Could It Be Forever? My Story (44 page)

BOOK: Could It Be Forever? My Story
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The Betty White Show
see here

see here

Big Sur
see here

Bilinksi, Annie
see here

Bilinksi, Darlene
see here

Bilinksi, Jerry
see here

Birney, David
see here

birthday parties
see here

Bishop, Joey
see here

Blackburn, Tony
see here

Blaine, Hal
see here
see here

Blood Brothers
see here
see here
see here

Bloomfield, Mike
see here

see here

see here

Blum-Huntingdon, Linda
see here

see here

Bolger, Ray
see here

Bolton, Michael
see here

Bonaduce, Danny
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here

see here
see here

Boris, Howard
see here

Bowie, David
see here
see here

Boy Scouts
see here

Boyce, Tommy
see here

see here

The Brady Bunch
see here

see here

Breakin’ Down Again
see here

Bridge Over Troubled Water
see here

Bridger, David
see here
see here
see here
see here

Bridget Loves Bernie
see here

Brigati, Eddie
see here
see here

Britten, Terry
see here

Broadhurst Theater
see here

Brooklyn Bridge
see here

Brown, James
see here

Brown, Lloyd
see here

Brown, Russell
see here

The Buckinghams
see here

Bullseye (DC’s dog)
see here

Bunnell, Dewey
see here

Burnett, Carol
see here

Burton, Gary
see here

Burton, John
see here

Butterfield, Paul
see here

The Byrds
see here

C’mon, Get Happy
see here
see here

Cagney, Bill
see here

Cagney, James
see here
see here
see here

see here
see here
see here

California Dreamin’
see here

see here

Can’t Go Home Again
see here
see here

see here

see here

Capote, Truman
see here

Capote: a Biography
see here

Caribou Ranch
see here

Carlton, Larry
see here

Carnes, Kim
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here

see here
see here
see here

see here

Cassidy Live!
see here
see here

Cassidy, Beau (DC’s son)
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; birth
see here
; relationship with DC
see here
see here
see here

Cassidy, David, childhood
see here
see here
see here
; teenage behaviour
see here
; character
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; impact of parents’ divorce
see here
see here
see here
see here
; relationship with father
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; relationship with brothers
see here
see here
see here
; difficulty forming a relationship
see here
see here
; marriages
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; fatherhood
see here
see here
see here
; ambition and career plans
see here
see here
see here
see here
; career as an actor
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; looks
see here
see here
see here
see here
; wholesome and unthreatening image
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; impact of fame
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; end of career as a teen idol
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; envies ‘normal’ people
see here
; health problems
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; depression and mental health
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; debts
see here
see here
see here
see here
; hobbies
see here

Cassidy, Gertrude (DC’s aunt)
see here

Cassidy, Jack (DC’s father)
see here
see here
; early life
see here
see here
; career and fame
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; other talents
see here
; divorce from DC’s mother
see here
see here
see here
see here
; marriage to Shirley Jones
see here
see here
see here
; separation and divorce from Shirley Jones
see here
see here
; relationship with DC
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; impact of DC’s success
see here
see here
see here
see here
; appearance
see here
see here
; character
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; emotionally unbalanced
see here
; self-indulgent
see here
see here
see here
; philandering
see here
see here
; alcoholism
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; smoking
see here
see here
; drug use
see here
see here
; gambling
see here
; bisexuality
see here
; mental illnesses and breakdown
see here
see here
see here
; death
see here
see here

Cassidy, Katie (DC’s daughter)
see here
see here
see here
see here

Cassidy, Lotte (DC’s grandmother)
see here

Cassidy, Melissa (DC’s sister-in-law)
see here

Cassidy, Patrick (DC’s half brother)
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here

Cassidy, Ryan (DC’s half brother)
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here

Cassidy, Shaun (DC’s half brother)
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; career
see here
see here
see here
; performs with DC in
Blood Brothers
see here
see here
; relationship with DC
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; relationship with other brothers
see here

Cassidy, Sue Shifrin, meets DC
see here
; first marriage
see here
; meets DC again
see here
; moves in with DC in London
see here
; support for DC
see here
; marriage to DC
see here
see here
see here
; pregnancy
see here
; song writing with DC
see here
see here
see here
; charity work
see here

Cassidy, William (DC’s grandfather)
see here
see here

Cat Ballou
see here

see here

Cavaliere, Felix
see here

celebrity status

Chakiris, George
see here

Chamberlain, Wilt
see here

charity work
see here

see here
see here

see here
see here
see here
see here

Chicago Cubs
see here
see here

Christian Science Monitor
see here

see here

see here
see here
see here
see here
see here

civil rights
see here

see here

Clapton, Eric
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here

Clark, Petula
see here
see here

Clarke, Gerald
see here

Claver, Bob
see here

Cleveland Thanksgiving Day parade
see here

see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here

Coca–Cola, pulls out of sponsorship deal
see here

Cocker, Joe
see here

Cohan, George M.
see here

Collins, Albert
see here

Columbia Pictures
see here
see here

Columbia Ranch
see here

see here

Come a Little Bit Closer
see here

Come on Down to My Boat
see here

Common Thief
see here

Como, William
see here

see here

Compton, Rufus
see here

see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
see here
; act
see here
; financial success
see here
see here
; first
see here
; record-breaking
see here
see here
; schedule
see here
see here
see here
; security
see here
; ticket sales
see here
see here
see here
; last world tour
see here
see here
; final concert
see here
; DC tours again after
see here
year gap
see here
; ‘credibility tour’
see here

Connecticut, DC and family move to
see here

Contessa, Gary
see here

continuation school
see here

see here

see here
see here

Coogan, Jackie
see here

Cooper, Dennis
see here

Could It Be Forever?
see here
see here

see here

The Cowsills
see here
see here
see here
see here

Crawford, Michael
see here

BOOK: Could It Be Forever? My Story
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