Conflicted: Keegan's Chronicles (20 page)

Read Conflicted: Keegan's Chronicles Online

Authors: Julia Crane

Tags: #destiny, #paranormal romance, #teen, #elf, #fate, #elves, #ya, #keegan

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Lauren tried on two that were okay, but not

Keegan eyed the substantial pile of dresses
they’d built up. Digging one out from underneath, she handed it to
Lauren. “Here try this one.”

Lauren came out in the plum colored,
one-shoulder taffeta gown. The color was striking against her
alabaster skin and dark hair.

“Oh, this is the one,” Keegan squealed. “You
look so curvy in it.”

“I look curvy? Well, if I look curvy, I’ll
take it!” Lauren declared, making her friends laugh.

Anna nodded, reaching out to touch the soft
material. “It’s very glamorous.”

Lauren turned side to side, checking herself
out in the mirror. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is. Strike a pose.” Keegan waited
for Lauren to turn then snapped a photo.

“Would you guys like me to take a picture of
all three of you?” the clerk offered.

“Oh, that would be great.” Keegan handed her
the camera.
I wonder
if I should add this picture to Rourk’s scrapbook?

Since Christmas, when her family had
suggested she take pictures for Rourk, she had been gathering some
in a small scrapbook. Eventually, she would send it to him. She
just never felt the time was right.

“Should we look for accessories now?” Lauren
asked as they left the store with their purchased dresses in

“I’m too tired. We’ll have to do that
another day.” Anna shifted the dress to her other arm and sighed.
“Shopping is exhausting. I don’t know how you guys love it so

“Whatever, you had fun and you know it,”
Keegan teased, poking her in the side.

“I did have fun. Can you believe we will be
graduating soon? It’s kinda scary. Soon our lives are going to be
so different.”

“I’m excited about the changes. I can’t
wait.” Lauren hugged her dress closer and smiled.

“We have to promise to get together as often
as possible. We also have to Skype.”


After Keegan dropped them off at their
houses, she turned towards home and thought of how much fun she and
her friends had together over the years. She smiled wistfully,
wishing it didn’t have to change.

Chapter 25



“Mom my hair is a mess!” Keegan wailed,
staring forlornly in the antique vanity mirror. She lifted her
hands to her head, but Emerald swatted them away.

“It’s not a mess. It looks beautiful. You
look beautiful. You’ll be the most gorgeous girl at prom.” Her
mother tugged at a curl and laughed as it sprang back up. “I love
when you wear your hair curly. It looks natural and wild, just like

“Do you really think I look okay?” Keegan
stared at her mother’s reflection in the mirror. Her mother’s smile
was beautiful.

“More than okay, Keegan. You are a striking
young woman. Stand up so I can see the dress.” Emerald gestured
with both hands for her daughter to move.

Keegan slowly rose from her chair, brushing
her palms nervously down the front of her silver gown. It made her
feel feminine.

“Spin around. You know you want to.”

Keegan laughed and spun. “It is the perfect

“I’m sure your father will say it’s too
perfect. It really accents your curves. You are definitely not a
little girl anymore.” Emerald sighed. “Makes me sad, in a way.
However, I’m also looking forward to the next stage in your life.
You’re going to do great things, I know.”

“Mom, I’m nervous to move so far away from
you guys.”

“I know, honey, I’m nervous too. Who is
going to cook for you?” Her mother gave a sad laugh and looked
away. “Thank goodness for the internet. We will stay in touch. I
can always come see you in Alaska when I need my Keegan fix. Of
course, you will come home for the holidays I would hope.”

“Of course.” Keegan dabbed at her eyes with
an old t-shirt and sniffed. “Okay, let’s change the subject before
you ruin my makeup.”

“Donald is picking you up right?”

“Yes. I’m sure he will look great all
dressed up. He’s already so cute.”

Her daughter’s dreamy eyes made Emerald
nervous. She rubbed her face with one hand then looked into
Keegan’s eyes. “Keegan, I really hate to ask you this, but I know a
lot of kids have sex on prom night. Do I need to be worried? Or get
you some protection?”

