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Authors: Shanora Williams

Control Me (10 page)

BOOK: Control Me
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My blood was boiling. I had to get the hell away from him. I needed to calm down. After dramatically dropping the bag of sushi at his feet and whirling around, I snatched his office door open and hurried for the elevator. But when the doors opened, there were those three men in suits again. They eyed me briefly before marching around me and heading for Carlos’s office.

I frowned as I entered the cart. They didn’t even check in with Jane. Who the hell were these guys? Unfortunately, the doors closed before I could see them enter his office. I figured they worked for him as well.  Whatever.

I made it out to the car and slid in. Isaac didn’t dare look back. He simply started the car and pulled off. I felt kind of bad lying to him, especially since lunch didn’t go as planned, but I ignored my guilt and focused on all the things Carlos said.

Then, I wondered… was
happening? Had I already lost my constraint? I swore I was only going to be in this for the fun of it, but already, things had transitioned for me. I felt obligated to do things for Carlos. I felt it was my duty to make sure he was satisfied in all ways other than sex.

But he didn’t want that.

I’d ignored his command about coming to his office all because I wanted to see him. He was right about one thing… I wasn’t coming to see him just to provide lunch. No. It was something more.

Something dangerous.

Something I didn’t want to admit.

Something I should’ve been running away from once I had the chance.

But I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. I was going to control my behavior and myself. I was going to finish off the next few days, and then I was going home.

Nothing more could come of this. I had to get that into my thick skull.

Nothing. More. Could. Come. Of. This.





Carlos didn’t stop by for dinner, nor did he stop by the next morning.

I panicked. Maybe I really did screw up yesterday. Had I really let this thing go downhill that fast? I knew Carlos was expecting me to follow his orders, but was it really so bad that he refused to come see me? Was he punishing me?

Tears built at the rims of my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away. Turning my gaze to my left, I stared at my laptop on my desk. There were a few things I learned last night. Since Carlos didn’t come by, I did some unnecessary digging. What I learned was that Carlos had Jane update his website a lot on his whereabouts and what projects he was working on. There wasn’t an update last night, but I figured there’d be one today. Perhaps he got caught up… but if that were the case, why didn’t he call? Shoot me a text or an email? I hadn’t heard from him since the previous afternoon.

I fidgeted on the bed, biting at my fingernail while staring at the laptop. It was right there… but getting on it meant I was crossing the line. I swore I wouldn’t be that way with Carlos, so instead of opening up the laptop, I scrambled for the remote and turned the TV on. All I needed was to occupy myself.

That was all.

I surfed through the channels, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t keep giving that laptop a quick glance every few seconds. After watching an episode of
Sex and the City
and realizing my phone was still dry and my nerves were on end, I couldn’t handle it. I jumped off the bed and sat in the chair in front of the desk. After lifting the flap and going to the browser, my fingers dwindled over the keyboard.

“Shit,” I sighed. Was I really doing this? Had I already fallen into this trap? Yes, yes I had because it didn’t take very long for me to pull up Carlos’s website and start scrolling.

I clicked the updates section, but when I did, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There was a reason I hadn’t seen or heard from Carlos since the previous afternoon. Although I couldn’t truly be upset about that reason, I was. In fact, I was pissed.

The top post was a picture of Carlos and the brunette that was in his office only yesterday. They were arm in arm, he in a well-tailored black suit and her in a little black dress to match. They were ideal… and I was jealous. The one liner was simple and gave no details of their relation.

Mr. Montero and his guest, Marilyn Black, after the Marley Rails Dinner.

That woman—I should’ve known she was more than “just a friend” as he said. I recalled the time when Jane confused me for a woman seeking a good time with Carlos in his office, and my blood seemed to boil. My face became hot. My hands balled into tight fists. I stared at the screen—at the perfect picture of them arm in arm—dumbfounded and… hurt?

I was hurting, buy why?

Carlos made it clear that this was nothing more than sex… but what I didn’t know was that there would be other women? Had he slept with her last night? Did he go home with her and do the things that he’d done to me to her?

My heart pounded. I started to pant.

I had to calm down.

I had to get over this.

After all, I didn’t know the whole story. I didn’t know if this woman was truly a friend or perhaps an in-law of his. Unlike me, she didn’t have tan skin or jet-black hair. She didn’t have cat eyes, and she wasn’t very tall. But she was purely Caucasian, and I was that as well, mixed with Egyptian blood.

