Read Complete Works of James Joyce Online
Authors: Unknown
| on the batom 1 where Hoddum and Heave, our | | |
| monsterbilker, balked his bawd of parodies. | | |
| And let you go, Airmienious, and mick your | | |
| modest mock Pie out of Humbles up your | | |
| end. Where your apexojesus will be a point | | |
| of order. With a geing groan grunt and a | | |
| croak click cluck. 2 And my faceage kink and | | |
| kurkle trying to make keek peep. 3 Are you | | |
| right there, Michael, are you right? Do you | | |
| think you can hold on by sitting tight? Well, | | |
| of course, it’s awful angelous. Still I don’t feel | | |
| it’s so dangelous. Ay, I’m right here, Nickel, | | |
| and I’ll write. Singing the top line why it | | |
| suits me mikey fine. But, yaghags hogwarts | | |
| and arrahquinonthiance, it’s the muddest thick | | |
| that was ever heard dump since Eggsmather | | |
| got smothered in the plap of the pfan. Now, | | |
| to compleat anglers, beloved bironthiarn and | | |
| hushtokan hishtakatsch, join alfa pea and | | |
| pull loose by dotties and, to be more | | |
| sparematically logoical, eelpie and paleale by | | |
| trunkles. Alow me align while I encloud | | |
| especious ! The Nike done it. Like pah,4 I peh. | | |
| Innate little bondery. And as plane as a poke | | |
| stiff.5 Now, aqua in buccat. I’ll make you to | | |
| see figuratleavely the whome of your eternal | | |
| 1 Parsee ffrench for the upholdsterer would be delightered. | | |
2 I’ll pass out if the screw spliss his strut. | | ||
3 Thargam then goeligum? If you sink I can, swimford. Suksumkale! | | ||
4 Hasitatense? | | ||
5 The impudence of that in girl’s things! | | ||
| | | |
| |||
Destiny, In- | geomater. And if you flung her headdress on | | |
flunce of Design | her from under her highlows you’d wheeze | | |
upon. | whyse Salmonson set his seel on a hexen- | | |
Prometheus or | gown.1 Hissss!, Arrah, go on! Fin for fun! | | |
the Promise of | You’ve spat your shower like a son of Sibernia | | |
Provision | but let’s have at it! Subtend to me now! Pisk! | | |
| Outer serpumstances beiug ekewilled, we care- | | |
| fully, if she pleats, lift by her seam hem and | | |
| jabote at the spidsiest of her trickkikant (like | | |
| thousands done before since fillies calpered. | | |
| Ocone ! Ocone !) the maidsapron of our A.L.P., | | |
| fearfully! till its nether nadir is vortically where | | |
| (allow me aright to two cute winkles) its naval’s | | |
| napex will have to beandbe. You must proach | | |
| near mear for at is dark. Lob. And light | | |
| your mech. Jeldy! And this is what you’ll say.2 | | |
| Waaaaaa. Tch! Sluice! Pla! And their, redneck, | | |
| (for addn’t we to gayatsee with Puhl the Pun- | | |
| kah’s bell?)mygh and thy, the living spit of | | |
| dead waters, 3 fastness firm of Hurdlebury Fenn, | | |
| discinct and isoplural in its (your sow to | | |
| the duble) sixuous parts, flument, fluvey and | | |
| fluteous, midden wedge of the stream’s your | | |
| muddy old triagonal delta, fiho miho, plain | | |
| for you now, appia lippia pluvaville, (hop the | | |
| hula, girls!) the no niggard spot of her safety | | |
| vulve, first of all usquiluteral threeingles, (and | | |
| why wouldn’t she sit cressloggedlike the lass | | |
| that lured a tailor?) the constant of fluxion, | | |
| Mahamewetma, pride of the province 4 and | | |
| when that tidled boare rutches up from the | | |
| Afrantic, allaph quaran’s his bett und bier! 5 |