Counterpoint (7 page)

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Authors: John Day

Tags: #murder, #terror, #captured, #captain, #nuclear explosion, #fbi agents, #evasion, #explosive, #police car chase, #submarine voyage, #jungle escape, #maldives islands, #stemcell research, #business empire, #helicopter crash, #blood analysis, #extinction human, #wreck diving, #drug baron ruthless, #snake bite, #tomb exploration, #superyacht, #assasins terrorist, #diamonds smuggling, #hijack submarine, #precious statuette

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They kissed with even more passion,
their naked bodies writhing together, hands exploring each other
with sensual caresses…

Still standing, Carla reached behind
her and pulled the white silk bed cover off, onto the floor, and
sat down on the corner of the bed. She lay back, wrapped her legs
around Max’s waist and pulled him into her.

She was so wet and ready that he
entered her with a long, slow, deep thrust. They both gasped as the
sensitive parts slid deeper and hotter till they could go no

He bent over her, kissing her firm
breasts and licking her hard nipples, he moved up kissing her
throat and the side of her neck.

She gasped again, eyes closed and in a
trance of ecstasy.

She writhed under him, pressing her
neck to his lips, her soft body against his. She loved the soft
roughness of his body hair against her belly and breasts; he loved
the silky softness of her flawless skin.

Slowly and firmly he withdrew and
thrust into her, again and again, the angle was perfect for her G
spot; she felt the initial waves of an orgasm starting to

Max was close to orgasm and tried to
focus his mind on her, to delay the inevitable. He opened his eyes
and saw her laid before him. She was oblivious of everything except
the pleasure deep inside her, the building waves, his rhythmic
thrusting, gradually getting faster and more intense, and a warm
glow starting to seep through her body.

Then the first orgasm overwhelmed her,
her whole body arched and shuddered, she groaned at the climax. Max
could hold back no longer, his thrusting became faster, deeper and
wilder. He came!

The first impulse of his orgasm and jet
of semen washed into her, the feeling of the hot fluid, triggered
the next violent convulsion of exquisite pleasure, throughout her
whole body. She moaned, and cried out loud, as he forced into her,
harder and deeper.

Four more times he pulsed into her, the
throbbing of his orgasm fading as hers continued to build.

He was desperately seeking new angles
of thrust and faster speed to hang onto the exquisite sensations
that were falling away, but she was going wilder and wilder with
louder cries, her body shuddering and hands clenching and clawing
his skin.

Slowly, her waves ebbed, and
consciousness returned as he reduced the thrusting to a gentle
probing. She looked up at him and smiled weakly, sweat had broken
out over her body, swept with a warm tingling glow that reached
every fibre of her being. She wanted to drift away into a deep

Max was bathed in sweat, and totally
spent. She pulled him close to her, nuzzling her cheek against the
wet on his. It was like glue bonding them together for all time,
she just wanted to stay like this forever, and then sleep overcame
them both.

When he woke up, she had slipped under
the covers of her bed, so he went to his own room to finish out the
night. As he drifted off to sleep, he wondered if he or she were
going to hate themselves or each other, in the morning.

Max awoke early and went down to the
kitchen to make coffee. Whilst it was heating, he went to the gym
to shower and swim.

Carla was already there, working out,
naked. She smiled at his embarrassment. He too was naked, and she
called him over.

“Stand just there,” she said, pointing
to the floor ahead of him. She did a graceful cartwheel towards
him. Her lithe body so pure and trim sent an erotic thrill through

His rising penis added to his
embarrassment. She stood close to him, her belly gently rubbing the
exposed tip of his penis; the pheromones rising from her hot body
were driving him crazy with desire.

She sank to her knees, grasped the
shaft of his penis with her cool fingers, and placed her hot wet
lips over the tip and down the shaft, in a slow nodding motion.

He gasped, closed his eyes and with his
fingers running through her hair, pressed her head gently, deeper
onto it. After a few minutes, she stopped and guided the throbbing
member into her.

“I need you again,” she whispered as
she clung to his neck, raising her legs and wrapping them around
his waist.

