Read Connectivity Online

Authors: Aven Ellis

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Connectivity (14 page)

BOOK: Connectivity
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And while I am sad it is my last week in London with William, and I don’t want the week to go by too quickly, I already cannot wait to see what he has in store for Thursday night.

Chapter 19

I pick up my bottle of Versace perfume and spray the base of my throat. Thursday night is finally here, and my last night in London is going to be spent on a mystery date with William.

I take my quilted, satin black headband and slide it into my hair, excitement racing through me as I know he will be here in minutes. And I am pulling out all the stops this evening to look stunning for him.

Tonight, I decided to wear my favorite dress, a beautiful black Kate Spade dress I indulged in last fall. It is a sleeveless dress that plunges into a deep V-neck, and the hemline hits right below my knees. I have a skinny black patent belt around my waist to accentuate it, and I have decided to pair it with my strappy silver stilettos for a sexy look. Then I put on a beautiful black onyx and silver cocktail ring as my only accessory other than my headband.

Suddenly, there is a knock at my door.

Yay! He’s finally here! I check myself one more time in the mirror, and then I walk across my suite to the door. I glance through the peephole and, oh my God, he is dressed in a
coat and suit. My heart slams against my ribcage the second I see him. If William looks
through a peephole, holy shit, I might just pass out when I open the door.

It is a chance, however, I am more than willing to take.

I open the door and the second I see him, my whole body just goes electric. My heart is continuing to pound and my pulse soars. And every nerve I have tingles as I drink in how sexy he looks.

Everything he is wearing is new.
. Sharp navy suit; crisp white shirt unbuttoned a few buttons underneath his jacket; perfectly polished black dress shoes. All topped off with the most sophisticated navy houndstooth coat I have ever seen a man wear, one that is modern, fitted, and has gorgeous lapels.

I look up into William’s handsome face and see a lock of his wavy hair has fallen across his forehead. I swallow. Dear God, I didn’t think I could ever say this but I have never seen him look more dashing or handsome than he does at this moment.

My eyes meet his. He is appraising me in the same way I am him, I can see it in his light blue eyes.

“Mary-Kate,” he says softly, taking my hand as he steps inside the suite, “you look spectacular tonight.”

“Thank you,” I say quietly. “And, William, you look dashing in that suit and trench coat.”

I step closer to him and put my hands on his jacket lapels. “New suit?” I say, lifting an eyebrow at him.

William’s full lips curve up into a smile as his hands wind around my back. “Very astute of you to notice, Mary-Kate. Indeed, it is. I purchased everything from Burberry. Does it meet with your approval?”

Oh good Lord. Does it meet with my approval? He looks so smoking hot in it I would command he wear it daily if I could get away with it!

“Indeed, it does,” I say, smiling up at him.

“Good,” William says. “I had to go up a size. Apparently since I have been around you I have been focused on things other than work. Like eating.”

I can’t help it. I slide my hands underneath his trench and finely tailored navy jacket and feel his ribs through his white shirt.

“Mmmm, yes, I do think you have put on a little weight, which I find
attractive,” I say in all honesty.

William lifts an eyebrow. “Five scones worth?”

My face instantly flames in embarrassment. “That was a long time ago!” I cry, laughing at the idiotic thing I wrote in my blog.

“I think it is most appropriate, Mary-Kate, that you take that back,” William teases.

“I don’t take back things I don’t mean,” I say, reusing his line and lifting an eyebrow right back at him.

William laughs loudly. “
.” He lowers his lips to mine and gives me a slow kiss. “I really do think,” he whispers against my mouth, “that you look stunning tonight. Gorgeous.” Then he kisses me again.

Oh my. I could stay like this all night, wrapped up inside his jacket, inhaling the cologne on his skin, feeling his mouth against mine—

And as I am considering this option, William breaks the kiss. “All right, we need to go. I have a schedule to keep for our last night in London.”

