Conquering Sabrina (7 page)

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Authors: Arabella Kingsley

BOOK: Conquering Sabrina
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“You have just earned yourself another spanking on account, Sabrina, and you are perilously close to earning a stay in the tower room strapped to the bed until your behaviour improves.”

She lowered her eyes and stared at the floor, resignedly penitent. Once more she apologised. But her meekness was to be rewarded.

“There were signs of a struggle in your study. The police found out later that some drunken idiot heard you arguing with a man there.”

“Why was I in my study and not with you at the party?” she quizzed, confused, backing away from the dark look in his eyes warning her of more punishment. As if to confirm it, he picked up his riding crop and smoothed his thumb over its rounded end, studying it closely as he talked. Bravely, she persisted.

Raoul sighed, obviously uncomfortable with their conversation.

“You were avoiding me,” he said flatly, staring at the picture on the table she had picked up earlier.

Sabrina furrowed her brow.

“Why would I do that? Did we have a row or something?”

Infuriatingly, Raoul turned and walked to a door at the other end of the room, giving her a tantalising glimpse of the way his jodhpurs moved in perfect moulded unison with his tightly muscled thighs and buttocks. To her annoyance, she found herself staring at the magnificence of it all. She could tell by the gentle lift of his lips from the side that he knew she was watching. Damn it. He still held the riding crop, reminding her she need to tread warily in her conversation and not be suspicious of his love for her. She already had two spankings on account.

He turned on a light to reveal a large walk-in closet. Sabrina followed him to insist he explain. He paused, looking at the rail holding his large collection of neatly ordered suits and shirts.

“We were having many rows. You thought I was having an affair.”

“You were having an affair?”

Sabrina heard her voice rise in disbelief. The imaginary world of wedded bliss he had dazzled her with despite her doubts crumbled inside her head, leaving her bitterly disappointed that he had proved her right. She dipped her head. How could she have thought for one moment…

“Sabrina…” Raoul caught hold of her chin and lifted her face up to him until she was forced to look directly into his eyes. He held her gaze and trailed the leather end of the riding crop seductively across her moist pink lips to silence her protest and warn her he would act should she continue to accuse him. The sensation of the leather on her lips and the frisson of fear she would find herself over his knee made her wet and ache for him. Once more her thoughts warred with each other. Dismayed, she was all the more determined to be rebellious.

“No. I said you
I was having an affair. I see you still cannot accept that you were wrong.” He lowered the riding crop to his side.

“I am not stupid. I must have a good reason to believe you were having one,” she retorted.

He shook his head and let go of her chin. His attention turned to the opposite rail on which an array of women’s skirt suits, sophisticated ball gowns, and business day dresses, along with a group of pretty floral shifts and dresses, hung in order of colour. There were no trousers. She remarked on it.

“It was my wish you didn’t wear them and you agreed not to. I preferred you in a dress or skirt. It is more feminine and you were eager to please me.”

She watched him point out a red dress.

“And this one,” he said, pointing to another. “I love you in summer dresses.”

Sabrina recognised the dress. She reached out to stroke her fingers down the cotton material. It was the dress he’d removed from her body in the stables.

Sabrina’s eyes widened with surprise as she watched his eyes sweep longingly over her form.

“It’s good to see you haven’t lost any of your curves,” he said with a wide grin, looking down appreciatively at her ample cleavage peeping through her loosened black silk robe. “Dresses make you so much more accessible for making love to. I simply have to lift it up around your waist so I can thrust inside you.”

“You were having an affair?” she repeated with annoyance, determined to ignore his attempt to rekindle her desire from last night.

He sighed.

“I have just told you I wasn’t.”

“Oh, and I suppose your word is supposed to be good enough?”

“Yes. It is,” he said flatly.

“Maybe there are some memories of our life together that you don’t want me to remember,” she persisted.

“You know, Sabrina. You are going to have to start trusting me at some point.”

“I’m not sure that will ever happen.”

