Cornering Carmen (21 page)

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Authors: S. E. Smith

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Cornering Carmen
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“I missed you today,
mi elila
,” he said huskily
brushing her hair behind her ear. “You have had a very exciting day from what I have heard,” he added gruffly as he touched her hair. It was getting longer and slid easily through his fingers.

“I missed you, too,” she whispered quietly. “You need Harvey to come heal you. You have a long, narrow cut about
four inches
long and about half
an inch
deep along your left shoulder,” she insisted as she ran a finger along the outside edge of cut skin.

“There were two assassins instead of the one,” he sighed heavily. “I must be getting old. I would never have made such a mistake before.”

“Perhaps it’s not that you are getting old but you are getting distracted….
me,” she said

He put a finger under her chin and forced her head up so he could look her in the eye. “Never think that. It was my error and it will not happen again. The assassin they sent normally works alone. I did not anticipate their desire to kill the assassin as well as myself,” he insisted sternly. “This had nothing to do with you. There are many things going on right now. We leave for the asteroid belt between the Quillar moons of Bosca and Dorland. That is where we believe Vox has been taken.”

Carmen nodded before calling for Harvey. She continued removing Creon’s clothing as the gold symbiot moved over his skin, healing the cuts and bruises. She didn’t say anything, knowing he would fill her in on what had happened and the new information he had learned when he was ready. Scott had been the same way. It was as if they needed to have it neatly organized in their brains before they could share it with anyone else.

“Ha’ven told me that Trelon rescued Cara,” Carmen said as she gently pulled him behind her toward the bathroom. “Or, I should say, he rescued the poor Curizans who took her. I guess she had escaped and reprogrammed their ship,” she said lightly.

Creon muttered a dark curse. “There is nothing poor about them. I hope my brothers killed the lot of them.”

“My, you are feeling a little
, aren’t you?” She teased before sobering. “Kelan killed N’tasha. She said that she had killed Trisha.” She placed her hands on both of his cheeks when he groaned in horror. “Let me finish. She said she had killed her but she didn’t. Trisha was taken by another group. Kelan has gone after her. Many of the men on board were there under duress.
has their families imprisoned and was forcing them to help. Trelon has sent a crew to rescue them.”

Creon closed his eyes. Now, the only one still unaccounted for was Trisha. He prayed to the Gods and Goddesses she would be safe until his brother could reach her. He had sent a brief account of what he had learned to Ha’ven but he had not had time to meet with him before they departed.

“Trisha will be fine,” Carmen said with confidence. “Not only was she trained by our military back home but her dad is one of the best survivalist trainers in the world. He taught her to hunt, track, and fight in ways no one else knows how to. If anyone can escape, it will be her.”

Creon opened his eyes and pulled her close to him. “Bathe with me,” he said huskily. “I need to hold you close for a while.”

Carmen stepped back and slowly began to undo her shirt. She burst out in giggles when he groaned impatiently and just ripped it off of her. She twisted in an effort to save her pants but he was too fast for her.

“If you keep doing that I won’t have any clothes to wear,” she giggled breathlessly.

“That sounds good to me,” he groaned, wrapping his big hands around her waist. “You still need to gain more weight. I cannot wait until you are rounded with our younglings.”

“What is it with you and seeing me plump?” She complained. “Most guys want slim, trim girls back home.”

“They are idiots,” he responded sliding his mouth along her shoulder. “It is more fun to have something to hold
to when I am driving my cock into you.”

She shivered at the image that formed in her mind. “So, are you saying you don’t like me as I am now?” She asked looking over her shoulder at him with a raised eyebrow.

Creon paused and tilted his head back to look at her carefully before replying. “That is one of those questions I heard my brothers talking about,” he said
looking a little nervous.
“They warned me there
certain questions a human female asks that should never be answered.”

“Like…” she asked
fighting the need to burst out laughing as he fought to figure out a way out of the mess he had made at commenting on her weight.

“Like… like does this make my butt look big?” He said in aggravation. “Why would that bother her? I would love it if you had a big butt! I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off it. I have a hard enough time as it is but if it was bigger…” a low growl escaped him as his dragon agreed.

Carmen twisted in his arms and wrapped hers around his neck, pressing her breasts into his muscular chest. “Well in that case, I think you need to show me how much you like it,” she whispered.

A long moan escaped as he picked her up and stepped into the showering unit. “I always wanted to try this,” he groaned out as a warm, heavy mist of moisture surrounded them.

“Put your arms above your head,” he growled out as he set her down. “I want to touch every inch of you.”

Carmen nodded, breathless at the hunger in his voice. She could feel her pussy pulsing with need. She turned
so her back was against the wall of the bathing unit. A long, metal bar ran around the top, probably for the males to grab onto should anything happen to the ship while they were in it. She had to stand on the tips of her toes to reach it. This stretched her body out. She wrapped her fingers around it tightly and hung on as he began soaping her down. A soft moan escaped her as he started with her hair, massaging the soap into her scalp.

“It is growing longer,” he murmured, enjoying how her eyes closed and her body shook as he touched her. “I would like for you to let it get longer. I want to be able to wrap my hands in it as I take you from behind.”

Carmen’s eyes flew open. Her eyes had turned to the dark brown with gold flames in them as they heard both their two-legged and four-legged mates express their desires. She arched toward him, impatient for his hands to touch her in other places.

“More,” she breathed out.

“My impatient little kitten,” he whispered as his rough hands moved down over her shoulders and up her arms. “I liked it when you meowed at Ha’ven, Cree, and Calo. I want you to do it for me.”

