Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (658 page)

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side-notched point
Bifacially worked chipped stone projectile head with shallow and wide notches worked into both side edges near the base. These notches were presumably to assist attachment to the shaft on which the point was set. Side-notched points are especially characteristic of the
of North America.
side-scan sonar
A remote sensing tool used in underwater archaeology to provide a plot of the features on the sea-bed. An acoustic emitter sending out sound waves in a fan-shaped beam is towed behind a vessel. The sound waves reflected from the sea-bed are detected by a transducer on the vessel and recorded on a rotating drum. The time taken by the sound to reach the transducer depends on the distance travelled and thus a three-dimensional plot of the sea-bed surface can be produced.
side scraper
Scraper made by retouching one or more edges of a flint flake.
Sidonius Apollinaris
Gallo-Roman aristocrat from Lyon, born about ad 430, son-in-law of the emperor Avitus, and holder of official posts in Rome. Elected bishop of Clermont-Ferrand in the Auvergne in 469, he coordinated resistance to the Visigoths. After the annexation of the Auvergne by the Goths in 475, Sidonius was imprisoned, but in 476 was restored to his bishopric. His surviving works include poems and letters which throw light on society in 5th-century Gaul. He died ad 479.
sieva bean
A leguminous plant (Phaseolus acutifolius) with edible seeds in a long pod. Native of Mesoamerica. Domesticated from perhaps 3000 bc.

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