Complete Works of Joseph Conrad (Illustrated) (532 page)

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“And what’s that?”

“Very much of a woman.  Perhaps a little more at the mercy of contradictory impulses than other women.  But that’s not her fault.  I really think she has been very honest.”

The voices sank suddenly to a still lower murmur and presently the shape of the man went out of the room.  Monsieur George heard distinctly the door open and shut.  Then he spoke for the first time, discovering, with a particular pleasure, that it was quite easy to speak.  He was even under the impression that he had shouted:

“Who is here?”

From the shadow of the room (he recognized at once the characteristic outlines of the bulky shape) Mills advanced to the side of the bed.  Doña Rita had telegraphed to him on the day of the duel and the man of books, leaving his retreat, had come as fast as boats and trains could carry him South.  For, as he said later to Monsieur George, he had become fully awake to his part of responsibility.  And he added: “It was not of you alone that I was thinking.”  But the very first question that Monsieur George put to him was:

“How long is it since I saw you last?”

“Something like ten months,” answered Mills’ kindly voice.

“Ah!  Is Therese outside the door?  She stood there all night, you know.”

“Yes, I heard of it.  She is hundreds of miles away now.”

“Well, then, ask Rita to come in.”

“I can’t do that, my dear boy,” said Mills with affectionate gentleness.  He hesitated a moment.  “Doña Rita went away yesterday,” he said softly.

“Went away?  Why?” asked Monsieur George.

“Because, I am thankful to say, your life is no longer in danger.  And I have told you that she is gone because, strange as it may seem, I believe you can stand this news better now than later when you get stronger.”

It must be believed that Mills was right.  Monsieur George fell asleep before he could feel any pang at that intelligence.  A sort of confused surprise was in his mind but nothing else, and then his eyes closed.  The awakening was another matter.  But that, too, Mills had foreseen.  For days he attended the bedside patiently letting the man in the bed talk to him of Doña Rita but saying little himself; till one day he was asked pointedly whether she had ever talked to him openly.  And then he said that she had, on more than one occasion.  “She told me amongst other things,” Mills said, “if this is any satisfaction to you to know, that till she met you she knew nothing of love.  That you were to her in more senses than one a complete revelation.”

“And then she went away.  Ran away from the revelation,” said the man in the bed bitterly.

“What’s the good of being angry?” remonstrated Mills, gently.  “You know that this world is not a world for lovers, not even for such lovers as you two who have nothing to do with the world as it is.  No, a world of lovers would be impossible.  It would be a mere ruin of lives which seem to be meant for something else.  What this something is, I don’t know; and I am certain,” he said with playful compassion, “that she and you will never find out.”

A few days later they were again talking of Doña Rita Mills said:

“Before she left the house she gave me that arrow she used to wear in her hair to hand over to you as a keepsake and also to prevent you, she said, from dreaming of her.  This message sounds rather cryptic.”

“Oh, I understand perfectly,” said Monsieur George.  “Don’t give me the thing now.  Leave it somewhere where I can find it some day when I am alone.  But when you write to her you may tell her that now at last — surer than Mr. Blunt’s bullet — the arrow has found its mark.  There will be no more dreaming.  Tell her.  She will understand.”

“I don’t even know where she is,” murmured Mills.

“No, but her man of affairs knows. . . . Tell me, Mills, what will become of her?”

“She will be wasted,” said Mills sadly.  “She is a most unfortunate creature.  Not even poverty could save her now.  She cannot go back to her goats.  Yet who can tell?  She may find something in life.  She may!  It won’t be love.  She has sacrificed that chance to the integrity of your life — heroically.  Do you remember telling her once that you meant to live your life integrally — oh, you lawless young pedant!  Well, she is gone; but you may be sure that whatever she finds now in life it will not be peace.  You understand me?  Not even in a convent.”

“She was supremely lovable,” said the wounded man, speaking of her as if she were lying dead already on his oppressed heart.

“And elusive,” struck in Mills in a low voice.  “Some of them are like that.  She will never change.  Amid all the shames and shadows of that life there will always lie the ray of her perfect honesty.  I don’t know about your honesty, but yours will be the easier lot.  You will always have your . . . other love — you pig-headed enthusiast of the sea.”

“Then let me go to it,” cried the enthusiast.  “Let me go to it.”

He went to it as soon as he had strength enough to feel the crushing weight of his loss (or his gain) fully, and discovered that he could bear it without flinching.  After this discovery he was fit to face anything.  He tells his correspondent that if he had been more romantic he would never have looked at any other woman.  But on the contrary.  No face worthy of attention escaped him.  He looked at them all; and each reminded him of Doña Rita, either by some profound resemblance or by the startling force of contrast.

The faithful austerity of the sea protected him from the rumours that fly on the tongues of men.  He never heard of her.  Even the echoes of the sale of the great Allègre collection failed to reach him.  And that event must have made noise enough in the world.  But he never heard.  He does not know.  Then, years later, he was deprived even of the arrow.  It was lost to him in a stormy catastrophe; and he confesses that next day he stood on a rocky, wind-assaulted shore, looking at the seas raging over the very spot of his loss and thought that it was well.  It was not a thing that one could leave behind one for strange hands — for the cold eyes of ignorance.  Like the old King of Thule with the gold goblet of his mistress he would have had to cast it into the sea, before he died.  He says he smiled at the romantic notion.  But what else could he have done with it?