Those dark eyes sharpened again. He took a step towards her, caught her arm, and pulled her to him. In a heartbeat she found herself being stripped of robe and short night dress. Her breasts bounced heavily on her chest with the force he exerted. He looked down at her underwear.

“Underwear is not permitted in our relationship, Sabrina. I allow you to wear a bra for the sake of comfort, but nothing else,” he commanded. “I will have Louise burn your underwear like last time. When I come to you, I expect to find you open and accessible to penetration.”

To emphasise his resolve to make her obey his rules, he slapped her breasts hard twice. He ripped the flimsy material with his bare hands and tossed the remnants to the floor. Then she was falling over his knee. Her head just about reached the floor. The swell of her bottom was prominently raised. Raoul picked up the riding crop he’d dropped onto the bed and whipped her naked vulnerable bottom. This spanking was harder than any of the others. He did not hold back, yet despite her humiliation and pain, dampness seeped between her thighs and desire swelled.

Her breasts pushed out, enlarged and aching, her taut nipples brushing against the smooth leather of his riding boots as she held onto them for support. She yelped and cried, but her bottom rose to meet every merciless strike, wanting more. A few of the blows were to catch the tops of her thighs, creating a new painful wave of heat surging with the force of pleasurable penetration to her sex.

After a while, he stopped suddenly. Sabrina was breathing hard.

He laughed.

“I am not finished with you yet, darling. The score must be settled for all of your bad behaviour, your distrust, and wicked suspicions about my love for you.” His fingers worked her under her body at her clit, checking the strength of her dampness whilst his free hand sought an object on the bed behind him. He instructed her to raise her bottom as he cupped her sex and then began to slap harshly at it when she didn’t move. Sabrina became so wet she thought she might come, but the sting of a wooden flat surface striking her bare bottom had her crying out. Raoul inserted his fingers into her sex, thrusting his digits inside and out of her in a rhythmic fashion, bringing her to boiling point. He increased the pressure of his strike with the back of the hairbrush and ordered her to come on command. Obediently, she came, screaming her tortured release as he continued to strike her poor defenceless bottom with the hairbrush.

The moment her body ceased its quivering pleasure, she felt Raoul’s arm around her waist lifting her up into the air as he stood. He tossed her backwards onto the bed, watching her head fall lightly between the cotton pillows

He lifted his jumper up over his shoulders and threw it on a chair. Bronze toned muscle rippled and stretched across his chest, forcing Sabrina’s eyes to widen with appreciation. Another wicked grin lit his lips at her reaction. She lay passively, waiting, watching, unable to fight her need for him. The rest of his clothes followed in a hurry and then he was stretching across the bed on his knees as lithe as a stalking panther to take her. His cock, long, hard, and proud, pointing accusingly at her.

Sabrina parted her thighs wide, eager and ready to accept his penetration, but he shook his head, indicating he wanted her to turn over. With his assistance, she found herself on her knees, her pink whipped bottom facing him and positioned high in the air, her breasts brushing the cotton of the covers, and her head submissively down.

“You are so beautiful, Sabrina. Just as I remembered.”

His hand stroked her spanked bottom in a gentle caress, raising some whimpers from her mouth. Softly he hushed her, allowing her to feel the brush of his fingers down the crevice between her buttocks, circling the small tight entrance to her anus. Startled, she bucked, but the sharp stinging slap of his hand to her buttocks ceased her movement instantly. His hand moved to her sex, where he coated his fingers in her juice. When he then bathed her anal entrance with the cream from his fingers, Sabrina grew alarmed.

“I’ve never come this way before,” she confessed.

He gave a small laugh as he gently eased his finger in and out of the hole in a pulsing beat.

“Oh, but you have, Sabrina. Many times. Anal play is one of your favourite ways to have sex. Now trust me. I only want to give you pleasure, not harm you,
.” He stretched over her back, planting small kisses across her spine, soothing her into consent. “If you have any discomfort or fear, just let me know and I will stop. I promise.”

