Computing with Quantum Cats (12 page)

BOOK: Computing with Quantum Cats
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Richard Phillips Feynman was born on May 11, 1918, and grew up in Far Rockaway in the borough of Queens, New York. By the time he went to MIT, in 1935, the “quantum revolution” of the 1920s was complete, and von Neumann had already written his influential book
The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
although at that time it had not been translated into English. To Feynman's generation, and later students, quantum mechanics was (and is) the received wisdom, not some startling new discovery, and that is the spirit in which I approach it here.

Feynman's father, Melville, had a fascination with science, especially natural history; he was intelligent and had wanted to become a doctor, but as the son of poor Lithuanian Jewish immigrants could not afford a college education. He ended up in the uniform business. Melville deliberately set out to encourage scientific interest in his son, buying him a set of the
Encyclopedia Britannica
, taking him on trips to the American Museum of Natural History, and encouraging him to solve puzzles for himself rather than expecting to be given the answers. It turned out that Richard needed little encouragement, and had a natural aptitude for mathematics and, later, mathematical physics. The family was not affluent, but neither were they poor, surviving the Depression in relative comfort. At school, Richard was outstanding academically (at least in science and math), often helping older students out with their assignments, but hopeless at ball games and self-conscious about his lack of what were perceived as “manly” skills. He built radio receivers, repaired them for other people, learned to dance so that he could meet girls (he later said that as a teenager he was interested in only two things, math and girls), and graduated from high school in the summer of 1935 with top honors.

Even so, the passage into college wasn't straightforward. Feynman applied to Columbia and MIT, but was rejected by Columbia because they still operated a quota on Jewish students, and had filled this already. MIT had a different hoop that had to be jumped through—applicants had to have a recommendation from an MIT graduate before they would be considered. Melville persuaded an acquaintance to provide the endorsement; Feynman later described this system as “evil, wrong, and dishonest.”


Feynman's reputation as a budding scientist preceded him to MIT, where he was the subject of rivalry between the only two Jewish fraternities, Phi Beta Delta and Sigma Alpha Mu, each eager to add him to its number. Although Feynman had
no religious beliefs, his family background meant that he had to join one or other of these fraternities; so he settled on Phi Beta Delta, partly because two older members had advised him that as an outstanding student he would be allowed to take examinations on arrival at MIT which, once passed, would enable him to skip the first-year math lectures and start with the second-year course. As this shows, the frats were not all about partying, but provided a mutual support system for members. For example, the more academic students were expected to help the more social animals with their work, and in return the social types helped the academics to come out of their shells and learn the social graces. Feynman described it as “a good balancing act” from which he benefited, losing the self-consciousness that had handicapped him in high school.

Feynman benefited in another way from living in the frat house. Two of the senior students there
were taking an advanced course in physics which included the latest developments in quantum mechanics. Through conversations with them, Feynman decided to switch from mathematics to physics, and signed up for the same physics course (intended for seniors and graduate students) at the start of his second (sophomore) year. Even in this advanced company, Feynman stood out. For the first semester, the course was taught by a young professor, Julius Stratton, who later became President of MIT, but in 1936 was sometimes careless about preparing his lectures. Whenever he got stuck, he would turn to the audience and ask, “Mr. Feynman, how did you handle this problem?” and Richard would take over.
Nobody else in the class was ever singled out in this way.

Along with advanced physics, during his time as an
undergraduate Feynman took regular courses in chemistry, metallurgy, experimental physics and optics, and signed up for another advanced course in nuclear physics. He sailed through anything scientific. But he only passed the compulsory courses in English, history and philosophy, which he regarded as “dippy” subjects, with the aid of the fraternity support system. He published two scientific papers before he had even graduated, and wanted to stay on at MIT to work for a PhD, but was told it would be better for his scientific development to go somewhere else. Somewhat grudgingly, he complied, moving in 1939 from MIT to Princeton; he later acknowledged that his teachers were right, and that the move was the right thing for him at that time.


Princeton had been alerted that something special was coming their way, but even so nearly turned him down when they saw his grades. He had scored 100 percent in physics, and almost as high in math. Both were the best scores the Princeton Graduate Admissions Committee had ever seen. But they had never admitted anybody with such low scores as Feynman had achieved (if that is the right word) in English and history. In the end, he was offered a research assistantship, which meant that he worked for a senior scientist and actually got paid while doing his own PhD research. The scientist Feynman worked with was John Wheeler, later famous for his investigations of the physics of black holes. But “senior” is a relative term: when they met, Wheeler was twenty-eight and Feynman twenty-one. They became good friends, and Wheeler also acted as Feynman's thesis adviser.

Feynman's thesis was entitled “The Principle of Least
Action in Quantum Mechanics,” and dealt with a way of describing how quantum entities such as electrons travel from A to B. This led to the so-called “path integral approach,” and to the work for which Feynman would later receive the Nobel Prize. I shall explain all this shortly; but Feynman's career was interrupted, just at the point he was finishing his thesis in 1941, by the involvement of the United States in the Second World War.

