Corruption Officer (22 page)

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Authors: Gary Heyward

BOOK: Corruption Officer
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“Play your beds,” I yelled to the inmates giving them the
order to get on their beds so I could make my rounds and count them to make
sure that they are all here.
I am now
working in a dorm area on the midnight tour.

After the tag team that I received from my son and my mother,
I stormed out of the house to quickly make my rounds of picking up my money.
Later that night I remembered that I did a
swap with another Officer so that I could put my plan into effect.
They are to come in and work for me another
Right now I am drunk with a bottle
in my pocket taking a count of the inmates so that their asses can go to bed
and I can get some sleep until my meal relief comes to relieve me to go and eat.
I am working with C.O. Patterson, who
happens to be the steady Officer here.
real quiet and so-so looking but her body is banging.
She’s sitting in the Officer’s station waiting
for me to verify the count so that she can call it in.
I noticed that she had glossy red lipstick on
her lips to add to her attraction and to distract you from the fact that she
has a wondering eye.
That didn’t bother
me none because while we were walking to our post I was behind her focused on
the way her butt-cheeks seem to have a mind of their own with every step.
I come back with the count and she says it’s
good and I come inside the station.
I am
feeling saucy so I began to joke around with her and make this quiet female
I complimented her on her hair
and how nice she looked tonight and she opened up a little to me.

The Captain came and made his rounds, signed the book and
So this meant that I could pull up
a chair and kick my feet up so I could get some sleep before going to
I was on my way to dozing off when
C.O. Patterson began to have a serious talk with me.
She told me that she was made up tonight with
the lipstick and all because she and her husband had gone out earlier.
I responded with, “You look good and he is a
lucky man.”
I am still sitting with my
feet on the desk talking to her with my eyes closed when she pulls her chair
next to mine and asks me if I really thought that she looked good.
Now my eyes are open and I saw that she was a
little upset so I said, “Yeah, why?” sounding a little concerned.
Then she began to tell me how they got into it
tonight over a phone number on their caller I.D., a number that she dialed back
and some female answered.
At this time I
said, “Sis, it looks like you need me.”
After I said that, she looked at me confused
so I pulled out my bottle of liquor and she laughed saying, “Heeell, yeah!” but
admitted that she was not a drinker but needed one tonight.
After awhile she was just as twisted as I was
and really started to get comfortable with me.

She began cursing her husband out to me getting a little
loud and all that.
Before I knew it, her
chair was right next to mine and her head was on my chest.
She was saying how she had to go the extra
mile as far as keeping her body up to keep him - due to her facial features.
I wasn’t looking right at her but I said that
I don’t see a problem with it.
I could
tell that my comment made her feel good because of the way that she began to
kiss me.

Now, I didn’t come here tonight to get some cooch but I
should have realized the signals all along.
Anytime a woman starts to
about her relationship with her man to another man the door is open, add that
to low self esteem and him acting up and you are pretty much in.
The knockout punch with this one was the
combination of liquor and me not minding the Cyclops effect.
We were kissing for a minute before she
stopped to tell me, while she was breathing hard, how she doesn’t normally do
At this time I didn’t care what
she normally did because I was at attention.
I got up and told her to go in the bathroom
while I looked around and made sure that the inmates were asleep since we were
in a dorm area.

Mental note:
Inmates are never asleep.
There is always one of them up watching you at
all times.

I took a quick look on both sides and came trotting back to
her with penis in hand.
We were in the
bathroom and she was giving me pleasure but she was making a lot of loud
grunting sounds.
I had to stop her because
I thought that I heard someone coming.
there we were with her on her knees in the bathroom paused with one eye on me
and I guess the other eye was roaming around looking to see if someone was
After we didn’t hear anything, we
continued and changed positions.
She said,
“I always wanted to know how it felt to have sex at work in jail.
I mean I heard some other female Officers talk
about it but I never did it.”

I bent her over the toilet because the bathroom was small
and the sink took up too much room.

I was hitting it and just getting into a groove when she
started crying!
I paused and asked her,
“What’s up?
What’s the matter?”
Mind you
, never taking myself out of her as if I was
She sobbed and said, “Nothing is wrong.
Don’t stop.”
She didn’t have to tell my drunk, unprotected
ass twice.
So, I did my thing.

