CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2)
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I sniff loudly and stare out the window, I
know he’s right, of course he’s right. My leg starts jigging up and down. He
places his hand on my knee to calm me, the jigging stops.

“I want you and no matter what
think, whatever you tell me won’t change my mind about you, I'm in this for
life,” he says, squeezing my knee.

I sniff again and sip my Brandy. “But it
will Tristan, look at how different you were with me after I told you about
....” I look up at the ceiling and take a deep breath. I don't want to keep

“Yes, it did make a difference, but a good
one I think. It’s just made me want to protect you even more. Maybe in time
you’ll learn to trust that no matter what you say to me, I won’t leave you
Coral. I'm not your Dad, or haven’t you worked that part out yet?”

My breath catches in my throat, he’s right
again. I’ve never had a stable male in my life. Gladys was on her own, how was
I ever supposed to come to trust that not all men are like that, without a
positive role model to look up to?

“Tristan, this has nothing to do with you
leaving me, I know you’re not my Dad, you’re nothing like him.” I snap.

“Then what is it?” He asks.

As I stare back at him I silently
ponder if
I should just let George tell him everything, I'm not sure if I can and I hate
reliving it. “I hate talking about the past,” I whisper. “And you want to know,
and that’s making me nervous, you want to get married sooner rather than later
but then you’ve put a condition on it, and that’s not fair. Why can't you
accept me the way I am?”

“I do accept you the way you are, I just
want to know all there is to know about you, like you do about me.”

“Have you considered the possibility that I
may freely open up to you once we’re married, because I’ll feel even more
secure? I’m not saying that’s what’s going to happen, I may never tell you, but
have you considered that?”

“No, actually I haven’t. That’s a good
point,” he muses.

“And have you considered that the more you
push for answers, the more you push me away from you?”

“No, I hadn’t’ – “And have you considered
that by dropping it altogether, that you have more chance of me actually
telling you one day?”

“Ok, very good points Miss Stevens, every
one of them taken on board. And I agree, wholeheartedly, no condition, let’s
get married.”

My mouth pops open in shock.
He agrees
with me?

“But you just said’ – “Coral, I don't want
to make this any harder for you, you’ve been through enough. Just give me your
word you’ll tell day,” he says, his hand on my cheek, I nod my head at
him, knowing that it will probably be George that tells him. “Well that’s good
enough for me,” he smiles his enigmatic smile.

I sniff again. “I told you the week we met
when you took me to lunch...I told you I'm not like other people. I don’t run
right. You want to change your mind about it all, now’s the time,” I offer.

Tristan grins, drains the last of his
Brandy, kisses me briefly and stands up holding his hand out to me. “I'm not
going anywhere, now how about that bath?” I look up at him in awe and wonder – S
what the fuck is he doing with me?


his or
her throat trying to gain my attention. I look up in surprise to see Susannah stood
at the side of me. She’s impeccably dressed in a dark blue skirt suit. I think
she’s wearing that very same pencil skirt I first saw her in.

“Hi Coral,” she smiles down at me.

“Hi,” I mumble hoping she’ll leave me to my
thoughts and my breakfast. “You’re early,” I add despondently.

“Yes, I always am,” she states pulling a
chair up next to me.

My appetite vanishes. “I’ll just get rid of
this,” I say taking my bowl into the kitchen with me. Great, I don’t do well
with new people and she’s going to be here all week.

Once I’ve washed my bowl and spoon, I
decide to visit the ladies, purely so I can avoid Blondie a little more. Checking
my bun is still in place, I stare back at myself in the mirror.

Maybe it’s the lighting in here, but I
notice I’ve got grey circles appearing under my eyes –
Lack of sleep, too
much shagging!–
and that my cheeks look sallower –
Not eating enough!
– Ok, smart arse enough!

I take a step back and check myself in the
full mirror, straightening my white blouse and running my hands down my dark
blue suit trousers, my thoughts go to little miss perfect, who’s sat at my
desk, who’s.....I think back to last night, to how sweet Tristan was when we
took a bath together. Then I sigh inwardly remembering the conversation that happened
during dinner…


CORAL – Fallen? Buy The Final Book In The Series CORAL – Forever Now By
Clicking This Link -




del Diablo, it’s my favourite Cabernet Sauvignon, and place it on the kitchen
table. The lights are off, I have the electronic candles on and my favourite
artist is softly playing in the background. It’s my own mix of Bryan Adams; all
his love songs. Where Angels Fear to Tread is playing, the words reflecting how
I feel about Tristan, how easily he seems to have got into my head.

I take a step back and admire my handy work.
Yes, this looks very romantic. I call Tristan again. He’s been holed up in his
office while I cooked dinner. Finally, he comes strolling out of his office. When
he reaches me, he takes me in his arms and kisses me hard, tipping me back so
my hair skims the floor.

When he’s finished his little romantic display
of affection, he looks down at the table.

“Very romantic,” he says, smiling down at

I smile shyly at him. “Take a seat,” I say
and walk over to the kitchen to collect our meals. As I walk back to Tristan,
he picks up the wine and pours a little in each of our glasses. I place our
meals down and take a seat next to him.

