Confessions of a Litigation God: A Legal Affairs Full Length Erotic Novel (18 page)

Read Confessions of a Litigation God: A Legal Affairs Full Length Erotic Novel Online

Authors: Sawyer Bennett

Tags: #funny, #humor, #Contemporary, #legal, #romance, #erotic, #adult, #lawyer, #steamy, #love, #sexy, #law

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So I slow it down,
still making my strokes just as long and just as deep, just not as
hard, not as fast. I slow my kisses down, leisurely swiping inside of
her soft mouth and sucking down every moan and groan she gives me.
After a particularly deep thrust that grinds our pelvic bones
together, Mac starts trembling and she tears her mouth away from
mine. Layering quick kisses across my jaw, to my ear, and then
putting her face into my neck, she lets out a low moan and starts

what I’ve been waiting for,” I praise her, as if she was
coming solely to please me.

But please me it

Her body stiffens
and then shudders so hard that it has me desperate to catch up to
her. I pick up the pace until I am all-out fucking her hard again
against the wall, the pictures beside our head rattling, and Mac is
hanging on tight. I give myself permission and let go, falling fast
into pleasurable oblivion. I slam into her one more time and pin her
tight to the wall. Mac leans back, loosening her arms up, and just
watches me with lustful interest.

As I unload into
her, my head falls forward and rests on her collarbone. I can’t
help myself.

I whisper a prayer
of thanks as I come hard. “Mac… Mac… Mac…”

Chapter 15

Glancing over at
Mac’s alarm clock, I see it’s getting close to noon on
Sunday, and I really should get going. We fucked our brains out all
weekend. All night Friday, all day and night Saturday, and once
already this morning, followed by a little nap, and then Mac woke me
up by sucking on my cock until I unloaded hot in her mouth.

I’m lying flat
on my back, completely naked. Her comforter and sheet had long ago
been kicked to the floor. Raising my head up slightly from the
pillow, Mac is still in the same position she collapsed in about
fifteen minutes ago, with her head resting on my lower abdomen, her
face pointed toward my dick, which is happily recuperating from her

Let me tell you,
there is nothing hotter than being awoken from a deep sleep by having
a woman suck you down the back of her throat. You’re all sleepy
when you first realize what’s going on, maybe just a little
confused. The pleasure is blinding because you had nothing else
battling for its attention other than the peacefulness of sleep. And
then, when you finally become cognizant of what’s going on…
that your lover took you in her mouth and got you hard, then was
going to make you come regardless of whether you woke up or not…
well, just nothing hotter, in my opinion.

When I opened my
eyes in the hazy morning light and saw her bent over me, head bobbing
up and down and pleasure ripping through my entire body, I’m
surprised I didn’t blow right there. But I held on, grabbing at
her hips and pulling them closer to me. She never missed a fucking
stroke and only hesitated once when my hand went between her legs,
then she was groaning the pleasure I was giving her against my dick.

It was a divine

She came, and then I
came so hard that I actually shouted her name.

Running my hand up
her back, I can just reach her head. I tug on her hair gently to get
her attention. “Are you alive?”

she groans. “But damn, that was fun.”

Chuckling, I
continue to rub her hair between my fingers. This weekend has been
monumental for me. I broke so many of my own rules that I’m not
even sure I know who I am anymore.

What I do know, is
that where Mac is concerned, I can’t seem to stay within my
boundaries. I seem to be recklessly speeding forward toward
something… I’m not sure what, but it involves something
more than just a whole lot of good fucking.

And there was a lot
of good fucking this weekend. Tons and tons, with sleep, food, and
funny conversation in between. The only kick in an otherwise perfect
weekend was yesterday morning, when it got a little awkward.

I woke up before Mac
and was content to just lay on my side, elbow to mattress and my hand
supporting my head. It allowed me to look down on her and watch as
she slept, taking in tiny details that I hadn’t noticed before.
She has a tiny scar at the corner of her left eyebrow that I hadn’t
noticed before. When she sleeps, she breathes through her mouth, her
lips just slightly parted to allow the air in and out. Her eyelashes
are thick and long, something I already knew, but still fascinating
to me. In fact, I reached out and ran a fingertip over them as they
lay against the skin below her eye.

