Continental Life (2 page)

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Authors: Ella Dominguez

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Single Authors

BOOK: Continental Life
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Tossing her
self onto the bench seat next to Xander, she watched him sink low into the seat, rest his head back and close his eyes. She stared intently as he relaxed, wondering what he was thinking. This altruistic, caring, and unpredictable man was the very one who was going to marry her.
Or would he
? Overcome with deep sadness at the thought of losing him, she abruptly burst into tears. School, medical rounds, and lack of being able to be with the one and only man she had ever loved had taken its toll on her, and she could no longer hold back her emotions.

In the blink of an eye, Xander pulled her into his arms and
rocked her while whispering sweet nothings that meant everything into her ear.

“I love you, Bella.
We’ll work it out,” he spoke as if he had sensed where her anxiety was coming from.

Maybe he didn’t
Maybe he was having the same doubts she was.
Yes, that was it
. She could tell by the pained expression on his face that was the case, only making her cry even harder.

For a bri
ef moment, she regretted ever attending medical school. “I’ll quit…” she stammered between sobs.

Xander gripped her chin and gave her a
stern look. “Like hell you will. My Princess is no quitter. You
see this thing through.”

Even if
it destroyed their relationship?
It wouldn’t be worth it. He meant more to her than any college degree. And, in fact, she was a quitter. She had quit working for him nearly three years earlier in what was the worst time of her life. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she willed herself to stop her ridiculous overreaction and choked back her sobs. Xander’s thumbs swept away the tears that streamed down her cheeks and he smiled weakly at her.

Inching closer to her lips, he spoke
the words she yearned, even needed, to hear. “I’ll never stop loving you, Ms. Darcy. Not. Ever.”



Back in fr
ont of her peers and instructor, Bella’s mind was focused on everything except what it should be. With her eyes transfixed on her three carat, oval sapphire and diamond engagement ring, images of Xander’s forlorn and shining eyes continued to flash in her mind along with his words -
we’ll work it out.
She had seen that expression on his face only once before - the day she walked out on him, and she promised herself years before that she would never be the reason for that look again. Now that promise was broken. Clearly he was feeling the same misgivings she was or why else would he have made such a statement?

Considering the signs and symptoms listed, and given the abnormal lab values, what are some possible diagnoses you would be considering right now?”

The voice only vaguely broke through her trance. It wasn’t until she felt an elbow nudge her that she realized the question was directed at her.
Clearing her throat and trying to appear collected, she prepared herself to answer. The sound of her own voice filled her ears as she responded only half-heartedly. “Acute appendicitis or ovarian cysts…”

She hoped
her response was correct and to her astonishment, everyone nodded, including her clinical instructor. When all eyes shifted away from her, she let out a sigh of relief.

rest of the day passed slowly, as if fate was tormenting her and intentionally trying to keep her away from Xander. During a spare moment she sent him a text message, wanting to assure herself that things were all right between them.


MsDarcy: Thank u for this afternoon, Sir. It was wonderful (minus my outburst).

Wonderful? More like fucking awesome. We need more of that.

: I miss spending time with u. I’m going to slip out of here early. Can we plan a date night?

XP: As if you need to ask?


Knowing she wasn’t going to take a backseat to Xander’s work, Bella’s anxiety subsided and was replaced with the warmth of anticipation deep in her belly.


XP: A song on the way to the office made me think of you. Capital Cities, Patience Gets Us Nowhere Fast. I’m getting sappy in my old age. :/

MsDarcy: I love your romantic side!

XP: Who said anything about romantic?

Stop denying who and what you are :)

XP: I refuse to acknowledge that remark
or answer that question on the grounds that it may incriminate me.

You’re not on trial and my statement stands. I love you. I’ll see u at 8ish.

XP: I’ll be
eagerly waiting. And planning >:) Be prepared. I suggest you stretch before you arrive. ;)


Her excitement nearly bubbled over. Xander had a wicked and perverse imagination that she had learned to appreciate over the last three years. Of course, the two years prior to that demonstrated his ingenuity when it came to love-making; however, once they were officially a couple, he really let his inhibitions go and used her body and bent her will to suit him in the most inconceivable and delightful ways. Memories flooded her brain of all the decadent ways he had taken her and tested her limits.