“Wow!” He beams at me.

“Don’t start that again,” I warn.

He leans down and takes a big whiff.
“Smells delicious.” I roll my eyes at him and laugh. I have made Beef
Wellington with a red wine jus, creamy mashed potatoes, and served them with
roasted asparagus and carrots.

“How long has Susannah worked for you?” I
ask as I tuck into my meal.

“This is delicious,” Tristan beams. I roll
my eyes. “Another signature dish,” he adds.

“Tristan,” I scold.

“I’ve already told you, six years,” he

I calculated it correctly, Tristan split
with that woman when Susannah had been working for him for a year. “Did she
know?” I ask.

“Know what?” he asks taking a large gulp of
red wine, he looks frustrated.

“Why are you getting frustrated?” I

“I'm not,” he argues petulantly, then frowns
taking another forkful.

“Yes you are,” I laugh.

Tristan places his knife and fork at the
side of his plate, puts his elbows on the table and folds his hands in front of
him. “What do you want to know?”

“Did she know you split with that woman?” I

“No. I’ve told you I'm very private. I
don’t mix business with pleasure.” I cock one eyebrow up, and smile wryly at

“Except for me,” I whisper.

Tristan smirks. “Yes, except for you.”

“So...did you...?” I don't know how to ask
without him thinking I'm getting weird about her.

“Did I what?” He asks.

“You know...well did you ever consider
Susannah as’ – “No” he interrupts. “She is definitely not my type.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I like brunettes.”

“The other woman was dark haired?” I

“The other woman?” he asks, his head cocked
to the side.

“Um...yeah the one who…you know cheated on
you,” I end in a whisper.

Tristan sighs, picks up his cutlery and
tucks into his meal. “Yes, she was,” he finally says.
Hmph! I pictured a

“Susannah is pretty, stunning even. She’s
smart, sophisticated...” I want to say she wears skirts that are so tight you
can see her stocking belt, but I refrain myself.

“And?” his cheeks start to flush giving him

“I just thought...” I trail off. Maybe I’m
barking up the wrong tree here?

Tristan sighs. “I agree Coral, she’s is
pretty and smart, but not for me.”

“Why not?” I question.

“What’s with the twenty questions about
Susannah?” I shrug nonchalantly. “Oh come on! There has to be a reason?”
Tristan argues.

“I just want to get a better idea of her
that’s all. I’m going to be working with her all week,” I answer artlessly. I take
a large gulp of wine, then top up both our glasses.

“She’s not that bad,” Tristan frowns,
taking a drink of wine. Hmm…There’s something there, I know there is –
a drunken Christmas Party?
I think back to the first time I met her, how
she touched Tristan’s arm, the way she smiled at him. I wonder?

“Have you slept with her?” I whisper, my
heart in my mouth. Tristan turns his gaze on me, he looks pissed –

“No. I have not,” he scolds, his voice deep
and husky.

“So there’s never been anything there?” I
confirm. Tristan stops eating, stealing a glance at me he picks up his wine,
then leans back in his chair and appraises me. “What?” I murmur, wondering if
he’s about to tell me off!

“A few years ago before she was married,
Susannah admitted to...
me.” I frown at the way he hesitated and

“You mean loved you,” I say, sounding like
a sulky teenager.

Tristan’s eyes dart up to meet mine. “Coral,
you have to believe me’ – “So what happened?” I interrupt. Tristan sighs
heavily and takes a drink of wine. “I told her the truth, which was I didn’t
feel the same, she took it gracefully and that was that.”

“Weird,” I mumble.

Shit I didn’t think he’d hear

“I just think it’s weird that she carried
on working for you that’s all. I mean it can’t have been easy, falling in love
with the boss only for him to say ‘no sorry not interested’ that would’ve been
enough to make me want to leave.” I take a forkful of food.

Tristan shrugs. “She assured me it was no
problem, and so far it hasn’t been,” he says, scrutinizing my expression. I try
to put on my mask on, but it doesn’t work. “Don't go dragging up the past with
her Coral,” he warns.

“Wasn’t planning on it,” I say, laughing
sarcastically then I drink some more wine, its making me brave.

“I mean it. She’s a valued employee, I
don't want to lose her.” I glare back at Tristan.

“Fine,” I whine, holding my hands up in
surrender – So I was right all along, I thought there was something
subliminally nagging away at me about her. I still think it’s weird that she
stayed. I decide that maybe Blondie and I should go out to lunch together,
maybe if I word it right I can get it out of her, I'm sure there’s more there.
Inspiration hits, I could act like I'm infatuated with Tristan and ask Susannah
about his dating history, whether he’s single, blah, blah, blah –
Yeah that
ought to do it.

“I was thinking about getting back into my
routine,” I say, changing the subject.

“Routine?” He still looks pissed.

“Yeah swimming every morning,” I explain.

“Mix it up baby,” he reminds me.

“Oh yeah, I will. Thanks for reminding me,
but I still want to start my day with a swim tomorrow. Can we check out the
pool after dinner?”