My stomach lurches with that thought. I cannot bear the thought of it, of never coming back here without William, of this truly being our last night here. All I can do is pray his heart is growing the same way mine is and this is just the first of many trips we will have here to—


I blink. “Yes, let me get my coat,” I say, reluctantly letting go of him. I pick up my trench, and William helps me slip into it. I grab my clutch and we are ready to go.

We get into the elevator and William reaches for his iPhone. “Excuse me, just have to send a quick message on my mobile.”

I laugh and punch the elevator button for the lobby. “Cell. It’s called a cell, William.”

He gives me a sideways glance. “Have you forgotten what country you are in?”

I laugh, and he finishes his text. Then I hear my phone going off in my purse as we reach the lobby.

I pull it out and see the text is from William. I look at him and furrow my brow.

“Um, I am right here,” I say, confused. “Why are you texting me?”

“It’s more fun that way.”

Puzzled, I turn and look back at my phone to see what he wrote.

Please know that while in public I will not display any outward form of affection toward you—just in case we are seen—but I am holding your hand right now in my head. WC

I read the text and melt. I glance over at him and he winks at me, and my heart just is . . . is . . . over the moon for this man, and this man only.

“And I am holding yours,” I whisper back to him.

We share a gaze and right now he is the only person in the world to me. And I cannot believe I am so lucky to be in this moment with him.

We exit the hotel and his car is waiting for us. We slip inside, and William doesn’t say a word about where we are going. Which is making me crazy.

“William, you have to give me a hint as to where we are going,” I say.

William keeps his eyes straight ahead. “Do I?”

” I cry, exasperated.

Which makes him laugh.

“Seriously, I must know!”

“Seriously, you will know soon enough,” William counters.


“Fine, you win. Be William Cumberland, International Mogul Man of Mystery tonight,” I say, gazing out the window.

“The mystery,” William says slowly in his sexy baritone voice, “will be revealed shortly.”

We drive through London and as we do, I realize we are getting close to the London Eye, the famous wheel on the banks of The River Thames.

“London Eye!” I scream excitedly.

“I promised you I would take you,” William says, “and I will always keep my word to you, Mary-Kate.”

Ooooooooh, I really like the sound of that sentence, that he will always keep his word to me.

“But first,” William says, “we are headed to the Royal Festival Hall. I have reservations at Skylon before the Eye.”

“What kind of food is it?” I ask. Then I laugh. “But you know I really don’t care. I’m just so excited to ride the Eye!”

“Bloody hell. Then why I am I taking you out for modern European cuisine in a posh setting overlooking the Thames? I could have gotten a pizza.”

We both laugh. The driver stops at the Royal Festival Hall, where Skylon is located. We slip out of the car and head inside. And as we enter the restaurant, I am once again awed by how chic and beautiful the setting is. Lots of white, beautiful floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking The River Thames, gorgeous light fixtures . . . everything is perfect, just perfect, for a chic date night.

Once we are seated next to one of the windows overlooking the river, we decide on some wine and then William proposes a toast.

“To you, Mary-Kate, and your very successful tour of London,” William declares.

I incline my head and clink my glass against his, savoring the taste of the fruity pinot noir as I swallow it.

“William, this whole trip has been beyond my dreams,” I say with all honesty. “I appreciate you letting me sit in on all those meetings, hearing everything that is going on, but most of all, asking for my input.”

William’s brow creases. “Why wouldn’t I ask for your input? I’d be a bloody idiot not to ask for it.”

My heart leaps at his words. Of course, I love the fact that William finds me beautiful and sexy, but I really think he finds my brain just as sexy as well. And I love hearing him say that to me just as much as when I hear him say I look gorgeous.

“Thank you,” I say softly. I hold my eyes steady on his. “And I want to thank you for sharing your world with me. For letting me into your home every night, for letting me meet your family . . . ” I trail off for a moment, swallowing before I continue. “And you have been nothing but a complete gentleman to me when we are alone.”

