Conquer Your Love (13 page)

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Authors: J. C. Reed

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

BOOK: Conquer Your Love
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“Can you see me?” Jett asked.

“Yes.” Surprisingly I could.

“I’m brushing my lips across the back of your neck until you can feel my
breath on your skin. I start kissing your shoulder and spine while my hands
move around your waist so I can part your legs.”

My skin tingled from his gruff, assertive tone.

“Your back’s pressed against me, and my hand’s stroking your slit.
You’re turning me so
I’m bending you over until
you’re on all fours. I’m licking you and taste your arousal for me. Can you
feel it?”


“Good.” A raspy pause, then, “I want you to touch yourself like I’d
touch you. Do it well, baby. I want you to describe the way your fingers feel
inside you.”

Following his command, I spread my legs and slipped my fingers between
them, stroking gently, then with a little more fervor before thrusting two
fingers in after he instructed me to take all the time I needed.

“Tell me what you feel, Brooke.”

“I’m wet,” I whispered.

“How wet?”

“Very, very…wet.”

“And your fingers?”

“Two inside.”

“Keep moving, Brooke.” His breath came heavy, sending my fantasy into
override. “You make me so hard it hurts. Keep going.”

I plunged my fingers in and out of me to the picture of him in my mind
and the sound of his voice caressing my senses.

“Imagine my erection between your pussy. How does that feel?”

“I like it.” And I did, because my memories with him…made me wetter.

He laughed hoarsely. “I’m moving inside you slowly, imagining you wet
and tight, and it feels so good for me. How does it feel for you, Brooke?”

“Good,” I breathed. My thumb circled my clit, setting it on fire, my
fingers between my legs, eager to follow Jett’s next command.

“I’m sliding into you and as slow as I can I start to fuck you. Just
inches at a time, until you begin to moan my name.” He whispered so low I had a
hard time focusing through the hazy curtain of sexual frustration urging me to
seek fulfillment. His own arousal was apparent from his labored breathing and
the picture of him touching himself shattered my last ounce of insecurity.
Biting my lip hard, I rubbed my fingers through my wet folds, struggling to
find my pleasure in his absence.

His voice became faint in my head as he told me how deep he plunged into
me and how good it felt to be inside me. I couldn’t listen anymore. I dipped my
fingers in and out of me, imagining it was his body pinning me down, his
erection slicing through my skin. I whimpered and pressed my temple against the
cold satin pillow as my body began to shake and twist like a flame against the
hard caress of my hand.

“I’m coming,” I whispered a moment before the world blackened out and I
lost myself in the sweet contractions of my climax.

When it was over, the phone was still pressed to my ear and the other
end of the line was so quiet I wasn’t sure he hadn’t hung up.

“Jett?” I asked, sitting up and wrapping my sheets around my naked body.
I was hesitant and suddenly ashamed. Had he heard it all? Was he shocked, maybe
disgusted, by the way I had let myself get into character?

He cleared his throat but the coarseness of desire was still there,
making my heart twitch in my chest.

“I’m really jealous of your fingers, baby,” he whispered. I smiled. “And
I think I have a problem.”

“What problem?” I grinned, knowing that he was about to say one of his
sexy things.

“I think I can’t get enough of you,” he whispered. “Do you have any idea
how much I wish you were here? How much I wish I could have seen you come?”

I smiled thankful he couldn’t see the blush burning my cheeks.
Seriously, I could do this all
listen to his
deep voice whisper sweet nothings—or in this case naughty
nothings—into my ear.

A thud echoed in the background, followed by a male voice saying
something, and Jett’s ‘fuck you’ reply.

He wasn’t alone. Maybe even in a public place. The heat scorching my
face intensified from both mortification and excitement.

“I’ll pick you up tomorrow at twelve same place like last time.” His
tone was composed. Business-like. And then it dropped to a whisper. “And
Brooke, I’m hurting all over for you, baby. You owe me the real deal and I’m
going to take it. Running from me isn’t going to help you because I’ve never
been a quitter.” The line went dead.

He had hung up on me.

Even though I had just climaxed, my body was still earning for him. I
could never have imagined anything like this would turn me on—or him. It
wasn’t that I was uncomfortable with dirty talk. Call me cliché, but I always
thought seedy phone conversations were reserved for lonely guys on a lonely
night far away from the convenience of an
connection. I shrugged back into my clothes and typed up a text message.


Don’t get your hopes up. I’m never sleeping with you again.


My fingers hovered over the send button, but ended up pressing delete
instead. Why warn him when I could let him simmer all night and then dash his
hopes. After the stunt he just pulled on me, the jerk deserved a little pain.

Chapter 9

“So let me
get this straight. You want
to go back to Bellagio and leave me all alone here?” Sylvie asked over a hearty
breakfast consisting of egg omelet and orange juice. Apart from cereals and
pre-made waffles, it was the only thing Sylvie and I knew how to prepare, so
naturally, we indulged in it whenever we couldn’t make it to the nearest café.

Nodding, I put down my fork and pushed my empty plate aside. “I need to
run some errands. You can do whatever you want. Go shopping, lounge by the
your Twitter status.”

“It’s Facebook.” She grimaced, like I was an idiot for not remembering.
“I know you’re supposed to do something for the old man. I thought I could come
with you.”

“It’ll be boring.” I tried to sound convincing—and failed
miserably. “ I’d rather you have a nice day because it’s supposed to be a
vacation. Go enjoy yourself. Do what you feel like doing.”

“And that is?”

