Connelly's Flame (5 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

BOOK: Connelly's Flame
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and climbed out of the car.

“Awesome, I think that is fine. I just have to clean it up and cover it and he will be ready to go. Of

course, he will be a she once the client gets him back,” she shrugged.

Before he could say anything, a loud squawk came over the CB. “Phoenix, you there, girl? Come


Dezarae smiled as Jeb frowned at the male voice. She eagerly headed over and picked up the

handset; Jeb followed. “I’m here, Sheriff.”

“Girl, I’ve been calling for the past thirty minutes. Where have you been?”

“Working on a car. Why, what’s up?”



Aliyah Burke

“How you doing?”

“We’re fine.”

“We? Oh, that man’s still there?” Dale snapped even as Jeb’s eyes narrowed.

“I’m here,” Jeb’s masculine voice said as he pressed the talk button, his large hand covering her

smaller one.

“Don’t you be hurting my Phoenix or you will answer to me.”

With a glance to the woman who was beside him, an evil glint took root and grew in his eye. “

Phoenix? I’m the one courting her.” Jeb smiled as he heard her gasp seconds before the man on the other end

exploded in a string of expletives.

“That’s not true,” Dezarae interrupted.

“What, didn’t I just get finished driving a stick for you?” Gray eyes never left the shocked ones of

the woman near him.

“Yes, but that was…”

“I’m coming up there!” Dale thundered.

“No, Dale, it’s too dangerous, with the snow still falling,” Dezarae said.

“What is going on with you two?” the sheriff demanded. “Why does he say you are courting? Why

did you say you were courting?”

“Well,” Jeb smirked. “What would you call it when a woman strips you down to your boxers and

insists you sleep in their bed? The same bed that they wake up in later.”

“You aren’t telling the whole story!” she screeched as she tried unsuccessfully to reach the handset.

“Oh, I didn’t know if you wanted me to tell him how I tucked you in at three in the morning. When

you were sleeping so soundly.” Devilish delight was alive and well in his gaze.

Dezarae was speechless. She stood there and gaped at him. And all he did was wink. “Or how just a

bit ago you said it was going to be hard to court if we weren’t together.”

With a groan, she smacked her head on the table. “He is going to kill me.” She gestured to the CB.

“Anyway, Sheriff, she is in very good hands.” Jeb turned off the CB and smiled at her.

“What did you do that for?” Her question came as she finally picked her head up to meet his smile.

I felt the need to claim you.
“Didn’t like how he made you smile. Like you felt safe. That’s not his

job, its mine.”

“Excuse me?” She stood up totally and glanced at him. “What did you say?”

“I said,” he replied smoothly, “I am taking care of you now.”

“What makes you think I need you to take care of me?”

Shaking his head he said, “Doesn’t matter. I’m going to.”


“He never made it. No call. Not anything,” the large man said, slamming his fist on the table.

“Any credit card use?” asked the man with an Irish lilt to his voice.

The blond head shook in the negative. “Not a single one, not since he last filled up with gas. And you

know Charmane is his whole world, so if he didn’t show up…” His voice trailed off, not really wanting to

say what he was beginning to fear.

A nod from the Black man with him was followed by him standing up and striding towards the door.

“I’ll page the men.”

“Good. Put a 9-1-1 after it, Hondo. We leave as soon as everyone arrives.”

“Aye, will do, Harrier, will do.” The man immediately left to page the required souls.

Although Ross “Jeb” Connelly was the newest man they had, he was a member and they were going

to find him. Within two hours, seven men were being carried by helicopter towards Montana to the last

known destination of their teammate. They were going to bring him home. One way or another.


“I don’t know why you feel the need to protect me. And, while I find it very chivalrous and cute, I

have been fine on my own.”

“I can see that.” The dark head nodded moments before one tan finger stroked her cheekbone.

“Don’t bother arguing with me. That is how it’s going to be.”



Aliyah Burke

The single-minded assuredness and conviction that created his tone made Dezarae fall silent. Not

from fear, no, for she felt very comfortable around him. Aside from the intense sexual feeling he stirred up, it

was just that it felt nice having someone want to protect you.

So she nodded and walked away, heading over to the sound system, and turned it off, unsure really

of how to react to his ‘almost’ claim on her.
For all I know, he could have a wife and kids back home. Better

to stay distant and not get attached.

But she had become attached. This man was clueless about his past, had almost died, and was

heartbreakingly handsome. There was some kind of connection between them that the flirting hid.

“What’s next?” That deep voice intruded upon her thoughts.

“Going in for the night. It’s six,” she said, unzipping her coveralls and peeling them off.

Jeb was silent as he watched her disrobe. It was as if she were completely naked, the way his eyes

burned her.

“What?” came her question as she tried not to fidget beneath his stare.

He blinked rapidly. “Nothing.” His voice was raspy.

“If you’re sure.” Dezarae folded her coveralls and put them away as he took his off.

“No, I’m not sure,” Jeb murmured, standing behind her, reaching his strong arm past her to put away

his coveralls as well, engulfing her in his masculine scent.

Keep your distance, keep your distance. Oh, hell, girl, I bet he can GO the distance.
Refusing to say

anything out loud, Dezarae just turned and found herself flush against his hard body.

Battleship gray clashed with terra firma. Her tongue snuck out to wet her dry lips and she saw

another flash of desire sail through his eyes. “We should be going in,” she murmured.

“I suppose,” he said softly. His gaze was taking in her smooth complexion and the wide eyes framed

by thick sooty lashes that gave her an innocent yet seductive appearance. The cute nose and full lips that he

wanted to kiss more than he wanted to take his next breath.

Even though she had been working under a car hood, he could still smell that same floral scent that

was on her bedding. And it had the same reaction on him that it did when he was in her bed. He was instantly

fully erect, although since he woke here he seemed to be semi-erect all the time around her.

