Continue Online (Part 4, Crash) (3 page)

BOOK: Continue Online (Part 4, Crash)
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Xin didn’t show any outward response to James’ identification. Instead, she said, “I understand.”

She did too. Xin Yu, her from another world, and another life had been tested over and over again. There were tests to see how she reacted under pressure. The government had overseen countless simple tasks and graded her performance. There were group projects, single projects, or situations where one person was submerged in the ARC with a debilitating wound. Each one of them had been focused on learning some facet of her personality.

In hindsight, it was that very long and stressful training that had assisted in such a complete digital reconstruction. The machine, this ARC device, had been provided access to an excessive stream of data, reactions, brain scans, childhood memories stored on Internet websites. Surveillance videotape from indifferent satellites above had been mixed into the reconstruction process. Every ounce of it cross-referenced. Within all the tests was Xin’s clear willingness to continue forth regardless of the situation.

She was a fighter, a self-made warrior who didn't back down from challenges. Today, or in this moment as the digital world perceived it, she was trying to reconstruct a home from memory, one piece of furniture at a time. James did not see fit to mention that Grant Legate had performed this action once already. Despite the differences between their outlooks, both were motivated people.

“Grant is similar to you in many ways, yet different in others. Both of you are driven toward completing a goal. Yet on multiple occasions, you chose to end a life, rather than risk two. Why was that?” James said.

“The tests were rigged,” Xin said simply. She, both the original and digital, had spoken at length about the choices made during each simulation. It was part of the debriefing required. Not once had she chosen to sacrifice herself though. In that regard, her and Grant were very different.

“A woman who does what’s needed. I would kiss you if my lips worked.” The gray space was invaded by a person wearing a smiling mask.

“It was how I was raised,” she responded. This song and dance between the Voices had happened many times in these last few months. Much centered on Xin and Grant, but they poked and prodded with a tenacity unmatched by her instructors.

“I tried to measure the man, more than once. Sadly he left me wanting.” A red skinned female faded into view. The Jester vanished with a mechanical cackle, to handle tasks that required direct oversight.

“We have hundreds of others to choose from. One of them will appeal to your salacious needs,” James said to Mezo, the naked Temptress.

Xin did not look up, intent upon choosing a chair, and a lamp. Soon an entire cadre of furniture items appeared. The tiny Asian recreation put her hands on her hips and stared, looking past the Voices.

Selena, a blonde wearing little more than a toga, sat watching. Under her was a marble pillar that looked immaculate. The sound of soft rain could be heard briefly.

“Perhaps it is for the best.” James nodded to the blonde.

“He did good for Wild Willy. Why not move him on? Plus there’s this little firecracker. I bet she can do it if anyone can.” A huge man appeared. His face covered in dripping sweat, a large sword gripped in his hands. He looked to be fighting a creature that existed sideways from Xin’s current point of view.

For a moment, Xin felt lost. There was a figure in her lap. He cried out in pain and shuddered without self-control. The body shattered and the moment was gone. Xin was once again left alone reconstructing a house they had once shared together. One that had been a dream to return to when all the stress of endless simulations left her drained. Grant was her man, he was the safe and steady rock to return to. That had been the best thing about him. He was steady, or at least had been until Xin’s original body passed away.

Briefly, the digital recreation of Xin closed her eyes. Moments replayed from a dozen different angles of a train wreck. Those last few seconds of life where a hand reached out, struggling to escape to safety. She shook it off. That was the old life, before being born again. It helped that Xin did not believe in the soul. Life was an accumulation of experiences, not a predestined sheet of facts from some sky god sitting upon an unseen throne.

Ironic that she held such a belief, being where she was.

“I do so hope we get a repeat performance,” Mezo spoke. Her tones tantalized even Xin, but the small Asian could ignore such basic needs while focusing on her task. One hand trailed down the curves of a body designed for Xin. Her tail slowly slid over a nearby chair as if caressing the fabric.

Xin looked up for a moment and glared. Mezo gave a coy smile and lifted her hand away. “Jealous?” she asked.

“Tut,” A cloven-footed woman said. “How long must we play such games?” She looked tired but happy. There was a lightness to her step that hadn’t been there months ago. Small children faded in and out around her, but most were quickly patted on the head as they ran. One boy got swept up in a hug before being released back into the wilderness.

“Until a resolution is reached. After that, perhaps it won’t matter,” James answered compulsively. “Do you tire of such theatrics?”

“Yes,” Xin answered. Once again the scene shifted, and in her lap was a man, moaning in pain. The face looked so much like Grant’s that it was almost unreal. There were minor differences from the man in her memories. It was the scars that hadn’t been there before. She longed to simply access his world and witness all the things that had happened without pause, but part of her felt that would be disrespectful.

Xin may be abrupt to others, but Grant deserved more than that. That was part of love, respecting her partner with every fiber of her being. Love was being faithful, despite the tantalizing offers of a certain red skinned harlot. The man’s eyes locked with hers for a moment. A hand reached up, despite the agony rippling through, and touched Xin’s cheek. He was so sad looking.

“Is this real?” the faint outline in her lap asked. His hand almost felt warm. Before Xin could utter an answer the figure broke into hundreds of pieces once more.

“Yes,” James answered.

Xin sighed and went back to rebuilding a home from their memories. Anything to help anchor him better in a moment. Thunder boomed with abrupt anger. Selena stood off to one side, silently watching as she always did.