MsDarcy: Hint?

XP: Legs wide… mouth full…wrists tied…your firm ass cheeks red under my palm
for having made me wait so long. And that’s just foreplay. I could go on and on.


Practically salivating and with her panties now thoroughly soaked, she slipped out of view from everyone and found a secluded spot to continue their non-verbal, yet surreptitious conversation.


MsDarcy: Please do.


Xander tried his best to conceal the smile that was hiding just below the surface of his professional façade. The voices around him buzzed on steadily about a recent merger, but he paid no attention as he quietly tapped out his response to Bella with the phone shrouded beneath the conference table. He loved playing cat and mouse with her; to tease her relentlessly and to keep her guessing; and most of all, to give her the things she fantasized about.


XP: A true gentleman never reveals his secrets.

U are no gentleman, Mr. Pettifor. U are wicked and naughty.

Undeniably so you’ll just have to jog your memory of a recent conversation we had. That’s all I’m saying. Are you up for it?


The blood rushed from the head on his shoulders to the one between his legs as the image of a sightless, soundless and bound Bella flashed before his half-closed eyes. They had experimented with various methods of sensory deprivation, but not all of them at once. Tonight would be the night, especially considering he didn’t know when he would get another chance anytime soon with their God damn schedule conflicts. His excitement turned to mild irritation at the thought.


MsDarcy: As if you need to ask?

XP: I wasn’t asking.

MsDarcy: And you never need to, Sir. Forgive me.


Even in text Bella was submissive. Suddenly, he remembered he was picking up an extra shift at The Center that evening. He cursed under his breath causing the people sitting near him to give him confused stares.
Why the hell did he agree to start teaching again?
His chest heaved with agitation as the reasons crept into his mind. Because Bella wasn’t there to keep his idle hands busy. Because being alone in his penthouse condo without her was just too much. Because work alone wasn’t satiating his needs. Out of love and respect for Bella, he had agreed to only watch and comment during the practicum portion and not participate, but even at that, he knew his going back had caused a rift in their relationship. It hadn’t been intentional. Nonetheless, it was an area of contention between the two of them despite his reassurances that it wasn’t because of anything she had or had not done. It was just temporary anyway and only until she was done with school.


XP: I’m the one who needs your forgiveness. I forgot I have to teach tonight.


He dreaded the argument that would ensue but instead, only a blank screen stared back at him. Her lack of response let him know he had upset her deeply. A knot formed in his stomach. Silence from Bella was far worse than any form of a verbal come back. What did he expect? He had trained her not to react with volatility when angry, but instead to hold her tongue until everything was thought through and her emotions were in check. Still, he was upset with himself for having forgotten and gotten her hopes up. After accepting that he was now on her shit list, he set his phone back down. There was nothing else to say.


Staring at the phone for nearly a minute, Bella finally turned it off. She wasn’t angry. She wasn’t hurt. She wasn’t even surprised. She was numb. Numb to the idea of Xander teaching again. Numb that he wasn’t with her. The only thing she felt was stunned that educating a bunch of strangers on the finer points of being obedient to their partners was more important to Xander than spending much needed time with her. Commitments meant everything to him and if he gave his word about something, he would follow through with it. She knew that.
But what about her
? Wasn’t he committed to her? Hadn’t he made a promise to always love her and to be there for her? Shaking her head, she slumped into the chair she was sitting in and mourned the loss of an evening of fun she was so looking forward to.

Just after eight
o’clock, Bella’s feet and brain ached; not to mention her heart. She should’ve been home right about now, enjoying the company of the man who might or might not be her future husband. An unexpected break gave her the opportunity to leave, only annoying her further. It would’ve worked out perfectly, but instead, now she would be home alone. It would give her time to go over her upcoming summer class schedule, she supposed.

