Consequences (24 page)

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Authors: Skyy

BOOK: Consequences
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Cooley reached one hand up and caressed Misha's soft belly before reaching for her hardened nipples. She continued to explore the terrain of the woman's body and began to stroke Misha's long neck.
The vulnerable feeling of Cooley's strong hand pressed against her neck and her mouth firmly pressed against her pussy sent Misha's body into convulsions.
Cooley was just getting started. Misha tried in vain to escape, but Cooley grabbed her thighs and held her firmly as she continued to devour the hot molten fluid pouring from Misha's pussy. Her tongue darted in and out, pushing against Misha's walls.
The woman squirmed beneath her and felt the wet juices flowing into her crack and soaking the sheet beneath her.
Cooley was in her glory. With her eyes clamped shut, she ate like it was her very last meal and Misha was ten courses.
Misha succumbed to Cooley's Killa Cap and flailed along the mattress until Cooley had her fill.
Several orgasms later, Misha wanted to return the favor. She had the urge to eat some pussy, and Cooley was what she had a taste for. She pushed Cooley down and headed down south.
Cooley quickly stopped her. “Hell no, Misha. Only my love and woman can do that shit to me.” Cooley never let girls go down on her. Only one had ever succeeded, and now that same girl was trying again. “So unless you are planning on being my wife, then hell no.”
“Selfish ass,” Misha said, disappointed that she couldn't taste Cooley again. She laid down next to Cooley and let her wrap her arms around her. “Cooley, this is the last time this ever happens,” Misha stated. She had begun to feel guilty about cheating on Patrick.
“I hear you,” Cooley said as she drifted to sleep. She had every intention of fucking Misha again.
Cooley woke up that afternoon. She realized she forgot all about Lynn, until she saw her car in the lot. Cooley thought quickly as she opened her door. The smell of freshly made waffles hit her nose. She saw Lynn standing in the kitchen cooking.
Lynn turned around when she heard the door open. “God, Cooley, I was worried sick about you.”
Cooley looked down at the floor. “Man, I'm sorry. It got so late that I ended up crashing at Misha's dorm room, since it was the closest.”
Lynn's face dropped. “You crashed with your ex?”
“Yeah, she doesn't have a roommate, so I slept in her extra bed.” Cooley realized that she was explaining herself like she was her girlfriend. “Anyway, it really doesn't matter. I'm just glad I got my paper done.”
Lynn dropped her spatula. “Cooley, I think it does matter. You were out with your ex all night. You didn't call or anything. I didn't know what had happened to you. And to hear that you were with your ex. Damn, how you think that makes me feel?”
Cooley looked at Lynn. “Lynn, I told you already what the deal was. Now you can accept it or you can not. But at least I'm explaining it. I don't have to do that.” Cooley walked to her room.
Lynn followed. “You know it's not that you have to explain. But you should tell the girl that you are sleeping with that you are going to go fuck with some other girl.”
“I told you I wasn't fucking her. Lynn, this conversation is over. I didn't fuck her. But, even if I did, you obviously forgot that you ain't my woman. I'm single and can do what I want.”
Lynn was pissed. “Oh, you're single and can do what you want now? Well, I am the one that is here almost every night. I am the one cooking and cleaning up your damn apartment. When you're tired, who massages your back? I do everything in my power to please you and this is how you repay me, by throwing up the fact that we aren't official? Fuck you, Cooley!” Lynn grabbed her bag and began to pack up the clothes that she left at Cooley's place.
“See, Lynn, I told you that you weren't ready for this. I told you that I was not looking for a relationship. Stop trying to change the rules now!”
“I am not changing the rules. I just want a little respect!” Lynn yelled.
“I do give you respect. Damn, Lynn, you're here all the time. I kick it with you more than any other woman. I can't offer you anything more than that, so if you want more, you need to go ahead and leave now.”
Lynn stopped packing her things. “Cooley, I don't pressure you to make me your girl. We have been messing off for almost a year and you still treat me like we just met. Dammit, haven't I proved myself to you yet?” Lynn dropped her head.
Cooley let out a sigh of frustration. “Lynn, it's not about proving yourself. I am not looking for a relationship. I am moving to Miami after graduation. I don't want to be tied down. You knew the rules from jump.”
Lynn's face dropped. She sat on the bed. “Let's just drop it. I have a class. I'll talk to you later.” Lynn walked out the room, leaving her bag lying open on the floor.
Cooley knew she had to take care of Lynn soon.
As Lynn walked, she thought about her situation with Cooley. Her mind was telling her to leave but her heart was telling her to stay just a little longer. Lynn had heard stories about Cooley's first love. She hated that Misha left Cooley so damaged, but she knew she had the means to make Cooley happy. She wasn't ready to throw in the towel just yet.
