Connections of the Mind (9 page)

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Authors: Roseanne Dowell

Tags: #Romantic Suspense Novel

BOOK: Connections of the Mind
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She finally turned off the water and stepped out. While drying off, she noticed a bruise on her hip. Didn’t really surprise her the way her body hurt. If she hadn’t turned around, she probably would have landed flat on her face. Instead of a black eye, her face probably would have been a mangled mess. Actually now that she thought of it, if she hadn’t turned around, she might be dead. She shivered at the thought. Whatever the reason she and Jeremy were blessed—or cursed—with this gift, it saved her life.

She had no doubt whoever wanted to kill Jeremy was after her. The only logical reason she could see was another connection. She sat down on the toilet, pulled on her pants, and redid her boot. She’d never felt a connection to anyone besides Jeremy. Suddenly, she shivered. Maybe her real connection was this person who wanted to harm Jeremy. The practical side of her mind helped Jeremy instead of him.

No, that couldn’t be. She had felt the contentment with Jeremy sitting in front of his fireplace. Felt his pride and accomplishments when he received the award. No, she wasn’t connected to this other person. But then how was he connected to her? To Jeremy?

Or was he?

Someone knocked on the door. Crap, she wasn’t even dressed. She hurriedly hooked her bra and slipped on her top. By the time she got to the door, the knocking had increased, become insistent. Only one person she knew knocked like that. She looked through the peephole.

She unlocked the double locks and opened the door.

“Took you long enough.” Lester pushed his way into her room.

Allison followed behind. “Sorry.”

Rebecca shrugged. No big deal. She knew her brother. His bark was worse than his bite, and patience wasn’t his main virtue.

“So hello to you, too. I just got out of the shower.” She pulled the towel off her wet head. “And if you don’t mind, I’d like to finish blow drying my hair. Did you check in yet?”

“No, we came right here. Your brother was in a big hurry to see you.” Allison sat on the chair. “Nice room.”

“What the hell happened to you?” Lester looked at Rebecca. “Looks like someone beat you up. What’s going on here, Beck? I don’t like this.” He walked up close and touched her eye.

“I fell.”

“Like hell you did, looks like someone punched you in the eye.” He backed up, looked her up and down, his gaze stopping at her boot. “And what the hell are you wearing on your foot?”

Rebecca backed up and sat down on the edge of the bed. May as well get this over with. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She had to make this believable.

“I went for a jog on the hiking path, and you know klutzy me. I wasn’t paying attention and tripped over a small branch. I twisted my ankle and broke it. Guess the way I landed if my hands hadn’t been clenched in fists, I probably wouldn’t have gotten a black eye. On the other hand, if I hadn’t put my hands up to stop me, my face would have been pretty messed up.” She shuddered at the thought of what really happened. The look on her brother’s face told her he doubted her story, but he didn’t argue.

“You really shouldn’t jog alone,” Allison said. “How many times have you tripped? How many times did I tell you to try just walking? What’s the big deal with jogging anyway?”

Rebecca felt like kissing Allie. Of course, her friend knew she was lying, just like she always knew when Allie was lying. Fortunately, her comments helped reinforce the lie. She’d never tripped at home. And she hardly ever jogged. Maybe that had been the tip off. She’d have to tell her the truth later, when she and Allie found some time alone.

Lester just stared at her. “So you’ve fallen before?”

Darn, now she had to continue the lie. “Only a couple of times. Never got hurt. Sprained an ankle once but...” Rebecca shrugged it off like it was no big deal.

“Uh huh. So this time you broke your ankle.”

“Yeah, the doctor said it’s not a bad break. I just have to wear this boot for a couple weeks, and I’ll be fine.” Rebecca stood up and ran her fingers through her wet hair.

“Listen, why don’t you guys go check in while I blow-dry my hair. After you settle in, we’ll get breakfast. I’m half starved.”

“Good idea.” Allison jumped up. “Come on, Les, I want to freshen up a bit, too.” She winked at Rebecca. A conspiratorial wink that told Rebecca they’d definitely talk later.

