Cop's Passion (15 page)

Read Cop's Passion Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #love, #family, #cat, #sex, #desire, #passion, #cop, #acceptance, #hunk, #pretty, #eros, #handsome, #kitten, #nurse, #siamese cat, #police officer, #dangerous, #muscular, #plussized, #curvaceous, #sexual heat

BOOK: Cop's Passion
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“Give me one
good reason why I shouldn’t just turn you over my knee right here
and now.”

“What? Are you
out of your freakin’ tiny mind?” She stepped right up to him,
toe-to-toe, and glared up into his furious eyes. “Listen, boofhead,
I came to bloody apologise, to give you a freakin’ peace offering
which, I’m happy to tell you right now, you can ingest through
another orifice in your body, and it isn’t your mouth in case that
word escapes your impressive vocabulary! Maybe I’ll just stick it
there myself. Like right now!”

Eyes narrowed,
Mike bent down until they were almost nose-to-nose. “It’s not the
peace offering that infuriates me, it’s your foolhardy

“My attitude?

“Let me
rephrase that-”

“Oh, please

“Your foolhardy

“I totally
agree, cooking you a peace offering was stupid!”

He gritted his
teeth. “Not the peace offering, woman, but coming here in the dark.
Jesus, don’t you get it? You’re walking around on your own in the
dark at ten o’clock at night.”

Maddy flung her
arms out. “So? It’s not like anyone is going to attack me!”

“How can you be
so intelligent about everything else, and yet so dumb in regards to
yourself?” His eyes glinted as he loomed over her. “You could have
been attacked, hit over the head, raped.”

She laughed in
his face. “Raped? Who is going to rape me? I’m not the kind of
woman who gets raped.”

He was stunned.
“I beg your pardon?”

“I’m a hefty
sheila.” Every bit of pain and humiliation came to the fore, every
bit of anger boiling to the surface, and it spewed forth without
her even having to think about what she said. “I’m fat, Mike, and
fatties don’t rate high on anyone’s list! My God, even you said you
hadn’t expected to want me, so why the hell would another man want
this body? Huh?”

“I can’t
believe I’m hearing this shit.”

“Oh really?
Really, Mike?” Maddy was well into her tirade. “Because let me tell
you, I have it on good authority that I’m not going to get a man
with the way I look! Geez, having you screw me was a miracle!
Hallelujah! Who knew the time for miracles was still here? Someone
call the freakin’ newspapers!”

His jaw was
clenched so tightly that the corners of his mouth were white.

“Why? Don’t you
like it? Don’t you like the truth? Do you want to hide behind your
nice guy façade and pretend it doesn’t matter to you?” She poked
him in the chest with one finger and hissed, “Thanks for the pity

His mouth cut
off the rest of her words as he crushed her lips beneath his.
Muscular arms held her easily against his chest when she tried to
pull away. The kiss was ruthless, fast, and left her breathless and
her heart pounding when he lifted his head.

His eyes
glittered with fury and something else, something hot and carnal,
something that made her eyes widen and her knees go weak. “Does
that seem like something just any man would do to you, Maddy?”

No way was she
going to give in to him, not when she had her rioting emotions
firing her anger. “If someone paid him enough, yes!”

“You know how
to press my buttons.” Every word was grated.

“Want to see
how much more I can press them?” she ranted.

“Keep it up and
you’re going to get burned. Really burned.” He didn’t release his
grip on her, his arms like solid bands around her waist and

“Oh, I am so
scared. What are you going to do, Mike? Toss me out on my ear?
Here’s a tip - go to the front door and let every perve in the
neighbourhood know that you’re tossing me out into the dark on my
own. I might get lucky!”

“Jesus, you are
begging for a spanking.”

“Sure. Why not?
Hit me. Who knows, it might be the only male hand laid on me for
the rest of my life!”

“Stop it.” He
sucked in a deep breath, obviously trying to regain control.

Now that all
the humiliation and anger she’d pushed down were loose, there was
no way Maddy could stop. She wanted to push him, something deep
inside her wanted to know how far he’d go, what he’d do, and so she
kept pushing.

And there was
something else, something dangerous in the air between them that
called to her and spurred her onwards.

