Consumed (17 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Wright

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Romantic Comedy, #Vampires, #Fantasy

BOOK: Consumed
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His sigh was resigned. “I do not know her exact location. She told me she must go into hiding, but she refused to tell me where.” That was not only an admission of her guilt, but a confession that he had withheld her guilt.

Sam’s expression hardened. “You should have come forward, Giles.”

“Would you give up one of your squad?”

“No. But if they did the sick shit that Diane did, I would – though it would pain me to do it – end their lives.”

“You should know that she is infuriated by your interference. You have lost her a lot of money.”

Sam’s smile was crooked. “Trust me, Giles, she ain’t more infuriated than we are.”

Jared spoke then. “Your blood-link must give you some idea of her location.”

Giles shook his head. “Her gift conceals her even from me. It is impossible to find Diane unless she wants to be found.”

“Then you must get
to come to
,” Sam told him. “And then you must give her up.”

“I do not know where –”

“You can find a way to contact her,” interrupted Jared. “And I’m sure you can convince her to come to you. You’re her Sire, after all.”

“Five nights.” Sam hopped off the stool. “You have five nights to lure her to you or to find out her location. When we receive your call, we’ll come for her. Don’t disappoint me, Giles.” The latter words were hard.

Panic glinted in Giles’ eyes. “It will not be easy to find her.”

Jared snickered. “Neither will what we do to anyone who stands in the way of us and Diane – that includes you.”






“What do you think Giles will do?” Sprawled on top of Salem on a beach lounger, I propped my chin up on his chest, enjoying the feel of his fingers threading through my hair.

“If he’s got any sense, he’ll give Diane up. But my bet is that he’ll try to cover for her, worried he’ll lose the trust and loyalty of his nest if he gives up one of his own.”

“Then it’s a good thing that Sam and Jared have sent Sebastian to track her.” He was an expert tracker; the best The Hollow had.

“There’s no one that guy couldn’t find.”

“I called the infirmary earlier to ask Mary Jane how Rosa was doing. She’s getting better. Turns out, though, that a few more of the survivors came around.” I smiled wanly. “Despite Rosa’s assurances that they were safe, the newly awakened banded together and tried to escape. Can’t say I blame them for taking advantage of the fact that they were finally lucid. Thankfully, they calmed down once Mary Jane sent for Sam.”

“Did they have any useful info?”

I shook my head. “According to Mary Jane, their stories were the same as Rosa’s – even down to their Sires selling them. Sam and Jared are keeping them here for a while to be sure Diane can’t get to them. Plus, there’s a chance that the demons would track them down, hoping they know something. They’re safer here.”

“Do you think Max is right and there’s a leak at The Hollow?”

I cocked my head. “I’d like to think not. But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. I’d like to believe it’s not intentional; that someone’s not purposely betraying us.”

He slipped a hand under my t-shirt, smoothing it up and down my back. “Coach and Jared will probably ask Ryder to search the minds of every member of the legion.”

“The poor guy will be drained by the end of it. Why are you glaring at me?”

“Maybe it’s because you said ‘the poor guy’ in a soppy voice,” he grumbled, looking adorably petulant.

“You can’t seriously be jealous.”

His hand paused in caressing my back. “You called him pretty.” He spoke like I’d committed mass murder.

I had to smile. “Yeah? Well I prefer rugged, moody, and mentally unstable.”

“Mentally unstable?”

“Hey, I didn’t say it was bad. I like you just the way you are. Whether or not you continue to feel that way about me, we’ll soon find out.”

Salem’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Who made you feel you’re not good enough exactly as you are?”

I blinked innocently. “No one.”

“Don’t bother bluffing, Sam already mentioned it.”

Damn Sam for blabbing. “Like I said, it’s not a big thing.”

“Then there’s no reason why you can’t tell me.”

Crap, I’d walked right into that one. “When I was a kid, I had a mild case of ADHD. People found it hard to cope with me.” I shrugged, like it was nothing. Apparently my blasé act hadn’t worked, because that seemed to piss him off even more.

“What ‘people’?” When I didn’t answer, he growled, “
. I answered your questions when you asked.”

All right, that was a fair point. “My parents. My grandmother. My aunt. My foster parents. The last set of foster parents weren’t so bad, but that was because I got a little better as I got older. It was only Cristiano who accepted me as I was.” Until Salem.

