Corrupting Cinderella (2 page)

Read Corrupting Cinderella Online

Authors: Autumn Jones Lake

Tags: #MC President, #MC Romance, #Motorcycle Club, #biker romance

BOOK: Corrupting Cinderella
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“You’ll drink it, right?” she says, a bit of worry still clinging to her expression.

“Hell, yes.”

Her eyes light up, and she claps her hands together in that way that makes her look so young I feel like a dirty old man next to her.


Having Hope wrapped around me on the way up to the club feels so good, I almost keep driving. The night is cool. But the wind rushing against me brings all my senses alive. Soon enough winter will be here, and I’ll be relegated to driving my cage for months on end. I understand why the old-timers relocate to Florida.

The clubhouse is already wild when we arrive. I swear I can hear the thump of music all the way down at the front gate. I drive through carefully because you never know where the party-goers will end up. I back the bike into my spot and say hello to a bunch of people outside. Hope dismounts like a pro and shakes her hair out after handing me her helmet. Random people milling around greet us, and she gives a shy wave in return.

“You’re sure you want me here?” she whispers.

I snag her around the waist and pull her close for a searing kiss. She’s completely dazed when I’m done with her. Against her ear, I whisper, “If you ask me again, I’m going to give
all thirty-eight of my birthday spankings when we get upstairs.”

Her eyes go wide and her legs wobble, so I hold her tighter to me. “Are we clear, doll?”

She nods.

“Answer me,” I growl in her ear.

“Yes, Rock.”

“Good girl.” I give her a pat on the ass, but I don’t let her go just yet. I’ve found I have a hard time keeping my hands off of Hope no matter where we are. Makes things awkward when we’re out in the “real world” like the grocery store or post office. But this is my club, my world, so I’ll be touching her all damn night.

Someone whistles in our direction, and the crunch of gravel reaches my ear. Reluctantly I let go of Hope, but I capture her hand in mine.

“Prez,” Wrath greets me. He’s made his irritation over my recent absence quite clear at church every weekend. The daily, nagging texts he sends also help get his point across.

With a less than friendly look, he says hello to Hope. He turns back to me, dismissing her, and I can already tell we’re going to have issues tonight.

Happy Birthday to me.

Wrath hates me. I’m not sure what I’ve done to incur his…well, wrath. But he’s definitely not a fan of mine. I try to be as nice as possible, but it doesn’t get me anywhere with him. While Rock and Wrath do their death glare thing with each other, I lean over and pull the Scotch out. Rock takes it from me and slips his arm around my waist while tucking the box under his other arm.

“What’s in the box, prez?”

“Birthday present from Hope.”

Wrath glances at me with a surprised expression. Why is everyone shocked I got my boyfriend a present for his birthday?

Inside is an eye-opener. It’s about thirty degrees warmer, and I am way overdressed. The scene makes me appreciate that Rock told me to dress comfortably. The memo the rest of the girls inside got clearly stated “clothing optional.” The scent of sex, weed, and alcohol permeates everything.

A crowd forms at the door, and we barely make it inside. Everyone is excited to see Rock. People shout and tug at him. He smiles and acknowledges each person in that easy manner I envy so much.

Turning to me, he bends down. “You okay?”

I nod. Because he can sense how overwhelmed I am, he seats me in a corner of the couch in the back of the room. “I want to go lock this up. I’ll be right back. Don’t move.” As he steps away, he slaps a hand on Wrath’s shoulder and whispers something to him. Wrath’s gaze flicks in my direction and he nods once.

As Rock moves farther away into the crowd, his big, mean Viking friend pushes his way through the group toward me.

“Didn’t think this would be your scene,” he shouts over the music. He drops down next to me on the couch, sending me bouncing into the air a little.

I’m not sure how to respond. Anything I say is bound to be offensive to Wrath or an outright lie. So instead I just smile as if I’m a bit daft.

“How long have you and Rock known each other?” I ask out of curiosity. Rock has explained that Wrath functions as his “enforcer” in the club. I have no clue what that means, but judging from the guy’s bulging muscles and scarred knuckles, it’s clearer.

“Long damn time.”

“Did you meet through the club?”

“No. We knew each other before. Knew Z too.” He nods at a tall guy across the room. I recognize the dark hair, simmering blue eyes, and neck tattoo. He took my friend Lilly home the night Rock and I got together. He’s surrounded by at least three different barely dressed girls at the moment. I make a mental note to ask Sophie if Lilly and Z have anything going on.

“We all prospected together. Very different time.”

I don’t know what to say. “Oh.”

“You know much about MCs, Hope?”

“No. I mean, only what I’ve learned from Rock.”

He nods, his gaze roaming all over me. He visually gropes me for so long, my skin heats under his scrutiny. “What are you doing here then?” he finally asks.

My brows pull together. What kind of question is that? “I’m here with Rock.”

He shakes his head. “What’s a woman like you doing with my president? You guys got nothing in common.”

Tears sting my eyes, but I’m not going to let this asshole intimidate me. “I like him, and he likes me.”

He shakes his head like I’m too dense to get his point. “You’re just as clueless as Cinda-fuckin-rella aren’t you? He doesn’t ‘like’ you. He’s fuckin
in love
with you. As in droppin’ responsibilities and getting us into bad shit in love with you. And you’re just over there in your little preppy, lawyer world, thinking what exactly? You’ll take a walk on the wild side? Throw on some leather and be one of us? You ain’t ever gonna be one of us, sweetie.”

His words are brutal and they strike their target. He isn’t saying anything I haven’t already thought of, he’s just saying it a lot meaner.