First published in 1920, but begun in the 1890s, this novel concludes what is sometimes referred to as “The Lingard Trilogy”, a group of novels based on Conrad’s experience as mate on the steamer, Vidar. Although it is the last of the three novels to be published, after
Almayer’s Folly
(1895) and
An Outcast of the Islands
(1896), the events related in the novel precede those.



The first edition












‘Allas!’ quod she, ‘that ever this sholde happe! For wende I never,

by possibilitee, That swich a monstre or merveille mighte be!’









Of the three long novels of mine which suffered an interruption, “The Rescue” was the one that had to wait the longest for the good pleasure of the Fates. I am betraying no secret when I state here that it had to wait precisely for twenty years. I laid it aside at the end of the summer of 1898 and it was about the end of the summer of 1918 that I took it up again with the firm determination to see the end of it and helped by the sudden feeling that I might be equal to the task.

This does not mean that I turned to it with elation. I was well aware and perhaps even too much aware of the dangers of such an adventure. The amazingly sympathetic kindness which men of various temperaments, diverse views and different literary tastes have been for years displaying towards my work has done much for me, has done all — except giving me that over-weening self-confidence which may assist an adventurer sometimes but in the long run ends by leading him to the gallows.

As the characteristic I want most to impress upon these short Author’s Notes prepared for my first Collected Edition is that of absolute frankness, I hasten to declare that I founded my hopes not on my supposed merits but on the continued goodwill of my readers. I may say at once that my hopes have been justified out of all proportion to my deserts. I met with the most considerate, most delicately expressed criticism free from all antagonism and in its conclusions showing an insight which in itself could not fail to move me deeply, but was associated also with enough commendation to make me feel rich beyond the dreams of avarice — I mean an artist’s avarice which seeks its treasure in the hearts of men and women.

No! Whatever the preliminary anxieties might have been this adventure was not to end in sorrow. Once more Fortune favoured audacity; and yet I have never forgotten the jocular translation of Audaces fortuna juvat offered to me by my tutor when I was a small boy: “The Audacious get bitten.” However he took care to mention that there were various kinds of audacity. Oh, there are, there are! . . . There is, for instance, the kind of audacity almost indistinguishable from impudence. . . . I must believe that in this case I have not been impudent for I am not conscious of having been bitten.

The truth is that when “The Rescue” was laid aside it was not laid aside in despair. Several reasons contributed to this abandonment and, no doubt, the first of them was the growing sense of general difficulty in the handling of the subject. The contents and the course of the story I had clearly in my mind. But as to the way of presenting the facts, and perhaps in a certain measure as to the nature of the facts themselves, I had many doubts. I mean the telling, representative facts, helpful to carry on the idea, and, at the same time, of such a nature as not to demand an elaborate creation of the atmosphere to the detriment of the action. I did not see how I could avoid becoming wearisome in the presentation of detail and in the pursuit of clearness. I saw the action plainly enough. What I had lost for the moment was the sense of the proper formula of expression, the only formula that would suit. This, of course, weakened my confidence in the intrinsic worth and in the possible interest of the story — that is in my invention. But I suspect that all the trouble was, in reality, the doubt of my prose, the doubt of its adequacy, of its power to master both the colours and the shades.

It is difficult to describe, exactly as I remember it, the complex state of my feelings; but those of my readers who take an interest in artistic perplexities will understand me best when I point out that I dropped “The Rescue” not to give myself up to idleness, regrets, or dreaming, but to begin “The Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’“ and to go on with it without hesitation and without a pause. A comparison of any page of “The Rescue” with any page of “The Nigger” will furnish an ocular demonstration of the nature and the inward meaning of this first crisis of my writing life. For it was a crisis undoubtedly. The laying aside of a work so far advanced was a very awful decision to take. It was wrung from me by a sudden conviction that there only was the road of salvation, the clear way out for an uneasy conscience. The finishing of “The Nigger” brought to my troubled mind the comforting sense of an accomplished task, and the first consciousness of a certain sort of mastery which could accomplish something with the aid of propitious stars. Why I did not return to “The Rescue” at once then, was not for the reason that I had grown afraid of it. Being able now to assume a firm attitude I said to myself deliberately: “That thing can wait.” At the same time I was just as certain in my mind that “Youth,” a story which I had then, so to speak, on the tip of my pen, could not wait. Neither could “Heart of Darkness” be put off; for the practical reason that Mr. Wm. Blackwood having requested me to write something for the No. M of his magazine I had to stir up at once the subject of that tale which had been long lying quiescent in my mind, because, obviously, the venerable Maga at her patriarchal age of 1000 numbers could not be kept waiting. Then “Lord Jim,” with about seventeen pages already written at odd times, put in his claim which was irresistible. Thus every stroke of the pen was taking me further away from the abandoned “Rescue,” not without some compunction on my part but with a gradually diminishing resistance; till at last I let myself go as if recognising a superior influence against which it was useless to contend.

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