Complete Works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky (625 page)

BOOK: Complete Works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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“I really don’t know, they say so, they say they jump right off the ground.”

“Mais c’est terrible ce que tu dis,” he looked at me in alarm.

“Oh, don’t be uneasy, of course that’s nonsense.”

“That’s what I say too.  Nastasya Stepanovna Salomeyev . . . you know her, of course . . . oh no, you don’t know her . . . would you believe it she believes in spiritualism, too; and only fancy, chère enfant,” he turned to Anna Andreyevna, “I said to her, there are tables in the Ministry of Finance and eight pairs of clerks’ hands are lying on them, writing all the while, so why is it the tables don’t dance there?  Fancy if they suddenly all began dancing!  The revolt of the tables in the Ministry of Finance or popular education — that’s the last straw.”

“What charming things you say, prince, just as you always did,” I exclaimed, trying to laugh as genuinely as possible.

“N’est-ce pas?  Je ne parle pas trop, mais je dis bien.”

“I will bring Pyotr Ippolitovitch,” Anna Andreyevna said, getting up.  There was a gleam of pleasure in her face: she was relieved at seeing how affectionate I was with the old prince.  But she had hardly gone out when the old man’s face changed instantly.  He looked hurriedly at the door, glanced about him, and stooping towards me from the sofa, whispered to me in a frightened voice:

“Cher ami!  Oh, if I could see them both here together!  Oh, cher enfant!”

“Prince, don’t distress yourself. . . .”

“Yes, yes, but . . . we’ll reconcile them, n’est-ce pas?  It’s a foolish petty quarrel between two most estimable women, n’est-ce pas?  You are my only hope. . . .  We’ll set everything straight here; and what a queer place this is,” he looked about him almost fearfully; “and that landlord, you know . . . he’s got such a face. . . .  Tell me!  He’s not dangerous?”

“The landlord?  Oh no, how could he be dangerous?”

“C’est ça.  So much the better.  Il semble qu’il est bête, ce gentilhomme.  Cher enfant, for Christ’s sake don’t tell Anna Andreyevna that I’m afraid of everything here; I praised everything from the first moment, I praised the landlord too.  Listen, do you know the story of what happened to Von Sohn — do you remember?”

“Well, what of it?”

“Rien, rien de tout. . . .  Mais je suis libre ici, n’est-ce pas?  What do you think, nothing could happen to me here . . . of the same sort?”

“But I assure you, dear prince . . . upon my word!”

“Mon ami, mon enfant!” he exclaimed suddenly, clasping his hands before him, not seeking to disguise his alarm: “if you really have something . . . some document . . . in fact — if you have something to say to me, don’t say it; for God’s sake don’t say anything at all . . . put it off as long as you can. . . .”

He was on the point of throwing himself in my arms; tears were flowing down his face; I cannot describe how it made my heart ache; the poor old man was like a pitiful frightened child stolen from his home by gypsies and carried away to live with strangers, but we were not allowed to embrace.  The door opened and Anna Andreyevna walked in, not with the landlord, but with her brother, the kammer- junker.  This new surprise petrified me.  I got up and was making for the door.

“Arkady Makarovitch, allow me to introduce you,” Anna Andreyevna said aloud, so that I was compelled to stop.

“I know your brother TOO well already,” I rapped out, laying special emphasis on the word “too.”

“Ah, that was a terrible blunder!  And I’m so sor-r-ry, dear, and . . . Andrey Makarovitch,” the young man began lisping, coming up to me with an extraordinarily free-and-easy air and seizing my hand, which I was incapable of withdrawing, “it was all the fault of my Stepan; he announced you so stupidly that I mistook you for some one else: that was in Moscow,” he explained to his sister: “afterwards, I did everything I could to look you up and explain, but I was ill, ask her.  Cher prince, nous devons être amis même par droit de naissance. . . .”

And the impudent young man had the effrontery to put his arm round my shoulder, which was the height of familiarity.  I drew back, but overcome by embarrassment preferred to beat a hasty retreat, without saying a word.  Going back to my room I sat down on my bed in uncertainty and agitation.  I felt suffocated by the atmosphere of intrigue, but I could not deal Anna Andreyevna such a direct and crushing blew.  I suddenly felt that she, too, was dear to me, and that her position was an awful one.


