Connie Mason (40 page)

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Authors: The Black Knight

BOOK: Connie Mason
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“The babes are small,” she said.

“Can I see them, Mama?” Dillon asked excitedly. “Do I have brothers or sisters?”

“One of each,” Raven said, smiling fondly at her robust son. He was a miniature of Drake, possessing the same admirable qualities that had made her fall in love with his father. “They are resting in the cradle, quite eager to meet their big brother.”

“You outdid yourself this time, my love,” Drake said. “Two babes, I cannot believe it. Thank you.”

“I have the daughter I wanted, and you have another son to follow in your footsteps. Will you name them?”

“Shall we call the girl Leta, for my mother?”

“Aye, and mayhap the boy Nyle, for my father.”

“I am anxious to make their acquaintance, but first I wanted to make sure their mother was well.”

Drake brushed a kiss across her lips. Raven was asleep before he lifted his head. He stared at her a moment, his heart overflowing with love. Then he strode over to the cradle to inspect his children. Leta, her tiny arms stretched above her head, slept contentedly, while Nyle sucked vigorously upon his fist. Awed by his twin babes, Drake gazed at the tiny scraps of humanity that were part of both him and Raven and prayed for their survival. They were so very small.

“They are too little for me to play with,” Dillon complained, clearly disappointed with his new siblings.

“They will grow, God willing,” Drake said, placing a hand on his son’s dark head.

“May I go play at swords with Trent in the tilt field?” Dillon asked, already bored with the babes. “I hope Trent stays for a long time. I like playing with him.”

Trent was Duff and Lady Willa’s sturdy son, several months younger than Dillon. They had come to Eyre to await the birth. Drake hoped the cousins would become close friends, recalling how lonely his own childhood had been.

“Run along,” Drake said absently as Dillon skipped away.

He was still gazing rapturously at the newest additions to his family when Granny Nola awakened and joined him.

“They are strong,” Granny said, as if reading his mind. “They will survive.”

Drake gave her a startled glance. “You know this? Children so often die without reason.”

Granny sent him a reassuring smile. “Not these children. I know this. Just as I knew you should ride south to catch Waldo.” She patted Drake lovingly on the shoulder and quietly left the chamber.

More than a little in awe of Granny’s mysterious power,
Drake turned back to the cradle. He observed his sleeping babes a few minutes longer before returning to Raven’s bedside. She was sound asleep. He bent and kissed her lips.

“Thank you, my love, for my children. We have suffered adverse times to get where we are today, but we have survived and prospered. I promise that you and our children will always come first in my heart.”

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