Conquering Theana (9 page)

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Authors: LeTeisha Newton,Lillian MacKenzie Rhine

BOOK: Conquering Theana
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very confident that you all will treat her as the queen that she is. She will
be the lady of the house and will be respected as so." Some of the wolves
were confused. Gregori stood close behind Rafael to show his support as always.

know this might sound unusual to some," Rafael continued. “But believe me
that this is not unheard of, more like rarely performed. Nevertheless, it has
happened to this clan, and we will all be accepting of the new
circumstances." Wide grins spread across the faces of the few wolves
contained in the room. Not only did they love their alpha and beta, but they
would love their alpha bitch.

dismissed himself to his room, and Gregori followed him. The alpha's bedroom
was expansive all on its own, but the changes to the structure, combining his
quarters with
would give the room an ostentatious
feel. He made a mental note to tell Tim to make the room as homely and
comfortable as possible.

tossed his jacket onto his bed and loosened his tie.

take it we will be keeping your bed," Gregori pointed out rather than

looked at his California king canopy bed with black pelts of fur strewn over
the cream colored linens. The slew of pillows covered the entire mahogany
headboard. The four posts resembled tree trunks as they reached into the depths
of the ceiling.

"If you would like.
We can also get a new one custom made to fit
the three of us." The two men gazed at the enormity of the bed. It could
fit the three comfortably without any problems.

worry about that right now. Many of these things will be planned out later. I’m
sure she will want to design things on her own. Right now, I want you to
contact Camden for an update. I’m sure he will appreciate the call."

grinned at the irritation oozing from Gregori.

going to take a walk around the lake to clear my mind," Rafael said.

want me to come?" Gregori asked.

you check in with Camden and have the guys
the transition with your wing. I just need some fresh air to think. Shifting
earlier made me want to get out."

left the room.

was having a hard time being in his bedroom without her being there.
Naked and waiting.
Not taking time to change out of the
remainder of his suit, Rafael walked out of the French doors to his deck. He
removed his tie and draped it over the banister of the wooden planked deck.
After he descended the stairs, he took off at full speed. His paws hit the
fresh dirt, amber fur fluttering in the wind, tail waving through the air
elongated and tall. He took the long way to the lake by going around the
athletic complex. Rafael wanted to avoid the
house at all costs. Being in wolf form, he wouldn’t be able to resist storming
into the home and taking her where she stood. With the strength of his legs and
his larger than average size, he made it to Lake Eros within seconds.

coolness of the lake bled into the climate of the surrounding brush and trees.
 He panted as the breeze touched his elongated tongue. The taste of the
night air was the best. After stretching his hind legs, he caught a distinct
scent in the air.
Something sweet to his senses.
Rafael trotted around the perimeter of the lake when he caught sight of her
scrambling to escape from her midnight dip in Eros. She was breathtaking, her
jet black fur glistening in the moonlight. The most exquisite wolf he had ever
was definitely larger than most females,
but nothing in comparison to his size. He could cloak her body with his. The
thought of her lying under him made him whimper for her.

watched her jump to the muddy bank, shaking the droplets of cool water from her
pelt. Rafael approached her, coming muzzle to muzzle.  His nostrils flared
as he inhaled more of her intoxicating aroma fresh from the lake. Caught in the
moment, Rafael didn’t notice that her relaxed tail had become erect and her
shining canines confronted his face. Her growl would be fierce to any other,
but to him, it was turning him on. It was building the fire in his internal
Growl at me
, he whispered to her wolf.

nostrils flared, and the skin around her teeth wrinkled as clear saliva dripped
from her mouth.
anger was to be expected,
but soon he tired of the display. Hunching his shoulders up, he exposed his
teeth to her, giving a loud growl that made her step back a foot or two. She
would submit to him. Her growl lessened, but her tail remained vexed, ready to
attack even if she lost. Rafael admired her fight. She was strong, and only his
mate would be able to challenge him and not die under his bite. He pushed
closer, rumbling a growl from the bottom of his core.

dropped her tail and ran off into the wooded area near the lake,
whimpering. He wasn’t worried. She wouldn’t go too far. Her mate was there, and
her wolf wouldn’t be able to resist him. He did sympathize with her confusion,
so he didn’t want to force too much of himself on her. He found her behind a
thicket of trees, panting and whimpering. Her glowing eyes showed her fright.
He didn’t want to scare her, but he had to show her that he wasn’t to be

lifted his paw to her and huffed. He closed the gap between the two. He shot a
breath of hot air from his nostrils,
lowered his
head so she could see the warmth behind his eyes. He was going to touch her,
and he didn’t want her to flee. Slowly he approached. Her eyes were like
beacons in the night.

began to sniff behind her ears, and then he rubbed his muzzle into the soft fur
of her neck. With the instinct of a mate,
melded her body into his. She whined for him. He continued to growl, releasing
heat onto her neck.
Calming her.
She rolled her head
into his and lowered herself to the ground. She was where she belonged—underneath
him and ready.
rolled to her back, and with a
need to hear her whimper he nuzzled at her soft underbelly.

snout traveled from her anus up her belly to her neck where he nipped at her.
She was soft and tender like the finest of meats. Her hind legs were relaxed.
She was all his.
But what about his beta?
She was
theirs. With her lying there, exposed to him, it was difficult to remember his
plan. His intentions, but he had to. He owed it to all three of them. Before he
lost his all in her, he decided to hold himself back. But he had to taste her.
Rafael licked at her fur-lined muzzle. Strands of her delicate pelt remained on
his tongue, and he swallowed them to have a piece of her inside of him. She
tasted like his future, and he wanted more. It took all his strength to back
away from her. Once a few feet away, he stopped for a breath to watch her. He
would forever be her voyeur.
Studying her.
Watchful of her.
Loving every moment with
She continued to whimper for him. He could hear her yelps while he
ran home, retreating from a mate that had stolen his heart in one bite. He
loved her endlessly.