When I stopped she just collapsed on the bathroom floor with
her pants around her ankles in the fetal position crying.
I did not know what to do so I tried to help
her up and she told me to leave her alone saying that this was not her and that
she never cheated on him before.
I just
stood there looking like ‘hey that’s between you and him.’
I wiped myself off and walked out of the
Just then, there was a knock
on our area door.
It was the meal relief
and she was right on
I knocked on the bathroom door and told C.O. Patterson
that I was going to meal and she said
ahead that
she would be okay.
I made a phone call
to check things out and it was a go.
I left for the reason that I purposely worked this tour.
I wasn’t that drunk anymore because I had
sweated some of the liquor out of me so I walked at a quick pace to the other
side of the jail, which was the cell side.
I got to my destination and my homie, Officer
Leslie, let me in.

He said to me, “You got 15 minutes before my “B” Officer
So make it quick.”
Then he handed me his black leather gloves
with metal plate inserts sown in them.
said, “Okay, cool.
What cell is he in?”
He said, “18.
Use the stick to crack open his cell so that
it won’t make as much noise as if we did it electronically.”
As I walked down the corridor, I put the
gloves on.
I had waited patiently for
this opportunity and now it was here.
made sure that I had tape over my shield so he could not see my badge number.
Then I cracked open his cell.
He jumped up scared.
Too late to be scared about anything, he had
to know that in some way, shape, or form that this was coming.

I hit him in the gut and he goes down and curls up on the
floor trying to protect
I don’t let him off that easy.
I began to hit him as hard as I could in his
ribs, and his back.
He yells out for
I am meticulous and not in a rush.
I remember C.O. Leslie saying no face
I pull on his legs to try and
straighten him out so that he can take this ass whipping like a man even though
he will receive a hundred of these and they will never add up to what he did.
He begs me to stop and then covers up his face
leaving the rest of his body exposed.
I make him pay.
As I rain down on him I
let him know why I’ve come, “You like to rape and kill little girls huh?
She was only 14!”
A punch to his ribs, then another to his arm.
I didn’t care where I landed them because I knew
that he felt them with these gloves on.
Now he is stretched out on the floor and he says,
“It was a mistake!
I am sor-”

I didn’t let him finished.
Pyow, right in his face, busting his lip!
I couldn’t resist.
I had to, all the anger that I was feeling
about what he did to my man’s daughter just came out of me.
He knew that he had this coming.
He knew that coming to jail with
charges - that this was only the
beginning of his treatment.
He knew just
like all inmates know that this was jail justice for what he did.
As he lay on the floor I said to him, “If I
hear about this from anybody, you know that I am coming back and if I don’t get
you somebody else will.
There is nowhere
for you to go where I can’t get to you be it by Officer or inmate.”
I asked him, “Do you understand?”
He nodded then I told him, “When you go to the
clinic you know what to say,” he nodded and said, “The shower…”


2 months later…

It’s 7:20 am and I just arrived
late again to work.
I was real tired
because I finally ‘popped my mother’s titties out my mouth’ and started
standing on my own.
I was up late last
night moving the rest of my stuff into my own apartment.
I am walking through the gate on my way to my
post when the roll call Captain calls me over to her and asks me to help
another Officer escort some inmates from the intake area to a housing area near
mine since I was going that way. I was okay with it because that meant I
wouldn’t be marked late.
I get inside
the intake area and as usual it’s total chaos.
You have inmates coming and going to court or
the inmates who are fresh off the bus getting ready to be housed.
I am standing there watching a rookie Officer
to quiet down the new inmates so that he can call out
their names.
I hear him say, “Excuse me
can I have your attention?
Can you
please be quiet for a moment!?”
I shake
my head and then step up and yell, “Everybody, shut the fuck up!”
They quiet down to a mumble.
I yell again “I don’t want to hear shit!
Keep your mouth shut or I will shut it for you!”
Corrections training 101 - always make an example out of one of them.
I pick an herb who is still mumbling under his
breath, “
stand up!
You have a fucking problem!?”
I say these words purposely because whenever
intake Officers hear
anything that sounds like a problem
they are eager to set the tone of how an inmate’s stay is going to be.
They quiet down completely when they see the
other Officers assemble behind me.
new Officer steps up and starts to call the names.