Mac eventually woke
up, and I sucked on her nipples for a while. Good stuff. Then I
rolled over on top of her, right between her legs and, with a series
of tiny pushes, worked my way in.

Fucking bliss.

I fucked her slow…
just because it was different from our usual frenzied mating. I
kissed her slow, on her mouth, her jaw, her neck. It felt so very

“Do you have
feelings for me?” Mac asked, out of nowhere I might add, and I
immediately went still all over.

While I have opened
myself up to a lot with Mac, I was seriously not ready to have this
discussion. For God’s sake, I was just now able to feel
comfortable staying in her bed all night.

Pulling my lips back
from her mouth, I looked down at her and, trying to keep my voice as
bland as possible, asked, “You really want to have this
conversation now?”

I pushed my cock
into her deeper, so she would remember what was really important at
this very moment. Her eyes closed, her teeth sunk into her bottom
lip, and she moaned.

I took that as her
acquiescence that she’d rather me fuck her, so I started moving
in and out again. Slowly still, although I had thoughts to pick up
the pace soon.

Before I could get
going good though, she said, “Wait… I do want to talk
about this now.”

I was surprised my
dick didn’t just deflate, but who was I kidding... it was Mac.
No way was that happening, no matter how distasteful the conversation

Groaning, I pulled
out of her and rolled off, flopping to my back. I pulled my arm up
and laid it across my eyes. “I can’t believe I just got
cock blocked by you… while I was inside of you.”

do you?”

Her voice was
confident. She wasn’t asking in any hesitant way, and she was
genuinely curious. I didn’t think my answer would crush her.
Removing my arm, I turned my head to look at her. She was propped up
on her elbow, mimicking my earlier position.

I don’t know.” That answer should have been good enough,
at least in my book. But I decided to let her in on one of my
feelings. “I know I hated seeing you with Carson last night.”

“Nothing is
going on between us,” she said softly, laying her hand on my

“I know. But
you don’t know how bad I just wanted to punch him when he was
dancing with you.” The minute those words were out, I cringed
internally because of how jealous and possessive they sounded. Mac
most certainly did not belong to me. Not really.

I don’t
her to belong to me.

Not really.

Scratching her nails
across my skin, she asked, “What is it between you and Cal?”

I cocked an eyebrow
at her. “You mean, you didn’t ask him?”

“I did…
but he said it was private.”

Carson actually being a bit of a loyalist. “And I suppose you’d
get in a snit again if I told you to mind your own business, right?”

she agreed quickly.

Rolling my entire
body toward her, I raised my hand and skimmed my fingers along her
jawline. Then I brought my gaze to her and made sure she saw the
seriousness in my eyes. “I’ll tell you, but I’m
only going to say this once and no questions, okay?”

She nodded at me,
eyes filled with excitement. Excitement, I’m sure, because I
was actually getting ready to share something with her that didn’t
involve sex. “Cal used to be my best friend, but he slept with
my wife. So I’m sure you can understand why I hate him.”

Mac stared at me,
mouth parted, luminous eyes blinking at me. “You’re

“Sorry. I mean

“But, when did
this hap—?”

Placing my fingers
over her lips, I said, “No questions. That’s all you need
to know.”

She smiled softly in
surrender against my fingertips, and I moved my hand away. I pulled
her in close to me and rolled onto my back, taking her with me. “Now
that I answered your question, how about you make it up to me?”

“Oh, yeah…
what did you have in mind?” she asked as she sat up and settled
her heat over me. The tip of my cock slipped in her just a fraction
and about had my eyes crossing.

Putting my hands on
her hips, I itched to push her down on me… impale her hard.
But I held still, letting her make the move. “Well, for
starters… how about you fuck me silly while you’re on
top, and then after, let’s stay in your bed all weekend and
only get out to eat. Deal?”

She sank down on me
slowly, all the way, until we were bound tight against one another.

We never talked
again about Cal, or her feelings or my feelings. We kept it light on
the conversation and heavy on the sex, and we even managed to watch a
few episodes of
Family Guy
together in her bed.