“Okay.” Lester followed Allison out of the room.


“You don’t buy that malarkey about her jogging and falling, do you?” Lester said the minute the door closed behind them.

“Sure, why not? You know your sister is a klutz.”

“True, but something doesn’t feel right.” Lester put his arm around Allison and pulled her close. “I don’t like this whole thing. You are going to help me talk her into coming home aren’t you?”

“I’ll try, but she’s a big girl now, Les. She’s not a teenager anymore; she’s an adult. And she knows her own mind. She makes her own decisions.”

“Stubborn, too. But I still don’t like the idea of her being here.”

“Why don’t we try to enjoy the weekend? It looks like a great little town. When’s the last time you took a vacation?”

Lester stopped in front of the desk clerk. “We have reservations for Brennan. Two rooms.”

“Ah, yes, Mr. Brennan, here we are.” The young man looked at the computer, punched a few keys and while it printed out, he slid the credit card receipt toward Lester. “Sign here.”

Lester signed the receipt, and the young man handed Lester two key cards. “Rooms 112 and 114. To the left and down the hall.”

Lester took the keys and handed one to Allison. “Ready?”

Allison nodded, and Lester took her arm as they walked to their rooms.

“So you never answered me. When is the last time you took a vacation?”

Lester stopped in front of room 112. “I can’t honestly remember.” He looked at his watch. “I’ll see you in say ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes is fine.”


Allison inserted the key card, pushed open the door, and went inside. How was she going to take Lester’s mind off Rebecca and make him relax? They had such a nice time driving down here. Conversation was enjoyable and easy. As worried as Lester was about Rebecca, he didn’t show any of the tension he showed since they arrived. They talked about so many things. Their work, their likes, dislikes. Heck, he even asked her favorite color and flower. If he’d just relax again, they might actually enjoy the visit.

She set her travel case on the luggage rack and looked around the room. Not the Ritz, but not bad. Floral drapes covered the window. Light rose quilt topped by two floral pillows lay on the king-size bed. Sculptured tan and brown carpeting and two wall lamps added the finishing touches. Two chairs sat next to a round table in front of the window. Allison pulled the drapes open, and the view outside took her breath away. Lush, green, rolling meadows led to a wooded area. Four horses grazed in the meadow.

Allison looked at her watch. She’d better hurry. One thing she’d learned about Lester, he didn’t like to be kept waiting. She went to the sink, threw some cold water on her face, and dried it before opening her case, found her lipstick and a brush. With a quick flip of the brush, her hair went back into place. She loved this new short hairstyle. She just finished applying her lipstick when someone knocked on the door.

* * * *

Rebecca let out a deep breath. She wasn’t sure Lester bought the whole story, but at least he didn’t argue with her. She’d have to remember to thank Allison. Rebecca went back into the bathroom, blew dry her hair, and put on her makeup. Just as she finished putting on her lipstick, someone knocked on the door.

“Just in time.” Rebecca opened the door to whom she thought was Lester and Allison.

Jeremy smiled at her with that sexy shit-eating grin. “Just in time for what?” He backed her into the room and took her in his arms. Just as his mouth was about to come down on hers, she wiggled away.

“Not so fast, buster. My brother’s here. I thought you were him. We’re going to get breakfast.”

“Good, I’m starved.”

The way his eyes raked over her, Rebecca guessed it wasn’t for food. Good thing Lester and Allison were here. Safety in numbers. She’d have to make sure it stayed that way. She didn’t trust herself to be alone with Jeremy. Not yet.

Although something told her she wouldn’t regret it. Not with Jeremy. But she was looking for a long-term relationship. She didn’t know Jeremy well enough to decide on that yet. The prospect of spending her life here in Morrisville appealed to her. The idea of spending it with Jeremy appealed to her even more. Funny, she’d never been one to make rash decisions—yet somewhere deep inside her—she knew she’d be happy with him. Call it psychic or whatever. Besides, no point denying it, she was falling in love with him.

A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. She opened it to Lester and Allison. “Come in. There’s someone I want you both to meet.”

