Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (759 page)

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Unu, Iraq
unurned cremation
Cremation burial that is not contained within a ceramic urn or container. Typical of the early and middle Bronze Age of northern Europe, unurned cremations are usually deposited in small pits or scoops under a barrow or within a cremation cemetery.
Upchurch ware
Romano-British pottery industry making polished and burnished black and grey wares (e.g. poppy head beakers) in the Upchurch Marshes of Kent in southeastern England.
updraught kiln
Containing structure for firing or baking pottery or other ceramic artefacts in which the material to be fired is placed on a natural or raised floor in such a way that heat and fumes from a fire built adjacent or below the material is drawn up through and around it before passing out through a vent in the roof or superstructure.
Upper Egypt
The part of Egypt represented by the Nile Valley stretching to the south of Lower Egypt as far as Aswan.
Upper Palaeolithic
The last of three broad subdivisions of the Old Stone Age or Palaeolithic widely applied in the Old World. Characterized by the presence of modern humans,
sapiens sapiens
, and associated tool types regionally distinct to particular parts of the world. Broadly the period from 40000 through to 8500 years ago.
is mainly associated with Upper Palaeolithic cultures, especially in northwest Europe. In the British Isles the Upper Palaeolithic is traditionally divided into earlier (EUP) and later (LUP) phases, the former relating to the period prior to the
glaciation, while the latter refers to cultural material dating to the later phases of the Devensian and the immediate post-glacial period. Preceded by the Middle Palaeolithic and succeeded by the
BOOK: Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology
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