It was nice…
laying there watching TV with her. We weren’t even cuddling.
Just both of us propped up on her pillows, sheet pulled up lightly
over us, laughing our asses off.

It was also nice
holding her at night. I’m surprised by how easily I slept,
sharing a bed with someone. Granted, Mac’s an easy bedmate. She
quietly lies on her side, letting me spoon her. She sleeps deep and
heavy, hardly moving. About the only time I can get her to move is
with the old “hand between the legs” trick I’ve
become quite fond of employing on her.

Mac’s head
moves, and I glance down. She lifts up and because she’s right
there, and just because she can, and just because she’s hotter
than hot, she leans over and licks me. I’m sated and exhausted
after her five-star blow job, but damn if it doesn’t twitch
from that warm touch of her tongue.

She looks back over
her shoulder at me with a grin. “Want some more?”

“No,” I
say, shaking my head with a smile. “Lunch, and then I need to
get home. I have stuff I need to do around my apartment.”

she says as she rolls out of bed. I watch her pad over to her dresser
and reach inside. She pulls out a little pair of those boy-shorts
underwear and slips them on. Then she pulls out a tiny, tiny t-shirt
that covers most of her stomach but not quite all of it. A thin patch
of soft skin peeks out. Her breasts pull the material tight, and her
nipples are poking hard at it.

I’ve seen Mac
looking all kinds of gorgeous in all kinds of beautiful clothing. But
right now… with her hair all messed up and her lips swollen
from sucking my cock, in those underwear that don’t reveal much
but the curve of her ass and that little t-shirt… well, I
don’t think she’s ever looked more lovely.

She actually hurts
to look at, because deep down… I know this probably is not
meant to be for the long run. I stare at her though, memorizing the
details, so I can have this in my bank of memories to take with me
when this is simply no more.

“What do you
feel like eating?” she asks genially. “I’ve got
stuff to make sandwiches.”

good,” I say as I roll out of bed and pull on my underwear. I
only have my tuxedo, and I’m not about to put that on until I
have to make the walk of shame out of her apartment. I can’t
believe I literally spent the entire weekend naked with Mac. I don’t
think I’ve ever done that before… gone that long without

Nice and liberating.
I think it’s something we should do again.


I follow Mac out to
her kitchen. It’s been a wonder we haven’t run into her
roommate all weekend. I’ve heard her… I think, stumbling
in around three AM on Saturday morning, but for the most part, I
stayed in Mac’s room. She has her own bathroom and she made
runs out into the kitchen for food, so I had everything I needed.

Since I’m only
in my underwear, I hope the elusive Macy doesn’t decide to
visit with us. But I’m also not shy so that won’t bother
me probably as much as it would bother her… or Mac.

Mac hands me a
bottled water from the fridge and I lean against the kitchen island,
watching her bend over to pull out sandwich materials from the
fridge. The move makes those boy shorts ride up her ass just a
little. Lust surges through me, although I don’t act on it. It
would be so simple to walk up behind her, pull her underwear down,
and nail her.

She wouldn’t
say no.

But I don’t,
rather enjoying the feelings coursing through me, and telling myself
that I will fuck her one more time before I leave… maybe in
the shower. I tell myself that the anticipation will make it better.

“Where do you
see me going in your firm?” Mac asks as she stands up with her
arms full and turns to the kitchen island.

I’m so stunned
by her question, that I’m absolutely blanking on anything to
say. We’ve never talked about her employment outside of my
firm, and while it’s not taboo or prohibited, I’m not
sure how it makes me feel. This gets into some weird, blurred lines
because it’s not exactly appropriate that I’m banging my
employee. And while I know that Mac would never, not in a million
years, ever expect me to treat her differently because of our sexual
relationship, it still makes me a bit uncomfortable.

Because I don’t
answer right away, she looks up at me in concern. “Did I just
ask something wrong?”

I try for some
levity to break the tension. “Depends… are you sleeping
with me to get a promotion?”

Mac throws a piece
of Swiss cheese at me and she’s so fast, I can’t even
defend. It hits my right cheek before flopping to the counter.

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