“What? No, mom. I’m not ready for that. It
hasn’t even crossed my mind. I still have the ‘wait for your
chosen’ mentality, I guess.” Keegan looked down and moved her brush
around the vanity, surprised she wasn’t embarrassed by her mother’s
blunt question.

Keegan could see how relieved her mom was to
hear her answer. “I’m glad to hear that. If you change your mind,
please let me know. I know that your situation is different from
most. If you feel you are ready, I’ll take you to the doctor and
get you on birth control. I don’t want to be a grandmother just

“I will, Mom.” Keegan leaned over and gave
her mom a quick hug. “Thanks for helping me get ready for

“Let’s go show the boys how fabulous you
look.” Emerald took her daughter’s hand, tugging her towards the

“Wait, I almost forgot the mask.” Keegan
grabbed the mask from her bookshelf, It was a very dramatic looking
mask. Meant only to rest over her eyes and cheekbones, it had
cat-shaped eyes with spiraling lace that feathered from the corner
of each. The base of the mask was burnished gold and covered in
intricate black designs. A single small hoop rose from the top of
the mask like the crown of a tiara.

As they walked down the stairs, Keegan
holding her mother’s arm for support, Emerald yelled “Check out the

Her father looked up from his Macbook when
they rounded the corner into the living room. “I think you need to
go back up and change into something that doesn’t make you look
so...what is the word I’m looking for?” Keegan’s face fell as he
paused, but he rubbed his beard and grinned. “Just kidding. You
look wonderful, Keegan. It’s hard for me to see you so grown

“Dad, I’m almost eighteen. You need to let
go of the little girl image you have of me.”

“Never,” he said with a smile.

“What do you think, Thaddeus?” Keegan
glanced over at her brother.

He was sprawled across the love seat, his
feet propped up on one arm and a book open across his chest.
Raising an eyebrow, he answered, “You look ugly. However, I’m sure
you already know that with your big ego.”

“Funny.” Keegan swatted him on the

“Ouch. Did you see that mom?”

The doorbell rang and the four of them
yelled in unison, “Come in.”

“Hey!” Donald called as the front door
clicked open. A second later, he appeared in the archway between
the foyer and the living room. His tux was black and the vest
peeking through the jacket was the exact silver of Keegan’s

When his bright blue eyes landed on Keegan
standing in the middle of the room, he stared. “Wow.” He paused,
unable to find any more words, and blushed when the rest of the
family laughed. “Sorry, that’s all I can think to say.”

“Thaddeus, go grab my camera,” Emerald said.
“Let’s get some photos of these two together.”

They spent the next twenty minutes taking
photos, some nice and posed and a few goofy ones added at the end
for good measure. Keegan smiled thinking about how someday she
would look back at the photos and recall a wonderful moment in her
life. Photography was the greatest invention.

“Ok, we really need to get out of here,”
Keegan said, waving at her family as she took her boyfriend’s arm.
“Come on, Donald. Bye guys, don’t wait up.”

Richard cleared his throat and stood,
looming menacingly over the two of them. “Donald, just because it’s
prom night don’t get any ideas in your head.”

“Of course not. I respect your daughter. You
have made it clear as long as she is living under your roof…”

“If I had my way, I’d lock her up until she
was thirty,” Richard said gruffly, scowling.

Keegan rolled her eyes. “Bye!”

Her mother yelled out the door as they left.
“You forgot your mask.”

Keegan let go of Donald and ran back inside
to grab it. “Thank you. I’d be lost without you.”

“Yes, you would.” Emerald chuckled.

Donald held the door open to his mother’s
sedan. He gave her a lopsided grin. “I borrowed the good car.”

After she was settled, he walked around and
got in on the driver’s side. In the silence before he started the
car, he said softly, “Keegan, you are too stunning for words.”

“Don’t make me blush,” she replied, her
cheeks already heated. Giving him a sideways glance, she said, “You
look pretty sexy yourself in that tux. I noticed you couldn’t go
without the Chucks. I like it.”


They stared at each other a moment longer
before they met in the middle of the car for a deep kiss. He
wrapped one of her curls around his finger as she slid one of her
hands across the smooth fabric of his suit jacket. Keegan felt
flushed when he finally pulled away, her lips warm. “Let’s get to
the hotel before we miss all the fun.”

