Read Cosmic Bliss Online

Authors: Stormie Kent

Cosmic Bliss (11 page)

BOOK: Cosmic Bliss
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“We’ll stand if you don’t mind. What information are we
currently risking our virtue for?” She saw several of the men flinch.
What a
bunch of softies.

The Al’Tenian stepped forward, set a pad on the table and
pushed the screen. A hologram shot into the air. “Hovering in the atmosphere of
this world is a pleasure cruiser. Aboard it is the slaver Fewa and a collection
of enslaved women. Most are from Earth. Believe me, they aren’t all going to
live the lush life of the lucky one on Ordan.” His voice deteriorated into
growls and he adjusted his LI. “It is seen as fashionable to have a female
Earth slave, especially now with one married into nobility. Earth exotic prices
have doubled including the level two and below prices.”

Anit stepped forward. “The ship is going to be vulnerable
during the auction. We want to take it and free the women. It is dangerous to
take them back to Earth, but there is an outpost there that has United Universe
technology now where they may be safe. If you help us take the ship, I will
help you get in touch with our contacts there on the planet. If you are half as
good as your reputation, we could use you and I will be happy to share what
information I have. There aren’t many of us doing this work. It is smarter if
we work together. A larger force is a stronger force.”

“I know why my crew works against slavery and Vender just
enjoys a good fight.” Acia paused for the laughter from the left side of the
room. “Why are you doing this? Why would you even care about Earth?”

“We’ve all lost someone to the slave market. Cor nearly
decimated itself fighting to keep slavers off the planet’s surface. Al’Te was
betrayed by allies. On my planet, Janrg, the noble class already practiced a
form of slavery. The indigent belonged to whatever noble owned the land they
were born on. We were regularly sold throughout our galaxy.” He stopped to look
around. “As long as we all accept it, it will continue and thrive. Why did we
help Earth? Who better to hate their enslavement than those who were recently

Acia also believed a blind eye and a turned back allowed
slavery to spread across each galaxy as though it were an incurable disease.

“We are forming a league,” the Al’Tenian said. “Alone we
just nip at the ankles of the species who prey on others. With coordination we
could decimate them. For now, we free the women on this pleasure cruiser. Soon
we stop their enslavement from happening at all.”

She turned to each of her crew. They signed their agreement
for the operation only. This league of theirs the crew would have to discuss
later. She turned to Shunyuan. He was calmer, but she didn’t know if he would
refuse based on his dislike of the captains. And he really disliked them.

“I go where you go.”

Didn’t she wish it were true? “We’re in. We will help you
with the pleasure cruiser. What’s the plan?”

“We’ll send it to you on a secure line. Now I think we
should get you back to your ship.” The Al’Tenian picked up his pad and stored
it in his jacket. “Safely as promised.”

Chapter Seven


“Acia,” Ruvia said.

Acia turned as she pinned up her hair. She wouldn’t want her
hair to be used as a rope to tether her in a fight.

“I’m sending the file to your pad. I think Lady Huntu’s
kinswoman is on the pleasure ship and has just been sold.”

Acia scrolled through the file. She stared at the photo. If
this wasn’t Lady Huntu’s kinswoman, it was because they hadn’t done the DNA
scan yet. She passed the pad to Shunyuan and made her way to the captain’s

“Ruvia, pass on everything we have about the situation to
the Huntus.”

“We have the plans from the
.” Berisa’s
fingers moved furiously over the control panel.

“On screen,” Cheris called.

The plans came up. They all stared.

Berisa nodded. “Seems simple enough. Good plan.”

Shunyuan moved closer to her. “What does it say?”

“Our three ships will hold and tractor-beam the barge. We
disable all smaller outlying ships and hit the barge here, here, here and
here.” Berisa pointed to bright-red spots on the three-dimensional, rotating
model of the barge. “Their weapons are inferior and the ship is bulky. Those
are the weak spots. Then we board.”

Shunyuan pointed at the model. “Three ships and only one

Acia observed the model. She smiled. “We have the Way

Shunyuan turned to her and raised an eyebrow.

“Something Juni picked up from a demolition sight. The Way
Maker carves holes in ships using lasers. She modified it so we seal off a
portion of the ship’s hull with the pressure lock and then a bot cuts the hole,
instant door. Strap in. It’s almost time. Oh and Shunyuan, we usually don’t
take prisoners. Quick, efficient, rescue anyone who deserves rescue. Take the
spoils,” she said.

“Got it. Kill or be killed.” He strapped in. “Acia.”

She turned to him.

“Be careful.”

Warmth and tenderness pulsed through their link. She smiled.
“You as well, Shunyuan. Don’t bring anyone’s skin back to the ship.”

He laughed.

Through the screen, a large ship appeared out of the vast
darkness. Echoes of distant stars twinkled, showcasing the cruisers and
shuttles docked around the barge. She spotted every vehicle imaginable, from
shiny new single fighters to dilapidated cargo ships.

“Look at all the paying customers,” Berisa said.

Cheris snorted. “They certainly came on the wrong day.”

