Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (685 page)

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stateless society
A society which lacks formal institutions of government.
Coin of gold, silver, electrum, or bronze; the basic unit of currency in Britain from
100 bc until replaced by Roman coinage. The same as a shekel in the Near East and a didrachm in Greece.
state society
A society characterized by a strong centralized government, socio-economic class divisions, a market economy and large populations. Settlements are substantial and may be classified as cities with formal planning and monumental architecture. States represent the most complicated form of social and political organization so far recognized.
statue menhir
A stone slab carved or modified to represent the human form, often in a highly stylized manner, found amongst the later prehistoric cultures of Europe. Both male and female forms are known. Some examples show details of clothes, weapons, and ornaments. There are a number of clusters of such monuments, although most probably developed independently of each other, in Spain, southern France, Corsica, Sardinia, Italy, and the Channel Islands. Originally, statue menhirs appear to have stood upright in the ground.
The rank or position of an individual within a society, and the responsibilities and privileges that go with it. Status may be achieved (as a result of the actions and works of the individual) or ascribed (usually by birth into a particular family or group).
stave bow
A simple form of bow made from a single piece of wood, such as yew.

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