Confused (Getting Inside of V - Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Confused (Getting Inside of V - Book 2)
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“No. I’m fine. Leave. Now
,” I say in between tense breaths.

“You should be seen by a
doctor. Seriously, babe. It’s probably just bruised, but I’d feel better knowing for sure.” And the heart goes thump-thump.  Even the cruelest bitch on the planet is swooning right now. Maybe that bitch is me.

“I said I’m fine. Now let’s go. This date is over.” I’m so serious right now. An ice pack and some alcohol should do the trick. I know my hand will be black and blue tomorrow and I’m ok
ay with that. As long as I’m not forced to delve into my past and hatred of this place that’s supposed to help people.

“I don’t like this.” He’s pissed off, I can tell by his tone. Reluctantly he starts his lady back up and off we go. The cool air blowing on my face feels good enough to almost forget the pain. He wastes little time getting back to
my place. When he pulls to a stop, I hop off with no help from him. I take the helmet off and fling it to the ground like the bitch I am and storm inside. He doesn’t follow. I think by now he knows I’m trouble. I give the finger to the door as I sit brusquely on my bed. The scowl on my face matches the rage I feel inside. This could have gone a lot better. I’m pissed off at Breccan and I don’t even really know why. I guess I just wanted him to follow me. I just want someone to follow me and fucking mean it.











Date 3


Date number three. Not much to say because it didn’t fucking happen. You read that right. Breccan bitched out. He must not be able to handle me. I can’t say I blame him. I am a firecracker. The things I could have done to him, though. He would have loved to fucking hate me. A small, miniscule, teeny-weeny little part of me wants to trip the fuck out. Scream, break things, and wish that I could go back in time and make him fuck me when I had the chance. I would have straddled him in his sleep. No way in hell would he have resisted then. But now I can’t do a damn thing but wait. Sit here and fucking wait. My mind is racing. I pick up my purse and place it in my lap. The weight feels like a comfort blanket to me and all feels semi-well in the world. I try to smile. I try to smirk. I try to feel anything at all. But nothing. I can’t be happy about this, any of this. The thoughts in my head actually make me sick to my stomach and I lurch the contents of my stomach all over the floor. I quickly call the lobby and have them send someone up to clean it. There’s a helpline for the condos to call for housekeeping, the kitchen, and maintenance. It’s a fairly easy process. I like the privacy of the condo, but the convenience of having the staff still on duty. Before they have a chance to arrive, I clean myself up in an attempt to make myself feel semi-human.

I hear a knock on the door and I rush over to look through the peephole. I’m disappointed that it’s not who I thought it would be. The feeling of regret is weighing me down. I open the door, gesture over to the mess I’ve left
, and stomp to the bathroom. I take a long, scalding hot shower. It feels so fucking good. My hand wasn’t as bad as I expected. A couple bruises, but nothing I can’t handle. When I open the bathroom door, I completely forget about the guy who was cleaning up my puke pile. I walk out completely naked, prepared to crawl immediately into bed. When my eyes focus in front of me, I realize he’s still here. Upon further investigation, he’s pretty attractive. A little overweight, but looks like a big teddy bear. I want to pinch his cheeks. My old self seems to rise from the ashes, if only for a short time.

“Sorry about that
, sugar, I didn’t realize you were still here,” I say sweetly. Making absolutely no attempt to cover myself, I instead widen my stance and place my hands on my hips. His jaw drops open and he begins to stutter.

“I just wanted to let you know that…uhm…everything is cleaned up…If you need us to bring you medicine…or some soup from the kitchen…or anything like that…just let us know.” He gulps roughly
, seeming to swallow his tongue. I grab a lock of wet hair and twist it seductively around my finger. I lick my lips.

’s only one kind of medicine that works for me, sweetheart. Are you sure that you can help?” I ask seriously. I trail my hands up my body until I reach my breasts. I flick my nipples with reckless abandon.The man sitting on the bed, staring at me with his mouth agape honestly makes no never mind to me. I just need to fuck. I walk over quickly and bend myself over the bed.

“I know you want to. Just do it
,” I say, no more syrupy sweetness left in my now demanding voice. He wastes no time yanking his belt off and his khaki dress pants down to his knees. I glance behind me only to see that he’s wearing boxers with cartoons on them. What in the fuck?

