Conflict of Empires (2010) (37 page)

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Authors: Sam Barone

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BOOK: Conflict of Empires (2010)
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Since Razrek’s departure, the defeated horse fighters now under
Vanar’s command soon recovered the swagger lost in the battle with the Akkadians. Now, only a few months after Eridu’s debacle, men came to Sumer each day, eager to join the horse fighters. Already Shulgi had another hundred or so men training outside the city’s walls.

“Welcome, my king,” Razrek called out as Shulgi halted his horse, a powerful stallion almost sixteen hands high, before Razrek’s tent. “The men look fit.”

“Yes, my men are well enough.” Shulgi placed just the slightest emphasis on the mention of his men. “But they need a real enemy to fight.”

“They’ll find one here, and soon enough.”

“Then you’ve done well also. Has the leader of the Tanukhs arrived?”

Shulgi handed off his horse and followed Razrek into the tent. No one stood out in the sun if it could be avoided.

“Kapturu rode in last night, with fifty riders.” Razrek filled two water cups and handed one to Shulgi. “The rest of his men – he claims he has over three hundred more – are in a camp a few miles away. But I doubt he has much more than half that number. Several of the tribes have refused to join the fight. Still, with the men you brought today, we’ll have more than enough. And once we loot a few villages, more will join us.”

“Good. Kapturu has taken enough of our gold in the last few months. Now it’s time both he and you earn some of it.”

“Since I sent word to you in Sumer, I’ve added another fifty riders to the hundred I brought here, my king. The recruiting goes well, considering what we’ve got to work with. Not all are well trained, but they can ride, and that should be enough for now. If we only had more horses …”

“We’ll get them from the Salibs.” He counted the men available. With those under Razrek’s orders, Shulgi commanded over four hundred riders. If this Tanukh Kapturu had half of what he claimed, they could number close to six hundred horsemen. More than enough to sweep through the desert villages. “When can we ride south?”

The nearest Salib encampment lay almost eighty miles south, a twoday ride through the heat. “If Kapturu agrees, we can depart tomorrow. My men are ready.”

Shulgi had no doubt that they were. He had known Razrek for almost three years, and the man knew how to recruit men, and lead them in battle. Razrek’s weaknesses were his lust for gold, and his preference for relaxing in Sumer’s alehouses. As long as Shulgi could keep Razrek away from the city’s temptations, the Sumerian would help build Shulgi’s army.

A soldier entered the tent. “The leader of the Tanukhs is coming, commander.”

“They must have seen you riding in,” Razrek said.

Shulgi nodded to the guard. “Tell Vanar to join us, and to bring the gift.”

A few moments later, they heard the sound of horses. Shulgi stepped outside the tent just as Kapturu halted his horse, a white stallion even bigger than Shulgi’s. A touch on the heels and a flick of the halter against its neck, and the animal reared up, its hooves flashing in the air before they plunged back to the earth with a spray of sand.

Satisfied with his impressive entrance, Kapturu swung down from his mount with a swagger. The Tanukh leader, tall and with a thick black beard, patted his horse on the neck, then glanced around, his eyes resting on Shulgi only in passing.

“Where is … ah, Razrek. The greetings of the desert to you, my friend.”

“Welcome, Chief Kapturu, mightiest leader of the brave Tanukh clans.” Razrek favored Kapturu with a near-fawning bow before straightening up and smiling. “Enter our tent. We’ve wine and water inside.”

Before Razrek could say anything more, Kapturu strode past Shulgi, almost brushing him aside, as the Tanukh entered the tent. Four of Kapturu’s men, either bodyguards or advisors, Shulgi couldn’t decide, followed their leader inside. They, too, ignored Shulgi, who was left standing alone outside the tent.

Vanar walked up, pushing his way through the Tanukh horsemen. “You sent for me, Lord Shulgi?” He carried the gift under his arm.

“Yes.” Shulgi took the bundle from his second in command. “Order your men to approach as close to the tent as possible. If there’s any trouble with these Tanukhs, I want you to be ready. Then join me inside as quickly as you can.”

Without waiting for Vanar to reply, Shulgi ducked into the tent. The last of Kapturu’s men had just taken a seat, closing the ring that contained Razrek and the Tanukh leader, seated face to face with a small open space between them.

“This is King Shulgi of Sumer,” Razrek announced, already aware of the awkward situation that had developed.

