Consequences (45 page)

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Authors: Aleatha Romig

BOOK: Consequences
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John offered Claire his arm, kissed her cheek, and began to take her down the stairs. Before they reached the first step he stopped, leaned near, and whispered, “Claire, we love you. We only want you to be happy. Tell me that he is good to you and that he makes you happy.”

With tears in her eyes, she said, “John, he can be. He does.” He tried to smile and patted her hand. They descended the stairs and made their way to the platform.

After another song by the string quartet and a verse from the minister, he asked, “Who gives this woman to be wed?”

John spoke loud and clear, “With great love and respect, her sister and I agree to share this magnificent woman.” He kissed Claire’s cheek and gently lifted her hand from his arm and placed it in Tony’s hand.

was the only word that came to Claire’s mind. She looked up at Tony. He was looking at her but his face didn’t register John’s words. He apparently had a mask too. Claire was certain that if he was a cartoon character there would be smoke coming from his ears. She mouthed, “I am sorry.” He squeezed her hand gently and they both smiled. The minister continued speaking.

They all four rode together in the limousine to Courtney and Brent’s house. Claire told Emily that in the late morning there would be a masseuse, manicure technician, cosmetologist, and hair stylist all coming to do miracles on them. Catherine and Courtney would be in her suite to assist them both with their dresses. Tony upheld appearances much more proficiently than John. He remained polite and friendly to both Emily and John. He was loving and attentive to Claire.

Once they reached the Simmonses’ house, he was the totally devoted bridegroom and the man of the hour. John was friendly but quiet. His unhappiness made Claire uneasy. She privately begged Emily to do something. “Don’t let him ruin my special day.” Emily promised to try.

Courtney provided a wonderfully delicious Italian dinner with antipasto salad, bread and oil, red wine and pasta. The festive mood and atmosphere filled Claire with hope and joy. Tim and Sue chatted with Tony as Claire walked up and overheard them discuss Tim’s role during Claire and Tony’s honeymoon. At first, she stood politely by Tony. But when they paused, Claire tried to be sneaky. “Now, Tim, tell me again how long you will need to be at the helm?” Tony laughed and pulled her close.

“Good try.” Addressing Tim, “You are one of the few privileged individuals to know where we will be, in case of an emergency. Most people, including my beautiful new wife, do not know our destination. So do not let her try to worm it out of you.” He smiled. “Or you, Sue, if Tim has shared.”

“Oh, you are so mean. How will I know what to pack?”

“Another ‘A’ for effort, Catherine has taken care of it for you.” Claire smiled at the Bronsons. They smiled and put their fingers to their lips. They wouldn’t spoil Tony’s surprise.

The dinner party began to wind down about ten thirty, at which time the gentlemen announced that it was time to celebrate Tony’s last night of freedom. They headed to the lower level for cognac, cigars, and some serious poker. Tony should be prepared to lose more than his freedom. He would be losing some serious money during their tournament. “Ladies do not wait up.”

It was MaryAnn who said they would be doing their own celebrating with Claire, back at
house. Catherine had martinis waiting at the indoor pool and hot tub. Her driver was taking them all back to the estate.

Tony and Claire kissed good night and were told that they couldn’t see each other again until the ceremony. While getting their coats, Emily whispered to Claire, “I’m sorry. I was wrong. You really do have a life and wonderful friends.” Claire hugged her sister.

The ladies all went back to the estate, put on bathing suits, and partied in the hot tub. Claire decided that Courtney and MaryAnn were teenagers in adult bodies. Tony worried so much about appearances, yet watching these two reputable women dance and sing in their bathing suits Claire believed that a little
was acceptable. Just because she believed it didn’t mean she felt comfortable enough to do it. The reason her bachelorette party was at
house wasn’t lost on her. She didn’t want Tony watching her dance and sing inappropriately when he reviewed his surveillance. She enjoyed watching and sipping her drink.

Late into the night the subject of sex came up. It was Emily who after consuming a few too many martinis asked Claire, “Are you really okay with marrying a man so much older? What if he can’t keep up?” Claire smiled bashfully and said she didn’t think that was a problem. She tried desperately to change the subject.

Emily slept that night in Claire’s suite. John returned to the estate after staying at the Simmonses’ home with the men for the bachelor party activities. He slept in their room, but Claire and Emily wanted some
. It was like being little girls again. They giggled until early morning. At almost eleven Catherine came into the suite and woke them. She brought lots of coffee and breakfast. After they each showered the parade of pampering began.

The forecast was correct. The sky was a brilliant sapphire blue with reflective colorless snow covering everything. The grounds crew diligently worked to clear the drive and plenty of parking spaces. The temperature was cold, in the midtwenties, yet the sun shone all day. Claire didn’t want to risk seeing Tony and chance
. Therefore, she didn’t leave the suite until it was her time to walk down the aisle.

They received a massage, manicure, and facials. While the beauticians worked tirelessly on their hair, Catherine brought them more food. Claire said she was too excited to eat. Catherine wouldn’t listen. “Ms. Claire, I will not be responsible for you fainting during the ceremony. You must eat.” Emily smiled, happy that Claire had Catherine to take care of her.

By four thirty Catherine, Courtney, and Emily began to help Claire get into her dress. First was the long full slip that provided the fullness necessary for the satin gown. The gown then went over the slip. The bodice was fitted and altered to perfection for Claire’s slim, petite figure. The dress was strapless. However, the accessory that had persuaded Claire to choose this dress was the intricate lace overlay that created transparent three-quarter-length sleeves and a long train. The lace of the veil complemented the overlay. The beautician created a sweeping hairstyle that made the perfect niche for the veil to be attached.

