Courted by Karma (The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod) (29 page)

BOOK: Courted by Karma (The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod)
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came forward to hand Mike some paper towels and said softly, “Mister,
Matthew 7:12 says, "So in everything,
do unto others
what you would have them do to you
for this sums up the law and the prophets.”

I buried my face in Luke’s neck and moaned again, but this time in strangled laughter. I felt Luke’s
broad shoulders shaking under my hands and he held me tighter. I quickly looked back up, afraid I’d miss something.

snatched the paper towels from her hands and bit out between clenched teeth, “Oh, great! This is just what I need--a crazy Christian bible thumper. Tell me, does the goddamn Good Book have anything to say about crazy bitches that throw hot coffee on you?”

and Stella muttered ominously in unison, “Crazy bitches?”

quickly spoke up again, saying eagerly, “God does say, “And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him.” That’s from the Gospel of Luke 12:10,” Larissa added shyly.

There w
as complete silence for a beat from the group at the door, including Mike. I felt that wild, funeral-like hysteria rising to the surface and Luke rubbing my ass wasn’t helping.

Luke’s friend John spoke up.
Before he did, I observed John’s jaded eye expertly perusing Larissa’s delicate beauty and swiftly summing up Anna and Stella’s attributes like a Mid-eastern procurer at a slave-girl auction.

the women at his side, John’s voice sounded pleasant but his eyes were deadly when he turned them on Mike. “With no disrespect to any of these nice young women, that’s not the gospel according to Luke that you need to worry about. I’d advise you to get out of here while you can still walk.” He glanced over at Luke and shook his head in disbelief. “Did I hear this asshole right, man?” He turned back to the stone-faced Mike and his voice was incredulous,   “You said you were raped by a woman and you were gonna sue her? What the fuck is wrong with you? Any man complaining of getting raped by a woman has got to be so fucking stupid, he couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the directions were on the heel, so you …”

Svettie interrupted
with a gasp and grabbed John’s arm, clutching him to her. She cried in her strange, little-girl voice, “Vat is that you said?” She looked wildly around the room, “I don’t understand vat John said. This man rapes girls and pisses in his boot?” Her voice rising alarmingly, she demanded, “Vat is this man doing here?”

Larissa erupted in a
n involuntary bat giggle. She smacked a hand over her mouth, blue eyes round as saucers at her rudeness, but it was too late. At the high, squeaky sound Stella started snickering and Anna started giggling and even John chuckled. After looking at the hysterically laughing people around her, Svettie shrugged in bewilderment. She half laughed with a sharp, loud seal bark. That unexpected, startling sound set everyone off on a new round of hysterics and then Svettie really joined in the fun. Soon my office sounded like Sea World at feeding time.

women were laughing like mad, John was smiling like a hungry tiger watching all their delectable, jiggling loveliness, and Mike stalked out the door without another word.

Bringing my attention
back to Luke, I was smiling broadly until I saw his face. Gazing at me steadily, his eyes were scorching hot and the do-me vibe was so strong that I actually felt faint.

blinked. “I’ve got ten minutes to…”

Luke kissed me
. His lips were rich and warm like slow maple syrup, but he pulled back just when it was getting good. This kiss was too short and not what I was craving.

“Hey!” I
encouraged in a low voice, “Didn’t you hear me raving about your tongue a few minutes ago?” Under his open jacket, I slid my hands up his chest and lightly stroked his neck with my fingernails. “Now come on, baby, and show me what you’ve got.”

See, Anabel, you don’t always have to fight your own battles alone.”

smiled at his sweet words and felt that disgusting melting feeling again in my chest. “Thank you, O mighty war-god. Now, please, make all the good soldiers disappear. This victor wants to enjoy her spoils.”

’s tender smile turned into a broad grin. “Sweetheart, I’m sorry but I…”

make me rape and pillage!” I interrupted in a fierce whisper. “You heard Mike; it’s in my blood and my favorite sport. Okay, after having to deal with Mike, I get now why you hide you’re a lawyer, but surely you can spare nine minutes of your time? Like Anna said, go ahead and send me a bill.”

“Yeah, I’m guessing I heard more of
that story about your cousin that wasn’t yours to tell. Christ!” He shook his head in disgust. He raised a black brow. “Mike’s intentions were to sue Candy for date rape?”

I nodded and
said, “She drugged him ten years ago.” I waved off his questions, leaning forward to kiss his neck. Near his ear, I murmured, “Don’t try and change the topic. We have eight minutes.”

Luke’s hands tightened on my ass and he turned his head
into mine.

Kissing my cheek, he replied, “Are you begging me, baby?”

I huffed. “I would say I’ve offered to pay you like a common prostitute following the drum behind this woman’s Army, but you can call it begging if it makes you get busy. Seven and a half minutes.”

’s shout of laughter got the people’s attention by the door. He released me from his arms, and taking his cell out of his pocket, walked over to the laughing group.

Hey guys, I need to make a call and then talk to Anabel privately for a couple of minutes. Can everyone leave but Svetlana?” As the group broke up, he motioned to Stella with the hand holding his phone. “In a minute, can you show Svetlana the store when I’m done talking with her?”

Stella grinned cheerfully and said, ‘Sure
, Luke.”

He smiled briefly at my niece
and squeezed her shoulder. “Good girl. Svetlana this is Stella. She’s Anabel’s niece and a store manager here at Bel’s.

I watched the older Russian woman closely, but her smi
le to Stella was cordial.

smiled back and said, “I’ll be out here at the checkout counter when you’re done.” Her smile grew larger. “I’m very interested to hear all about your furs.”

preened at these words and straightened her white hat over her dark hair. She glanced over at me and sniffed, not smiling any longer. Her face grew sullen and she glared defiantly. I stared back coldly until she looked away first. She hurried over to where Luke was talking to John outside the office door.