His arms tightened around me as he muttered, “Bastards.”

“I really wasn’t easy to have around. I’ve always been a naturally upbeat, quirky person anyway. Add in the mild case of ADHD and it was no wonder they got tired of me.”

“They had no fucking right to make you feel so bad about yourself.” A look of realisation crossed his face. “You’re waiting for me to get tired of you, too, aren’t you?”

I could see that hurt him, which was the last thing I wanted to do. “I moved in with you, didn’t I?”

“But you still worry I’ll eventually reject you, don’t you?” My expression must have answered that, because he pinned me with a serious gaze. “It’s never going to happen.”

“You say that now, but –”

“There is no ‘but’, baby. Shit, if either of us will think about leaving at some point, it will be you.”

“Why would I leave my cuddly bear?”

A muscle in his jaw ticked. “

“You already told me about how you avenged the death of your parents by turning vigilante. I’m still here.”

“There’s a lot more.” It was a warning. “But it’s too late for you to run. I’ve told you before: what’s mine stays mine.” As if to punctuate that claim, he took my mouth with a force that almost hurt. Every flick of his tongue and every touch of his hands were sure and confident. And I was soon panting and desperate for more. Which, of course, was what he wanted.

I pulled back. “Okay, okay, I’m officially distracted. I won’t push you to elaborate. But you’ll have to tell me some time.”

“Some time,” he agreed rather reluctantly. And I knew that was the best deal I’d get.







When Salem left for one of his squad’s training sessions at dusk, I’d been green with envy. I knew Sam and Jared gave them combat training, and the idea of gaining better control of my combat-based gift was damn appealing. So when Sam had called me five minutes after Salem left and invited me to come along – and to bring the other girls with me – I hadn’t hesitated.

Mere seconds after I’d entered the arena, Salem appeared at my side; his face a question mark. I gave him a bright, excited smile. “Guess what! Sam invited us. She wants us to undergo some training. Isn’t that great?”

His entire body went rigid. “Training?” he echoed, incredulous and disapproving.

“Yes,” I replied, stretching out the word. “Why are you scowling at me?”

Before he could respond, Chico was speaking as he headed for Jude. “Did I just hear that you’ve been invited to train with us?”

Jude nodded happily, which earned her a frown. “Is there a problem with that?” Her expression both dared him to say ‘no’ and warned him not to even think it.

Salem turned to Sam, who was strolling toward us. “You can’t expect them to train with us, Coach.” The words were firm without being disrespectful.

Sam shrugged. “Why is that?”

“Yeah,” drawled Alora, crossing her arms over her chest. “Why is that?”

It was Chico who answered. “They’ve had no training whatsoever, Coach. We’re at an advanced level; they could never keep up.” The rest of the squad had gathered at this point, none of whom looked pleased by the presence of me and my not-yet-fully-formed squad.

“I’m well aware of that, Chico,” Sam told him. “I’m also aware that there’s trouble brewing over dear old Diane. Here’s what you’re all not getting. It’s likely that one of two things will happen. Either Giles will call to inform us that he’s lured Diane to his club, or he’ll give us her location. In both cases, we’ll be walking into a trap because it’s clear that the bloke has no intention of giving her up.

“That means there’ll be a battle at some point – maybe with Giles, maybe with Diane herself, or maybe even with both of them. I need these girls prepared for the battle. I need to know they feel confident enough to protect themselves. They won’t be confident without some training. For the next few evenings, I need you all to help with that.”

Chico took a step back. “I’m sorry, Coach, but I can’t. Part of training is learning to deal with pain and keep on going, and I can’t hurt women.”

Cassie frowned, confused and frustrated. “You must have hurt women during battles.”

“Yeah, but that was different. They were enemies; it was a case of my life or theirs. But
…you seven are under our protection, and I can’t hurt any of you.” The rest of the squad nodded, their postures rebellious.

Sam sighed. “Admirable, yet irritating.

I was in agreement with that. While their protectiveness was kind of cute, it was also annoying and even insulting.

“Chico, go stand against the eastern wall. Cassie, take a spot against the western wall so that you’re directly opposite him. There should be at least three car-spaces between you.”

Grinning like a Cheshire cat, Cassie followed Sam’s order.

