Coolidge (95 page)

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Authors: Amity Shlaes

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography / Presidents & Heads of State

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Pierce, Aurora, 274, 343

Pierce, Jason Noble, 232, 256–57, 275, 447

Pillsbury, Albert, 160, 164–65

Pinchot, Gifford, 262–63, 281, 353

Pittsburgh Reduction Company, 52

Platforms, Republican Party, 127–30, 273, 290

Platt Amendment, 71

Plummer, Thomas, 231

Plymouth, Vermont

Coolidge family life in, 1–4, 13–19

Coolidge’s birth and early life in, 19–30

limekiln lot in (
Limekiln lot)

Pocket vetoes, 40, 348, 417, 444

Poker cabinet, Harding’s, 227

Polack, Charles, 131

Police strike.
Boston Police strike


Anson Morse on political parties and, 49–50

Coolidge’s interest in, at Amherst College, 38–47

Coolidge’s interest in, in Northampton, 76–78

at Hammond and Field, 64–65, 68–69

Pollard, Don (uncle), 25

Pollard, Park, 429

Pollard, Sarah (aunt), 25, 87, 283

Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co.
, 245–46

Pomerene, Atlee, 281–82

Ponzi, Charles, 203–4

Ponzi scheme, 203–4

Portraits, 333, 396–97, 415

Post-presidency life, Coolidge’s, 434–56

concern about Franklin Roosevelt during, 450, 452–54

inauguration of Herbert Hoover during, 434–35

life in Northampton during, 435–37

Mount Rushmore inscription embarassment durign, 438–40

move into new house in Northampton during, 441

Republican Party activities during, 450–53

stock market and personal finance issues during, 437–38, 440–41, 446, 449

writing activities during, 441–49

Pratt, Herbert, 34, 44, 54, 69, 413

Prep school, Coolidge’s, 31–32

Presidency, Coolidge’s.
Coolidge administration

Presidential candidacy, Coolidge’s, 188–98.
See also
Vice-presidency, Coolidge’s

beginnings of, 142, 176, 179, 185–87

Boston speeches by Coolidge and Harding during, 195–96

campaign spending and corruption charges against opponents during, 196–97

at Chicago Republican Convention, 198–202

issues in, 189–93

Massachusetts Republican Party and, 193–94

Presidents, U.S.

comparison of Coolidge with other, 7–8 (
see also
Cleveland, Grover; Coolidge administration; Harding administration; Harrison, Benjamin; Hoover, Herbert; Roosevelt, Theodore; Taft, William; Wilson, Woodrow)

Press conferences, 267

Price controls, 191, 195, 235, 324, 344, 345, 346, 351, 378

Private insurance company issue, 132

Proctor, Henry, 336

Progressive Party, 116–17


at Amherst College, 247–48

Coolidge’s, 94, 114, 124, 177

as national movement, 65

Progressive Party, 116–17

prolabor, 104

Robert La Follette and, 240 (
see also
La Follette, Robert)

Roosevelt’s vs. Taft’s, 112

Theodore Roosevelt and, 88–90 (
see also
Roosevelt, Theodore)