Meeting Anna’s eyes, she smirk
ed after Svetlana’s retreating back and threw me a laughing look. She finished wiping up the remains of the coffee mess spilled on the floor with the ever present towel from around her waist. She nodded over towards Luke and thumped her heart, which had me rolling my eyes and making a shooing motion.

Before leaving, Anna said, “Maria had to leave, but is coming back at five. I told her we were definitely helping out, so she’s so relieved and happy. She
’s writing down everything like you asked. Are you going to talk to Luke now?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I’ll see if he’s available at five.
Did Maria tell you how much her brother-in-law owes?”

Anna answered, “She said forty-five hundred.”

I relaxed; relieved it wasn’t more since that would have meant a trip to the bank and further screwing up my schedule. “Okay, cool. I’ll come find you to go over to Mac’s in about fifteen minutes. Thanks, Anna.” She smiled and started to leave, but I stopped her with a hand on her arm. “And thanks, too, for…you know, giving Mike the coffee treatment.”

Anna giggled and putting her elbow around my neck, hugged me close. Rocking us, she
complained, “He was acting like such an asshole; I thought he could use an enema.”

I stood back. “An A for effort, Brigadier Bride, but I’m afraid you still need to drop down and give me twenty. It was outside the rules of engagement to use your General’s latte as said enema. Way out!”

Anna called over her shoulder to me as she left, “No way!”

Chapter XII

“Whole Lotta Love” by Led Zeppelin


Wednesday 11/21/12

30 PM



I was standing by the office door when Luke and Svetlana came back in
and passed me. Before he wandered off into the store, I met John’s eyes. He returned my steady look with a questioning raise of his eyebrows. If I had even five more minutes to spare, I would have stopped him for a small chat. It would have to wait. Instead, I nodded slightly his way and closed the door.

Leaning back against the
office door, I crossed my arms and took in the duo standing near my desk. Svetlana was clearly nervous. Her glance flitted around the office. I was only mildly curious what this could be about. I wanted her out of here. Strumming my fingers on my arm, I looked to Luke for an explanation.

also crossed his arms. His face was full of tolerant affection when he turned and encouraged the woman hovering close to him. “Go ahead, Svetlana. Tell Anabel what you told me earlier.”

Svetlana looked up from gazing at the floor, met my eyes and said with no tonal inflection, “I am sorry I slapped you last night, An-a-bel.
I hope you vill forgive me?”

As apologies go, this one blew.
However, I was full of admiration that Luke had gotten her to confess about the face slap and would love to know some of his tricks of the trade. He really was a well-trained operator and I wondered if he’d teach me interrogation, along with fighting. Then I frowned as I took in the Russian woman practically hanging on him.

On second thought, Luke probably only ha
d to crook his little finger to get Svettie to tell him everything he wanted to know from her. Thinking back on Anna’s words about Luke not being immune to a woman in his house 24/7, I amended darkly. ‘
Or anything he wanted to do to her.’

At my hesitation,
Luke’s smile grew. Out of the side of his mouth, he said to the agitated woman at his side, “Anabel is Scottish, Svetlana. They don’t forgive, but since you were big enough to apologize for your mistake, she probably won’t hold a grudge for five years now.” Luke grinned at me. “Isn’t that right, Anabel?”

Shaking off Anna’s warning, I looked
back at Luke. It surprised me again how much he understood me. He was close. I wouldn’t forgive her the face slap. It was hardly an accident. However, since resolving this issue seemed important enough to Luke for him to drag Svettie to my store, I shrugged with a small smile in return.

Holding open the door, I made a sweeping motion
for Svettie to leave. “Apology accepted, so Luke’s partly right. My Scottish grudge will only last for two and a half years now.” As Svettie swept past me while staring straight ahead with pale cheeks, I added sweetly, “But the German in me owes you one, Ms. Romanov, and I always pay my debts.”

startled at my words. She glared down at me out of slanted yellowish eyes. Whether the glare was at the name or the softly spoken promise, I didn’t know because I closed the door after her without another glance. I shot home the lock with an audible click.

’s swarthy face was regarding me with a soft smile.

It would make me happy if you don’t kick Svetlana’s ass.”

“I have no idea why you’d think I’d do that,” I sniffed, “but I’ll make you a deal. You don’t send me a bill for the next ten minutes, and I promise I won’t
kick Svettie’s behind.”

He shrugged off his jacket and sat in the middle of the loveseat. He crooked his finger and said, “Come here, Anabel.”

I didn’t exactly come running, but i
t was funny how seeing this Sultan sitting on my plushy sofa staring at me like I was his personal play thing didn’t irritate me at all. What wasn’t funny is how long it was taking me to get my blasted boots unzipped. The left zipper always stuck on this pair. Kicking off the right boot, I hobbled over to Luke and put my left foot up on the loveseat near his thigh.


He gave a little laugh and ran a hand up my leg.

While Luke tried to get my
boot to cooperate, I mused, “You know what would make me happy?”

Head bent down and concentrating on his task, Luke
murmured, “What?”

I reached over him and grabbed my cell
off the desk while saying nonchalantly, “If you would give me your word you’re not chasing Svettie around in your house in the dark with black lights on while she’s in neon underwear.”

Cupping my calf,
Luke’s large hand paused in messing with the zipper. Looking up, his eyes were glinting when he asked softly, “Are you telling me not to fuck other women?”

BOOK: Courted by Karma (The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod)
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