Even before the attack on Pearl Harbor, like many of his contemporaries Feynman had realized that war was inevitable, and in the summer of 1941 had been working at the Frankfort Arsenal in Philadelphia on a mechanical predictor for anti-aircraft gunnery. He made such an impression that he was offered a full-time job at the head of his own design team, but went back to Princeton to finish his PhD; had his decision gone the other way, he might well have become a leading light in the early development of electronic computers. Feynman was initially recruited to war work in December 1941, at first on the problem of separating radioactive uranium-235 from the stable variety, uranium-238. This was before he had completed his thesis, but he took a few weeks' leave in the spring of 1942 to write it up. The oral examination, held on June 3, 1942, was a formality, and he received the degree the same month. Before June was out, Richard also married his childhood sweetheart, Arline Greenbaum, even though she was seriously ill (indeed, hospitalized) with tuberculosis. Later that year, the uranium enrichment project that Feynman was involved with was dropped, in favor of a more successful method, and he was moved, along with other members of the team, to Los Alamos, where, among other things, he worked with the IBM
machines needed to help von Neumann with his calculations. Arline also moved west, to a hospital as close as possible to Los Alamos, where she died in 1945.

Before picking up the threads of Feynman's work on quantum physics after the war, and in particular his prescient ideas about computing and quanta, we can put all this in context by looking at the kind of quantum physics he had been taught as an undergraduate—the kind of quantum physics espoused by von Neumann in his book. In its most widely used form, this was based on an equation discovered by the Austrian Erwin Schrödinger.


One of the peculiarities of quantum physics is that although we have very good, reliable equations to describe what is going on in the subatomic world, we do not have a single clear understanding of what it is those equations describe. The problem is not that we have
picture of what is going on, but that we have
, equally valid, pictures. There are several different ways of interpreting the equations in terms of the behavior of quantum entities such as electrons, all of them equally valid in the sense that they are described by equations which allow physicists to make accurate and correct predictions about the outcome of experiments. I have gone into the details of all this in my book
Schrödinger's Kittens
; here, I shall mention just one (but the most profound) aspect of this intriguing puzzle.

In the middle of the 1920s, two completely different ways of understanding the quantum world were developed in dependently, at almost the same time. The first approach, stemming from the work of Werner Heisenberg, treated
electrons as particles, whose behavior could be described with great precision by a certain set of equations and mathematical rules. At one level, this matches the idea most of us have of electrons as tiny, subatomic particles, like little billiard balls, each carrying a certain amount of electric charge. To be sure, there were some oddities about the rules, not least that the “particles” could jump from one place to another instantaneously, without crossing the space in between. But the equations worked. The second approach, developed initially by Schrödinger, treated electrons as waves. This meant that they could be described in terms of the rules of wave behavior, which physicists were confident they knew all about from studying things like ripples in water. To be sure, there were some oddities about the picture, not least the puzzle of how the electric charge of the electron could be carried by a wave. But the equations worked.

Very soon, several people (most notably Paul Dirac) proved that both these versions of quantum mechanics (and, indeed, all versions of quantum mechanics) are mathematically equivalent to one another, not unlike the way in which a book like this might be written in English and also in German or some other language but still contain, and convey, the same message. This meant that in a sense it didn't matter which version you chose to work with, since they all gave the same answers. Because physicists were already familiar with the idea of waves and wave equations, Schrödinger's version of quantum mechanics quickly became the most popular, and was developed into a standard version which became known as the Copenhagen Interpretation, because one of the leading proponents of the idea, Niels Bohr, worked in Copenhagen. This is the version that I am going to tell you about now, the
version Richard Feynman learned as a student; but you should not imagine for one moment that it is the ultimate truth about quantum physics, or that electrons “really are” waves. If you only want to do calculations about the outcome of experiments involving subatomically tiny things like electrons it works fine; and for half a century hardly anybody worried about what the quantum world is “really” like. In a memorable phrase coined by John Bell (of whom more shortly), the quantum world behaves “for all practical purposes” (FAPP) as if electrons were waves obeying the Schrödinger equation as interpreted by the Copenhagen school.

The fundamental feature of the Copenhagen Interpretation is that a quantum entity such as an electron can be represented by a wave, described by a wave equation (also known as a “wave function”). This wave occupies a large volume of space (potentially, an infinitely large volume). The wave function has a value at any point in space, and this number is interpreted, following a suggestion made by Max Born, as representing the probability of finding the electron at that point. In some places, the wave is, in a sense, strong (the number associated with the wave function is large), and there is a high probability that if we look for the electron we will find it in one of those places; in other places the wave is weak, and there is a small probability of finding the electron in one of those places. But when we look for the electron we do find it in a definite place, like a particle, not as a spread-out wave. The wave function is said to “collapse” onto that place. But as soon as the experiment is over, the wave starts spreading out across the Universe. It is this combination of waves, probability and collapse which makes up the Copenhagen Interpretation, and which
von Neumann wrapped up in one neat package in his book.

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