Her eyes blazed as his hands moved over her fingers and started the slow path toward her breasts. “I’ll fucking purr if you touch me how I want you to,” she stated
leaning forward to nip his jaw.

He thrust forward, grinding his cock against her. The hard, thick length was trapped between their bodies and she could feel it throbbing. His hands reached out and cupped her breasts, his finger and thumb seizing her nipples between them. He pinched them hard, enjoying her loud gasp at his roughness. He had always been tender, careful when he made love to her. Tonight he wanted to take her rough and hard.

“Yes,” she answered to his softly spoken words. “I won’t break. I need you to take
, claim me…. possess me. Don’t hold back.”

“If you get frightened or don’t want me to do something, you will tell me?” He asked fighting the primal urge to take her at her word.

“Only if you do the same when I take my turn,” she said with a sassy grin. “Because let me tell you something,” she added in a husky tone. “I plan on taking you every way I can.”

The challenge and promise in her words fired his blood to boiling. His dragon was
around inside him, panting. He could feel the male’s restlessness as the scent of his mate in heat filled the air despite the heavy mist.

“Oh dragon’s balls,” Creon groaned as his body jerked painfully.

His hands became rougher as his desire grew. He latched onto one of her nipples, sucking and nipping it until it stood swollen and pink before attacking the other. Her loud cries egged him on as he moved down her body to the sweet moisture of her clit. He slid two thick fingers across her swollen cunt enjoying how she opened like a bloom to him. He tugged on the soft, curly blonde hair that protected her. When she groaned, he tugged again a little harder. She lifted both of her legs up and wound them over his shoulders.

“Eat me,” she demanded
looking down at him on his knees between her legs.

Creon’s eyes widened at her heated demand. He liked a woman who told him what she wanted. He felt her cross her ankles behind his back. He spread her swollen lips as she tilted forward, exposing her swollen vaginal channel to him.

“Fuck me!” She cried out desperately. “Now!”

He leaned forward and nipped her engorged nub with his teeth. “You will be fuck
when I say you can be
,” he retorted in a deep voice. “You need to learn who is in charge.”

Carmen’s head bowed so she could watch him as he began sucking on her clit. It was so swollen it was painful at first but she relished it. Her arms shook from holding up her body but she couldn’t let go. The discomfort added to the pleasure as he worked her with his tongue and teeth. The sharp nips followed by the wash of his tongue over and over pulled cries from her begging for him to give her relief from the waves of desire building up inside her.

“Oh!” She cried out, her head falling backwards as she felt his tongue sliding up inside her along with his fingers. “I’m coming!” She panted out just as her body jerked and a long, keening
broke from her.

Creon milked her orgasm, sucking until she melted. He wrapped his hands around her waist and helped her move her legs from around his shoulders. Even with her legs back on the ground, he had to support her as her arms fell uselessly by her sides.

“I think you’ve killed me,” she whispered leaning against his chest. “I can’t move.”

His chuckle echoed around the bathing unit. “No, my little kitten. I haven’t killed you… yet. This is just the beginning.”

Carmen leaned back against the wall, hoping that she wouldn’t disgrace herself by becoming a puddle on the floor. “The beginning?” She asked in disbelief.

“Oh yes,” he said, tilting her head to the side. “My dragon has a need to release some of the dragon fire burning inside. Trust me, this is only the beginning,” he murmured before he bit down and breathed the fire burning in his veins into her.

Carmen’s body jerked and shuddered as flames raced through her. She felt the immediate clenching of her pussy and the throbbing need before it began to beat heavily inside her. She leaned forward as her teeth began to elongate.

Mate want to be horny?
Her dragon responded with determination.
We show him what horny is! Two can breathe this fire.

Oh shit,
Carmen thought as she bit down on Creon’s shoulder and began breathing her own dragon fire into him.
You and your mate are going to kill us!

Maybe, but it fun way to die,
her dragon giggled as she felt the hot waves building in her mate’s body.
Yes, very fun way to die.

Creon’s loud curse filled the shower unit as he pulled back swiping his tongue over the mark on his mate. He commanded the showering unit off. Carmen was still attached to him, breathing dragon’s fire hot enough to burn the balls off a dozen Sarafin warriors. His body was already on overload from before. Now, it was scorching him from the inside out.

“Gods, Carmen,” he groaned out in desperation. “You have to stop!”

Unfortunately for her, or him depending on how you looked at it, she couldn’t. Her dragon was determined to expel every last drop of dragon’s fire into her mate. She felt her body being lifted and slammed against the wall of the shower, her legs gripped and pulled apart but she still couldn’t pull away. Creon’s thick, hard cock was swollen to almost twice the size of normal from the feel of it as he pushed it into her as far as it would go. Still, it wasn’t far enough. He pulled out and slammed into her again and again, going deeper and deeper until she released him with a gasp.

“Mine!” He growled out, his pupils narrow slits of burning gold flames. “My mate!”

Carmen clung to his shoulders as he pounded into her over and over. She watched in fascination as black scales rippled over his bare chest, up his neck, and over his cheeks. Her own arms were rippling with white, red, pink, and purple scales in answer to her mate.

Creon’s eyes locked on her breasts as
bounced up and down with the force of his possession. His teeth lengthened just a little before he bent over and sank them into her
breast. A scream erupted from her as he breathed, marking her as his again. He never slowed down. His cock pushed through her slick channel until she could feel the tip of his cock against her womb. Each stroke seemed to be telling her she was his, she was his, she was his.

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