“Good,” said Sam once the two vampires were in position. “Now Chico, hit her with some darts.” He hesitated, clearly balking at the idea. “Come on. Reuben has reduced the effectiveness of your gift. The thorns will do nothing more than make her itch.”

“Fine.” Chico inhaled deeply, raised his hand…and nothing. Sweat beaded his brow, and lines of strain marked his face as it became a mask of frustration.

we’re waiting

“I can’t,” he bit out.

“Why? Because you’re reluctant to hurt her?”


“Then, why?”

His upper lip curled. “Because I can’t fucking do it. I want to, but it’s not happening. I just…

“That’s right. Would you like to know why, Chico?” Sam looked at me. “Should we tell him?”

“Oh yeah.” I smiled at Chico. “It’s really good.”

Maya nodded. “You’ll love it. Really.”

“The reason you can’t do it…is that Cassie won’t let you,” explained Sam. “Right now, she’s in your mind – a presence so subtle you can’t even feel it. She can stop you from harming her, can make you do absolutely anything, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“I could even take full control of your mind,” Cassie revealed. “And if I wanted to, I could even remove your memory of this moment afterwards, so that you won’t even remember it.”

“Would you like that?” Sam asked Chico. “At least then your pride will still be intact.”

“Point taken,” Chico mumbled.

Reuben exhaled heavily. “Okay, Coach, I get it. This kind of gift will protect Cassie well. But they can’t
control minds.”

Sam tapped her chin with her finger. “Hmm. I tell you what, why don’t you go get yourself comfortable in Chico’s spot? Ava, you can replace Cassie.”

I clapped a little. “Ooh, this will be fun.” I stopped when Salem put a restraining hand on my arm. “Easy, big guy.” I patted his chest, expecting him to scowl at me. But he was staring at Sam, shaking his head.

Reuben’s huff was almost petulant. “This isn’t necessary. I know what Ava’s gift is, and I know she’s good – I’ve seen her fight.”

“But you still don’t think she stands a chance against one of you super-duper blokes, do you?” fired Sam, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Not when I’m much bigger than her, and not when all I have to do is touch her
for her to be vulnerable to me.”

“Fine. So show us.”

Salem shook his head again. “I won’t let him hurt her, Coach.”

“He’s not going to hurt her. All he needs to do is touch her to weaken her gift, thus proving his point.” She motioned Reuben toward Chico’s spot, and he practically stomped all the way there.

I smiled at the girls, shaking my head sadly. “Will they never learn?” A clever defensive move had me free from Salem’s hold and moving to replace Cassie.

I heard Sam muttering to Salem, ‘She needs your support right now, not coddling.’

Standing opposite my opponent, my feet shoulder-width apart, I arched a brow. “Ready, Reub?”

He grinned cockily. “Yes, let’s –” Then he found himself zooming backwards, crashing into the wall, after a solid kick to the chest from me. He’d underestimated my speed – how silly. And entertaining.

Before he could even think about retaliating, I had my hands on his head. “In this teensy, weensy moment, I could have snapped your neck.”

He bounced to his feet. “That wasn’t fair! You gave me no warning!”

“Oh, and someone you face in a battle will give you a warning, will they?”

“She’s right, Reuben.” Jared sighed tiredly. “You should have known better.”

I skipped to Alora’s side, waving at a frowning Salem. So cute.

Sam scanned the rest of the squad. “Anyone else care to be an arse?”

The girls shot Butch looks of disgust as he stepped forward. “Look, Coach, I’m not saying that the girls aren’t tough. They are. But…” He flicked an impatient glance at Imani, who I’d noticed he could be a little
protective of at times. “Imani’s gift is substantial, but it’s to sever blood-links. In a battle, what can that possibly –?” Abruptly, he cried out and dropped to his knees; his hands cradling his head.

The girls and I watched in morbid fascination as he groaned in agony through gritted teeth. I knew that Imani’s gift allowed her to sift through a person’s mind with a psychic hand. Unlike Ryder, she couldn’t access memories or thoughts, but she could find and then snap any blood-link. And I wondered just what she was doing with that psychic hand at the moment.

“Looks like he wants to jump out of his own skin, doesn’t he?” observed Paige, her voice detached and clinical.

Alora elbowed her gently. “You know, I was just going to say that.”

“I’d feel bad if he wasn’t such an ass,” said Imani.

