Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (375 page)

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Lane Fox , Augustus
langi tombs
Large square and rectangular earthen monuments found on the island of Tonga, and dating to the Tui Tonga Dynasty. Most have terraced sides faced with slabs of cut coral limestone and some have internal burial chambers also of coral limestone. Traditionally, these monuments are the burial places of the Tongan ruling aristocracy, but none have been excavated.
L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland
An early 11th-century
settlement on a low marine terrace overlooking Epaves Bay in North Newfoundland, important as the only certain example of a Viking settlement in North America. Excavations by Helge Ingstad and Anne Stine discovered eight sod-walled longhouses, at least one of which was in multiple occupation. The settlement also had a work-shed, a smithy set a little way from the main focus, a possible bath-house, and four turf boat-sheds. Norse artefacts, including a spindle whorl and a needle hone, were found. The site is ideally situated to exploit coastal grazing for cattle and also as a base for exploration of the St Lawrence Valley.
[Sum.: A. Ingstad , 1977,
The discovery of a Norse settlement in America
. Oslo: Universiteforlaget]
lapis lazuli
A kind of semi-precious stone with an intense blue colour sometimes flecked with gold. The main source used in the ancient world was in the mountains of Badakhshan, northern Afghanistan, from where it was traded extremely widely, especially to Egypt. Lapis lazuli was used as inlay in the manufacture of ornaments, jewellery, seals, etc. Tepe Hissar and Shahr-i Sokhta seem to have functioned as trading centres for the working and distribution of lapis lazuli.
A mythical people in Thessaly who, under King Pirithous, fought and conquered the Cebtaurs. This conflict was frequently used to represent the triumph of civilization over barbarism and of Greeks over Persians, as on the metopes of the
Larco Hoyle , Rafael
Peruvian landowner, businessman, and amateur archaeologist who did much to help scholars working on the north Peruvian coastal plain. His own contribution was to define the Cupisnique and Salinar cultures and subdivide the
into a number of phases. During his life he amassed the finest private archaeological collection in Peru.
[Bio.: K. Berrin , 1997, The Spirit of R. Larco Hoyle: an introduction. In K. Berrin (ed),
The Spirit of ancient Peru
. New York: Thames & Hudson]
BOOK: Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology
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