Step Series

Book One





Dear Reader,

I hope you enjoyed
Courting Trouble
. I love writing romantic comedies and making people laugh.

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Remember to check out the other books in my Texas Two-Step series. All are available in ebook format at your favorite eRetailer.

I wish you a life filled with happiness and great books!

Happy Reading!




Page forward for an excerpt from


The Texas Two-Step Series

Book One




BOOK: Courting Trouble (The Texas Two-Step Series, Book 3)
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