“Calm down, Mya,” I breathed, pushing from the chair and slowly closing the laptop. “Just calm down.” Turning to my left, I picked up my phone and knew it was time to call Claire.

I entered the TV room, swiping my nose and heading for the sofa. But just before I could press the dial number for Claire, I spotted a folded sheet of paper on the countertop. My eyebrows stitched as I warily made my way towards it. Dropping my phone, I picked up the paper and noticed the handwriting. It was Carlos’s handwriting. Seeing it made my heart race, in a good way of course.


Don’t be angry with me. I totally forgot about the dinner I had to attend. Let’s just say you’ve been stealing my thoughts away ever since you’ve been here. All I seem to think about is you… your body. Your laugh. Your smile. Your lips. You
lips. I stopped by after the dinner, but you were sleeping. I didn’t want to disturb you.  I will make this up to you. After work today I will be all yours. I left a surprise in the front closet for you. Wear it. I know you’ll look perfect in it. Be ready by seven PM sharp, my sweet Mya.




My heart stuttered… it fucking fluttered. My smile grew so wide and so big with each word that I couldn’t believe my face could stretch so much. Carlos came by. He was coming back to me, which meant he didn’t go back with the Marilyn girl. He wanted me for the night. The thought of that thrilled me.

And his words… oh, his words. What was it with this Latin man that made me weak? I could picture his voice—him speaking so seductively, so deeply that it probably would’ve made my core tingle and my knees wobble. He was perfect. And all that frustration I held earlier seemed to disappear.

I folded the note back neatly and headed for the front closet. When I opened it and saw what was waiting for me, my jaw dropped. I pulled the black
dress out slowly, disbelieving my eyes. It was short and fitted, strapless with small gold stitches bordering the waist and bust. It. Was. Perfect.

I bounced on my toes with excitement then rushed towards the counter to check the time on my phone. I had three hours to get ready, and that didn’t feel like nearly enough. I knew I was going to have to look my best. I needed to after not seeing Carlos for almost an entire day. I wanted him to drool.

I wanted him to stare.

I wanted him to want me wherever we were at all times. I didn’t want his eyes to stray from me once.

Call my crazy or over the top, but I was thrilled about this, and due to all of my excitement, I decided to keep Claire out of the loop until I was back in Chicago. She could wait. I didn’t want this ruined… not yet. I had one day left. One damn day. I had to get this man out of my system before then, but deep down, I knew that was going to be next to impossible for a girl like me.


I finished getting dressed thirty minutes before Isaac arrived. I was a little disappointed when I made it down to the car and saw Carlos wasn’t in the back seat waiting for me. Spotting my disappointment, Isaac said, “Don’t worry, Miss Sterling. The wait will surely be worth it.” I forced a smile at Isaac and slid into the backseat. Once he pulled off, I pulled out my handheld mirror and gave myself a quick once over.

Lips glossed.

Hair curled.

Eyelashes long and batty-like.

Cheeks rosy and somewhat innocent.

I felt great, but it’d been a while since I’d worn so much makeup. Nonetheless, I had to admit, I was flawless. Nervous as shit, but pretty striking for a woman as myself.

It took about half an hour for Isaac to reach our destination. I stared out the window a little confused. He’d pulled up in front of a white-brick mansion. The garden lights flashed on the dark-brown shutters and the tall, oak door. I gripped my clutch as Isaac put the car in park and dashed around to open the door for me.

“Thanks, Isaac,” I said, stepping out cautiously. I was always taught it was rude not to make eye contact when speaking to someone, but I couldn’t help my wandering irises. This place was gigantic. And it sat on a hill near the coastline of San Francisco. The scenery was absolutely remarkable—breathtaking. Tall palm trees and a cool breeze, it was something that needed to be in a magazine.

“Have a good time, Miss Sterling,” Isaac said as he made his way back to the driver’s side. I gave him a curt nod, and he shut his door behind him. When he pulled off, I gulped and made my way to the front door.

What was this? What had Carlos planned? I had to admit, I wasn’t disappointed with what I was seeing. I was bubbling with excitement on the inside, but I had to contain it. I couldn’t reveal too much.