As I had expected, she came into my room herself, leaving the prince with her brother, who immediately began telling him some society scandal, as fresh as hot cakes, which at once distracted the impressionable old man’s attention and cheered him up.  I got up from the bed in silence, with a look of inquiry.

“I have told you everything, Arkady Makarovitch,” she began directly, “our fate is in your hands.”

“But I told you beforehand that I cannot . . . the most sacred duties prevent me doing what you desire. . . .”

“Yes?  Is that your answer?  Well, let me perish, but what of the old prince?  What do you expect?  Why, he’ll be out of his mind by the evening!”

“No, he’ll go out of his mind if I show him the letter in which his daughter writes to a lawyer about certifying him insane!” I cried with heat.  “That’s what would be too much for him.  Do you know he won’t believe that letter, he’s told me so already!”

I lied, saying he had said this of the letter; but it was effective.

“He has said so already?  I thought so!  In that case I’m lost.  He’s been crying already and asking to go home.”

“Tell me, what’s your plan exactly?” I asked insistently.  She flushed from exasperated haughtiness, so to speak, but she controlled herself:

“With that letter of his daughter’s in our hands, we are justified in the eyes of the world.  I should send it at once to Prince V. and to Boris Mihalovitch Pelistchev, the friends of his childhood; both persons highly respected and influential in society, and I know that some years ago they were indignant with the conduct of his greedy and merciless daughter.  They will of course reconcile him with his daughter at my request.  I shall insist on it myself; but the position of affairs will be completely changed.  And my relations, too, the Fanariotovs, will, I judge, make up their minds to support my rights, but what weighs most with me is his happiness: I want him to understand and appreciate who is really devoted to him.  Of course I’ve always reckoned most on your influence with him, Arkady Makarovitch; you are so fond of him. . . .  And who does care for him except you and me?  He has done nothing but talk about you these last few days; he was pining for you ‘his young friend. . . .’  I need not say that for the rest of my life my gratitude will be unmeasured. . . .”

She was actually promising me a reward — money perhaps.

I interrupted her sharply.

“Whatever you say I cannot,” I brought out with an air of immovable determination.  “I can only repay you with equal frankness and explain my final decision: I shall, at the earliest possible moment, put this fatal letter into Katerina Nikolaevna’s hands, but only on condition that all that has happened shall not be made a scandal, and that she gives me her word beforehand that she will not interfere with your happiness; that’s all that I can do.”

“That’s impossible!” she said, flushing all over.  The mere idea that Katerina Nikolaevna would SPARE her roused her to indignation.

“I shall not change, Anna Andreyevna.”

“Perhaps you will change.”

“You had better apply to Lambert!”

“Arkady Makarovitch, you don’t know what misery may come from your obstinacy,” she said with grim exasperation.

“Misery will follow, that’s true . . . my head is going round.  I’ve had enough of you: I’ve made up my mind — and that’s the end of it.  Only I beg you for God’s sake don’t bring your brother in to me.”

“But he is very anxious to make up for . . .”

“There is nothing to make up for!  I don’t want it, I don’t wish for it, I don’t wish for it!” I exclaimed, clutching my head.  (Oh, perhaps I treated her too disdainfully then.)  “Tell me, though, where will the prince sleep to-night?  Surely not here?”

“He will stay the night here in your flat, and with you.”

“I am moving into another lodging this evening.”

And uttering these ruthless words I seized my cap and began putting on my great-coat.  Anna Andreyevna watched me in sullen silence.  I felt sorry for her — oh, I felt sorry for that proud girl!  But I rushed out of the flat, without leaving her one word of hope.