trust busting in, 98

World War I as victory for, 148

Prohibition, 174, 182, 270

Proliquor policies, 106–7

Property rights, 52–53, 63


Coolidge on, 191–93, 195

stock market crash and, 440–41

tariffs and, 28, 39–41 (
see also

Prouty, Orville, 68

Prudence Prim (dog), 373, 376

Public Franchise League, 119

Public speaking.
Speeches, Coolidge’s

Public works issues, 343–44

Pulitzer Prizes, 291

Pullman strike, 46–47

Pupin, Michael, 291

Pure Food and Drug Act, 95

Putney, Charles, 32

Radio broadcast technology, 271, 273, 318

Rahar’s inn, 73, 92, 107


antitrust case against, 102–3

chairmanship of state Senate railroad committee, 118–20

growth of, 106

Hepburn Act and regulation of, 95

investments in, 72

nationalizing of, 144–45

in Northampton, 62

regulation of, 89, 117–20

as targets for regulation by progressives, 99–101

Theodore Roosevelt on, 83

Railroad strike, 46–47

Randolph, Mary, 283, 299, 300

Reading law.
Hammond and Field law firm

Reagan, Ronald, 8

Recession, Coolidge’s anticipation of, 423–24

Red Cross, 357–59, 400, 402

Redmond, John, 236

Red tape issue, 323

Reed, James, 161, 196, 231, 327

Reelection campaign, Coolidge’s, 301–19

car caravan on Lincoln Highway in, 307–9

Coolidge-Dawes Caravan in, 313–14, 318

issues of, 304–6

reactions to results of, 318–20

third-party challenge in, 304–5, 311–12

Reemts, Richard, 169

Refugee camps, floods and, 359


Amherst College sewage system and, 120–21

Pure Food and Drug Act and, 94–95

of railroads, 99–101

Relief mission, Coolidge and Hoover’s, 358–60

Religious faith

Coolidge and, 6, 33, 42, 59, 256, 267–68, 302

Coolidge family’s, 14–16, 20

Grace Coolidge’s, 246–47

Representative, Coolidge as.
State representative, Coolidge as

Republican Party

at Amherst College, 38, 43

Chicago convention of, 141–42, 198–202

Cleveland convention of, 293–94

Coolidge administration and, 273

Coolidge as chairman of Northampton, 82

Coolidge as presidential candidate for Massachusetts, 185–86

Coolidge’s joining of, in Northampton, 68–69

Coolidge’s work for, 82, 94, 117, 127–29, 450–53

decline of Whig Party and rise of, 49–50

desire of, for Coolidge to run again, 397

Harding administration midterm elections and, 242

Kansas City, convention at, 402

Massachusetts state representative campaign and, 94

Massachusetts state Senate presidency and, 121

of Northampton, 90

party platforms of, 127–30, 273, 290

in Plymouth, Vermont, 22

post-presidency activities of Coolidge for, 450–53

Progressive Party vs., 116–17

progressivism and, 177

results of Harding-Coolidge election for, 209

Reynolds, James Burton, 82, 188, 197

Richardson, Robert, 455

Riis, Jacob, 65

Riley, Ellen, 343, 347–48, 352, 371–73, 410, 419

Rioting, Boston Police strike and, 157–58, 160–63

Road commissioner, Coolidge’s father as, 57

Roberts, Owen, 281–82

Robertson Aircraft Corporation, 356, 366

Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt, 211

Robinson, Joseph, 279, 327, 329, 344

Rob Roy (dog), 277, 283, 317, 319

Rogers, Maggie, 283

Rogers, Will, 8, 219, 257, 263–64, 296, 298, 309, 320, 339, 342, 343, 350, 362–64, 368, 382, 404, 412, 424, 435–36, 441, 446

Roosevelt, Alice,
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt

Roosevelt, Edith, 90

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 83, 414, 455

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 7, 83, 113, 149, 165, 166, 203, 206, 295, 350, 360, 450–54

Roosevelt, Quentin, 145

Roosevelt, Theodore, 83, 90, 114, 116, 117, 127, 129, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 142, 144, 146, 147, 182, 189, 190, 211, 227, 247, 256, 260, 384, 432-34,

Coolidge and, 7

death of, 149

decision of, to not run, 105, 385

federal food and drug regulation by, 94–95

on Mount Rushmore, 375, 384, 386, 439

as New York police commissioner, 65

peace treaty and, 432–33

presidency of, 76–78, 84, 88, 94, 96, 100, 101, 103, 106, 188, 214, 221, 257, 319, 358, 379, 386

presidential campaign of, 82–83

Progressive Party of, 116–17

progressivism of, 88–90, 102

return of, to politics, 109, 112–13, 127, 419

in Spanish-American War, 71

Root, Elihu, 71, 105

Rosenwald, Julius, 436

Ross, Harry, 454

Rutland Railway Light and Power, 401

Ryan Airlines, 356

Sacco, Nicola, 383, 385, 415

St. Johnsbury Academy, 31–32, 399

San Carlos Irrigation Project, 293

Sanders, Everett, 367, 381, 397, 440–41, 451–53

Sandino, August, 377, 404

Sapelo Island, 426, 431

Sargent, John Garibaldi, 57–58, 63, 236, 329, 335, 337, 365, 392, 401, 424, 428, 444

Sawyer, C. E., 219, 249, 258


Ponzi scheme, 203–4

in Harding administration, 232–33, 235, 244–45 (
see also
Teapot Dome scandal)

in Harding administration, as issue for Coolidge administration, 255, 262, 268–69, 322

Scandrett, Richard, 445

Schiff, Mortimer, 38

Schneider, Isidor, 454

School committee loss, Northampton, 86, 88, 90

School officer, Coolidge’s father as, 22–23

Schroeder, Rudolph, 194

Schurman, Jacob, 418

Scientific taxation idea, 265–67, 289, 310–11, 338–39, 341–42

Scudder, Vida, 115

Seattle, general strike in, 152

Securities Exchange Company, 203–4 (
see also
Ponzi scheme)

Seelye, Laurenus Clark, 105, 229

Selective Service Act, 143

Senate, Massachusetts.
State senator, Coolidge as

Senate, U.S.