Before I could knock on the door, it swung open, and I swear it felt like my breath had been knocked right out of my lungs. Carlos released the doorknob and gradually slid his fingertips into his front pockets. His hair was sleek and pushed back, that one little piece dangling in his eyes. On his lips he wore a small, confident smile. I wanted to kiss those lips. I wanted to jump right on top of him. There was nothing sexier than a man in a suit. His button-down shirt revealed a small slice of his firm, tan chest, and everything else just seemed to flow together naturally.

“Mya,” Carlos murmured, tilting his head.

I gave a dumbfounded blink as my name rolled off his tongue. “Carlos,” I whispered. “I… um…”

“Shh.” His upper lip tugged up as he pulled his hand out of his pocket and reached for mine. I gave it to him without an ounce of hesitation. “You don’t have to speak if you don’t want to. I’d much rather you take it all in… let me do the talking. But first—” He pulled me into his chest, shut the door behind him, and then pressed my back against it. Lowering his gaze to my lips, he curled his fingers around my waist, and the tip of his nose slowly ran up my cheek. “I want you to forgive me.”

“Forgive you?”

“Yes. Right now. Tell me you aren’t upset about me not showing up last night.”

I glanced up at him but quickly jerked my gaze away. “I… saw who you were at the dinner with.”

“Marilyn,” he said, as if her name was just a word.

“Yes. Marilyn. I thought she was just a friend.”

“She is just a friend.”

“Seems like more than that.”

Carlos pressed his lips. “Do you believe in ‘faking it’?” he questioned.

My eyebrows stitched. “You two were faking being together?”

“Marilyn is in a relationship… and no, it isn’t with me.”

“So why were you two together for the dinner?”

“Because that’s what some people expect of us.”

I was confused. “You’re not making any sense.”

He sighed, taking a minor step back. “Marilyn and I have known each other for years now. I knew her before I took over the Montero business. I met her in Venezuela. After my father died, I had to make an agreement. I had to get here—in the U.S. The only way I could do that was if I married someone that was already a citizen. I needed an easier way to become one. She agreed.”

I blinked. “Oh.”

“But,” he breathed. “We are no longer married.”

“Why not?”

He paused. “Let’s just say some things work themselves out. I no longer needed to be married to her in order to keep my citizenship. Other options were thrown my way. Of course, the public doesn’t know that. They think we’re still married, and unfortunately, we have to keep it that way. Otherwise, it’ll ruin business.
business… and other things. Of course she still has bills and things that need to be taken care of. Because of what she did for me, I feel throwing her a few thousand a month is the least I can do.”

“Oh… I guess that makes some sense now.”
But it still irks me.
“Have to keep your perfect reputation, I suppose.” I bit a smile.

“Exactly,” he murmured. “Now… tell me you forgive me.” He clutched my hips, pulling my groin against his. I could feel his massiveness dangling in his pants.

“But what if I don’t?”

He cocked a brow. “Then, I guess I’ll just have to work harder.” He stepped back, and for some reason, my heart failed to beat.

“Wait… Carlos… I forgive you,” I murmured. Of course I did. I was just trying to play hard to get. His story seemed reasonable, and I knew if he were truly tired of me, he wouldn’t have invited me to, what I assumed was, his home.

He looked me over. “Don’t say it unless you mean it.”

“I do. I mean it,” I said rapidly.

After giving me a quick glance, Carlos stepped forward and hooked his arm around my waist, allowing me to feel relief. I did
like when this man didn’t touch me… not while we were around each other. I had to feel him. Always.

“Good.” He placed a kiss on the corner of my mouth.

I sighed.

He did it again, only this time, he cupped my face, kissing me a bit rougher. My lips ached, but only in the best way possible. He pressed his hardening cock against me, and I yearned for him to lift me up, wrap my legs around his waist, and sink his way inside me. I didn’t wear any panties on purpose. I needed him there again. I wanted him to take me as soon as possible, no interruptions. No blocks or barricades.

A moan rattled at the heart of my throat as Carlos gripped my face tighter and thrust himself against me. He was getting harder by the second. His kisses were becoming desperate.

“Fuck, I’ve wanted this all day,” he growled after snatching his lips away. His breaths were thick and labored, mine as well. I stared up at him, anxious to know what he would do next.

“But as I said, I want to make the lost time up to you.”


He smiled, releasing my face. Taking my hand in his, and turning only slightly, he said, “Ven conmigo.” He squeezed my hand, and I think I nearly melted. His accent was mesmerizing, but paired with words from his native language, it was irresistible. Shit. I hoped he’d speak his native tongue while riding me.

BOOK: Control Me
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