Everyone turned toward Shulgi, who smiled and stepped into the circle. “One of your men will have to wait outside, Chief Kapturu.” Shulgi
gestured toward the man seated at Razrek’s right. “I don’t think there’s room for all of us.”

“This boy is your king?” Kapturu’s voice boomed throughout the tent, and his words carried easily to those waiting beyond. “I thought he was one of your playthings.”

All the Tanukhs laughed, including Kapturu. Razrek tightened his lips, concerned that things had gone badly and could go worse.

“I’ve a gift for you, Chief Kapturu.” Shulgi’s words slowly ended the laughter. He untied the cord fastening the bundle, unwrapped the cloth, and held up a gleaming bronze blade. Unlike the straight swords the Sumerians carried, this one had a curve that started a hand’s length from the tip, where the blade widened as well. “Would you like to see how well it strikes? I can kill that one now, if he doesn’t get up from my place.”

The laughter and smiles vanished. Shulgi stood in the center of the tent, his head barely brushing the roof, with a sword in his hand. Everyone else was seated. Even if they reached for their swords, they would be at a disadvantage.

“You dare to insult my men?” Kapturu’s voice hardened.

The tent flap jostled again, and Vanar ducked inside. He took one look at Shulgi standing there, sword in hand, and instinctively dropped his left hand to clasp his scabbard.

“Ah, Vanar, are your men outside? How many did you summon?”

“Yes, my king. Two sections … sixty men.”

“Good.” Shulgi turned to face Kapturu, sword now held high in both hands. “You might as well tell all your guards to leave.” Shulgi decided that these Tanukhs were mere bodyguards, meant to impress the Sumerians. “They won’t be needed while we speak.”

“My men stay with me. And I don’t take orders from a Sumerian boy who calls himself a king.”

Shulgi shrugged in resignation. “Very well.”

He whirled around, striking as fast as any desert snake, the blade swinging sideways, narrowly missing Razrek’s head before slicing deep into the neck of the Tanukh seated beside him. The blow came so fast that no one had time to react. Blood splattered everywhere, the spray covering Razrek. Without stopping after the killing stroke, Shulgi spun the blade around, its bloody tip now a hand’s length from Kapturu’s throat.

“Would you like a further demonstration, Chief Kapturu?”

“Stop!” Kapturu directed the word, not at Shulgi, but to the rest of his
men, who had started to draw their weapons. Seated on the ground, Kapturu knew he’d be dead before anyone could strike a blow in his defense.

Shulgi’s eyes flickered to Vanar. His commander remained in the tent’s opening, blocking the entrance, and no one outside could have seen what happened. “Perhaps we should begin our meeting.” Shulgi took a half-step backwards, then thrust the bloody blade deep into the sand. “As you can see, this sword will take a man’s head from his shoulders with ease.”

The moment of truth had come. If Kapturu gave the order, a death fight could break out within the tent, to be matched by another outside. Shulgi dropped his left hand to his own scabbard, the gesture telling everyone in the tent that he was as willing to fight as to talk.

Kapturu’s smile had vanished. Jaw clenched, he considered his options.

Shulgi kept talking, as much to relieve the tension as to give the Tanukh time to reach the right decision. “After your men remove the body, tell them to wait outside, Chief Kapturu. Our discussion should be more private, I think.”

No one spoke. Either the tent would erupt in bloodshed, or the Tanukh leader would realize how vulnerable he was, with Vanar and his men outside, and this boy-king facing him.

The silence dragged out, the Tanukhs still not moving, while Kapturu worked out the implications. Suddenly, he leaned back and laughed, then clapped his hands on his knees.

“Yes, it looks like a good blade. Perhaps one day I can give you a gift of equal value.” He turned to his men. “Remove the body, and wait outside.” Kapturu smiled up at Shulgi. “Then we can begin our talk.”

Shulgi moved to stand beside Razrek. He stood there while Kapturu’s three men rose and dragged the corpse of their companion out of the tent. A babble of voices rose up outside, as the Tanukhs saw the body. Shulgi kept his face calm, but he knew a moment of legend had come. Soldiers would talk about this story around the campfires for months, even years. How their leader had killed a Tanukh who offended him, how King Shulgi defied the desert-dwellers to strike back.

Kushanna had known the importance of such moments. She had urged him to seek out danger, to prove to his men that he was worthy of their loyalty and respect, to add to his reputation, and downplay the fact of his youth. “Just don’t get yourself killed, my husband,” she whispered in his ear.