For a minute or two, he stood there
with her clinging on tight, just probing his penis tip gently into
her hot, wet, pussy.

With her still clinging on like a
monkey, he sank to the floor on a plastic fall mat, with her under

“I’ll go on top,” she said, “if you
don’t mind, just lay back and enjoy!”

Max was grateful to let her do the
work, after last night, things might take some time.

He was right, she took all the time he
needed, and she was enjoying every moment, as well.

She teased him by going down on him
slowly in extremely erotic positions.

When he wanted to move with her, she
held him back until he stopped. She kept him on the brink for half
an hour until he could take no more and in a furious climax, like
animals, they both came together.

They were still embracing when a buzzer

“That will be Maria to get breakfast
and to clean up,” said Carla. “We must get some clothes on and look

They got up, covered up with towels,
and went to their rooms. After showering, they dressed and came
down to the dining room for breakfast.

“We will be out most of today Maria,”
said Carla, “so we will eat out.”

Thank you Miss Carla,” she said and
scurried off to clean.

“So what have you got planned today,
Carla?” Asked Max, pleased at how the day had started.

“Well, I must do a small chore for the
Duke, and we will go by helicopter to Milan. We can do some
shopping there and then fly back.

This evening we can eat out on the town
if you like, there is a nice place I know of, a bit touristy, but
generally a good atmosphere. Sometimes there is a cabaret or
possibly a singer, and a band playing, we can take pot luck.”

“That sounds great,” said Max. “I am
looking forward to it.”

Chapter - The fight.

Carla drove up to the Duke’s home in
the Honda and parked in the underground garage.

“I can’t see the Duke’s Rolls,” said

“See the bays with the steel mesh
around them; those cars also belong to the Duke. He has a red
Ferrari, a silver Porsche as well as the Rolls. He seldom drives
himself, he prefers it if I drive him. I prefer the Porsche,” she
said. “I think it is a sensual looking car, in silver.”

“I must agree there,” said Max. “I had
a Porsche once, I loved it.”

“We must go up to the offices first; I
won’t be long, so make yourself at home, try the view over the back
garden and beyond the mountains.”

Max was amazed at the back garden. It
was set out in a formal way to lawns and shrubs just like in a
stately home.

The end of the garden was the edge of
the plateau, and so the view went on into the distance, to more

It was 9.00am; the sun was already hot
through the glass. The automatic ventilation system opened the
glazing further to admit the cool, fresh mountain air into the

A few minutes later Carla appeared
holding a small leather case, chained to her wrist. She saw Max’s
question, in his face; smiled and said, “Don’t ask,” so he

They walked purposefully out to the
waiting helicopter, its rotor blades just starting to turn. They
climbed in, and the pilot checked they had strapped in

He warned Max that the air turbulence
was always a problem here and not to be alarmed, it was routine for

Max was excited at the prospect of the
flight and with such a fine day, it should be amazing views, all
the way.

The machine started to rise and drifted
away from the building towards the roadway. Suddenly the updraft of
air rising up the mountain and curling over the plateau, hit the

Max watched every move the pilot made
with interest. The pilot adjusted the controls and after a few
seconds of lurching and bucking, rose smoothly into the crystal
clear, blue sky.

The flight lasted an hour. It was hot
in the cabin due to the sun, but Max hardly noticed, with the world
stretched out below him.

They landed in a small clearing, and a
car came to meet them. It took them to the city and set them down
outside a large Bank.

The driver asked Carla to let her
office know at least one hour before she wanted to be picked up.
She nodded, being familiar with the routine.

“Wait here, just outside the Bank and I
will just be a few minutes,” she said. Max did so without comment,
though he was dying to know what it was all about.

The rest of the day was devoted to
shopping and exploring. Carla loved the clothes and the more
expensive they were, the better she looked in them, though she did
not actually buy much. Max was happy to take in the sights; some of
the old buildings were fascinating.

