Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (27 page)

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ancient cottage
A cottage having long-established rights of common. After the 17th century, newly established cottages had fewer or no rights.
Ancient Monument
Although generally referring to recognized archaeological sites and ancient structures, this term also has a specific legal meaning set out in Section 61(12) of the
Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979
(AMAAA) for England, Wales, and Scotland. Here ‘Ancient Monuments’ are either
Monuments or ‘any other
which in the opinion of the Secretary of State is of public interest by reason of the historic, architectural, traditional, artistic, or archaeological interest attaching to it’. Section 33(8) of the
National Heritage Act 1983
also defines the term Ancient Monument with reference to the work of English Heritage as: ‘any structure, work, site, garden or area which in the Commission's opinion is of historic, architectural, traditional, artistic or archaeological interest’.
Ancient Monuments Advisory Committee
A small committee of archaeologists established by the Commissioners of English Heritage to provide counsel on matters relating to archaeology and the work of the Commission.
Andernach Grit
Andersson , John Gunnar
A Swedish geologist who in 1921, while working in China, demonstrated for the first time the presence of prehistoric settlement in the country. He is credited with the discovery of
Homo erectus
remains at Zhoukoudian during his excavation there between 1921 and 1926, and also the identification of the Neolithic painted pottery sites.
[Not.: G. Daniel , 1950,
One hundred years of Archaeology
. London: Duckworth 267–8]
Egyptian god Busiris whose symbols, the crook and the flail, were incorporated into the iconography of Osiris.

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