Killing his father had been one such moment, Shulgi knew, but that had to remain an unspoken secret, only hinted at by those who could guess
the truth. Now this story would begin to expand his reputation, and men would think twice before they dared to laugh at him or his youth.

At last only Kapturu and Razrek remained with Shulgi in the now uncrowded tent. The sword still remained in the tent’s center, bloody sand crusted around the blade where it emerged from the ground.

“Let’s us begin.” Shulgi settled himself on the ground, hitching his sword around until he found a comfortable position. “We have much to talk about, Chief Kapturu. Together, we can destroy our enemies, loot their villages, and take their women and horses.” He hadn’t ridden from Sumer to mince flattering words with any desert barbarian. “First we’ll destroy the Salibs, and then we’ll turn our attention to the north, where the real wealth of the land between the rivers lies. To make all that happen, we need only to work together. A few years, a few battles, and the desert and all it contains will be yours.”

Kapturu leaned forward, no doubt already anticipating the wealth that would flow through his fingers. He, too, knew how to speak directly.

“Then let us talk about the destruction of the Salibs … King Shulgi.”

n Sumer, Kushanna frowned at the man standing before her, shuffling his weight from foot to foot. “Gone? Just gone? Gone where?”

“Yes, my queen.” Sohrab kept his eyes on the chamber’s floor. “I waited seven days in Akkad, but they never arrived. They must have continued north, probably by boat. Horses are scarce in Akkad, and almost none can be purchased at any price.”

Kushanna resisted the urge to have the man flogged. It was not the fool’s fault for being the bringer of bad tidings. The two spies she’d dispatched to Akkad had taken her gold and disappeared. They might even have sold their story to Trella, earning a few more pieces of gold before running to the north. Trella would be laughing at the Sumerians – at Kushanna – if that were the case. The traitors would stop laughing soon enough if ever they returned within the grasp of Sumer’s guard.

“And the other cities? Are our men in place there?”

Sohrab lifted his eyes, grateful for a chance to present good news. “Yes, Queen Kushanna. We have people in place in all the southern cities. They are still settling in, but already they’ve provided useful news.”

The most useful news of all would be the names of those who spoke out against Sumer’s growing influence. In the next few months, that would
prove more valuable than any news of Akkad’s activities.

“Good.” Kushanna leaned back in her chair. Sohrab would continue to stand in her presence, at least until he learned to bring better news. “And what of Razrek? What have you learned about our brave horse commander?”

Sohrab met her eyes for the first time. “Razrek is not his true name. His birth name is Sondar. No one knows where he was born, but he lived many years in a small village in the north-eastern part of Sumeria, named Carnax. A prosperous but dreary place, from all accounts. Bandits destroyed the village, killing or enslaving its inhabitants. Only a few farmers live nearby now. The rest remains in ruins, and men say the land is accursed.”

“But our brave commander survived somehow?”

“More than survived, my queen.” He glanced around, as if concerned that someone might be listening. “One person claimed that Sondar himself was involved in the village’s destruction, that he killed his master, the village elder. At any rate, Sondar survived, and with plenty of gold. He formed a band of horsemen, and began plundering the countryside. Eventually, your father, King Eridu, took notice and … persuaded Sondar to change his ways and fight for Sumer.”

Kushanna’s irritation at the mention of her father’s name almost made her miss something. The name of the village, Carnax … she’d heard that name before. It took her a moment, but then she recalled the conversation. One of the spies reporting on Akkad had mentioned that Lady Trella, as she preferred to be called, rather than queen, had come from a Sumerian village named Carnax.

She leaned forward and stared straight into the man’s eyes. “What else do you know of Razrek’s past?”

Kushanna dragged every bit of information she could extract from Sohrab, but he had little more to add. At first she’d been merely curious. Now she sensed something more useful might be gleaned.

“I want you to discover everything you can about this village of Carnax. Visit it yourself, talk to those living nearby, find out exactly what happened to the survivors. If you can, bring one or two of them here, so I can question them myself.”

Sohrab had proved useful in finding things out, but he lacked the skill to probe beneath the surface. Any information about Trella would be useful, if only to understand how she’d gained her power over the men of Akkad. Kushanna didn’t believe in the priests or their gods and demons,
but witches existed. Everyone knew that some women could bend men to their will, or call down spells to render them impotent. More than a few in Sumer had called her one, too.

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