Cornered (52 page)

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Authors: Peter Pringle

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Bible, Geoffrey

billboard advertising

biological effects studies

Black, Gary

black and white ads, proposed

Black Lung program

Blackman, Dr. L. C. F.


Bliley, Thomas

Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Minnesota

Blumenthal, Richard

Bogdanich, Walt

Bogen, Judge Eugene

Boggs, Tommy

Bowles, Erskine

Bowles, Hargrove

Bozeman, Steve

Bradley, Ed

brain, nicotine and

Bravo, Janis

Brazos River Society

Bristow, Lonnie


Broin, Norman


Brooke Group

Broughton, Martin

Brownridge, Kent

Brown & Williamson (B&W)

BAT and

Butler suit and

Carter suit and

Castano suit and

document wars and

high-nicotine plant and

FDA and

legal bills

Liggett settlement and

lung cancer scare and

Minnesota case and

New York Times
articles on

national settlement and

“privileged” documents and

research by

Rogers trial and

Starr and


Tucker deposition and

Waxman committee and

Wigand and

Williams documents and

“B&W's Public Issue Environment” (1985 memo)

Bryan, Leslie

Bryant, John

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

Burns, Dr. David

Burry, Roy

Bush, George

Business Week

Butler, Ava

Butler, Burl

Butterworth, Bob

Butz, Earl

Cabraser, Elizabeth

Cain, Dr. W. S.

Califano, Joe


California Supreme Court

campaign contributions

Campbell, William

lung cancer; smoking and cancer link

carbon monoxide

Carlton, J. Philip

Carter, Grady, trial

Carter, Mildred

Carter, Peggy

Castano, Dianne

Castano, Peter

Castano case

certified in New Orleans

decertified by Fifth Circuit

documents and



Liggett and

media impact by

Motley and Gauthier and

Philip Morris papers and

Wigand's evidence and

Castano group

built by Gauthier

national settlement and

son of Castano cases and

Williams documents and


Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse

Centers for Disease Control

Chaber, Madelyn

Chaplin, James

Chesley, Stanley

“Cigarette” (code name for FDA source)

Cigarette Papers, The


agencies with jurisdiction over

carcinogens in

consumption drop

FTC tests and

prohibition issue

smoke, compounds in

“Cigarettes and Welfare Reform” (Garner)

“Cigarette Smoking and Health: What Are the Facts?” (industry pamphlet)

cigarette tax

Cipollone, Antonio

Cipollone, Rose

Cipollone suit


Ciresi, Mike

Clark, Fred

class-action suits

national settlment deal and

rules of procedure issue

See also
Castano case

Clements, Ernie

Clinton, Bill

FDA proposals and

national settlement and

Clinton, Hillary Rodham

Coale, John

national settlement and

Tamol documents and

Waxman hearings

Williams documents and

Coalition on Smoking or Health

Coal Mine Health and Safety Act (1969)

Cocteau, Jean

Cohen, Marc


“commercial free speech” issue

Committee of Counsel

“common benefits”

“common sense” definition

comparative fault defense

“compulsive use” criterion

confidential documents.
See also
documents; “privileged” documents; Williams papers

confidentiality agreements


Connor, Jean

“constitutional hypothesis”

consumer fraud charge

“contributory negligence”

“Controversy on Smoking and Health—Some Facts and Anomalies, The” (Blackman)



Council for Tobacco Research (CTR)

“Counterblaste of Tobacco, A” (James I)

Crawford, Joan

“crime-fraud” exception.
See also

Cullman, Joseph

Dalkon Shield

damages and money settlements

Carter suit in FL wins

Castano case, two kinds

Horowitz wins in CA

Liggett pays first

national settlement and

Davis, Judge

Daynard, Richard

Day One
(ABC TV program)

“deadwood” memo

Delacroix, Scott

Democratic Party

DeMoisey, Fox

DeMoss, Judge Harold

DeNoble, Victor


District of Columbia, Superior Court


leaked to
New York Times


Minnesota case and

privileged and work-product

Sarokin ruling on concealment of


See also
confidential documents; “privileged” documents; Williams papers

Dole, Bob

Doll, Richard

Douglas, Clifford

“drug,” nicotine as

“drug delivery systems”

Duhe, Judge John

Duke, James Buchanan “Buck”

Dunn, William

economic effects arguments

“Economics and Cigarettes” (Schelling)

Edell, Marc

Edwards, Edwin

Ellis, Sir Charles

Ellsberg, Daniel

Emory Law Journal


empty chair defense

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

equitable theories of recovery

Eugenics Movement

“euthanasia defense”

exemplary damages

Eysenck, Hans

False Claims Act

Farone, William

“Fate of Nicotine in the Body, The” (BAT research paper)

Faulkner, William

Fayard, Calvin


Federal Hazardous Substances Act (1975)

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

Rule 23 on class action

Federal Trade Commission

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

Feinstein, Dianne

Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals


asbestos in

research on

Financial Times
of London

Finch, Ed

fire-safe cigarette

First Amendment

FDA advertising bans and

Williams documents and

Fisher, Phillip

Fisher, Sir Ronald

Fitzpatrick, Judge Kenneth


flight attendants suit

manufacturer's responsibility and

Medicaid law

Florida District Court of Appeal

Florida Medicaid suit

Flowers, Jodi

Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1938)

