Consuming Passions: Leisure and Pleasure in Victorian Britain (103 page)

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Singer, Isaac, 90-1

Skegness, Lincolnshire, 243

slavery, 58n

Sloane, Sir Hans, 394, 396

Smirke, Robert, 390

Smirke, Sir Robert (son), 390n

Smirke, Sydney, 390n

Smith, Adam, 16, 72, 139, 379, 385

Smith, Albert, 228, 286

Smith, Charles Manby,
Manby Smith, Charles Smith, Henry, 145

Smith, J., 82

Smith, Nash, Kemble and Travers (wholesalers and retailers), 54

Smith, Revd Sydney, 125

Smith, Thomas, 220

Smith, Tom, 482

Smith, W.H. (company): bookstalls, 38, 186, 193n; advertising, 290

Smith, William Henry: and delivery of newspapers, 145-6; circulating library, 186-7

Smith, William Henry, Jr, 191-2

Smollett, Tobias, 70, 230;
Humphry Clinker
, 219

Smyth and Roberts (piano manufacturers), 20

Soane, Sir John, 265

Society of Artists of Great Britain (
Incorporated Society of Artists), 383

Society of Artists, Norwich, 405

Society of Arts: annual art exhibition, 382, 398

Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 139, 156, 407

Society of Lovers of Music, Salisbury, 345

Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge, 183

Society for the Rescue of Boys Not Yet Convicted of Any Criminal Offence, 207

Society for the Suppression of Vice, 125, 207

Society of Travelling Scotchmen, Shrewsbury, 76

Soho Bazaar, 86

Solomon, Abraham:
Waiting for the Verdict
(painting), 324

Somerset House, London, 385-6, 401

songs, 358-9, 365, 377-8

South Kensington Museum
Victoria & Albert Museum

Southey, Robert, 104, 172, 202, 218

Southport, 247

Southwark Bridge, 300

Southwark Fair, 283

spas, 231-6, 280; and theatre, 295;
see also
under individual towns

( journal), 4 & n, 216

Spiegelhalter, Messrs (East End jewellers), 114n

Spielmann, Marion Harry, 416-17

sport: reported in newspapers, 151-5; books on, 204-5; as ritual, 419; and class, 420-1; land for, 438; clothes for, 459-62; goods and equipment, 463;
see also
under individual sports

Sporting Gazette
, 432

Sporting Kalendar
, 151, 424

Sporting Life
, 153, 432

Sporting Opinion
, 432

Sporting and Police Gazette, and Newspaper of Romance, and Penny Sunday Chronicle
, 142

Sporting Telegraph
, 4

Sporting Times
(‘the Pink ‘Un’), 432

(newspaper), 153, 432

Stafford, Granville Leveson-Gower, Marquis of, 407n

stagecoaches, 71-2; and mail, 128-30

Stamford: horseracing, 424

standard of living: and possessions, 26

Standard Theatre, London, 336

Stanfield, Clarkson, 310, 322-3

Stanley, Lord
Derby, 14th Earl Starley, James, 453-4

Starnitz, Carl, 352

Stationers Company, 181

steamboats: for tourist travel, 242-3

Steele, Sir Richard, 4n

Steevens, George, 390

Steibelt, Daniel, 365

Stephen, Sir Leslie:
The Playground of Europe
, 200

Stephens, F.G., 413

Stephenson, Robert, 8

stereotypes, 182

Sterne, Laurence: death, 135

Stevens, George Alexander, 293

Stirling, Edward:
The Lucky Hit
, 331

Stockton and Darlington Railway, 144

Stodart, Robert, 361

Stodart, William, 361

Stoll, Oswald, 377

Storace, Nancy, 347, 352

Storace, Stephen, 352-3

Storace, Stephen, Jr, 352

Stowe, Harriet Beecher:
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
, 336

Stranger’s Guide to Modern Birmingham, The
, 411

Stratford on Avon, 236-7, 239-40

Stratford Birthplace Committee, 241

Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, 213-15

street sellers, 76-7

Sue, Euge`ne:
Les Myste`res de Paris
, 189, 331-2

sugar: price, 55; imports, 58-9; production and refining, 79n

Sullivan, Sir Arthur: ‘The Lost Chord’ (song), 365;
see also
under Gilbert, W.S.