I will try to be brief.  My decision was taken beyond recall, and I went straight to Tatyana Pavlovna.  Alas!  A great calamity might have been averted if I had only found her at home; but as though of design, I was pursued by ill-luck all that day.  I went of course to my mother’s, in the first place to see her, and secondly, because I reckoned certainly on meeting Tatyana Pavlovna there.  But she was not there either; she had only just gone away, while mother was lying down ill, and Liza was left alone with her.  Liza begged me not to go in, and not to wake mother:  “She has not slept all night, she’s so worried; thank God she has fallen asleep at last.”  I embraced Liza and said two or three words to her, telling her I had made an immense and momentous resolution, and should carry it out at once.  She listened without particular surprise, as though to the usual thing.  Oh, they had all grown used by then to my constantly repeated ‘final resolutions,’ and the feeble cancelling of them afterwards.  But this time, this time it would be a different matter.  I went to the eating-house on the canal side and sat down there to wait awhile in the certainty of finding Tatyana Pavlovna afterwards.  I must explain, though, why I found it so necessary to see that lady.  The fact is that I wanted to send her at once to Katerina Nikolaevna, to ask her to come back with her, meaning in Tatyana Pavlovna’s presence to return the letter, explaining everything once for all.  In short, I wanted nothing but what was fitting; I wanted to put myself right once and for all.  At the same time I was quite determined to put in a few words on behalf of Anna Andreyevna and, if possible, to take Katerina Nikolaevna, together with Tatyana Pavlovna (by way of a witness), back with me to see the prince, there to reconcile the hostile ladies, to bring the old prince back to life and . . . and . . . in fact, in that little group anyway, to make every one happy on the spot, that very day, so that there would be none left unhappy but Versilov and mother.  I could have no doubt of my success.  From gratitude for my restoration of the letter from which I should ask nothing of her in return, Katerina Nikolaevna would not have refused me such a request.  Alas!  I still imagined I was in possession of the document.  Oh, what a stupid and ignominious position I was in, though without suspecting it!

It was getting quite dark, about four o’clock, when I called at Tatyana Pavlovna’s again.  Marya answered gruffly that she had not come in.  I remember very well now the strange look Marya gave me from under her brows; but of course it did not strike me at the time.  I was suddenly stung by another idea.  As I went down the stairs, from Tatyana Pavlovna’s, vexed and somewhat dejected, I thought of the poor old prince, who had held out his hands to me that morning, and I suddenly reproached myself bitterly for having deserted him, perhaps indeed from feeling personally aggrieved.

I began uneasily imagining that something really very bad might have happened in my absence, and hurriedly went home.  At home, however, all that had been happening was this.

When Anna Andreyevna had gone out of my room in a rage, that morning, she had not yet lost heart; I must mention that she had already, that morning, sent to Lambert, then she sent to him again, and as Lambert appeared to be still absent from home, she finally dispatched her brother to look for him.  In face of my opposition the poor girl was resting her last hopes on Lambert and his influence on me; she expected him with impatience, and only wondered that after hovering round her and never leaving her side till that day, he should now have suddenly deserted her and vanished.  Alas! she could not possibly have imagined that Lambert, being now in possession of the document, had made entirely different plans, and so, of course, was keeping out of the way and hiding from her on purpose.

And so in her anxiety and growing uneasiness Anna Andreyevna was scarcely capable of entertaining the old man: his uneasiness was growing to threatening proportions, he kept asking strange and timorous questions, he began looking suspiciously at her, and several times fell to weeping.  Young Versilov did not stay long.  After he had gone Anna Andreyevna was reduced to bringing in Pyotr Ippolitovitch, on whom she was relying, but he did not please the old prince at all, and even aroused his aversion.  In fact the old prince, for some reason regarded Pyotr Ippolitovitch with increasing distrust and suspicion.  As ill-luck would have it, the landlord launched again into a disquisition on spiritualism, and described all sorts of tricks which he said he had seen himself at séances.  He declared that one medium had, before the whole audience, cut off people’s heads, so that blood flowed, and every one saw it, and afterwards put them back on their necks, and that they grew on again, also in the sight of the whole audience, and all this happened in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-nine.  The old prince was so frightened, and at the same time for some reason was so indignant, that Anna Andreyevna was obliged to get rid of the story-teller promptly; fortunately, dinner arrived, ordered expressly the evening before from somewhere near (through Lambert and Alphonsine) from a remarkable French cook who was out of a place, and wanted to find a situation in a nobleman’s family or a club.  The dinner and the champagne that accompanied it greatly cheered the old prince; he ate a great deal and was very jocose.  After dinner he felt heavy and drowsy, of course, and as he always took a nap after dinner, Anna Andreyevna made up a bed for him.  He kept kissing her hand as he fell asleep and declaring that she was his paradise, his hope, his houri, “his golden flower” — in fact he dropped into the most Oriental expressions.  At last he fell asleep, and it was just then I came back.

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