Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (165 page)

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conjunctive approach
A methodological alternative to traditional normative archaeology developed by Walter Taylor in the 1940s in which the full range of a culture system should be taken into account when considering explanatory models.
A philosophy underpinning approaches to the management of environmental and archaeological resources which promotes a positive relationship between change and preservation. As such it is an anthropocentric philosophy in which it is accepted that the environment is instrumental in the fulfilment of human desires, and the importance of the environment can be justified in terms of what it can provide for humans. All resources should therefore be used for the greatest good of the greatest number of people, and that where resources are scarce some should be held back for future generations. Although conservation is often seen only in terms of preservation, protection, and trying to prevent change, this is a rather narrow view of a philosophy that emphasizes the dynamic rather than the static.
The practice of arresting the physical, chemical, or biological decay of objects and materials when they change environments (e.g. being taken out of the ground) or when the environments to which they have stabilized themselves change.
conservation archaeology
A term popularized by Michael Schiffer and George Gumerman through a book with the title
Conservation archaeology
(1977, London and New York: Academic Press), which explores approaches to the utilization of cultural remains to their fullest scientific and historic extent and for greatest public benefit. See also

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