Straightening my spine, I’m determined not to let this asshole get to me. “Are you sure
not in love with him, Wrath? You sound like a jealous boyfriend,” I snap back.

My words hit him and his nostrils flare. I’m a little frightened, actually. Suddenly the hard lines of his face diminish, and he lets out a loud chuckle.

“Well, fuck if you aren’t a spitfire.”

“Well, fuck if you’re not a big jerk.”

“That I am, sugar.” He grins a big, goofy grin at me. The total opposite of the menace he displayed seconds ago—until Rock comes up and kicks him in the calf.

“That did not look like a friendly conversation, asshole. I told you to look after Hope, not terrorize her.”

Rock motions for me to stand and then steals my seat. He pulls me onto his lap, and I snuggle up against him, relieved he’s returned to save me from his jerkface friend. Wrath cocks his head and takes us in.

“We’re solid. Right, Hope?”

I want to say “no, you’re an asshole,” but I feel like I’m close to passing some sort of test with him. “Yup. Wrath was just giving me the lay of the land.”

Rock squeezes the curve of my hip, his hand sneaking under the hem of my T-shirt to brush against my bare skin. I shiver. His other arm is draped over my thighs, holding me tight to him. At last a familiar, friendly face stops by. I sit up straight so I can greet her.

“Hi. Trinity, right?”

She’s wearing a lot more makeup than the last time we met, but she’s the only other woman here wearing jeans and an entire shirt, so I’m extra happy to see her. “Yeah. Good to see you again, Hope.”

My gaze drifts over to Wrath who is watching Trinity with uncomfortable intensity. Trinity completely ignores him, all of her focus on Rock. She taps his shoulder with her fist. “You want a drink, Rock-around-the-clock?”

Underneath me, I feel him chuckle. I remember last time she called him “rock-n-roll,” so I guess this is their thing. Geez, how many times has he fucked her? Instantly, I’m insanely jealous.

“Will you bring me a Crown and Coke, please, hon? Hope, what do you want?”

What is this poor girl supposed to be, a waitress for the whole club? That kinda sucks. Wait, why am I feeling bad for her when she’s probably fucked my boyfriend sixty ways from Sunday?

“I’m okay. Um, maybe just water with lime?”

Next to me Wrath snickers, and Trinity spares him a glance. It’s really more of a glare, and I’m kind of warming up to her now.

Rock traces a finger over my collarbone, pushing my hair behind my shoulder. My eyelids flutter as he presses his lips against my ear. “You still like margaritas, doll?”

I nod because I can’t speak with him touching me. “Bring her a margarita, please, Trinny. Not too heavy on the tequila—she’s a bit of a lightweight.”

Wrath snorts, and Trinity ignores him this time. “Sure. I’ll be right back.”

Now I feel like a jerk. It’s one thing for her to serve Rock in his club, but it’s not fair for her to be fetching me drinks. I try to push myself off Rock. “Hold on, Trinity, I’ll help you.”

She turns back to me with wide eyes and shakes her head. “I got it.”

I couldn’t follow her if I wanted to anyway, because Rock has banded his arms around me and is keeping me anchored to his lap. “Let Trinny do her job. Your job is to sit here and decorate my lap.”

A lick of anger tightens my belly. Rock must sense the shift in my mood because his lips are at my ear again. “Doll, if you get up now, it will be uncomfortable for everyone. You’ve given me one hell of hard-on from sitting there looking like a virgin in a whorehouse.” His deep voice buzzing against my skin does obscene things to my insides.

I turn and whisper in his ear. “You know damn well I’m no virgin.” Then I wriggle a bit to confirm his story.

He groans into my ear.

“Careful,” he rumbles in that sexy, low, gravelly voice that makes me so weak. The teasing is too much—I need a taste, so I lean in and catch his lips with my own. His hands come up to cup my face, twining in my hair and pulling me tight to him. I hear Wrath muttering and feel the couch shift, but I don’t care. High school has to be the last time I made out with someone in a public place like this, but I can’t call up a bit of shame. His heart thumps against the hand I have curled on his chest, while the rough prickle of his stubble tickles my other palm. He breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against mine.

“I need to take you upstairs,” he says low enough that only I can hear him.

Thank goodness. There’s definitely people doing more than making out in this room, and I’m glad Rock doesn’t expect that of me. There’s a small part of me that’s concerned I’m so far under Rock’s spell that I’d pretty much do anything he asked.

Before we can escape, the lights dim and people start singing—well, shouting—happy birthday. Trinity and two other girls I haven’t met are carrying a huge cake lit with at least thirty-eight candles. Rock’s laughter rolls over me and he sits up a little bit as the girls approach, jostling me forward. I attempt to stand so I’m not in the way, but Rock holds me tight.

The girls stop in front of us. One of them is giving me the shifty stink eye. Trinity winks at me. I feel stupid that I didn’t help them plan anything for my boyfriend’s birthday. Wrath’s words about me not fitting in start to mess with my head, and again I try to stand.

Rock pulls my hair into a makeshift ponytail at the base of my neck.

“Help me blow the candles out, sweetheart—there’s a fuck lot of them.”

I chuckle, because he’s a clever bastard. He’s not only made sure my hair won’t catch fire, he’s got me tethered to him with my hair being held hostage. We lean over together and blow the candles out, getting every last one. The girl that’s been giving me the
drop dead
glare says in breathy-fake voice, “make a wish.”

Rock laughs. “I already got my wish,” he says, pulling me tight against him once more.

I angle my head to the side and kiss his cheek. “Aw, thanks.”

“We’re going to set this at the bar and cut it. I’ll come bring you guys a slice. I didn’t forget the drinks either,” Trinity says with a sheepish smile.

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