Chapter 28
Carmen turned the television on the campus news station to work on a report for class. She noticed the ad Chi Theta put in about their spring step show. The news of the women's basketball team winning the title covered the station. Pictures of Denise holding the championship trophy made Carmen smile.
“Hey, baby. I'm back,” Nic said, walking in with a bag of food.
“Good. 'Cause I'm hungry.”
“We interrupt this news report to bring this special report. Breaking news. A girl has been stabbed fourteen times by her lover in Reed Hall.”
The announcement caught Nic and Carmen's attention.
“We are unsure of the actual details, but sources say that it was a lovers' dispute gone bad. According to witnesses, the accused caught her female lover with another woman.”
“Cooley.” Carmen grabbed her phone. She always wondered if Cooley was going to end up hurt. She breathed a sigh of relief when Cooley answered the phone.

We just have news that the victim was twenty-three-year-old Tameka Haroldson, a senior.”
Carmen's body froze. She couldn't hear anything but Tameka's name over and over.
Nic tried to shake her out of it, but was unsuccessful.
Carmen jumped up. “I have to go.”
“Carmen, no!”
“Nic, I have to go see if she is OK.”
“That ain't your job.”
Carmen looked at Nic's stern expression.
“Nic, I want you to trust me on this, please.”
“Carmen, if you go, I won't be here when you get back.”
“Nic, you don't understand.”
“Carmen, don't put me in this situation. You don't owe her anything. Why the fuck you trying to go see her?”
“Nic, please trust me on this. I need to go.”
“You don't need to do anything. You want to go. Fuck it. Do what you want. I'm out.” Nic grabbed her coat and stormed out the room.
A big piece of her wanted to go after Nic, but Carmen knew what she had to do. She grabbed her keys and headed to the hospital.
“So, Rhonda, you know why you are here, correct?”
“Because you all don't have any faith in me.” Rhonda folded her arms. Her mother had called her to come home for a party. When she got there, her doctor and two large men were sitting in the living room.
“Rhonda, you know you are supposed to come to your meetings every other week. Now we worked with you by doing them every other week instead of every week. We haven't seen you in a month, and you never picked up your prescription.
“Those pills make it hard for me at school!” Rhonda said to her doctor.
“Rhonda, we have been through this. The pills make it OK for you to be at school and living on campus in the first place.”
“Doc, I am fine. I am doing fine.”
“Rhonda, if you are not going to cooperate, we are going to have to take you out of school and put you back in the academy.”
“No!” Rhonda stood up. She looked at the two large men. She knew she needed to sit back down.
“She's seeing a girl,” her mother said.
“Some basketball player.” Her mother dropped a bunch of pictures and articles on the coffee table.
Rhonda was mortified. “You went through my dorm room? How could you!” Rhonda began to tremble.
“You weren't answering calls. I knew something was wrong. There was a whole drawer full.”
“She's my girlfriend. Doesn't everyone keep pictures and accomplishments of their partners?”
“Rhonda, you know that we discussed you not dating anyone,” the doctor said firmly. “I think that I am going to have to suggest putting her back into the academy.”
“Noooo!” Rhonda jumped up.
One of the men grabbed her.
“I love school. School is the only thing I do love. Don't take it from me.”
Rhonda's mother's eyes filled with tears. “What about if she moves back in with me? Could she stay in school?”
“I don't know. Rhonda hasn't been following the guidelines. She could put herself and others in danger again.”
“I'm not, I'm not. Let me go to school. I'll come to meetings and take my pills, I promise,” Rhonda cried.
The doctor and her mother looked at her. “This is the last time, Rhonda. You mess up again and you are back in the academy.”
Rhonda calmed down. She agreed. She did not want to go back to the institution. It would keep her from Denise for good.
Larissa jumped out of her bed when she heard the beating on her door. She opened it, and Nic stormed in. Nic fell down on the bed and put her hands on her head.
“Nic, what's wrong?” Larissa ran over to Nic, not realizing she didn't completely close her door. She had never seen Nic cry.
“Carmen went to see that bitch! After I asked her not to, she still went. She just doesn't give a fuck!” Nic said as tears fell down her face.
Larissa fell to her knees in front of Nic. She wrapped her arms around her. “Sweetie, please don't cry. Nic, you deserve so much better.”
“Damn, why she just don't get it? Why she just don't understand? I been driving around for hours. I got back to the room and she still wasn't there. She just don't give a fuck about me.”
Larissa continued to hold the sobbing Nic. “It's amazing to me how stupid women can be. A bitch can have the fucking moon, and they still want the stars and sun. Nic, you are the most wonderful person I have ever met. You deserve someone who is going to love you for who you are and not be trying to creep with some nothing-ass person.” Larissa looked up at Nic.