Keegan was impressed that they could turn a
boring room into a beautiful space for a masquerade ball. Lauren,
who had worked tirelessly on the prom committee, must have aimed to
make sure everything was perfect.

As she and Donald walked through the door,
confetti was thrown over them and Keegan laughed in delight. They
entered beneath an arch of purple, gold, and black balloons with a
large, hand painted sign that read “Masquerade” in swirly

From the ceiling of the ballroom, purple and
black sheer cloth draped elegantly, framing a beautiful chandelier
of cut glass that was dimmed enough to only cast a little light on
the dance floor. Tables of students spread around the area where
other kids mingled or danced.

The band was playing a slow song so she
pulled Donald straight to the dance floor.

“This is amazing.” Keegan laid her head
against his chest.

“Yes, it really is. This has been the best
school year for me. I almost wish it didn’t have to end.”

“I know what you mean.” Keegan pulled him a
little tighter.

After the song was over, Keegan said. “I
need to find the girls so I can see them in their dresses.”

“Sure, I’ll go find the guys and we can meet
up in about half an hour.”

Keegan gave him a quick kiss and hurried off
in search of them. People kept stopping her to tell her how much
they loved her dress, which made her glow with pride. She finally
saw Lauren and Anna together near the punch table.

“Someone spiked the punch.” Anna handed a
cup to Keegan.

“Awesome. It was probably Spencer or
Calvron.” They laughed and downed their drinks. The fruity liquid
had a strong taste of alcohol.

“Where are your dates?” Keegan asked. The
two of them had accepted invitations from two guys from their

Anna giggled, grabbing the spoon and
refilling Keegan’s cup as she held it out. “We ditched them.”

“You ditched them? Why?”

“Because they were lame.”

Lauren nodded her agreement, her face hidden
behind her cup.

“I guess that’s a good reason. Give me

When they all had another drink in hand,
Keegan raised her paper cup. “To us magical creatures.”

The tapped their cups and downed the

“Whoa, this stuff is strong.” Anna

“You’re cut off.” Lauren took her cup.

Keegan put an arm around both of their
shoulders. “You guys are great. So are you having fun? You both
look gorgeous.”

“Sure, if you call standing by yourself in
the corner drinking spiked punch fun,” Lauren mumbled.

“Well let’s get out there and dance.” Keegan
grabbed them and started pulling them along.

“Hey, I wanted another drink,” Anna

“Lauren cut you off. Come on.”

They spent the evening dancing, laughing and
having a great time. Eventually, the guys joined them. Everyone
cleared a spot for Lauren and Donald to have a dance off. It was a

After the prom, they all congregated outside
in the parking lot.

“Calvron, I think you should make a magical
land for us to hang out in for the evening,” Keegan said, looking
over at him expectantly.

Only Calvron could pull off the blindingly
white tuxedo with a baby blue shirt. His shoes had pointy toes that
made Keegan giggle. He tapped his chin thoughtfully. “That’s a
great idea. It will take me a little while. Let’s all head over to
the location and I can get started.”

“Yay!” Keegan gazed up into Donald’s eyes,
smiling. “This will be a prom to remember, that’s for sure.”


“It’s ready!” Calvron yelled an hour later,
his voice drifting over from the darkness beyond the light of the

Keegan and Donald had been sitting on the
tailgate of Calvron’s truck, chatting with the others. It was the
kind of humid Tennessee night that made Keegan want to stay outside
forever and the companionship of her friends made her nostalgic for
it to never end.

She squealed when she saw the double glass
doors. Calvron had outdone himself, as usual. He had made three
distinct setups. One was an old fashioned diner: cooks, waiters and
all surrounded by red pleather booths and checkered tablecloths.
Another section was a disco center with flashing lights and music
that could only be heard when you crossed into the area. The third
was a relaxing coffee shop; it even smelled like one.

Keegan skipped over to give Calvron a hug.
“This is perfect!”

“I’m starving, let’s eat first,” Anna said,
heading for the diner.

The rest of them followed after her. Keegan
marveled at the stainless steel area. She ran her hand across the
vinyl table and sat down on the red seat. She laughed when it
squeaked under her weight.

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