“Of course we can. Another room we haven’t
christened.” Tristan grins at me with dark heated eyes, everything south of my
waist contracts. If that’s what we are doing then we have tons more rooms to do.
A big grin spreads across my face.
When I think of the possibilities!

Tristan finishes his meal in double quick
time. I’m eating slowly again –
What is wrong with my appetite?

“Are you finished?” he asks disapprovingly,
eyeing my half eaten plate of food.

“Uh-huh.” Tristan picks up our plates. I
watch him take them into the kitchen, clean them off and put them in the
dishwasher –
He cleans up too, he really is too good to be true!

I turn back to the window and stare out at
the glowing sunset, red, orange, blue and purple all mingled together – It’s so

“So,” Tristan whispers his arms snaking
around my waist, his lips grazing my ear, making me catch my breath. “You want
to go swimming?” he asks his voice all husky, sending shivers all over my body.

I shake my head, my mind completely changed.
I twist my head to face his, take one of his hands and place it over my right
breast. “No, right now I have other ideas.” Grasping his hair by the nape, I
pull his lips to mine and kiss him passionately...


the ladies in a vain attempt to stretch out my legs. I’m having to work very
hard on not walking funny today!
Damn Tristan and his acrobatics in bed!
As I go into another yoga move, my mind wanders to the conversation that
followed after dinner...


I am spread out across Tristan’s torso, my chin resting on his chest
as we both catch our breath. Tristan has his eyes closed, his fingertips
continue to make smooth circles across my back. He seems very happy, sated.

“I was thinking about what you said the
other day, about going out for dinner.” He doesn’t answer me. “Shall we go out
on Friday, when you get back?” I ask.

Pulling me up by the shoulders, so we are
almost nose to nose, Tristan leans towards me and kisses my cheek. “I’d love to
take you out.”

I smile like a love struck teenager. “So
where to?” I ask hoping he doesn’t take me to some really posh place. I'm much
more comfortable in places like Las Iguanas.

“Oh no you don’t, it will be a surprise.” Crap,
what am I meant to wear? “What are you worrying about?” he asks, reading me

“If I don't know where we’re going, how am
I supposed to know what to wear?” Tristan gazes at me for a moment.

“That’s easy I’ll be in a suit so....” My
heart stutters, picturing Tristan in a suit and dining out with him. It’s going
to be very hard not to jump over the table and rip it off him, then make mad,
passionate love to him. “What are you thinking?” Tristan leans into me and
kisses my neck below my ear. “Your breathing’s hitched up, your eyes are
dilated. I'm intrigued, what are you thinking?” I clear my throat in an attempt
to speak.

“How sexy you look in a suit,” I whisper.

“Sexy eh?” He’s still trailing soft kisses
up and down my neck. I clamp my legs together in some sort of effort to stay in

“Very,” I whisper.

“I’ll have to remember that,” he chuckles
kissing me once more, then he leans his head back and closes his eyes.

“Why?” I ask, my voice sounding all floaty.

“So I can tease you at work,” he says, his
deep dimpled smile dazzling me.

“You wouldn’t!” I admonish.

Tristan chuckles hard, the vibration of it
spreading through me, making me smile along with him. I shake my head at his
teasing ways...


, I head
out the restroom and back to my desk. I’m half way down the long hallway, when
I swear I hear Tristan’s voice. I instantly freeze – Ok, now I'm thinking I can
hear him and I know for a fact he’s on his way to London, I’m losing it! – Taking
another couple of steps, my desk comes into view, I instantly stop walking.

stood there and he’s
talking to Susannah. At first, I think I'm actually hallucinating and squeeze
my eyes shut then open them –
Nope he’s still there!
–Then I pinch
myself, thinking I might actually be dreaming and I haven’t woken up for work
yet –
Nope he’s still there!

What is he doing here? He told me he was
leaving not long after me, I wanted to walk from his place this morning, but
after having sex for the third time; I knew I wouldn’t make it on foot, so he
ordered me a taxi.

I sigh heavily, so he really is here. I
wish he wasn’t. All I want to do is take him upstairs to the board room, lock
the door, close the blinds, rip that damn sexy suit of him and shag him
senseless. I try to close my eyes so I can get my head together, get some
rational thinking going on, but I'm captured by Tristan.

I could watch him all day, the way he
moves, walks, talks, laughs, but then something else catches my eye. Tristan
has made a joke, Susannah’s head falls back as she laughs along with him, and
for a tiny second I can see how good they would be together.

They haven’t noticed me yet, so I lean
against the wall, cross my arms and stand watching them. Tristan is laughing
freely with Susannah, he looks so relaxed, so much so that I wonder whether
I’ve actually seem him that relaxed with me?  And as for Susannah, married or
not, I can see straight through her pretences, she still likes Tristan – a lot.
In fact, I would go as far as to say she’s still in love with him.
How is
Tristan not seeing this?

Oh! She’s got it bad, she’s hiding it well
though, but not well enough for me not to notice, and unfortunately for her,
that rears up the ugly green eyed monster within me. I have to fight the urge
to stomp over to them, and tell them both to get a room!

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