“Countdown from the
ready the tractor
beam,” Figia said.

Acia had taken the controls. She was usually more accurate
at tricky maneuvers as one of her favorite pastimes was piloting small one- and
two-woman space fighters. The
Dovian Heart
was bulkier, but Acia had a
better understanding of complicated ship machinations.

She’d wedged the
Dovian Heart
in on the barge’s stern
and waited for the signal.


They worked in tandem. Acia held the
Dovian Heart
steady as Ora manned the tractor beam and everyone but Ruvia fired on the
vessel or manned the
Dovian Heart

“A couple of the docked ships are trying to flee.”

“I got ’em.” Shunyuan had strapped himself into the gunnery.

The rotating chair and virtual screen allowed him to utilize
one of the mounted lasers, which could extend from the top of the craft. There
was confusion as Shunyuan managed to hit each target aggressively and
repeatedly. A small shuttlecraft actually collided with the slave ship,
creating sparks, in an attempt to escape fire.

“My turn.” Berisa fired on the slave ship’s vulnerable
positions as outlined by the
. “This ship won’t be fit for
anything but scraps when we’re done here.”

Acia was in her zone. The exhilaration from engaging an
enemy in battle and the mayhem her crew created when they attacked a vessel in
righteous fury was second only to how Shunyuan made her feel. But it was a
close second.

“Cheris, it’s time for the Way Maker!” Acia shouted.

They made sure to apply the pressure lock first.

“I need a readout on what’s on the other side of the wall. I
don’t want to kill the people we’ve come here to rescue,” Cheris said.

“No life signs in the wall’s general area.” Ruvia’s fingers
danced across her control panel.

“Now, Cheris.”

Metal slid against metal as the pressure lock slid into

“I’m so good. I got it in one try.” Cheris laughed.

“Practice makes perfect. Tell me as soon as you retract the
laser. Ora, you have the bridge. Ruvia, you’re with us this time.” Acia looked
around at her crew. Everyone seemed to be fully prepared with earpieces and

“All sliced and diced,” Cheris said.


Shunyuan strode down the corridor next to Acia, weapon
ready. They could hear the sounds of fighting and the screams of terrified
women long before they reached Cheris’ laser-made door. They joined the fray at
a run. It was easy to see who needed killing.

The buyers had all been caught with their pants down, so to
speak. Not naked, but trapped in the open and seated around tables, which
offered inadequate protection. They hadn’t expected a side of blaster fire with
the alcohol they consumed while they leisurely purchased another’s life.

Women, naked beneath sheer tunics in rainbow colors and
restrained by chains, cowered on the raised dais. They did what they could to
make themselves smaller targets. Shunyuan fired into the center of the room,
making sure, as the others did, to draw return fire away from the stage.

Slide against the wall, aim, fire, find cover, aim, fire.
The routine was repetitive yet consistent. This was what he knew. He pulled a
knife from his belt and spared a glance for Acia. She was farther in the room
than he was. He cleared a path to reach her. Everything in him forced him to
her side. He needed to keep her safe. A yellow-scaled alien grabbed her from
behind. Before Shunyuan could aim, the man fell. A silver-toned blade,
splattered with blue blood retracted back into her suit.

“Nice.” He swept his blade arm back and caught a bald alien
with razor-sharp teeth across the neck. Blood spurted, but Shunyuan whirled
away. Step back, turn, slice, aim, fire. The dance steps altered, but his dance
partners continued to fall at his feet dead.

Shunyuan could see Vender’s men used a combination of sword
and blaster to decimate their opponents while Anit’s crew used strictly blaster
and brute force. The action here was winding down. Only a handful of slavers
and buyers remained.

“You all have this. We’ll make sure no vermin have escaped!”
Vender shouted. He and his crew pulled back and left the hall.

“Surrender, I may show mercy!” Anit shouted.

The remaining slime slowly dropped their weapons and raised
their hands. Shunyuan started toward Acia. She stood, feet braced apart, a
blaster in each hand, arms spread wide. She was glorious. She was attempting to
cover as many of the men a she could.

“You.” She motioned to a humanoid with dark-brown hair cut
in a mohawk and dressed in purple leather. “Get over there with the rest of the

The man looked over her shoulder and smiled. Shunyuan turned
as blaster fire sounded. Acia jerked to the right. More shots rang out, yet
Shunyuan’s focus narrowed to Acia falling. He ran. He fired on Mohawk and the
wolfman behind Acia. Both men fell, holes in their heads.

Shunyuan took the last few feet on his knees, shoving tables
and chairs away as he slid toward his mate. Pain was clear on her face as he
reached her. She clutched her left side. Shunyuan watched the blood seep
through her fingers, turning her hands as red as her hair.

“Shit.” He looked around and then snatched a jacket off the
back of an overturned chair. He pressed it to her wound.

shot me.” She grimaced.

“Just breathe, Acia. Cheris!” He pressed against the wound.

“I’m here.”

