Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (628 page)

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salvage excavation
North American term for the kind of archaeological excavations carried out in the context of salvage archaeology.
Priest and writer. Born in Trier about ad 400, he became a monk at Lerins in ad 425 and presbyter in Marseilles about ad 439. He saw the barbarians, who by then had made his native province a German kingdom, as instruments of divine wrath and in his
De gubernatione dei
written in ad 440, presented this theological viewpoint, revealing incidentally much about provincial life in the 5th century
. He died about ad 470.
Salzman , Louis Francis
British historian and editor of the
of England. Born in Brighton, Salzman was educated at Haileybury and Pembroke College, Cambridge, where he studied medicine. Endowed with a small income at an early age he settled in Hailsham and abandoned medicine for historical research. During WWI he taught in a school and after the war moved to Cambridge and undertook coaching and supervision for the history tripos. In 1935 he succeeded Dr William Page as the editor of the Victoria County History of England. He retained this post until his retirement in 1949, steering what had already become a great endeavour through some difficult times and with slender funds. Under his management the 100th volume was issued in 1938. He published numerous other books, including
English industries in the Middle Ages
(1913, London: Constable) and the pioneering
Building in England down to 1540
(1952, Oxford: OUP). He retained an interest in Sussex throughout his life, being elected president of the Sussex Archaeological Society in 1954 and 1955, and helping with excavations at Pevensey Castle, Alfriston Saxon Cemetery, and Robertsbridge Abbey. In 1965 he was awarded an honorary D.Litt. by the University of Sussex.
The Times
, 6 April 1971]
Scheduled Ancient Monument. See
Local name for Archaic Stage shell middens on the Brazilian coast of South America. Some examples date from about 4000 bc, although the floruit of the culture is the period 3500 bc down to 2000 bc. One especially distinctive element of material culture is the well-finished polished stone effigies of birds and fish. Each effigy has a hollow on the back surface and it has been suggested that they were used in the ritual taking of snuff.

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