Nic looked into Larissa's eyes. Before she knew it Larissa pressed her lips against hers.
Chapter 29
“Well, it seems like you're going to live.” Carmen helped Tameka take a sip of water.
“If you call this living.” Tameka reached down and touched her leg. She couldn't feel anything. The doctors said the knife had severed her spinal chord. She was paralyzed from the waist down. Tameka choked up at the thought of never walking again.
“You will be OK. I promise.” Carmen smiled weakly. She had waited in the hospital for hours until the doctor said it was all right for her to go in for a few minutes. She didn't know what to expect. She'd called Nic several times while she waited, but Nic never answered the phone.
“Carmen.” Tameka looked at her. “Why did you come?”
“What do you mean?”
“Come on, you know what I mean. It's not like I deserve to have you here.”
“I really don't know.” Carmen looked at her phone; there were still no calls from Nic.
“You really love her, don't you?” Tameka said.
Carmen nodded as tears rolled down her face.
“I do, and I think I may have lost her. She really didn't want me to come.”
“Carmen, thank you for being here for me, but I can't let you lose her. She's good for you. Go get your girl.”
Carmen realized Tameka was right. “Tameka, I wish you well. I hope you have a full recovery.” She grabbed her jacket and ran out the room.
Carmen made it to her room. Nic wasn't there. She called Nic's phone again. “Nic, please, baby, come home. I really want to see you. I know you're mad, but please let's talk about it. I'll be at Cooley and Denise's place.” She waited a few more minutes and headed out the door.
Nic quickly pulled away from Larissa. “Why'd you do that?”
“Nic, didn't you want it as much as I did?” Larissa said as Nic moved away from her.
“No, Larissa, you're my friend. You're straight!”
“Things change.”
“Not shit like that.”
“Nic, I knew I was in love with you last semester. I've wanted to kiss you for a long time. I thought you wanted to as well.”
“Larissa, I'm sitting here telling you about Carmen, and you thought that's what I needed? I love Carmen. Oh my God, Carmen!” Nic ran to the door.
Larissa grabbed her by the arm. “Nic, don't go back to her. You can stay here with me. You deserve so much better.”
“Larissa, I gotta go.” Nic ran out of the room.
Carmen walked into her dorm room. She hoped that Nic would be there, because she'd never showed up at Denise and Cooley's apartment. Carmen was relieved when she saw Nic sitting on the side of the bed.
“Baby, I know you're pissed. Let me explain. I—”
“Carmen,” Nic said.
“I don't know what I was thinking. I just wanted to make sure she was OK. I kinda felt responsible—”
“Carmen, please,” Nic said. “I have something I need to tell you.”
Carmen looked at Nic's face. She had never seen her look so stressed. “Nic, please don't be that mad at me. Please don't leave.”
“Larissa kissed me.”
Carmen's whole body went numb. She couldn't move. The words kept repeating in her head. “What?”
“Carmen, don't be mad. It wasn't what you—”
“You kissed another girl? That's how you decided to get back at me? You kissed another girl!”
“Carmen—” Before Nic could finish her sentence, she felt a stinging slap on the left side of her face. They faced each other in silence.
“So it's like that?”
“You fuckin' with another bitch. Hell yeah, it's like that.”
“I'm not fuckin'—”
“Fuck you, Nic. You're just like Tameka.”
Nic felt her anger rising. “Oh, you really didn't just say that shit! Carmen, you been waiting on that, huh? Been waiting to find a reason to compare me to that bitch! You don't give a fuck about me. You only care about her. Go be with her then, Carmen. I'm never gonna be good enough anyway!”
“Fuck this!” Nic grabbed her keys and headed to the door.
Carmen instantly regretted what she'd said, but she didn't want to back down. “Fuck you, Nic. Go be with your bitch. Go fuck her! I fuckin' hate you!” Carmen yelled as the door slammed behind Nic.
Nic ran around the track three times to clear her mind. A big piece of her wanted to run back to Carmen, but another part was tired of dealing with the damage caused by another woman. She realized her heart belonged to Carmen and it wasn't going to change.
She headed back to her room, hoping that Carmen was still there. She walked in and found Carmen's books and many of her clothes missing.
Nic picked up the phone.
“Hey,” Misha said.
“Misha, have you talked to Carmen.”
Misha walked out of her dorm room and whispered, “Nic, she's here.”
“I'm on my way.”
“No, Nic, she's too upset right now. Give it a day. She'll be back. Y'all love each other. Just give it a little time.”
Nic knew Misha was right. She hung up the phone and lay on her bed.
Larissa's ring tone began to play. Nic pressed ignore and sent her a text message.
Don't contact me again.

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