When she arrived at their residence perched high in the sky
, Xander’s unique cologne assaulted her as soon as she entered the foyer, deepening her sadness that he wasn’t there to wrap his strong arms around her. A flick of the light switch several times yielded only darkness. Confused by the blackout and stumbling in the entryway, she set her bag down and kicked off her shoes. Feeling her way along the wall toward the bedroom, she suddenly felt powerful, hot hands and arms around her waist and across her shoulders halting her movement. Panic inundated her and she thrashed and tried to scream when a hand came crashing down onto her mouth, stifling her shriek.

“Be still and take y
our punishment like a good girl,” she heard a familiar and seductive voice whisper in her ear.


Thrilled that he was home, her body softened in his embrace as she succumbed to his unexpected forcefulness. The tapping of his foot on her inner ankle widened her step as the hand around her waist inched down, hiked up her skirt and slipped inside her pussy.

A wet cunt, just the way I like it.”

’s filthy mouth and dirty talk got to Bella every time.

“If you had kept your phone on, you’d know I
had found someone else to cover my shift at The Center and I would be here waiting for you,” he growled in her ear. “It’s a good thing for your ass you didn’t keep me waiting too long.”

Gulping loud
ly, her body stiffened again and her heart swelled.
She was more important than the DDTC.
An attempted apology against his hand only made him tighten his grip.

“I don’t want
to hear what you have to say, so save it, Ms. Darcy.”

nodded her head woodenly and whimpered.

“Anyway…” he
licked the shell of her ear. Moving down toward her shoulder he delivered a sharp bite. “It’s also a good thing you didn’t know I would be here. Fortunately for you, my plans were thwarted unintentionally as it gave me a chance to rethink and adjust my plans for our evening. And now here you are… in the dark, frightened, panting, wet, and forced to submit to me. You’re ready for a big cock right about now, aren’t you?”

n addition to her desires being fulfilled, it seems he was in the mood for a little forced submission – one of his favorite exercises in role playing. Bella shook her head
Of course she
, but she had a starring role in this erotic feature and the metaphorical camera was now rolling.

“Sure you do,
you just don’t know it yet,” he thrust his hips forward and pressed his shaft into her lower back. “Mmm…yes… things couldn’t have turned out any better. Let’s see...” he trailed off as he spun her body around making her gasp out from the sheer force of the motion. Squeezing his arms around her again, he breathed against her ear, “Where shall we begin?”

Only the
outline of Xander’s strong profile could be seen in the darkened hall but his hot, moist breath fluttered across her lips as he faced her.

And his smell…
God, how she loved the way his masculine scent tickled her senses.

A smile
danced across her lips because she knew his question was a rhetorical one. He knew precisely where he was going to begin with her. Brusquely she was picked up and heaved over his shoulder as he held on tight with one hand on her ass and the other over the backs of her knees. Giving him what she knew he wanted, she pretended to fight his strong arms and kicked wildly. Rapidly, he strode to the master suite which was only lit by one lone flickering candle.

tossed her onto the bed roughly and in the blink of an eye, her clothes were torn from her body and lying carelessly scattered on the floor. She rolled onto her belly and tried to crawl away, but Xander pulled her back by her ankles and flipped her back over. If it was a fight he wanted, then she would give him one. She thrashed until she became winded and his grip loosened. As she backed away on her elbows, the light of the candle caught his sparkling, excited eyes and the white of his teeth, making lust churn in her belly like molten fire.

Lunging at her, he smashed down onto her and crushed the air from her lung
s. With a firm grip on her jaw, he shook her face. “You’re not going anywhere…”

hard shaft pressed into her navel and gave away his intense arousal, in turn thrilling her. His look of utter domination excited her to the point that her own juices began to trickle between her legs and the sound of her heavy breathing filled the room. Only twice before had they indulged in this fantasy of his. The first time had been awkward, the second a bit more rehearsed, but this time… Bella almost felt like a pro. She knew just how to push his buttons to get his adrenaline flowing and she loved it.

Don’t move and don’t speak,” he ordered as he slowly rose from the bed to undress. When her body twitched as if she was going to try to bolt again, his eyes darted toward her and a deep rumbling was heard in his throat. When she relaxed and did as he had instructed, only then did he move to a large treasure chest at the foot of the bed.

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