We are in the corridor on the north
side when two inmates break out into a fight!
I order the other inmates to face the wall and
go to break up the fight.
It was two of
the littlest inmates that I have ever seen trying to get into it. I separate
Then order them to put their hands
on the wall.
One of them was Spanish
with tear drops tattooed under his eye.
am cocky when I tell him that if he takes his hands off the wall I will take it
as a sign of aggression and beat his ass.
I turn to tell the new jack to subdue the
second inmate involved in the fight when I hear something like nails scraping
against the wall.
The next thing I knew
I am looking up swearing that the pair of black Timberland boots floating pass
my face, look just like min…

I black out!

When I come to, I see the Officer
wrestling the inmate that hit me to the ground.
The inmate was looking and laughing at me and
he said, “I’ll dance circles around you fat-boy!”
I regain my bearings and go over to assist like
the other Officers who’ve arrived on the scene to help out.
After everything was over, I go to the clinic
because the new Officer swore that I slipped while fighting this 100 lbs
soaking wet inmate.
I went with that
story because I was not about to admit that my big-ass had just got knocked out!
No- no-no, no, no!

I get to my post and relieve the Officer
that was there.
I let Moe out and we do
our usual.
Then he tells me that the
dude that I beat up the other day is running his mouth.
I look at him like, ‘What dude?’
And he gives me a look like, ‘Come on now,
this is me you’re talking to.’
I thought
to myself, ‘Just the fact that he knows about it is not good.’
I then ask him how he knew about it.
He tells me that he talks to the inmates in
the housing area where this dude is and they say that the I.G.’s (Inspector
General) have been coming to see him more than once asking about his injuries because
they don’t believe that he slipped in the shower, and that he heard that dude
describe an Officer that looks like me.
felt that if they knew it was me that they would have paid me a visit by now.
Still the fact remains that this inmate needed
to be dealt with.
I told Moe to send
someone down there a pack of Newport cigarettes to shut him up or at least
remind him of what I told him.
I walked
with Moe back to his cell and watched him communicate with the inmates below us
by way of kite.
I watched him tie a
string around a pack of Newports and lower it out of the window.
He then got a note back saying that it would
be done tonight when they get their recreation time.

I went back to the Officer’s
station and when my “B” Officer arrived, I let out the rest of the inmates.
I was in the process of doing my daily
paperwork when I heard a familiar voice say what’s up to me.
When I looked up it was Trent!

I was in shock and asked him what
happened and why he is in here?
looked at me with a stone face and said in a low tone, “You know why I am here,”
and walked off towards his cell.
I am
curious as to what he is talking about so I go to his cell to see what’s up.
I order all the inmates to go to the dayroom
and get out of the corridor so I could speak to him without the fear of one of
them overhearing our conversation.
post up in front of his cell and asked him when did he get here?
He said, “Last night.”
Then I asked him again, “What happened?”
He looked at me with a real serious look on
his face and says in a low tone like a modified whisper, “Gee, you don’t know
why I am here!?”
I look back at him confused
and curious with one eyebrow raised and say, “No I don’t.”
He takes a deep breath then shakes his head
and says, “Somebody snitched me out on that drug spot that
and you hit up.”

I am at a loss for words and panic
immediately comes over me.
I go into my
own thoughts playing over a million scenarios in my head but none of them could
rationalize how this could happen or who could have snitched on him.
I look up at him and he’s staring at me as if
he’s waiting for a response.
I then tell
him I didn’t do it and
gives me a look like ‘
else could it have been?’
Then he goes and sits on his bed and says, “I
don’t know, Gee.
I ain’t going to take
this ride by myself.
asking me who my partner was and all that.”
I am stuck.
I am trying to absorb what he just said and
what exactly it means to me.
I look at
him and he looks at me and then he throws his hands up in the air like what is
he to do?
Then he looks out of the
window and says, “There is this lawyer that’s really good but I need some help
getting him.
I don’t have enough cash so
I need some help.”

I look at him like I am
Then he says, “I don’t know
what’s going to happen if I can’t get some help.”
Now I am looking at this fool sideways and my
thoughts are, ‘You get locked up.
hit me with the subliminal that I snitched on you to make me feel guilty that
you’re in here and then you hit me with the need for money for a lawyer!’
After I sum all this up I come to the
conclusion that this fool is trying to extort me!
I say to him, “Look I didn’t snitch on
I don’t have anything to do with
why you’re here and I am not giving up money like that - period!”
He then rises up off his bed and says, “Well
then get use to these cells.”

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