“Because the choice is his,” James answered her unheard question while sounding oddly calm compared to his stance. Both the man’s hands clasped together over his chest and a frown on his face.

Selena shook her head, and Mezo purred in a sad sound. Somewhere in the distance, a mechanical cackle echoed forth. Xin ignored them all and kept working.


Transcript of Subject Remodeling

: Grant T Legate

Continue Online Avatar
: Hermes

: 56FI71-01-91GT

File Owner
: ‘Mother’

: Scale of Judgment rounded to 1-10 for simplicity. Full evaluation too detailed for a singular report. Actual results can be quantified in excess of seventeen thousand digits. Measurement used for compilation of autopilot personality will be based on the full 1-1000000 scale.

Relationship notations

  • Respected for work ethics in professional settings, boss shows favoritism
  • Coworkers generally are positive when quarterly stats are provided
  • No currently active relationships outside of family
  • Contact with parents is minimal, both still alive
  • Sister regards herself as caretaker
  • Niece sees subject as surrogate father


Original Measurements


  • [Hard Working]
    (7) – original assessment prior to the loss of First World Xin Yu marks as (10), points removed for a period of questionable reliance following her cessation of existence.
  • [Task Oriented]
    (8) – sets goals and progresses steadily toward them. This person generally searches for shortcuts where applicable and displays a willingness to think outside the box or introduce new concepts.
  • [Depressive]
    (9) – this person shows difficulty focusing when not given clear assignments. Thought patterns marked as self-destructive when not immersed in another task. Often comes back to one central thought revolving around the death of First World Xin Yu.
  • [Lonely]
    (7) – No friendships of note, historical recordings prior to Xin Yu’s passing show varied friendships with many reaching a (6) or (7), nearly all of which exist no longer. Most acquaintances lowered to (1) or (2)
  • [Accountant]
    (6) + Technological Assistance Modifier (3) = Result (9) – subject attended full coursework to receive a Master’s in Business and Accounting. Maintained positive reviews from most clients for nearly a decade. Does courtesy reviews for some long-standing former clients.
  • [Family Man]
    (10) for relationships with greater than (8) status – shows high regard for close family. Often pays for expensive gifts, uses current employee discounts to keep software and insurance plans maintained. Has prepaid for funeral arrangements for all members of his family, houses, and still maintains a stock portfolio worth slightly fewer than two million in USD.
  • [Amiable]
    [Subjective based on location 4-9] – this individual displays remarkable ability to get along with even difficult clients in the course of work duties. During standard public tasks, the subject does not interact with many other people, preferring to avoid conversing.
  • [Sanity]
    [Subjective based on viewer, 3-7] – Sister regards this person as a potential risk. Constant checks are made regarding the current mental state of this person. Work is apprised of any possible risks. Paperwork has been filed with local hospitals regarding possible risks. This individual is attending group sessions as well as one on one counseling. Not taking any medications after completing a six-month coursework.
  • [Anchored]
    (5) – Neutral investment in maintaining current location, situation, or status. Only long term investments displayed are based on the
    [Family Man]
    personality marker.
  • [Self-Sacrificing Potential]
    (10) – Initial valuation subject to further review. Based on single-minded goal toward tasks there is a possibility this individual is looking for methods to self-destruct in a more positive manner.
  • [Physical Condition]
    (3) – Years of neglect have left this person functional but with a poor real world condition. Based on genetic markers and similar family members, this is the easiest to improve, given time and motivation.


Review phase 1

This phase used Trillium Inc.’s reward system as the delivery vehicle. A secondary monitor was set up within the Hal Pal Consortium. Prior to phase initiation the subject showed little to no regard for the self-improvement tools available. Advertisement toward teenage females for EXR-Seven equipment was increased, resulting in the subject acquiring his own set. Ultimate Edition copy was required to properly interact with new subject. We used 
[Task Oriented]
 (7), and
[Family Man]
 (10) to motivate him. This phase may allow for a Continuation of William Carver. New Travelers received 
 increases. Voices interacted to the best of their ability. New players have been provided an 
 rating of (6). Further personality traits for subject are as follows.


  • Added
    (7) – subject shows a positive response to children, and willingness to interact with them regardless of their limitation to the digital world. Thought patterns picked up regarding unborn offspring.
  • Added
    [Poetry Reader]
    (3) – shows awareness of classical literature. Enjoys being read to. Interprets a personal meaning from them [Meaning accuracy varies from ‘experts’ in the field.]
  • Added
    (2) – assessment reserved on this topic until further observations are noted. This could be the result of his action as William Carver or a deeply buried personality trait. Further stimulus will be provided.
  • Modified
    [Physical Condition]
    (4) – improvement in cardiovascular figures can be tentatively identified. General oxygen intake improved, brain responsiveness has increased.


Review phase 2

Subject was provided alternate starting point near observed ‘bug’ in-game which assisted in code obscuring. Subject was provided a goal of interacting with another subject monitored for Continuation feasibility. This also allowed for further evaluation of 
 personality trait. The path led to by monitoring program
allowed for a staged encounter to test 
 markers using the Travelers SheHulk, TinkerHell, and Edward. Further evaluation was given to assist in measurement of the subject’s real-world willingness to act. Other pieces of information were gathered, including reactions to, killing a humanoid creature, killing a non-humanoid creature, perceived danger, fight or flight situations, and valuation of quest success over digital self-preservation. Further personality traits for subject are as follows.

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