“Wait…how old are you?” I may be a lot of things, but a child molester isn’t one of them.

“I’m twenty,” he responds without hesitation.

, why in the fuck are you wearing boxers with cartoons on them, then? Get out of here!” I scream. I’m so frustrated. I can’t even fuck a stranger. The boxers be damned. I normally wouldn’t give a fuck. What’s wrong with me? I’m losing myself. Or am I finding myself? I’m so fucking confused. I turn around and point at the door. I grip my hair at the roots and begin to pull with all of my might, hoping the physical pain will alleviate some of the thoughts running through my mind. The random pulls up his pants and exits with haste. He mutters to himself about wearing briefs from now on, but I pay no attention. When he leaves, I quickly jump up and lock the door behind him. I make way back to my huge bed and crawl inside it. I burrow under the covers and cry. I think having no sexual release for the past couple of days has really been messing with my head. I can’t fathom any other reasoning behind the way I feel. I refuse to.

I see you sitting there, shaking your head and screaming to yourself. You think you know what’s really going on, but you don’t. You’re just as lost as I am.









Chapter Seven


The next couple of days pass by me in a dull blur. I don’t do anything but watch too much television and snuggle in my bed. I still haven’t heard from him and it’s sincerely pissing me off. I feel emotionally drained. I couldn’t believe myself and cursed every time I subconsciously picked up my cell phone to check for missed calls, texts…anything. There was nothing there. My self-doubt was mounting and I thought it best to remedy this situation before it got worse. I needed to be fucked by Breccan and that was the end of it. I decide to head over to where he’s staying. I refuse to take no for an answer. Fucking me is not the worst thing that could happen to him.

I put on my hot pink bikini top and a pair
of comfortable yoga pants. I decide to forego panties, as I wanted nothing to stand in our way as soon as he ripped these shorts off. It was smoldering heat today anyway or at least that was my excuse. Truthfully, I love to dress like a slut. I like the attention. All of my ink is proudly on display. I’m itching to get a new piece, but not quite sure what just yet.

I catch a ride from a passing stranger. I was planning on walking, as I can use the exercise. But she offered so sweetly, how
could I refuse? It definitely doesn’t hurt that she’s absolutely gorgeous, fake tits and all. I take her number and flirt for a bit before I have her drop me off. My compulsion for sex hasn’t lessened. I even consider blowing off these plans I’d made and eating out this sexy bitch’s pussy instead, but my mind’s made up. I need to see Breccan. I beat on his door and wait for him to answer. It takes him way too long and my insides clench. I make my way to the lobby, and after waiting in line for a couple of minutes, I finally make my way to the desk clerk.

“May I help you
, ma’am?” a young boy with bright red hair and cute freckles asks me with a smile.

“I’m too young to be your
mother, you don’t have to call me ma’am.” I flash a smile right back and bat my eyelashes.

“I’m sorry, you definitely don’t look old. I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s part of the job
,” he stammers nervously.

“No worries
, doll.” I place my hand on his tiny arm and lightly caress it. “You see, I have a problem. I locked myself out of my room. Could you be a dear and let me in? It’s room 106.”

“I’m sorry
, ma’…I mean miss. I can’t do that. It’s against policy. Maybe if you give me your name, I can look you up in the computer and we can figure something out?” 

“Well, you see… It’s not under my name. It’s under my boyfriend’s name, Breccan Grant. I lied a bit. I’m so sorry about that. I just wanted to surprise him, it’s our one year anniversary. I’m planning on giving him a day to remember, if you know what I mean.” I seal my story with a wink and his skin turns a bright shade of red. “Aww… you’re so cute. If only I was a couple of years younger. You’re going to make some girl very happy.” I continue my trail up his arm. I can see his resolve cracking.

“Okay…I’ll make an exception, just this once,” he responds anxiously. He turns around and heads into a doorway behind a wall. He comes back a couple of minutes later with a room key to 106.