The lace overlay created an off-the-shoulder look that truly didn’t need jewelry. However, Emily had brought a string of pearls. They belonged to Shirley, Emily and Claire’s mother. She wore them in her wedding to their father, as had Emily when she wed John. It was the
and the
of the wedding tradition. After Claire dressed, the photographer entered her suite to take some special photos of her and her ladies. She wore a
garter and supposed her dress was

Prior to the ceremony there was a knock at her door. Courtney went to the door. “Tony, you are incredibly handsome but you cannot be here.” The first thought that ran through Claire’s mind was

She heard his voice and every nerve in her body electrified, realizing that she would really be his wife. “I have a special gift for Claire, it is her something
. Please be sure to tell her that the box is blue velvet on purpose.” Courtney looked quizzically at Tony. “She will understand, I promise.” Claire smiled, thinking,

Somehow he knew that she would wear pearls. Perhaps he’d expected her grandmother’s necklace; nonetheless, she opened the blue velvet box to beautiful dangling pearl earrings hanging from platinum earclips covered in small sparkling diamonds. With her hair style and the veil, the earrings were perfect. The ladies in her suite went crazy. The consensus was that the earrings were perfect and so was Tony. At that moment, Claire believed so too. She wanted to believe it, with all her heart. And her heart did, but it was her mind that held too many memories, ones that had been compartmentalized away—

It wasn’t for lack of trying.

When Brad knocked on the door of her suite, Catherine and Courtney hugged her and sped off to their seats. Claire looked at herself one last time in the full-length mirror. She liked what she saw, and prayed that Tony would too. She and Emily proceeded down the hall to the main stairs. She could hear the music from the quartet.

They heard a rumbling of whispers. Suddenly, she thought about the guests. Who were they? She really didn’t know any of them. She’d heard names and some she recognized. Some were political figures, some were business people she’d met at benefits, and some were names she’d heard in the media. Then she remembered their friends, the people that had made last night incredibly memorable. Their friends were the people that supported both of them, and were not solely present because of Anthony Rawlings. It was the others, the ones that she didn’t know, that scared her. She felt like they were all judging her. She wanted to be perfect for those people so Tony would be proud. The multiple acetaminophen were helping to keep the headache at bay.

Brad listened to the piece in his ear, waiting for the deviation in the music. The hum of voices disappeared. She couldn’t see the guests or the men exiting Tony’s office, but Claire knew that was what was happening. Emily kissed John and Claire before she descended the stairs. John took Claire’s arm, kissed her cheek, and said, “I will not disrupt your day. You look amazing, and I want you to know how much I love you. You aren’t my sister-in-law, you are my little sister. Please remember you can always count on Emily and me.” He squeezed her hand. “Just always know you are loved.” Claire kissed his cheek and thanked him. Brad gave them the signal, and they started down the stairs. When John was asked who gives this woman to be wed, he replied, “With great love and admiration, her sister and I.”

The next thirty-five minutes passed as if a dream. Claire saw faces. She saw the smiles of her new friends and of her sister, but what she noted above all was Anthony Rawlings. When she reached the aisle and beheld him, he was watching her and waiting. He had eyes only for her. He stood incredibly handsomely in front of the guests, hands resting casually at his sides, shoulders broad, impeccable Armani custom tuxedo, a gratified smile, and eyes that though encircled in chestnut brown still absorbed light.

Standing next to him in front of everyone, she felt drawn into the darkness searching for light and warmth. His eyes sparkled, and she felt weak. Internally, she was saying, “I am marrying him. He is marrying me. I am now
wife.” She knew that there would be a contract that the world would now recognize. He owned her. There was nothing she could do about it. He gave her one chance to escape, and she didn’t take it. She made a decision, and that decision would have consequences. Now the world watched, and public failure wasn’t an option. The world was seeing the most amazing wedding that money could buy, with a stunning woman happily marrying a handsome man. In contrast, Claire suddenly saw a napkin with signatures. She knew too well appearances meant everything.

She compartmentalized the flood of thoughts and emotions that beseeched her mind. She smiled lovingly, answered the minister obediently, and behaved appropriately. The kiss at the conclusion of the ceremony was romantic, and the minister’s announcement of “Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Rawlings” was met with loud applause. Everything appeared perfect.

The reception was an equally flawless exhibition. Brad and Monica had thought of everything, the ambiance was romantic, with impeccable decorations. Claire and Tony dutifully greeted each guest and thanked them for attending their special day.

Throughout the entire evening Tony was wonderful. He told her that he loved her. He told her how beautiful she was, how honored he was to have her as his wife, and how he couldn’t wait for the reception to be over so he could show her. Under it all, Claire continued to have an uneasy feeling. She worked diligently to keep it buried under layers of makeup, hairspray, crinoline, slips, satin, lace, pearls, and pretense.

Everyone enjoyed themselves. Claire even saw John and Emily laughing with Tom and Bev. Once the first course was served Brent stood, lifted a glass of champagne, and offered a toast to the newlyweds. “May I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen? I want to take this opportunity to welcome Claire Rawlings to our world. Claire, Tony has been my friend, my confidante, and my boss,” the crowd giggled, “for a very long time. I have watched him as he has succeed in business and failed in love,” another snicker, “but recently Courtney and I have watched as Tony has experienced success in the area of love. Claire, when you are present his smile is brighter and his eyes have a spark. Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but sometimes Tony’s eyes can seem dark. That isn’t the case when he is with you. You are the light of his life. You have given Tony the part of his life that was missing. And as we look around, it is obvious that not a lot was missing.” There were smiles and agreement all around. “Now with you by his side, I believe my good friend is truly a man who has everything. Thank you, Claire. We are so happy to welcome you and we look forward to an eternity of a happier Tony Rawlings.” This precluded a standing ovation, lifting of glasses, and claps of agreement.

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