As they stood there as if they were frozen in time, he noticed how her body would fit so perfectly

into his. How her curves would press against him so wonderfully. Case and point, he wanted her.

Stepping closer until they were really pressed against each other, he leaned his head towards her.

“What are you doing?” she asked in a hoarse voice.

“Kissing you. I may not know anything about myself, but I know this. I am going to kiss you,

Dezarae Phoenix Kerry.” His mouth was a hair’s breadth away from hers.

“So kiss me, then, Johnny Reb,” she demanded as she moved her lips closer yet.

“As you wish, my little firebird.” His lips covered hers masterfully. Sliding his tongue into her

willing mouth, they both trembled as their body temperatures skyrocketed.

Her arms moved up to slide around his neck, drawing him in closer. His arms moved around her

waist and his large hands settled on her firm derriere, bringing her closer to his erection.

Tongues dueled. Passions flared. He sucked on her tongue, making her wetter than she could ever

recall being. Her hips bucked against him and he answered with a thrust of his own.

Panting, they drew away from each other, eyes dark and burning with a fire that only was going to be

quenched by the other. “Wow,” they both breathed at the same time.

Dezarae dropped her arms and slipped under his embrace, then headed across the shop to where their

jackets were.
Two more seconds and I would have been begging him to take me on a worktable.
She was

ashamed of her actions. She had acted like a floozy.

Jeb was right on her heels. No one ran away from a kiss and a reaction like that.
Dear Lord, the heat

of his passion was at such a degree that if he went out in the storm he would melt the snow that had fallen.

“Dez, wait.” He grabbed her and spun her around. “What’s wrong?”

She wouldn’t meet his gaze. “Nothing.”
He called me Dez.

“Are you sorry it happened?” His question came as he tipped her head to his.

Now I want more, so much more.



Aliyah Burke

“Good, ‘cause I fully intend on doing that again.” His thumb ran over her swollen bottom lip.



Aliyah Burke


That night she made dinner. He helped. They worked together as the storm continued to rage on

outside dropping more snow on them.

Jeb noticed her manner seemed to be a bit reserved.
Maybe I moved too fast for her but I just had to

kiss those lips.
“How did you get into this business?” He opened the oven and slid the shepherd’s pie inside.

Wiping down the counter, Dezarae spoke, “My father. I grew up in that shop, I think I was

‘restoring’ cars before I could walk.” She tossed the rag into the sink before grabbing two mugs for coffee

and pouring some for them both.

After she led the way into the living room, they both sat on the couch, one on each end. Dezarae sat

with her legs up in front of her giving him a wonderful view of her fuzzy red slippers. “It has been in the

family for generations. It was passed on from father to son.”

He arched a brow and she explained. “I was the only child. Momma died in childbirth with me, so it

was taught to me.” A sad smile crossed her face. “Daddy never held it against me. But that is where I got my

name from. While he wanted a son, he knew that Momma wanted a little girl. So he named me Dezarae, it

means ‘to be desired.’ or something like that.”

“And Phoenix?” He asked around a sip of coffee.
Well, they were right, I desire you.

“You know the legend of the Phoenix right? How it was born, from the ashes?” Jeb nodded. “Well, I

arrived after Momma died so he called me Phoenix. He ignored everyone in the family saying he should

remarry and have a woman raise me; he wanted to do it. So I went to work with him.”

She drank some more coffee. “So when he passed on, I inherited everything. And I have been here

restoring old cars to their former glory.”

“And marriage never crossed your mind? A family of your own?” he asked.

“Sure, but if you knew what the pickings were around here you would understand why I am not in

any big rush. Besides, I am only twenty-seven. I have time yet. Plus, I don’t want a man who thinks that he

can come in and take over the business. I am fully capable of running it myself.”

You sure are.
“What about Dale? Isn’t he interested in you?” Those gray eyes watched her reaction.

“Sure, but not in that way. He is sixty, and while he looks good, he looks damn good for his age, that

is just a bit extreme for me.”

He released a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding to begin with. “Oh, so, he is more like

your father?”

“Exactly. Of course, he would like me to marry his son.” Dezarae smiled at the immediate frown that

crossed the handsome man’s face.

I don’t think so.
“And what do you think?”

“I think that Shawn is very nice. One of the more handsome men in the area and we get along—”

“I thought you weren’t in any rush,” he interrupted.

The timer went off so, without responding, she rose gracefully from the couch and went into the

kitchen to pull dinner out of the oven. “Dinner’s ready.”

Jeb stood in the kitchen watching her move. She was poetry in motion. Her hair fell down around her

shoulders in gentle waves. She had captivated him.

Moving silently, he walked up behind her and placed his arms on either side of her, effectively

trapping her between him and the counter. “You didn’t answer me,” he whispered in her ear.

Shuddering from the breath that skimmed her neck, Dezarae answered him now. “It’s time to eat.”

“That wasn’t the question, Firebird.” His lips moved along her earlobe.

“You never really asked a question. It was more like you made an observation or statement,” she

said, trying not to tremble.

“Allow me to rectify that now. Are you going to marry Shawn?” One hand moved her thick hair out

of the way so his lips had access to her neck.

Eyes rolling into the back of her head, Dezarae swallowed. “I don’t know,” she squeaked.

He nibbled along her smooth skin. “Has he asked you?”

Locking her knees so she wouldn’t fall, Dezarae answered the man with the wicked lips. “Yes.”



Aliyah Burke

His whole body stiffened as he pressed against her back. “And you said?”

“I said,” she halted. She couldn’t concentrate. His lips were distracting enough but suddenly his

hands were teasing as well. One ran up and down her arm while the other was tracing the curve of her hip.

“What? What did you say?” His seductive whisper reached her.

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