“What’s the
matter, Mike? Can’t handle it?” She leaned right into him, her
breasts against his chest, her head titled right back so she could
look directly up into his eyes. “Maybe you’re the one getting
burned, ever think of that? Go on, Mike, toss me outside.” Yeah,
there was that glitter in his eyes. “Call out to the perverts.” Hoo
boy, the glitter was turning to a full-on shine of rage. “Find me a
man who doesn’t care what I look like.” Slapping her hands against
his chest, she pulled back out of his suddenly lax arms. “Yeah,
find me a man, Mike. Find me any bloody man on the street who won’t
care about screwing a fatty!”

“Maddy.” Her
name was a harsh growl in the air, but so full of heat it actually
made her insides coil in delicious fear, a chill of

Would he do it?
Would he really turn her over his knee? Toss her out? What did she
want him to do?

The danger
between them was like a living, beating entity in the small

It called for
one more push.

Turning away,
she spoke carelessly over her shoulder. “Don’t worry about it,
Mike. I’ll go troll a street corner and see if I get lucky.”

That was the
last sentence she spoke. A hard arm snaked around her waist,
pulling her back against a chest so unyielding with muscle that it
wasn’t entirely comfortable. A big hand cupped her chin and tipped
her head back against a broad shoulder, and she had a brief glimpse
of Mike’s face, his cheeks flushed with anger, his eyes glittering
with fury and yes, oh God yes, passion so carnally wild it took her
breath away.

Just as he took
her breath away. His mouth on hers, his tongue plundering deep,
raking through her mouth and taking her essence without mercy. He
dominated her and she welcomed it, wanted it. Needed it. Needed to
feel like a man really did desire her.

There was no
hiding the evidence of his arousal, his shaft hard against her
lower back as he held her mercilessly to him while he kissed her.
Muscular thighs forced her forward, his body crowding her, and she
was only dimly aware of moving before she was brought to a halt by
the table nudging her legs.

She half
expected him to shove her against the table in his anger but he
didn’t, instead, as soon as she touched the table he stopped. But
he didn’t leave her mouth, his ruthless pursuit of her honeyed
warmth continuing.

Desire, hot and
molten, flowed through her and she lifted her arm to curl it back
around his neck, her hand sliding through the hair at his nape to
cup and hold on.

This was what
she wanted, this unbridled lust, this knowing that a man like Mike
actually wanted her. That Mike wanted her, that he lusted for

Oh God, that
Mike would really want her.

His mouth left
hers, his teeth nipping across her tender cheek and down, his
tongue swiping a hot trail to the pulse beating so hard in her
neck. He laved it, sucked hard, marking her.

While he
savoured her very skin, his other hand, so big, so easily able to
hurt her if he’d been that kind of man, came around to cup her
breast, his palm pressing against her so that her nipple pebbled
through her thin top and against his hand.

Fire went from
her nipple to sizzle low down, hunger curling through her, heat and
passion, desire as hot as -

- as hot as the
eyes that looked down at her.

His hand still
cupped her chin, holding her head back against his shoulder. Mike’s
tone was harsh, his words a rasp in the air. “You’ll never troll
for a man, Maddy, because I’m here. I’m the only man who’ll ever
have you. Do you hear me?” When she could only look up at him in a
daze of heated desire, he repeated harshly, “Do you

“Yes.” Was that
weak whisper really coming from her?

“Be sure you
want this.” A muscle jumped in his jaw and he looked so forbidding,
so hard, so damned, dangerously handsome it made her loins weep.
“Be really sure, Maddy.”

“You won’t hurt
me.” The words slipped out before she realised it, and she didn’t
know if she was reassuring him or herself.

There was a
flicker in his eyes, a slight softening, and she was suddenly
frightened that he’d stop, that he was coming to his senses, and
she so didn’t want that to happen. She wanted him, his strength,
his body; she wanted Mike so badly that she had to make him

“Take me,” she
said, making her voice stronger, hiding her fear. “Take me, Mike.
Take me if you really want me.”


“If you don’t
want me-”She didn’t have time to finish the sentence.