1976 “medical device” amendment

Food and Drug Act (1906)

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Clinton and

DeNoble and

history of

jurisdiction issue and

jurisdiction upheld

Liggett settlement and

national settlement and

proposes rules on tobacco regulation

regulating nicotine studied by

tobacco researchers and

safer cigarettes and

Wigand and

Ford, Wendell

Fordice, Kirk

Foulds, Suzy

“Frank Statement to Cigarette Smokers, A” (Hill memo)

See also
“crime-fraud” exception

Freedman, Alix

Garner, Donald

Gaskins, Samuel

“gasoline hypothesis”

Gauthier, Anne

Gauthier, Wendell “the Goat”

background of

Castano suit and

Castano suit begun by

Castano suit filed by

Castano team recruited

clash with Motley

Coale and

decertification of Castano and

documents and

Liggett negotiations and

national settlement and

nicotine addictiveness and

Philip Morris documents and

stock analysts and

Waxman hearings and

Williams documents and

genetic makeup argument

gentlemen's agreement to suppress research

Georgine, Robert

Gephardt, Richard

Gibson, Sherry

Gingrich, Newt

Glantz, Stan

Golden, Arthur

Goldstein, Avram

Goldstone, Steven

Goldwater, Barry

Gore, Al

Gould, Donald

Graham, Evarts

“grassroots” smokers' campaigns

Green, Edwin

Green, Jim

Greene, Judge Harold

American Tobacco Company

Gregoire, Christine


Hahn, Paul

Hamlin, Thomas

Hammond, Cuyler

Hardison, Hubert

Hardy, David

Hardy, David, Jr.

Harris, Jeffrey

Harshbarger, Scott

Hart, Earline

Harvard Law Review

Hatch, Orrin

Health and Human Services Department, U.S.

heart disease

Heep, Hatsy

Heflin, Howell

Heimann, Richard

Heimann, Robert

Helms, Jesse

Hendricks, Bill

Herman, Russ

Hewitt, Don

Hill, Bradford

Hill, John

Hill & Knowlton

Hilts, Phil

Hippo study

Homburger, Dr. Freddie

Horn, Daniel

Horowitz, Milton, mesothelioma case

Horrigan, Edward

Horton, Ella

Horton, Nathan, trial

Williams and

Humphrey, Hubert Horatio, III “Skip”

Hunt, Jim

Icahn, Carl


“immature tort,” addiction as

immunity, national settlement and

Imperial Tobacco

INBIFO (research lab)

“indemnity” concept


“intended effect” of nicotine


Jackson, Deania

Jacob, Ed

James I, King of England

Jenner, Edward

Joe Camel ads

Johns-Manville Corporation

Johnston, Donald

Johnston, James

Jones, Judge Okla

Jones, Lloyd Vernon

Jones, Martha

Jordan, Michael (legal counsel)

Journal of the American Medical Association


Carter case and

Connor case and

first award of damages by

Horton trial

Mississippi Medicaid case and

scientific proof and


Justice Department, U.S.

Kaden, Ellen

Kasowitz, Marc

Kennedy, Edward

Kennedy, John F.

Kessler, David

FDA jurisdiction ruling and

heads FDA

national settlement and

nicotine manipulation and

Philip Morris researchers and

regulations proposed by

teenage smoking and

Wigand and

Klok, Rhet

Knoth, Carol

Knowles, Ralph

Koop, C. Everett

Koplow, Meyer

Kotin, Paul

Labor Department, U.S.


LeBow, Bennett

Lee, Peggy

Lewis, Mike

Lewis, Pauline

Lieff, Robert

Liggett & Myers (
Liggett Group)

cancer research and

Castano suit and

documents released

FDA and

legal bills

Sackman suit and

second settlement

settlement announced

settlement effects

settlement negotiation by

Surgeon General's report and

Waxman committee and

Lindsey, Bruce

Little, Arthur D.

Little, Clarence Cook

Locks, Gene

London University Institute of Psychiatry

Long, Gary

“long-arm” statutes

“look-back” provision


Castano suit against

CBS and

FDA and

Horowitz suit and

lawyers and

Liggett settlement and

lung cancer scare and

national settlement and

Surgeon General's report and

Waxman committee and

youth market and

Lott, Trent


Medicaid suit

“Low Need” vs. “High Need” smokers

low-tar cigarette

low-yield cigarette, as myth

lung cancer

code words for

coverup and

increase in

research suppressed

Surgeon General's report and

Tucker deposition and

Wilner's chart of

See also
smoking and cancer link

Mabus, Ray

McDermott, Robert

McMurtry, Drew

McNeely, Hugh

McTeer, Charles

“Manipulation and Control of Nicotine and Tar in the Design and Manufacture of Cigarettes, The” (Farone research paper)

Maples, Darwin

Marlboro, nicotine levels, vs. Winston

Marlboro Man



Liggett settlement and

Medicaid suit

Medicaid suits.
state Medicaid suits;
and individual states

“medical devices”


Mele, Paul

Mellon, Tom

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