her was so difficult for him to do. Rafael kept stopping to look back,
wondering if she would follow him, but to no avail, for she never surfaced. As
he ran up his deck, his resolve was wavering, wanting to return to her even
after making it home. He lifted on his hind legs as his human feet and calves
started to form, and then he shifted upward forming a surprisingly hardened
cock that was concealed in his pants. His shirt was next, with his strong jaw
line and full lips with his low hair finishing off the transition. Gregori was
there to meet him, which was normal. They found it difficult to be away from
each other for long periods of time, but he knew that he was waiting for
another reason.

was she?" he asked. Rafael walked past him while unbuttoning his shirt.

definitely has some fight in her, but she understands now," Rafael
muttered, then entered the bathroom. He had to wash his need away. Gregori
entered behind him and stood in the doorway.

does she understand?"

turned the shower to the hottest setting he could get it before he answered
Gregori. "Her wolf couldn’t deny me, but I didn’t mate her, if that’s what
you’re wondering. I had her open, but the time wasn’t right. She'll have us
soon enough, and then we’ll mark her. But now she knows there
a beta, as well as an alpha, that belongs with her."
Rafael tested the temperature of the water and flinched from the sting of the
. He dropped his
pants to his boxers then faced Gregori.

did Camden say when you contacted him?"

have apprehended the woman. The trail ended in some Tulsa casino. They’ll be
back in Seurri by tomorrow afternoon, so the Council is scheduled to convene at
that time."

After I take a hot shower, I’m going to shut down for the night, and we can
strategize a plan for the impending Council meeting tomorrow. Good night,

left the bathroom, and Rafael stepped under the center showerhead. He wanted to
close out his problems involving Seurri. He sucked at his saliva full of her
essence. Her aroma was a welcome change from all the musky bodies of his home,
and he couldn’t wait to have her as the lady of the manor. He ducked his head
under the water. He wouldn’t be able to wash the memory of her away, and he
knew it. His cock ached. He wanted to take her so bad. Memories of lapping at
her soft skin made his dick jump with arousal. Rafael soaped up his palm and
applied pressure to his heated dick. He fisted his cock in a soapy fury. After
a few tight pumps of grip, he spurted all on the tile flooring of the shower.
He panted for her, and his dick remained stiffened for her. Nothing would
relieve him. Rafael needed
like a drug. He
sucked at his tongue and growled from the inside out. She was his dream, and he
couldn’t wait to share her with his blood brother forever.

Chapter Five


awakened slowly, his body on fire. He could smell the poignant scent of desire,
as his sweat beaded down his forehead. Where was he? The soft crunch of leaves
beneath him told him he wasn't in his bedroom any longer. The stars hung in the
air, twinkling with promise, the midnight sky like a velvet cover on the world.
He grunted as he sat up.

the hell?" he wondered aloud. He was naked. He tried his best to brush off
the twigs, leaves, and dirt stuck to his sweating flesh, but he couldn't seem
to do it.

think you look fine like that," he heard on the wind and spun around.
There, in all her glory, stood his mate.
She was exquisite, in every way imaginable. Thick,
lustrous hair fell around her bare shoulders in wind-swept disarray. Her dark
skin, only touched by the barest hint of cream, was like water to a parched
man, and oh, how he wanted to take a sip. But he took his time, looking over
her. Heavy breasts, larger than most, he was sure, in her line of work, were
tipped with dark
little of pieces of candy he
was sure would melt in his mouth. Her waist was slender, and he was betting
he'd be able to wrap his hands around her. But her hips, her hips grasped his
attention and wouldn't let go. They were rounded, flared outward so she had a
true hourglass shape. In the center, barely there, a patch of dark curls hid
the top of her pussy, but that was it. The animal in him wanted to see his name
there, right over that bare span of flesh. To have his stamp there so no other
man, save Gregori, would dare touch her. The thought of his beta made him
change his original idea. He wanted both of their names, spanning from her hips
to just above that small spot of hair.
He would see it.
One day, some way, somehow.

what you see?" she asked and posed, her left hand on her hip, her feet
spread, and her chest poked out. She blew him a kiss and then turned away. He
swallowed, feeling his cock swell when she looked back at him over her
shoulder. He had never seen something so sexy in his life. Hazel eyes, eyes
that were nearly gilded, telling him her wolf was close, traveled down his
body. She smiled when she saw his cock, and damned if it didn't harden more,
close to bursting. He moaned as a pearly bead leaked from the tip. She licked
her lips.

"Must be delicious.
Catch me if you can,"
whispered, and then shot off. She shifted in mid stride, showing her power as
an alpha bitch potential. Of all shifters, only betas and alphas could shift
and remain in their clothes and shift on the run.
did it with ease, her showcase of power enormous. The wolf in Rafael was just
as turned on as the man was.

, Rafael promised his wolf and then shifted, already moving. The
trees whipped by him as he ran, quickly eating up the distance between him and
form. She sprinted around trees, loped over logs,
and splashed through the central lake all while laughing at him. He could see
it in her wagging tail, her yips, and perked ears. She was enjoying herself. She
was free. But how had she found him? How had he ended up outside naked?

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