Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (488 page)

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Offa the Great
English king of Mercia from ad 757. During his reign the Mercian kingdom achieved its greatest extent. He was responsible for a massive border defence along the western frontier of his kingdom (
), and at an international level he established close links between Mercia and the Carolingian empire. His daughter married one of Charlemagne's sons. Died ad 796.
Point at which the thickness of a wall is reduced, forming a horizontal ‘step’ in one or both faces. The offset provides a ledge on which to support a floor.
offset planning
A method of creating a scaled representation of part of an excavation site or larger area. A baseline is established through the feature or area of interest and then measurements are taken at right angles to a series of target points. On the plan the baseline is marked out to scale and then the target points are plotted from it. Once the target points are fixed on the drawing they can be joined up to outline the structures or items being planned.
off-site archaeology
A model of regional archaeological structure proposed by Robert Foley in 1978 that questions the idea that human behaviour is spatially confined to what archaeologists refer to as ‘sites’. His basic hypothesis, widely accepted, is that due to a number of factors the archaeological record is spatially continuous and that its structure may be described in terms of variable artefact density across a landscape.
A double curve, one concave the other convex.

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