Summerly, Felix
Cole, Henry Sunday schools, 138-9

Sunday Times
, 140, 143; sports reporting, 154

Sundays: and Sabbath breaking, 207, 211

Surrey Music Hall, London, 374

Surrey Theatre, London, 266, 300, 327

Surrey Zoological Gardens, 367

Sussex, Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of, 321

Swainson, Isaac, 135

Swan and Edgar (London store), 121, 496

Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 322n

Switzerland: excursions to, 227-8

Taglioni, Marie, 298n

tailoring: mass-produced, 88-90

Talbot’s Reading Establishment, 412

Talbotypes, 412 & n;
see also

Talfourd, Francis:
, 329

Tallis’s Street View
, 97

tape measure, 88

tartan, 221

taste: cultivation of, 26

Tate, Nahum, 473

Tate, Wilkinson, 294

( journal), 4n

Tattersall, Richard, 427-8

Tattersall’s (auctioneers): and horseracing regulations, 428; and betting, 432

taxation: and duties on luxury goods, 56-7; of newspapers, 125

Taylor, Clement and George, 148

Taylor, Tom:
The Overland Route
, 338;
Ticket-of-Leave Man
, 303

Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich:
The Sleeping Beauty
(ballet), 266n

tea: consumption of, 26, 57-61, 112-13; as luxury, 56-7; prices, 59-60; utensils, 61

Teetotal Times
, 35 telegraph: for horseracing information, 432-3

Telford, John, 423

Telford, Thomas, 474n

temperance: and Great Exhibition, 34-5; and excursions, 225-6

Temple of Health, 135-6

Ten Hours Act (1847), 210, 407

tennis: clothes for, 460

Thackeray, William Makepeace:
The Newcomes
, 272;
The Rose and the Ring
, 306n

Thames, river: steamboat trips on, 241-2; bridges, 300

Thames Tunnel, 260

theatre: and audience behaviour, 237, 299-300; and Shakespeare bicentenary celebrations, 238-9; and spectacle, 253-5, 314-15, 322-5, 336; representation of famous places, 261; representations of Napoleon, 265-6; gains popular appeal, 274; advertising, 291, 339; officially regulated, 292-4, 364; seen as dangerous, 292-3; provincial, 294-5, 302; design and capacity, 295-6; in pubs and taverns, 296-7; private, 297-8; and prostitution, 298n; expansion in London, 300-1; suburban audience, 301; touring companies, 301-2; audience numbers and prices, 302-3; runs, 302-3; admission tickets, 304; finances, 304; and stage design,
310-15; animals in, 312-22, 337; and tableaux of art works, 323-5; adaptations and burlesques, 328-30, 335; stage machinery, 334-5; sensation scenes, 336-7; and music halls, 374;
see also
extravaganzas; hippodrama; melodrama; pantomime; under individual theatrs

( journal), 331

Theatre Regulation Act (1843), 292, 296, 374

Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London, 238, 293-6, 303, 316, 322-3, 327, 337

Thompson, Alfred:
Linda of Chamouni
, 332

Thornton, Abraham, 285

Thornton, Richard, 377

Three Choirs Festival, 344

Thumb, Tom, 264

Thurtell, John, 180, 181n

Tilley, Vesta, 378

Tillotson, William Frederic, 143-4

time: and railway timetables, 194-5

(newspaper): reports Prince Albert’s speech on Great Exhibition, 3; on working classes at Great Exhibition, 28-9, 41; advertisements, 85, 162; circulation and sales, 147; mechanization, 149-50; sports reporting, 154; on uniform time system, 195; on timetables and leisure, 196; condemns stage as subversive, 274; meagre references to Christmas, 469; on Christmas in prisons, 476; on Christmas charities, 479; on Christmas cards, 486; reviews Christmas books, 487

(magazine), 184

Tintern Abbey, 217

tips amd tipping: on country -house visits, 213 & n

Tom’s Coffee House, 169, 171

Torrington, John Byng, 5th Viscount, 202, 213, 240

Tower of London: Armoury reopened after fire, 259-60

(newspaper), 141

toys: adult and children’s, 49n

trade cards, 51n

trams and tramways, 99

transport: canal and river, 72-3; road, 69-72; public in towns and cities, 98-100
see also
omnibus; roads; stagecoach; trains; trams; turnpikes; underground

travel: and road journey times, 71; development of recreational, 211-12, 222-9, 250-1; advice on, 223-4; and exclusivity, 229

travel writing, 197-200, 202

Tree, Herbert Beerbohm, 299

Trevithick, Richard, 270, 474n

Trollope, Anthony: on railways and reading, 193

Trusler, Revd John, 352

Tunbridge Wells: coffee houses, 126

Turk’s Head tavern, Gerrard Street, London, 379

Turner, Rowley, 453

Turner, Thomas, 47 turnpikes, 70-1; effect on horseracing, 429;
see also
roads Tussaud, Mme Marie, 257, 264, 264n, 272, 367

Twelfth Night, 469

Tyers, Jonathan, 277, 350

Tyndall, John:
Hours of Exercise in the Alps
, 200

tyre (pneumatic), 455

Underground railway (London), 100

uniforms: and ready-made clothes, 86

United States of America: department stores, 117; copyright piracy, 190, 219; mechanized production methods, 363

Universal Chronicle
, 382

Vale of Evesham News
, 150

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