I shrugged. Normal people went on a sightseeing tour or lay on a sunbed,
reading a book. Sylvie was a totally different species.

“Go to Milan, shopping. It’s not that far. I’ll be back around seven.” I
had no idea what Jett had in mind. My best guess was lunch, in which case we’d
be done by mid-afternoon, give or take a few hours.

“You know, I might just do that,” Sylvie said. “I’ve always wanted to
visit Milan. It’s the shopping capital of Italy, and I can finally get one of
those Italian silk scarfs and a new
bag.” Sylvie swooned and her eyes glazed over as she entered shopping heaven. I
could almost see the
reflected in her blue eyes.

“Just do me the favor and don’t go home with a guy.”

“I’m not that stupid.”

I sighed. “I know.”

Hopefully I wasn’t the one making a mistake by going out with the
hottest, most persuasive guy I knew. Sleeping with Jett when he was my boss was
bad enough. But going out with him as my ex-boss, who also happened to be the
best lover I ever had, might be worse. It spelled instant trouble.




The taxi driver parked in front of the spa. I paid and got out quickly,
almost tripping over my two feet as I spotted Jett
leaning relaxed against his Lamborghini. Dark shades hid his eyes,
making it impossible to discern whether he was absorbed in the newspaper in his
hands, or watching me approach.

My heart began to thump a
little harder, and my tongue flicked over my suddenly dry lips as I stared at
six foot two of toned muscles. He looked so damn sexy dressed in jeans and a
black shirt. His thick dark hair was shiny and unruly. I wondered whether he’d
taken a shower and didn’t bother to comb it before driving to pick me up. The
picture of me running my hands through his hair, pulling him on top of me, made
me blush so hard my skin was on fire. He was pure sin. Whoever invented the
word must’ve done so with Jett in mind.

As if on cue, his head snapped in my direction and a devilish grin lit
up his face. He folded the newspaper and tossed it through the open window into
the car, then strolled toward me.

“Well, hello, I’m Jett Mayfield.” He grabbed my hand in a very intimate
grip. “I’m the crazy guy who called last night.”

He had me at hello and crazy.

I forced a smile on my face, and prayed he’d mistake my blush for the
beginning of
a sunburn
. Just thinking of yesterday’s
phone conversation with him and knowing the sound of his voice was enough to
make me give in, was not only awkward—it was embarrassing and agonizingly
stupid. Now was the right time for earth to swallow me up whole and make me
disappear forever. Maybe I was lucky enough, and Jett had been drunk and with
no recollection of my lack of refusal.

Yeah, it
Stranger things happened.

Don’t be stupid, Stewart. Just
look at his grin. He knows it!

“What are you doing?” I asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.

“Establishing a clean slate.” He winked and interlaced his fingers with
mine as he walked me to his car. “Starting all over again. With you.”

“Really?” I laughed, unable to look into his eyes. The serious
undertones in his voice made me nervous.

“You look beautiful.” He kissed my cheek and lingered there a bit longer
than necessary. A soft tingle ran down my spine. “In Italy you don’t really say
I miss you. People say ‘mi
’, which means ‘you
are missing from me.’ I feel that way, Brooke. Whenever you’re not around, I
feel like a part of me is missing.”

A hot shudder ran through my body and every inch of me longed to touch
him. That he was hot and sexy was bad enough. Did he have to be nice, too? I
wanted to say something witty. But, as usual, I couldn’t think straight around

Smiling, Jett opened the door and I entered. The smell of expensive
leather hit my nostrils. It didn’t surprise me in the least that people were staring
at us. They probably thought we were celebrities, which couldn’t be further
from the truth.
At least in my case.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“It’s a surprise.” He started the engine and pointed at the newspaper
before steering out of the parking lot. “Turn to page eight.”

The newspaper was older than I thought, folded and used many times, the
front page torn in several places. I flicked straight to page eight. The main
headline mentioned a gallery opening. Further down was something about a
charity event and pictures of high society socialites in their evening gowns,
holding champagne flutes. The last paragraph mentioned various art purchases
made on that evening. The date read May 8

“It’s an old newspaper.” I peered at Jett, confused, as I pointed out
the obvious.

“If you look closely, you’ll see a younger version of
standing next to my father. It’s the only picture
of the two together.”

I scanned the pictures again. Although they were blurred, I recognized
Alessandro. The photo must have been taken prior to his wife’s death, long
before his health deteriorated. My gaze shifted from Alessandro to the
middle-aged man towering over him, and I recognized Jett’s stubborn chin and
confident smile. There was no caption—as though the two didn’t need an
introduction. Just a random shot at some high society party.

“Where was this?”

“New York,” Jett said. “More than twenty years ago.”

“That’s a long time ago.”

“When I was a child we came here every summer. We stayed in hotels and
holiday cottages in the area, until I purchased my property on Lake Como ten
years ago. All those years my father never acknowledged knowing
. And when I asked him a couple of weeks ago, he
pretended to have met him only when he decided buying the
estate might be a good investment.”

“What are you saying?”

“My father keeps pretending to have known
for only ten years. This paper—” He pointed at the newspaper in my hand.
they’ve known each other far longer than
that. I’ve been asking myself why he’d lie about that.”

“When did you find this?”

He sighed. “I asked a guy I know to investigate a few weeks back, right
after my father told me about the club and that any exposure of it could harm
the company. I wanted to find out more. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much to

My gaze remained glued to him as I contemplated his words. Eventually I
asked the one question I thought made the most sense.

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