After a late snack, lunch, they planned
to return and prepare for the evening. They set off for the town at
about 7.00pm, the air was still warm even without the sun, another
romantic evening thought Max looking up at the stars.

The Restaurant was quite busy; the
smell of burning pine-wood tinged the air, from the open fire and
grill. They sat at their table while complimentary drinks, and
freshly toasted garlic bread, was served, with the menu.

There was a lot going on in the
restaurant. A singer and his musicians set up their equipment on
the stage and started playing.

“I know him,” said Carla. “He has a
great voice and does Frank Sinatra very well.”

“How come?” Said Max.

“Just a ship that passed in the night”
said she said, wishing she had not mentioned it.

The food arrived, so the subject was

“Don’t you want your drink?” Max

“I don’t drink much anymore,” she
replied rather subdued.

Then she looked at him and said firmly.
“I am an alcoholic!”

Max was a bit shocked, not at the fact
she had a drink problem, but at the way she said it. It was as if
she wanted him to use it as an excuse, to walk out on her. He
shrugged and said, “Well, I’m not bothered about drink either, so
I’ll order water.”

The food was superb; they chatted about
many things, but kept away from personal subjects.

During the singer’s break, he came over
to their table and greeted Carla like an old friend. She responded
warmly and introduced Max as a close friend. Peter, the singer was
a tall and confident fellow, probably hugely popular with the
women, thought Max.

Peter asked if Carla would join him on
stage as a special favour to him, for old time's sake.

She agreed and said. “The usual?” He

She said. “I want a favour too.”


She whispered in his ear. He nodded
again and said, “a bit different for this place, but just for

Peter started singing again, and after
the song, he announced he would perform a little duet with a friend
of his, Miss Carla Day.

She calmly rose to the
applause and walked confidently onto the stage. She sang as Nancy,
and he sang as Frank Sinatra in “
something stupid, like I love you.
” The
two of them were perfect in pitch, timing, and actions, the
audience loved it!

Max was amazed at her voice, the slight
huskiness and wide vocal range made her a natural, and she could
easily become a professional singer.

Carla announced that she would like to
dedicate the next song to a special friend with her tonight. The
audience looked around and settled on Max. Oh heck he thought,
what’s coming next!

She sang,

I turn to you.

By Mel C of the Spice Girls, looking and sometimes pointing to Max
to emphasise her meaning. Max was overcome with emotion, no one had
done this for him before, and no one could have done it better.
That’s Mel C out of a job he thought.

Carla left the stage ignoring the pleas
for more and sat down smiling at Max. You’re a girl of many talents
he said admiringly, I have always loved that slight huskiness in
your voice, particularly when you speak softly. She grinned and
tapped her knees together, pleased with herself.

The table was cleared, and they paid
the bill.

Max said, “Shall we go to the bar
before we go home?”

“Ok. I’ll have a pineapple juice, no

Max ordered and paid for the drinks. A
few minutes later, a man in his early thirties got up from his
table, leaving two other men watching him, and approached

Obviously drunk, he said, “I heard you
sing, and you look very beautiful, I want to buy you a drink.”

“That’s very kind, but I have one and I
am going home in a minute,” she replied.

“What do you do for a living he

Carla smiled enigmatically and
whispered. “It’s very secret work, so I really can’t say,” and
moved away from him.

“Come on! You can tell me, I can keep a
secret.” She moved extremely close to him and let her fingers walk
up his chest, following them thoughtfully with her eyes.

Then she looked up with a sweet smile
and deadly cold eyes that penetrated to his soul and said, “Well! I
could tell you, but then I would just have to kill you!”

Shocked, he immediately drew back.

“Well, just a kiss then!” He lurched
forward and with his hand behind her head pulled her face to his.
She offered no resistance, just stood there, arms by her side,
until he forced his tongue into her mouth. She bit it with all her
strength and did not let go. He screamed, blood splattering onto
her face as he managed to pull away, his tongue was in shreds.

He lunged at her again, she nutted him
extremely hard on the bridge of his nose. More screaming and blood
issued from the man and then he suddenly turned and crashed through
the doorway into the street.

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