Shunyuan hadn’t noticed her. He’d only had eyes for Acia. He
reached for her through their bond. She was blocking him. He powered through
and was hit with a wall of pain. He gasped.

“Our species have weaker bodies, Shunyuan,” Cheris said.

She lifted the jacket. “Went through her back. She can’t
stay here. Ora is the medic. Keep the jacket tight to the front and back of the
wound and get her back to the ship. We’ll handle things here.”

Shunyuan lifted Acia gently.

“Ah!” she cried.

Every sparkle stood out clearly on her face. She was
unnaturally pale. He wouldn’t let her die. He instinctively knew the bond
wouldn’t allow him to let her go without a fight. He would breathe for her if
he had to.

He kissed her lips lightly. “Don’t worry, starlight, I’ve
got you. Just keep breathing for me.”


He looked around. Apparently the crews of the
and the
Dovian Heart
had put down the little miniature uprising caused
by Acia being shot. There wasn’t anyone else for him to kill for this. He felt
her blood soak through the jacket as he made the long trek back to the

* * * * *

Acia came awake with a groan. This wasn’t the first time
she’d opened her eyes, only the first time she was able to keep them open. She
blinked against the light piercing her eyes. The pain in her side was just a
dull pulsing now. Her head throbbed and her mouth was a wasteland. A cup
appeared in her line of sight.

Shunyuan stood above her. She tried to push up. He helped
her to sit up slightly so she could drink comfortably. The water was soothing
in her dry mouth and throat. Finally, she pushed the cup away. He propped
pillows behind her and lowered her gently back down.

She glanced around. “How long have we been on Dovia?”

“We arrived last night.”

This was her dwelling. It wasn’t more than a two-room stone
cottage, but it was hers. The colors were as vibrant as her quarters on the
ship. She’d missed the simplicity of wood and stone. She’d more than missed the
calm of being on her home world in her own corner of it.

“The journey must have taken about a week. Is everyone

“The others are fine.” She could tell nothing of his
thoughts or feelings from his tone.

She was scared to open the link. She didn’t want to know how
angry he was to be there. She sighed. “I will get you back to Earth as soon as
I am well, Shunyuan.” She plucked at the threads of her quilt.

He cocked his head, his shiny black hair glided along his
shoulders. He sat in a chair next to the bed, dressed in a loose tunic and
pants. He gazed at her and Acia struggled with the urge to drop her eyes.

“I’m glad you’re better.” Shunyuan stood and leaned over
her. He pressed his lips to hers briefly, then straightened. “You hungry?”

She shook her head and watched his large frame as he walked
over to her kitchen area. It felt right to add his bronzed gorgeousness to her
space even if he looked slightly oversized in the small area. If she could keep
him forever, she would.

He turned to her. “Why do you do such dangerous things if
you can be hurt so badly?”

“The suit is specially made to withstand blasts,” she
replied slowly.

“But not at such close range. We almost lost you three
times. If not for our bond, you’d be dead.” He was scowling.

“Our bodies are frail, but our conviction is strong.”

“The others would stop if you would. A few of them were
beginning the fervor as we arrived. The looks on their faces when they stepped
off the ship made me feel sorry for them.”

They stared at each other. Acia thought about his words. She
knew her crew was homesick, but was it more than that? Was she keeping them in
constant danger for her own need to seek revenge?

“They can stop whenever they please. With our last cargo and
payment for the Ordanian job they could retire.” She frowned. “What would they
do here? We aren’t really farmers.”

There was a knock on the door. Shunyuan turned away to
answer. Cheris strode in wearing the traditional
, a long flowing
strapless dress in vibrant colors. The bottom curved and floated around her
sandal-clad feet as though made of flower petals.

She smiled as she spotted Acia sitting propped on pillows in
the bed. “You’re awake. You gave us a terrible scare. Blaster fire, bad.”

Acia grinned. “Got it.”

“Ora is holed up with the fervor so I came to check on our
patient. Take a break, Shunyuan. I’ll be here for a while.” Cheris waved him
toward the door.

He walked to the bed, his gait loose limbed. He kissed her
and she wanted to grab him and hold on tight. She was too weak to lift her arms
and she missed her moment as he turned and exited the cottage.

“The man hasn’t left your side except to use the bathing
room since you were blasted.” Cheris sat in the chair next to the bed and
kicked her sandals off.

Acia’s eyes widened. “Why?”

Cheris rolled her eyes. “Don’t be an idiot. He’s your mate.
He pulled you back with the bond each time you tried to slip away from us. He
cared for you himself. You tell me why.”

Hope scratched a toehold inside her. If he cared for her
maybe they could be together.

“You have to try, Acia. He won’t understand how serious this
is unless you let him know.” Her voice was insistent.

“I don’t know what to do. What can I do to make him want to
stay with me?” She never cried, but her eyes stung thinking about being without

“First, you’re going to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You
talk to him and lay everything out so he isn’t confused. Then you take him to
bed and keep him there until all he can see, breathe and feel is you.”

Acia gave a startled laugh. “This is your advice?”

BOOK: Cosmic Bliss
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