He took her
mouth ruthlessly, kissing deep, taking from her. Releasing her
chin, he kept her head titled back by the force of his kiss. His
hands swept beneath her shirt, his hands against her skin as he
swept them up to lie between her breasts. Hooking his fingers into
her bra front, he found the clasp unerringly, opening it to release
her breasts into - oh God, finally! Finally his hands, so hard and
capable, so big, so strong, were against her flesh, cupping her
breasts, pressing and kneading them, exploring, leaving a trail of
fire wherever he touched.

It was almost
too much and she moaned into his mouth, her hand at his nape
clenching, wanting this moment to last but knowing it wasn’t going
to, not when the heat was coiling through her like a carnal entity
waiting to strike hard and fast.

Her breath
wasn’t the only one sounding raggedly in the room.

Mike ate at her
mouth even as he explored her breasts in hard, quick motions that
didn’t hurt but let her know the strength in his hands. Her name
was a ragged word on his lips and his hips thrust against her, his
shaft an unyielding brand behind the confines of his pants.

“Jesus, Maddy,”
he swore harshly against her mouth. “I hope you know what you’re
doing, what you’re asking.”

Caught up in a
tide of concupiscence, she couldn’t answer. She ate at his mouth as
he did at hers. She felt every solid contour of his body and every
swell of his muscles pressed against her back and bottom, his
muscular thighs against her softer ones, and she gloried in
actually being smaller, feeling smaller, for once feeling like a
desirable woman.

A chill around
her legs and she realised that his hands had left her breasts to
grab onto her skirt on each side of her and raise it, going higher
and higher, and she was so far gone in ardour that she couldn’t
even think about her dimpled thighs, her overly-generous curves,
her plus-sized body bared to the gaze of this dangerously handsome
man with a body that many of the male species envied, and after
which most of the female species lusted.

Right this
minute there was just her, Mike, and this ravenous heat between

Dimly she heard
the snap of the elastic of her panties and the knowledge that he’d
torn them away only made her crave more, so much more, and then his
hand was there, the big palm rough against her sensitive flesh,
brushing across her mound before his hand was suddenly on her
belly, his hard thigh pushing between hers, and he was bending her
over the table.

she braced her hands on the wooden surface and arched back, not
wanting to lose contact with him for even a second, and his growl
of approval as the action thrust her bottom into him reverberated
through his chest and into her back, shaking her to her core.

“Please, Mike,
please, please,” she begged huskily.

Need filled
her, heat washed her veins, desire dampened her. The sensations
sliding through her like carnal silk had her begging without shame,
her desire plain in her voice, pure sexual heat throbbing in the
depths of her and spilling out into her words.

There was a
touch of skin against her naked buttocks, a calloused palm running
down the swells to slide between the crease of her buttocks and
lower, and then his long finger touched her, nearly shattering her
control as he tested her for readiness.

His touch
disappeared and she almost sobbed in frustration. A surprisingly
gentle caress on her bottom, a soothing sweep of his hand on the
small of her back, a rasp of a zipper, the rustle of clothing, and
then the naked skin of his thighs touched hers. His arm slid around
her waist, titling her hips up higher, and he was there, his shaft
so hot, so silken, so damned hard it made her want to scream in
frustration when he didn’t immediately push inside her.

Mike’s chest
was against her back, she registered the feel of his shirt, and he
curved over her almost protectively. “Are you sure, Maddy?” His
words were hot against her cheek.

“Yes.” She
could barely choke the word out.


Every shred of
pride had long since disappeared behind a wave of reckless desire.
“Oh God, Mike, please. Take me. Just take me.”

Two big hands
abruptly slammed down each side of her own, hard thighs invaded her
space fully, and the heat of his body over hers was both alarming
and delicious. His hips moved, flexed, and then his shaft was
there, the engorged tip almost like a hot, wet brand against her

The instinct to
push back didn’t have a chance to materialize as one hard thrust
had his staff shoving deep inside her, so deep inside she gave a
muffled scream of pure, unadulterated desire.

Mike didn’t
stop, didn’t hesitate. His hips continued to thrust, each movement
fast and inflexible. He rode her with unyielding dominance, setting
the pace, his bigger body controlling her movements, keeping her at
his mercy as he pounded into her harder, thrust faster, giving her
no time to catch her breath but driving her onward and upward,
every thrust making the fires inside her burn hotter, fiercer.

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