“I’ll make sure my boyfriend leaves you a hefty tip for your trouble. Believe me, he’ll be so satisfied with what I’m about to give him… money will be the last thing on his mind.” I wink and walk away. I arrive back at the room and give the door another loud round of knocking before finally letting myself into the room. I half expect to see Breccan fucking some beach bunny, but am relieved at what I find instead. Breccan is lying in bed, sound asleep. How he didn’t hear all of the knocking truly boggles my mind. Boy is definitely a sound sleeper. I walk closer. Vicious thoughts enter my mind. Now would be the perfect time to get rid of him. Get rid of this whole situation, but something stops me. This aching deep down in my gut.

I walk over to where he lies and sit down slowly on the bed next to him. He moves a bit and I freeze. He calms once again. I study his all too familiar face. He’s the exact replica of what I would imagine a Greek god to look like. Strong and sexy in stature, but beautiful at the same time. I debate about running my hand up his face to rouse him, but I’m enjoying just looking for now. Suddenly he begins to flail and shout, “Don’t hurt her! I’ll kill you, you son of a bitch. She’s too fragile, don’t break her!”

His sudden movement causes me to fly to the floor and land hard on my ass.

“Son of a bitch…” I shout and his eyes fly open.


“Yeah, it’s me. I’m pretty sure you broke my ass.” Breccan sits up and sleepily rubs his eyes. The sheet covering his body slides down and I realize he isn’t wearing any clothes. His goods are still covered up for the most part, but the white sheet isn’t leaving much to the imagination. He’s perfectly chiseled and strong. I want him to encompass my body in his. Just once. He places his feet on the floor and reaches down to where I’m sitting and staring unabashedly. He grabs onto my hips and lifts me from the floor with ease directly into his arms. I wrap them around his neck and hold on. I melt into him. My body is on fire with need. He sits down on the bed and places me gently on his lap.

“I knew you
’d finally give in,” he whispers in my ear. I lean back just far enough to look into his eyes.

“What are you talking about?” I scowl. He’s so pretty when he’s quiet. Then he talks and it all goes to hell.

“You came here all on your own. I didn’t have to pursue you at all. I knew you couldn’t resist. Oh, and by the way, how the fuck did you get in here?” He grins at me devilishly and I want to slap the sly look off his face. Instead, I do the next best thing. I hit him with a one-two kiss right to the mouth. I get the tongue involved quickly, easing his lips open. I roughly push his chest to try and get him to let me on top, but it doesn’t work. Instead he flips me over so I lay on my back underneath him. He takes my mouth roughly with the force of everything pent up between us. I pull away just long enough to glance down. I’m instantly wet at what awaits me. He’s huge in both girth and width. He’s going to tear me and I’m going to relish in the pain. He starts to tease my earlobe with licks and bites. I put my thumbs inside my waistband, thankful that I decided to wear yoga pants with no panties and slide my pants quickly down.

“Fuck me
,” I pant.

“Not yet.” I’m not at all satisfied with his answer.

“I said fuck me. I didn’t stutter. Do it or I’ll find someone that will.” I’m not playing these god damn games. I need his dick deep inside of my pussy or I’m going to come undone at the seams.

“Patience is not a virtue for you, is it
, love?” He laughs deeply. I moan and not in the good kind of way. My entire body is literally aching with need. And here he is, over top of me…hard and ready to go, all the while laughing. Not exactly how I pictured this going and it really pisses me off.

“Never fucking mind
, then. Get off!” I shove his chest and again, he doesn’t budge an inch. “What are you made out of, stone?” I ask out loud and he laughs harder.

“No, but sometimes I think you are. Your face lacks emotion most of the time.” I can’t dispute it. I’m completely distracted by his hand making its way down the length of my spine, stopping at the bottom of my tank top. He fingers the hem for what seems like forever before slowly working the tank top up. I lift my hands above my head in response and smile. He leans over to kiss me again. He pulls my tank top over my head and launches it across the room. He quickly undoes my bra with one hand and I slide it off my shoulders. He licks his lips as if he
’s about to devour me. I need him to do just that. He moves his mouth to trail down my neck until it reaches my taut nipples. When he takes the right one into his mouth, I melt into the sheets beneath me. I buck my body upwards against his warm mouth. My hand trails down my stomach and heads it’s normal pathway, but he stops me. He releases my nipple and I groan in frustration. He looks at me sternly and I feel that I may have finally met my match. His eyes are scorching and the heat emanating from his body matches that of my soul on fire.

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