Sabrina nodded, curious and bewildered by the way her bottom lifted upwards in response to his finger’s penetration, moving backwards to beckon his cock. The movement teased and wetted her sex as he obliged, removing his finger to replace it with the tip of his cock. Slowly she felt him slide himself into her anus, stretching the channel, firing the nerves with erotic impulse. Her vagina pooled. She pushed backwards, liking the sensation, wanting more of him inside her. With a grunt of approval, Raoul began to thrust with more vigour, seeming to take his cue she was more comfortable. Desire coursed through her veins and built as he rode.

She felt him stretch across her back to fist his hand through her hair tightly and pull it back, riding more deeply. The simple action fired a chain reaction within her body. The tightness of his hand in her hair, the firm way he guided her head up and back, his strong dominating thrusts owning her body and riding her into submission, and the cruel dig and grip of his digits into her sore buttocks to keep her in place drove her orgasm to reach new depths. Exotic sensual pleasure spread down her legs, deep inside her vagina, into her stomach, and gripped her thighs. The feeling was so intense, she thought she might scream or faint.

It was difficult to breathe. Her breath as it was came in noisy pants and her satiated cry was a mixture of tormented cries and tears of ecstasy. He came with her hard and fast, deep and powerful, intensifying the grip on her hair, and giving her buttocks two harsh slaps as he did, only serving to heighten both their orgasms.


* * *


Happy with the afterglow of such pleasurable sex play, Raoul insisted she bathe to soothe her aching bottom. Lovingly he had prepared the bath for her and had taken great pleasure in cleansing her body with a sponge. The action touched her and when he’d helped her dry, he’d creamed her body and bare bottom with nurturing moisture lotion in a soothing sensual massage as she lay on the bed. In looking through the mirror, she had witnessed the mark of his hand on her bottom and the streaks from the riding crop. She had been in two minds what to think of them, but the memory of the experience tingled her nerve endings with excitement once more. It made her feel branded by him.

Now alone while he showered, she turned her attention back to the room and decided to investigate its contents for clues to the life she did not know. She started with the dressing table. It was still covered with make-up, cream, and other assorted goodies that would have been way past their best. All the makes were the same as she used in the present. Her heart leapt. It was as though he had left everything as it was for her coming back. He’d never given up hope.

The small CD rack caught her attention. It had to be hers. She was never without music. She grew excited; you could tell a lot about a person by the CDs they bought, she mused. On careful inspection, she found many of the CDs she already kept in her car and house in London. There was no conforming style. They ranged from classical and pop to rock and heavy metal. They were her CDs, all right, a mixture of everything. She pulled out Vivaldi’s
Four Seasons
and went hunting for the CD player that seemed to be secretly concealed somewhere in the room. She found it tucked inside a disguised cabinet not far from the TV, which was also similarly cloaked. She inserted the CD and listened to the music drift around the room. She returned to the dressing table to brush her hair and stared at herself in the mirror. Who was she?

It happened instantaneously. One minute she was looking at her confused reflection in the mirror, the next she was greeting guests with Raoul and then she was watching dancers swirl around the chequered floor again. The memory was so real, she felt as though she was reliving it. She could see Raoul talking to a woman who kept touching him, a hand on his arm, the brush of her fingers along the lapel of his evening suit. Even as he courteously backed away from the woman to talk to another guest, all she could feel was anger, suspicion, and hurt. She turned on her heel. She was wearing that dress, the velvet one in the portrait, the one he’d lovingly bought her on a business trip. A bribe to keep her quiet, while he carried on his affair? Now that she knew about his affair and who was stalking her every move, their whole life together was about to change.


The concerned voice brought her right back to the present with a thud. She turned to find Raoul standing at the door in nothing more than a towel. His hair was wet and slicked back. Moisture glistened on his skin, giving his lightly tanned body a seductive sheen. He looked concerned, protective. He strode over.

“You were staring into space looking vacant. Are you all right?”

He touched her forehead with the back of his hand as though checking for a temperature. She did look hot and flushed.

“I remembered being at the party. It was so real, it felt like I was there again. I want to remember more.”

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