William’s eyes remain fixated on mine, and I can tell he is trying to read what I am saying. But I feel like I have to address the issue of sex, because I know that is the direction we are heading, but my head is overruling my heart on this one. No matter how much I desire him, and, oh God I do, I just can’t go there yet. Not without knowing there could be some kind of chance at a future with him first.

“What I mean is, I know . . .” I pause, looking for the right words, “. . . that you might expect more as far as a physical relationship at this point. But you have not once pushed me or even acted like it was an issue, and I want you to know I deeply appreciate that. Because . . .” I feel my face grow warm as I grapple with this. “. . . I can’t rush into something like that. Even if I deeply want to, I have to make sure it is right.”

Then, I grab my glass of wine and take a big sip. I look at him, praying he understand this.

William traces his finger around the rim of his wine glass as he stares at me across the table.

“Thank you,” he says softly, “for being so honest with me. Because the last thing I want is for you to feel uncomfortable about anything. There is no timetable for this. When it is right, we’ll both know it. I . . . I respect you too much for anything less to be acceptable.”

I exhale in relief at his words.

William’s eyes flicker and then he laughs. “Were you nervous about that?” he asks, grinning.

I blush furiously. “Very,” I say, taking another sip of my wine.

“No need to be,” William says, his eyes holding on mine. “And while there is no timetable for
, there is a timetable for tonight, so we should think about what to order.”

We move on to the menu, and this time I get the fillet of beef and William gets the rack of lamb. Dinner is exceptional. The view of The River Thames is stunning, the food spectacular, and having William as my date—I still think I am the luckiest girl in London as I gaze at him across the table.

After dinner, we decide to walk to the Eye. William arranged for us to be on the last ride of the night. The wind is chilly tonight, and I’m glad I am bundled up in my trench. I take in the view around me, of London lit up, of The River Thames and the Houses of Parliament, and I still can’t believe I am here. The Eye is so glorious in lights, and I can hardly contain my excitement about being able to ride it tonight.

There is a line, of course, but with William having a certain kind of ticket, we are bypassing a lot of things. Finally, we board, and I notice we are the only two people in our capsule.

“Private capsule,” William explains, helping me take off my coat.

“Oh my God, William! This is so cool!” I cry happily.

William grins and takes off his trench. “I am glad you find this most appropriate, Mary-Kate.”

I laugh. “Oh, William, I do find it most appropriate!”

We are greeted by a host and served champagne and pink champagne truffles. I truly cannot believe this. I am not only on the London Eye, but in a private capsule, being served champagne, and sharing it all with William.

I stand at the window, completely captivated by the city lit up below us.

“Show me everything!” I cry to William. “Be my tour guide!”

“Ah, yes, my second job as a narrator on the London Eye,” William quips. But then he moves behind me and pulls me to his chest, his beautiful hands wrapping around me and holding me protectively to him.

Oh God. Suggesting he be my tour guide was the best idea ever.

William narrates to me, pointing out all the things I might not recognize on sight, and we talk about all the other amazing buildings of London that are now magically lit up below us. William leans down to talk into my ear softly as he does this, and this is beyond romantic.

As William is holding me in his arms, I see Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, and St. Paul’s Cathedral twinkling in the black night sky, and I am just in heaven, talking a mile a minute, listening to William point out other things to me that only a native would know.

“This is everything I dreamed it would be,” I say, delighted as we near the top of the Eye. “Just breathtaking. I am so, so, lucky to be here, William.”

“I am lucky, too,” William murmurs in my ear. Then he brushes his lips against my temple in the sweetest of kisses and I feel my body just go weak from his touch. Then he clears his throat. “Would you like some more champagne?”

I turn around to say yes. But then I see it. Next to my champagne glass, on the table, is a flat, square box from Tiffany & Co. The infamous Tiffany Blue box with a white bow on it is sitting on the table.

“William!” I gasp, my heart pounding. “Is . . . is . . . that for me?”

“Yes,” he says simply. “A little gift from me to you.”

BOOK: Connectivity
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