Coolidge’s error in, 228

Coolidge vice-presidency and, 223

election of senators to, 181

Harding’s friends in, 214–15, 230

investigation by, of campaign spending and corruption, 196–97

rejection by, of donated residence for vice-president, 244

speech against, by Charles Dawes, 327–28


Charles Edward Garman on, 52–53

Coolidge family philosophy of, 17

Coolidge’s philosophy of, 10

as ideal in Coolidge administration, 317, 323–24

as ideal in Coolidge vice-presidency, 234, 236, 252

Sesquicentennial of Battle of Bennington, 387, 390

Seventeenth Amendment, 181, 223

Sewage system regulation, 120–21

S. F. Bridgeman Bookstore, 68

Shakespeare, William, 15

Shaw, Edward, 61, 69, 318

Shays, Daniel, 2, 17, 64

Shays’s Rebellion, 171–72

Sheffield, James, 377

Sherman, George, 28–29, 32

Sherman Antitrust Act, 47, 77, 100, 103, 117–18, 316

Sherman Silver Purchase Act, 40, 43–44

Short story, Coolidge’s, 55

Shotwell, James, 411, 414

Silence, Coolidge’s

as advantage in presidential campaign, 308–9

as law clerk, 68

as liability in vice-presidency, 221, 224, 228, 238

as personal style, 73–74, 130

Silent majority phrase, 186, 424

Silver standard, 40, 43

Simmons, Furnifold, 339, 394

Sinclair, Harry, 227, 240, 269, 281, 295

Sinclair, Upton, 94–95

Sinclair Oil, 240

Sleight, Reuben, 401

Slemp, C. Bascom, 261, 274, 382

Smith, Alfred E., 295, 297, 424, 436, 455–56

Smith, Ira, 322

Smith, Jess, 247, 280

Smith, Jonathan, 172

Smith, Robert, 454

Smith, Sophia, 61

Smith College, 62, 104, 398–99

Smoot, Reed, 209, 262, 338–39, 378–79, 440

Snell, Bertrand, 452

“Snow-Bound” (poem), 16, 92

Socialist Party, 115

Social Register, 220–21, 224

Solicitor general, Coolidge as Northampton, 72, 74–76

Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution, 55–56, 66–67

South Dakota summer White House, 367–68, 370–86

Spanish-American War, 71

Spargo, John, 387, 430

Public speaking

Special prosecutor, Coolidge administration, 281

Speculation, stock market, 425, 449

Speeches, Coolidge’s

to AFL, 151–52

to American Legion, 233–34, 336

at Amherst College, 37–39, 43–44, 48, 54–58

at Bennington, 430–31

at Black River Academy, 27, 29

book of (
Have Faith in Massachusetts

at budget meeting, 296

for Charles Lindbergh, 365

at Coolidge inauguration, 326–28

eulogy for Warren Harding, 273

eulogy for William McKinley, 76

first presidential policy speech, 271–73

in Harding campaign in New England, 205–6

for Hoover at Madison Square Garden, 452–53

at inauguration as vice-president, 212–14

Lincoln Day Speech, 198

to Massachusetts state senate, 131–32

at Memorial Day in Northampton, 249

at Mount Rushmore, 384

payment for, 305

in Plymouth, 68, 210

presidential campaign, 195–96

radio broadcast of, 318

State of the Union address, 402–3

welcoming Woodrow Wilson to Boston, 149–50

Spencer, Selden, 10, 317

Spirit of St. Louis
airplane, 365

Springfield Brewing Company, 106–7

Spruce, White House, 11, 301–3

Staab, Ralph, 130–31

Stables, White House, 434

Stafford, Wendell, 179

Standard Brands stock, 437, 440

Standard Oil, 98, 101, 106, 240

Starling, Edmund, 258, 260, 269–70, 275–76, 284, 316–18, 325, 326, 328, 329, 330, 333, 334, 343, 354–55, 373, 374, 380, 383, 385, 397, 398, 412, 419, 420, 424, 431, 436, 443, 450, 453

State House, Massachusetts, 95–96

State of the Union address, 402–3

State representative, Coolidge as, 94–105

State Senate president, Coolidge as, 121–24, 126–27, 129–35

State senator, Coolidge as, 111–12, 114–24

Stearns, Emily, 211–12, 333

Stearns, Foster, 143, 145–46, 220

Stearns, Frank

as Amherst College alumnus, 34

Amherst College sewage system and, 120–21

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