Jude patted her back supportively. “Some people have to learn the hard way.”

Cassie sighed. “It’s such a shame that he didn’t just learn from Chico or Reuben’s mistakes.”

“When you think about it,” said Maya, “this is actually his own fault.”

I nodded. “Totally.”

“Stop, stop, stop!” Butch growled, pounding the ground with his fist. Then suddenly he sagged, panting.

“What did she do?” asked David once Butch was upright.

“She strummed the blood-link in my head like a fucking banjo!”

Imani shrugged innocently. “You wanted to know how it could possibly help in a battle. I figured it would be easier to show you.”

Maya looked at her. “So it’s an ability that will not only hurt, but distract your attacker and make them vulnerable. I like it.”

Scanning the squad, I almost laughed. Their shoulders were slumped, they were squirming uncomfortably, and they were wearing child-like pouts.

Sam released a cleansing sigh. “Now, I take it we’re not going to hear any more of the ‘but they’re girls, we can’t harm them’ bollocks.” When none of the guys spoke, she nodded. “Fabulous. Let all this serve to remind you that it doesn’t matter how powerful you are, there’ll always be someone who can better you. Look at Ava…Such a cute, harmless-looking exterior. But if I let her loose on any of you, there’s a high chance she’d win. At the very least, you’d walk away with some injuries and a bruised pride – just like our Reuben.”

Whatever a clearly embarrassed Reuben mumbled under his breath earned him a whack over the head from Salem.

Sam turned to me and the girls. “During training, there are three goals. One, to learn to channel all your energy so that there’s none leaking from you. Two, to improve the use of your gifts so that you can not only improve as individuals but as a squad. And three, to know each other’s gifts inside out.

“Unfortunately, I have a small number of nights to get you prepared for whatever happens next. That’s why having these blokes here will help. The first thing I’m going to teach you is how to suck in all the preternatural energy that’s leaking from you. You began producing this unnatural energy when you were Turned, causing your mind and body to evolve. If you can’t hold it inside you, you won’t be able to use your gift to its full potential, and you’ll also be vulnerable. We can’t have that.”

Disappointed to find that I had energy leaking from me – only a little, but still – I was absolutely determined to fix it. I followed Sam’s instructions to the letter. I got the hang of it pretty quickly, since I was determined not to show any weakness in front of the guys or give them ammunition to change their minds. I suspected that was why the other girls quickly got the hang of it too.

Once Sam was satisfied with our attempts, we moved on to improving our strengths while also tackling our weaknesses. The squad joined in for that, and they actually did it without grumbling. How shocking. Sam assigned one guy to each girl, wanting us all to have some one-to-one time before the session was over.

When it came time to assign me a helper, Sam said, “My concern with you, Ava, is that your gift can’t protect you against psychic attacks.”

I sighed. “Yeah, that’s a bummer.”

“But a huge strength that comes with your gift is that you’re bloody fast. You can sense psychic energy rippling through the air, right?” At my nod, she continued, “That type of energy hits fast and hard. But so do you. So I’m thinking that with some training, you could learn to dodge the psychic energy with your enhanced speed. Want to try it?”

I smiled. “Let’s do it.”

“Salem, we need you for this. First, though, we need Reuben to weaken your punch so it’s nothing more than a psychic slap.”

Salem looked from me to Sam. “You expect me to –?” He shook his head. “No.”

She gave him a weak smile. “Salem, I know it will be hard. But I also know that if anyone else here even
harms her, you will put them in a coma – happily.”

He conceded that with a grunt and a slight tilt of the head.

“Plus, if you help her, you’ll also have peace of mind that she’s learning to better protect herself. That’s important to you.”

A muscle ticked in his jaw. “I’ll do it.”

As soon as Reuben weakened Salem’s gift, we began. When the first slap hit, I was surprised. It actually
like a slap across the head, but
my head – acting as a jolt to my mental equilibrium and awareness. It didn’t hurt as badly as I’d expected, though. Still, every time a psychic slap came my way and I didn’t manage to evade it, Salem would wince or curse.

When Sam realised he’d started to go easy on me, she threatened to pair me up with David. The impact of his psionic boom when weakened apparently felt like a burning zap to the brain. Unwilling to allow David anywhere near me with that gift, Salem had relented.

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