Allison threw her a look.

Yep it’s him, Rebecca acknowledged with a nod. She linked her arm through her brother’s. “Lester, this is Jeremy Marlin. Jeremy, my brother, Lester Brennan, and my friend, Allison Heath.”

Jeremy extended his hand and shook Lester’s. He gave Allison an appreciative look, and Rebecca caught the dirty look from Lester. So there was something between those two. Hopefully it would blossom. When Jeremy let go of Allison’s hand, Rebecca saw the look of approval in Allison’s eyes and almost burst out laughing. Too bad Lester didn’t approve. Oh well, too bad for him. Nothing he said was going to change her mind about staying here.

“Were you with my sister when she fell?” Lester glared at Jeremy.

Rebecca held her breath. They had discussed this at length last night.

“Yes, I was. Too bad I couldn’t keep up with her. I might have prevented it.” Jeremy looked at her as if for approval.

Rebecca moved to Jeremy’s side and took his arm. “I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m starved.”

“Me, too,” Allison joined in. “Can we go eat now?” She batted her long lashes at Lester.

Rebecca almost fell over her own feet. Allison openly flirted with Lester, and his face turned red as a beet. She put her hand to her mouth to cover a giggle. When Allison hooked her arm through Lester’s, it was all Rebecca could do to hold back the laughter.



Chapter Twelve


Rebecca no more than sat down next to Jeremy in the restaurant, when his cellphone rang.

He flipped it open. “Excuse me, I have to take this.” He got up and walked toward the lobby while he talked.

Rebecca hoped it wasn’t an emergency; he looked so serious. He came back to the table, leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Sorry, I have to go. There was another robbery last night at the camera store. Chief wants me in on it.”

Rebecca’s heart fell. Another robbery, did that mean it was the same guy? “Okay, be careful.” She didn’t like this. Didn’t like it at all. Why did they need him in on it? He was supposed to be off duty.

“I’ll call you later.” He brushed his thumb across her cheek then straightened up and looked at Lester and Allison. “Nice to have met you both. I hope I’ll see you later.”

The look from Allison that said she couldn’t wait to be alone, and the look on Lester’s face, while he watched Jeremy walk away, spoke volumes. Probably thought without Jeremy here, he’d be able to talk some sense into his sister. No doubt Lester thought Jeremy influenced her.

“So what’s going on here, Beck? He’s awful familiar with you in such a short time. You’ve only been here less than a week.”

What was going on here was simple. She fell in love with the town and with Jeremy, but she didn’t dare tell Lester that. “Nothing’s going on. What do you mean?” Rebecca took a sip of her coffee.

“You sure as hell know what I mean. The guy’s all over you.”

She set her cup down, put her elbows on the table, laced her fingers together, and glared at her brother. She didn’t need this. “Damn it, Lester, you keep forgetting I’m not sixteen anymore. I’m a grown woman. Jeremy and I have something special.” She lowered her hands and sat back in her chair. “You can’t tell me what to do anymore. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself. I feel like I’ve known Jeremy forever.”

She held her hand up to stop him from commenting. “All right, I’ll tell you the truth. I’m falling in love with him.”

Lester glared back at her. Allison put her hand on his arm. “I know it’s none of my business, but you asked me to come along, so...”

Rebecca couldn’t believe Allison’s boldness, and Lester’s reaction to her. Allison looked at Lester as if to see his reaction. He didn’t look like he was going to disagree, so she continued.

“Rebecca has a point. Besides you always wanted her to go to college. Give her the eleven weeks. Let her take her course and see what develops.”

Lester shook his head. “No good can come of this. Nope, I don’t like it. Rebecca doesn’t know the world the way I do. Hell, she’s still just a kid.”

Lester looked from Allison to Rebecca. Rebecca swore she saw the light go off in his head. She and Allison were the same age, yet he thought of Allison as a woman. And Rebecca had a feeling, Allison would be Lester’s woman before long. She had to suppress a giggle at the bewildered look on Lester’s face.

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